You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 15 Enhanced sense of smell and summons by uncle (please read later)

"Is this a big explosion?"

Brian scratched his head and tried to use his consciousness to touch the light spot in his mind.

The light flashed in his consciousness.

next moment.

Brian's vision went dark and he fell straight on the sofa, unconscious.

Just as Brian passed out.

An underground warehouse in an Italian community.

Brian's uncle Billy was kneeling on the ground. The smelly blood slowly slid down his ferocious muscles and gathered into a spot-like circle under his body.

Surrounding the circle were pieces of broken flesh and bones.


Billy spat out the remains of flesh and blood in his mouth, and let out a long breath of fishy smell.

He twisted his neck and made a clicking sound before waving to the overhead monitor comfortably.

Wait a moment.

A series of sounds of steel rubbing against each other were heard.

An old man with white hair and unkempt appearance pushed a trolley to Billy's side and threw a clean bath towel over: "Billy, congratulations on passing this test soberly."

Hearing this, a trace of fear flashed in Billy's eyes.

Without the help of the old man, I would have lost my mind long ago and truly become a beast of desire.


This time I got through it.

What about next time?

Sometimes, he couldn't figure out whether the changes that happened to him were a gift or a curse.

Billy silently wiped away the scraps of flesh and blood adhering to his body, and then said in a low voice: "When will the next deformation occur in my situation?"

The old man shook his head: "Everyone's situation is different. It may be half a year, or it may be several years, or more than ten years. Your condition will be very stable, so you must take advantage of this rare opportunity to capture enough Experimental body.”

Billy nodded: "Got it."

Leave this converted underground warehouse.

Billy, who had already changed into a clean suit, called his son: "How is the situation over there with Brian?"

Billy has two sons and a daughter.

Among them, the eldest son died in New York at an early age.

The youngest daughter is now developing in Hollywood and is an eighteenth-tier starlet.

In front of him is Billy's second son, Fuli Kamo.

Foley is twenty-two years old, 1.8 meters tall, with a bald head and fierce eyes. He wears a skull earring on his left ear. His exposed skin is covered with tattoos, and the word "bad guy" is barely engraved on his face.

Standing in front of his father who was a head taller than him.

Foley lowered his head and whispered: "Father, there was nothing strange about Brian after that night. His schedule was very regular. He just stopped his part-time job. His complexion is much better than before."

"Nothing changes?"

Billy frowned deeply when he heard this.


Could it be that those unlucky people who all died tragically after accepting Brian more than ten years ago really just suffered accidents?

Think about it.

Billy then said to his son: "I know, I asked Brian to come back tonight. If I have anything to ask him, I also asked the cook to prepare more meat for me every day from now on."

"Okay, Father."

Welfare nodded and left as if running away.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

He felt that after his father, who had disappeared for several days, returned, the pressure on him became much stronger.

the next day.

Brian got up from the sofa in a daze.

After drinking a few glasses of hot water.

He felt much more comfortable.

Brian washed his face with cold water. Seeing that it was still early, he sat back on the sofa and thought about everything that happened last night.


After his consciousness touched those two light spots, he immediately understood what the light balls represented.

One is called the sense of smell.

One is called Spotlight.

Both of these are gifted gifts.

But Brian could only choose one.


There are no memories of death like before.

Brian was exposed to gifted gifts for the first time.

So he was very confused.

The first talent is easy to understand. There is a high probability that after selecting it, he will have a dog-like sense of smell.

As for the second talent.

Brian was a little confused.


I’ve never heard of Gouzi, but he can still gather light.

Just to be on the safe side.

In the end, Brian chose smell.

The subsequent coma was caused by the transformation of his body after the fusion of talent and body.



Brian suddenly remembered this and rushed into the toilet again.

He looked at his nose in the mirror in horror, and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was nothing strange about it.


The appearance has not changed!

Otherwise, imagine that you have a dog’s nose on your face

It’s scary to think about it.

Isn’t that a bankrupt version of a kobold?


Brian, who had just relaxed, frowned slightly.

What about the gift of gifting?

He didn't feel his sense of smell, which was any different from before.

Just when Brian's idea came up.

He only felt that his nose was slightly itchy, and then the various smells hidden in the bathroom were captured by the sensing organs of his nose and rushed into his mind.


Brian covered his mouth and retched.

He had never thought that his seemingly clean bathroom would have so many smells: urine smell, feces smell, seven or eight kinds of women's perfume smell, and more than a dozen different body odors.

Until a few minutes later.

Brian began to gradually adapt to this magical sense of smell.

After getting used to it.

He began to sniff around in his apartment.

In the apartment, the most common smell was his body smell. In addition, there were various objects with different smells that could not be detected on weekdays.

In addition, Brian also found.

Maybe it was because of the lack of ventilation.

On the bed in his bedroom, he could also smell the different body odors and perfumes left by those women after staying overnight, but the smell was much lighter than that in the bathroom.

You know.

He hasn't worked part-time for seven or eight days.

For such a long time.

Even if those smells have not completely dissipated due to the lack of ventilation, they should be very light.

In the end, they still couldn't escape Brian's dog nose.

This means that he is now equivalent to a dog with human IQ and discrimination ability.


It's quite practical.

Brian remembered that a dog's sense of smell can detect smells hundreds of meters around, so as to track prey or avoid wild animals.

Then can't he also rely on this ability to become a radar?

Do it when you think of it!

While it's still early.

Brian changed his clothes, hurriedly left the community and came to the street.

It was about six o'clock in the morning.

There were already people jogging on the street.

Brian found a chair on the corner and sat down. With a thought, he turned on his sense of smell.

Suddenly, countless smells came surging.

This time Brian was well prepared. Although his face was ugly, he didn't lose his composure like before.

Compared with the community.

