You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 14 Expensive medical expenses (two in one)

Look at the little red ball above the big dog.

Brian was dumbfounded.

He also thought that obsession was exclusive to human corpses.

Unexpectedly, I just made a kind intention today and made an unexpected discovery.

The little dirty dog ​​biting the hem of Brian's trousers opened its mouth and wagged its tail laboriously towards Brian. It made a pitiful whimpering sound. Its dim little eyes looked at the big dog on the ground from time to time, looking very intelligent. .

The big dog should be the mother of the puppies.

The puppy wants Brian to save the big dog.

I don’t know what kind of dog it is, but it’s quite spiritual.

This also made Brian realize.

He got it.

The necessary conditions for obsession should have nothing to do with species.

But spirituality.

Spiritual animals may be born with obsessions!

"Stop barking!"

Brian used his toes to gently push the dirty puppy away: "Let me see if your mother has any last wishes."

He didn't care about the little dog, which was lying in the big dog's arms and hunched over, barking rapidly. He knelt down and stroked the red ball above the big dog with his palm.

The ball shattered and rushed into Brian's eyes.

An obsession emerged in his heart: feeding the children.

Compared to humans.

Gouzi's obsession is really simple and simple.

Brian thought of his mother for two lifetimes, sighed, took off his coat, spread it on the dirty ground, then moved the puppy, put the big dog's body on top, wrapped it, and then threw the puppy and the puppy together. in the car.

He walked around and finally found a pet hospital next to a large shopping mall. He paid a deposit and asked the people in the store to clean the puppy first and check the puppy's body.

If possible, it is best to feed the puppy some food.


Brian went to the mall and bought a shovel, took the big dog's body with him, drove to the wasteland in the suburbs, and dug hard.

Wait until he returns to the pet shop again.

It was already dark.

Brian's face looked a little gloomy when he came back.

the reason is simple.

He received no feedback that the obsession was complete.

Or, the vet didn’t help feed the puppy.

Or, something unexpected happened.

Brian only hoped it was the former reason.

"You're finally here.

It's long past my time to get off work. "

A plump female doctor in her early thirties, wearing glasses, sounded somewhat complaining when she saw Brian coming in.

Brian shook the dirty shirt on his body and apologized: "Sorry, Doctor Laura, I went to the suburbs and buried the mother of the puppies. I saw them on the roadside. They were a little pitiful, so..."

Hearing this, the female doctor's stern face softened: "Okay, it's inside, but the condition is not very good. In fact, if you are not very wealthy, I don't recommend that you continue to treat it."


Brian's face tightened.

I’m really afraid of what will happen!

The puppy can be related to the obsession he just acquired!

Following the plump female doctor with glasses, Brian came to the back of the pet hospital.

There are large independent iron cages here, which contain all kinds of cats and dogs. It seems that the business volume is quite large.

But the puppy is not here.

Go through these cages.

Brian came to a small independent room.

The skinny puppy was locked in a cage against the wall of the room, lying on a pet diaper with his eyes half-squinted, completely losing his previous liveliness.

On top of the cage is a hanging water bottle that is wrapped around and fixed.

The water line droops and is finally connected to the puppy's tiny right forelimb.

The puppy is drinking water.

But Brian received no feedback that the obsession was complete.

Obviously, drinking water is not in line with Gouzi's simple obsession.

It is estimated that you really need to feed something into the puppy's mouth and let it eat it actively.

Brian looked at the cleaned puppy.

The washed puppy revealed its original light yellow hair, with two long and drooping ears. It looked a bit like a golden retriever, but it was different.

It's really too thin.

Obvious ribs can be seen from the side.

The most important thing is.

Brian discovered that the puppy's breathing was very weak, completely lacking the liveliness it had when they first met!

He was a little anxious: "Doctor Laura, what's going on? It was still very lively at the front."

Dr. Laura shook her head and explained:

"That's just an illusion.

This Labrador Retriever was not only severely malnourished.

I also detected parvovirus in it.

That's why I isolated it in this sterile holding room. "

“What is parvovirus?”

Brian tugged on his tie irritably: "Can it be treated?"


