You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 13: Damn! Can dogs also develop obsessions?

A moment.

Brian opened his eyes with a strange look.

The owner of this obsession turned out to be Andres, whom he killed.

Calculate the time.

It should be a small hotel. When cleaning the room in the afternoon, he found the other party's body and called the police.

Brian touched his chin with a little stubble.

This guy has a high drop rate.

When he was alive.

He was killed by himself as a task material.

After death, he was transferred to a task NPC and issued new tasks.

The obsession of this beast is also very strange: dancing and peeing on Carolina Ellis's grave.

Carolina Ellis is Andres' wife.

The color and brightness of Andres' obsession are only slightly worse than the obsession of the previous single mother.

It can be seen.

Andres has a strong dissatisfaction with his wife, who is not a good person.

This dissatisfaction even exceeds Brian's revenge for killing.

"Dancing and peeing on the grave of the deceased is too inhumane!


Then again.

Dancing is to compact the soil on the grave.

Peeing is to fertilize the grass on it.

This is a righteous act!"

After such a self-enlightenment, Brian decided to complete this obsession after some time.

In the next few working days.

Bryan was very diligent.

Every time he finished his work, he ran to the morgue.

Someone asked curiously.

Bryan used the new department at the end of the month as an excuse to express his desire to move up.

The establishment of the new department is no longer a secret.

Not only Brian.

Many people in the Forensic Bureau want to take this opportunity to get better treatment.

So no one doubted Brian's abnormal behavior.

After a few days.

Bryan was frustrated.

He probably came into contact with more than 170 corpses.

As a result, he collected three new obsessions.

The first new obsession is that the deceased is an old lady.

Her obsession is to find her long-lost first love and tell him how much she misses him and loves him all these years.

This is a love-brained person who has remained chaste for the rest of her life because of a promise made in her youth.

Brian swore.

He really wanted to help this respectable old lady fulfill her obsession.


After investigation.

Brian found that the old lady's first love had died more than ten years ago.

The cause of death was still very sloppy: she did not pay for prostitution, was lynched by the gang, cut her body to express her will, and threw it on the roadside to deter her, resulting in excessive blood loss.

The key point is that more than ten years have passed, and no one has taken care of it. No one knows where the urn of the old lady's first love has been thrown.

Brian could not fulfill this obsession either.

The obsessions of the next two gains.

It's almost the same.

Either Brian finds it difficult to fulfill.

Or the obsession is too weird.

Brian can't do it.

These days, his only gain is to confirm that the birth of obsession is not easy.

Think about it.


There will be many regrets in life.

But most people's regrets are not too strong.

I am afraid that the easiest corpses to collect obsessions are those who had strong emotions and regrets during their lifetime, or experienced extremely painful experiences before death, which can breed strong enough obsessions.


Brian found that there were few victims of homicides transported to the Forensic Bureau recently.

After asking colleagues in the field.

Brian found out.

After the blood moon phenomenon.

The remains of the victims who were obviously suspected of homicide were directly sent to the morgue of the Detective Bureau (Major Crime Unit).

The Los Angeles County Forensic Bureau was decentralized.

Brian guessed.

This is a preparation for the establishment of the "Crime Experiment Team" later.

In this regard.

He had no choice but to wait quietly for the recruitment of the new department to begin.

Rest day.

Brian left the suburban private medical institution with a smile on his face.

Today he came to visit his adoptive parents on purpose.

In order not to let his adoptive parents see his pressure.

Every time he came to visit, Brian would laugh like a fool.

Back in the car.

Brian rubbed his face that was a little cramped from laughing, took out a bunch of small notes from his pocket, threw away the contact information that the female nurse and doctor stuffed in, left the payment list, and sighed.

In order to collect new obsessions and to successfully join the new department at the end of the month.

Brian has recently put all his energy on work.

This has also led to a significant reduction in his part-time income.

The medical expenses for next month have not been settled yet.

"Two people, tens of thousands of dollars a month, medical care is really a mountain on the heads of ordinary people."

Brian crumpled the payment list in his hand into a ball, threw it under the passenger seat, started the car, and prepared to go to the next destination.

Today, he is very busy.

Nearly an hour later.

Brian looked at the old and dilapidated children's home in front of him and knocked on the door.

A moment.

A white lady who looked to be in her fifties, holding a child's sweater that she had not finished knitting, opened the door with some doubt.

Brian looked at the old lady with a gentle smile on his face: "Mrs. Brown, I'm Brian, long time no see."

"Who are you?"

The old lady looked at the handsome and tall Brian in front of her and was a little confused: "Sorry, I don't seem to know you."

Brian was not surprised by this.

Because the last time he was here, he was only eight years old.

At that time, Mrs. Brown was not the parent of this children's home.

Brian was so familiar with Mrs. Brown because he had made several donations on the official website of this children's home in recent years when he was wealthy and had seen Mrs. Brown's photos.

Just when Brian was about to explain something.

Mrs. Brown seemed to have thought of something, her pupils shrank, and she stepped back. When she saw Brian, it was as if she saw a devil coming in front of her. Her hands holding the wool trembled even more.


"I remembered!"

"Son of Disaster!"

"You are the child of disaster more than ten years ago!"

Amid Mrs. Brown's panic, a one-eyed black man with white hair rushed out of the kitchen, grabbing a kitchen knife and looking fiercely: "Mrs. Brown, what's going on!"


Ten minutes later.

Brian looked at the one-eyed black man who was still wary and left the children's home speechlessly.

I didn’t expect so many years have passed.

There are still people who remember how they were called the Son of Disaster back then.

Brian is here this time.

Actually, I wanted to visit the three-year-old girl in my first obsession - Ellie.

Unfortunately, I only got one address.

It was only after Brian took out his donation records for many children's homes that Mrs. Brown agreed to give him the address of little Ellie's new home.

Because of the welfare policy of Government Z.

If you adopt a child, you can get a not insignificant subsidy every month.

Therefore, child adoption is quite popular here in Los Angeles, and sometimes you even have to queue up, which affects some families who really want to adopt children.

This has also resulted in recent years.

Many families who don't want to wait in line choose to adopt children from certain overseas countries where the review process is relatively loose.

Three-year-old Ellie.

On the third day after being delivered, he was adopted by a couple who met the review requirements.

"I hope this little girl will meet someone who loves her as much as her mother."

Brian felt a little melancholy.

Just as Brian was about to get in the car and leave.


at this time.

A thin wild dog with only its ribs left and a black body suddenly rushed out from the alley on the side, biting Brian's trousers, as if trying to pull him into the alley of the street.

Looking at the dirty puppy.

Brian frowned slightly and was about to kick the opponent away, but when he raised his leg, he couldn't help but think of the little girl Ellie.

He sighed, closed the car door again, followed the puppy's pull, and walked into the alley.

This is a very narrow alley, not too long. At the end is a large garbage bin, which is connected to the garbage elevator pipe of the adjacent apartment.

Next to the trash can was a big dog that was equally dirty and skinny.

The moment I saw the big dog.

Brian's pupils shrank.

Damn it!

Can dogs also develop obsessions? ? ?

Good night, brothers.

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