This puppy can't even open its eyes.

Not to mention eating!

How to feed?

If you don’t obsess, you won’t be able to finish it!

Dr. Laura adjusted her pink glasses and said with some regret: "Parvovirus is a virus with a high fatality rate for dogs. Even with treatment, the survival rate of puppies is not high.

The cost is not low, but the probability of survival is no more than 5%.

give up.

For the sake of your good intentions.

I don't charge you up front.

You go. "

"Are you sure there's no cure?" Brian was a little unwilling to give up:

"Can I feed it something?

I just can't believe it. A few hours ago, it was wagging its tail at me very hard!

Now you tell me that it is going to die! "

Face doubts.

Dr. Laura’s mood is very stable:

“Actually, I can’t figure it out either.

Why did it still have the energy to wag its tail when it first arrived at the store?

But that's just an illusion.

In addition, it is now struggling to even breathe.

If you feed it something, it will only block its throat and trachea and speed up its departure. "

Well, hope is dashed.

Brian was silent.

It is estimated that when we first met, the little broken dog had a flashback to his old self. He held himself up and ran out of the alley, looking for someone to save the big dog.

If I had known earlier, I would have given it some food.

Who would have thought that this was a sick dog.

Brian had just finished paying the medical bills for his adoptive parents.

Now I only have less than five hundred dollars for my whole body.

Since the puppy basically cannot be saved.

He also didn't want to continue wasting his hard-earned money.

Think of this.

Brian was about to turn around and leave.

at this time.

The dying puppy twitched its little nose, then opened its eyes with difficulty as if it smelled something, and made a small but friendly purr towards Brian.



He softened.

Harden your heart.

The moment he met the puppy's clear eyes, he completely softened.

Brian resignedly looked at Dr. Laura, who was looking at him with interest: "After all, it is a life. Let's treat it. How much down payment do I need to pay?"

"Are you sure?" Dr. Laura saw Brian's embarrassment: "Currently, the drugs for treating parvovirus on the market are not cheap. A course of treatment costs at least one thousand US dollars."

"One thousand dollars?"

Brian's heart, which had just softened, hardened again: "Well, it seems God has rejected my kindness, goodbye."


Without hesitation, he turned around and left.

This caught Dr. Laura off guard.


She quickly grabbed the corner of Brian's shirt: "I can see that you really want to save it. I mean, you can use other methods to pay."

More than two hours later.

Brian walked out of the pet hospital with a pale face, supported by the rosy-faced Dr. Laura.

"By the way, Brian, you haven't named the puppy yet."

Dr. Laura asked suddenly after helping Brian into the car.

Brian touched his aching waist, gritted his teeth and said, "Dog thief, call him a dog thief!"

This sentence was said by him in Chinese!


This looks like a dignified woman.

He actually gave himself veterinary drugs!

Medical expenses are too expensive!

If this stinky dog ​​couldn't resist, he would die.

I have to take it back and have a hot pot to replenish my body!


Dr. Laura looked confused.

She doesn't understand Chinese.

Brian looked at Dr. Laura's rosy face and felt even more angry: "I mean, call it Thirteen!"

This time Dr. Laura understood.

She lightly traced her lips that were still thick with age with her fingers: "Thirteen, it's a very memorable name. I will try to get some special medicine to treat it. Your medical expenses will definitely be worth it. "

"It better be so!"

Brian felt something that was no longer conscious, started the car tremblingly, and disappeared at the end of the street as if fleeing for his life.

Look at the disappearing taillights.

Dr. Laura lazily returned to the pet hospital and closed the rolling shutter door.

She came to the puppy again and said with a smile: "Little guy, you are lucky to have met a kind-hearted owner. This is a precious medicine that I almost died several times and was reluctant to use."


When puppy Thirteen heard the noise, he tried his best to open his eyelids several times but could not open them. He could only let out an inaudible whine.

Laura didn’t dare to delay.

With some reluctance, she pressed lightly from somewhere on her waist, and a thin metal tube that was only one-third the thickness of her little finger appeared on her hand.

Laura held the thin tube, hesitated several times, and finally made a cruel move. She pointed one end of the metal thin tube at Thirteen's neck and pressed lightly.

next moment.

The moment the thin metal tube came into contact with Thirteen's fur, seven or eight undetectable injection channels were immediately revealed.

Wait until Laura takes back the thin metal tube.

There was a circular injection mark on Thirteen's neck, which did not disappear for a long time.

I don't know what kind of medicine is contained in the thin metal tube.

Just ten seconds passed.

Thirteen, who was originally dying, not only returned to normal breathing, but even his limp body started to try to stand up again.

Seeing this, Laura smiled softly.

She placed an open dog can next to Thirteen, closed the cage door, turned around and came to the front desk, squatted down, and pressed something under the table.

The originally thick floor tiles turned over, revealing a narrow passage downwards.

"I wasted a precious life-saving potion.

Just thirteen times.

But the price cannot be repaid. "

Laura licked her lips;

She is good at everything, but she is a bit lustful.

Especially the handsome guy with a kind heart.

Maybe this is what is missing, what is yearning for.

But Laura didn't care.

For people like her, only by obeying their own desires can they feel that they are still alive.

Follow the underground passage.

Laura came to an underground space with an area of ​​only five or six square meters and a height of less than two meters.

Accompanied by soft lights.

Laura walked to the underground room and sat down at the only computer desk. After going through complicated identity verification, she logged into a website with a solemn pattern.

She licked her full lips and filled in Brian's name and approximate age.


It ends with a reading note.

Throughout Los Angeles, more than a dozen 'Brian' avatars that met the search criteria appeared on this small computer screen.

Among them was the Brian she was looking for.

But when Laura saw the organization's unique majestic mark on Brian's message, her expression changed and she quickly opened Brian's message.


She breathed a sigh of relief: "I didn't expect that during a recreational activity, I actually had sex with a family member of a lurker."


Thinking of the kindness Brian showed before.

Laura's smile returned to her face.

It is impossible for such a kind and cute little guy to become the target of the organization.

Next on your own.

You can enjoy it for a while.

the other side.

Brian returned to his apartment tiredly.

open the door.

He fell directly on the sofa.

That woman is simply a beast!

I don’t know how long it has been empty!

He actually drugged a kind-hearted person like himself!

Big loss!

Just when Brian was half asleep.

A familiar warmth spread through his body.

Brian was startled and opened his eyes suddenly.

This is?

Which obsession is completed?

A few seconds later.

Brian, who was already dry, jumped up from the sofa full of energy.

He already knows.

This is the obsession of the big dog, completed.

Brian took out his phone in disbelief and looked at the time on it.

Less than an hour had passed since he returned from the pet hospital.

Such a short time.

The dying puppy actually ate something?

There's something wrong!

"I won't be fooled, right?" Brian suspected that he was deceived by the female doctor.

But he quickly dismissed the speculation.

Because he saw the puppy’s condition with his own eyes!

After all, he is a forensic assistant who has been working for more than two years and has personally dissected more than a thousand corpses. Even if he lacks professional knowledge, his basic identification ability is still better than ordinary people.

He can be sure.

The puppy was in a dying state at that time.


What method did Dr. Laura use to quickly restore the puppy to a state where it could eat?

A trace of fear flashed in Brian's eyes.

He suddenly thought of his somewhat abnormal uncle, and his 'golden finger' that suddenly appeared after the blood moon.

Is this world really as simple as it appears?

I've been thinking about it for a long time.

After all, Brian didn't have the courage to explore the secret of Dr. Laura.

The less trouble, the better.

His most important goal now is to join the "criminal experiment group" at the end of the month, and at the same time, strengthen himself in the shortest possible time to avoid the uncle from making trouble again.

Calm down your mood.

Brian began to feel the gift he had received this time.

This look.

He was stunned.

This gift is a little different!

In addition to the physical strengthening just now.

There were actually two unbroken light groups in his mind!

The two chapters are directly merged into one.

Everyone, go to bed early. I'll save some manuscripts for tomorrow, otherwise I won't have the energy to update the old book tomorrow.

There are still a few chapters left in the old book to fill in the gaps.

You don’t have to worry about affecting the update of new books.

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