The smell on the street was more messy and complicated.

But when Brian's brain processor began to catch up with his nose.

He finally adapted slowly.

Brian closed his eyes and tried to perceive the world around him with his sense of smell.

The next moment.

He exclaimed in his heart: "It's amazing"

The unique smells of each object were engraved in his mind, and gradually formed a world with smell as the perspective in his mind.

Brian swore.

Even a real dog couldn't do what he did now!

This should be because he has a human brain.

Unfortunately, after several experiments.

Brian found that his sense of smell range was not the so-called hundreds of meters, but only about twenty meters, and only within ten meters could he accurately lock any kind of smell.

The farther the distance, the weaker this perception.

More than twenty meters.

He could hardly smell the direction of the smell.

Moreover, after turning it on for a while, his brain felt tired.

This thing still needs to be used at critical times, otherwise it will affect normal life and the brain can't stand it.

But even so.

Brian was very satisfied.

After all, dogs are best at tracking.

Just relying on this dog's nose.

Brian has the confidence to successfully pass the recruitment assessment of the "criminal experiment team" at the end of the month.

This made him feel greatly relieved.

After all, whether he can pass the assessment or not.

It is not only related to the subsequent medical expenses of his adoptive parents, but also to his own life safety.

Brian does not think that he has the strength to compete with his uncle now.

He still needs to grow up.

Five fifty-eight in the afternoon.

Brian rejected several female colleagues' invitations to watch movies and go to bars. He whistled and came to the clock-in machine, ready to clock out and leave at six o'clock.

Just kidding.

Even if he is single for his whole life, he will never find a woman from the Forensic Bureau as a partner.

This is the most basic safety awareness as a man!

Just when he was thinking about whether he should go to a shopping mall to train his dog nose tracking technology, a text message interrupted his next plan.

The text message was very short: "Go home."

The relief on Brian's face slowly dissipated.

This is for him to return to the Camo family.

Since he was almost buried alive last time.

Brian has not participated in the family gathering of the Camo family again.


It has been about seven or eight months.

At that time, his adoptive parents were also diagnosed with genetic diseases.

Brian used this as an excuse to turn down the family gathering later, so as to avoid meeting the cousins ​​who buried him alive, which would be embarrassing for everyone.


That's not right!

The Kamo family usually only gets together at the end of the month.

It's only the 20th now.

There's still more than a week before the "crime experiment team" recruits people.

What does the uncle want him to do by asking him to go back?

"Brian, man, why are you standing here like a goose? Are you disappointed because no girl asked you out today?"

A colleague from the Forensic Bureau interrupted Brian's thoughts.

Brian came back to his senses and smiled at his colleague: "I'm thinking about how to reject a girl's courtship without hurting her heart."


The colleague who was pretended by Brian raised a middle finger to Brian to show respect, then cut in line to punch in, and hurried away like a provoked loser.

Seeing this, Brian smiled softly and clocked out.

There is no use in thinking too much.

I haven't even joined the so-called criminal experiment team yet.

The uncle probably won't hurt himself.

What he has to do now is to give in, grow silently, and then give his cruel and domineering uncle a big surprise!

More than thirty minutes later.

In an Italian community, Brian parked his car in front of a large, square building that looked like a factory.

This used to be a factory.

The back was converted into a warehouse.

The residence of the Kamo family was converted from the former warehouse employee dormitories that were bulldozed.

"Hi Brian, my brother, long time no see."

At the door, a handsome bald man with earrings and tattoos saw Brian getting out of the car and hugged him enthusiastically.

"Hi Foley."

When Brian saw the bald head, a smile appeared on his face and he hugged him warmly.

This is his uncle's son Welfare, who is one year younger than him. He is born with a fierce look and usually pretends to be someone not to be trifled with in front of outsiders.

But Brian knew.

This was just a disguise deliberately made by Welfare in order to gain the approval of his father.

The two have a good relationship.

When Brian's adoptive parents were hospitalized, this cousin was the only one in the Camo family who extended a helping hand and lent Brian a sum of money to threaten him with being buried alive, but the other party was not involved.

Brian had a good impression of him.

Foley is also very close to his cousin, the only top student in the family and who also knows some of his little secrets.

The two chatted for a while.

Talk while walking.

Brian tentatively asked, "Welfare, did uncle ask me to come here?"

Welfare nodded, glanced around, and then whispered: "Father disappeared for several days. He just came back today, so I asked you to come over."

Something seemed to come to mind.

A trace of hesitation flashed across Foley's naturally fierce eyes.

His lips moved several times before he added in a subtler voice: "These days, other members of the family are busy with things I don't know about. Before my father left, he asked me to arrange for someone to monitor you."

When Brian heard this, his heart moved slightly.

He smiled calmly: "Spy on me? Then you still tell me?"

To know.

Last time he threatened to bury himself alive.

The uncle didn't even let Welfare come forward.

This time, he asked the welfare arranger to monitor him.

Does this mean that there is no reliable person around the uncle anymore?

What were the members of the Kamo family arranged to do by their uncle?

Foley didn't notice the thinking in Brian's eyes and sighed:

“I also don’t understand why my father did this.

to be honest.

I feel that his mental state has become more and more unstable in recent years, and even my mobile phone has been secretly installed with surveillance.

My sister doesn’t even want to go home, eh. "

While the two were talking.

Foley brought Brian to the warehouse.

This place has long been renovated.

It looks ordinary on the outside, but it's luxuriously decorated on the inside.

Foley pointed to a passage, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes: "Father is waiting for you in the innermost conference room, so I won't follow you."

See it.

Brian patted Foley on the shoulder, took a deep breath, activated his enhanced sense of smell, and walked towards the passage.

About seven or eight meters close to the conference room.


Brian paused.

There was a flash of horror in his eyes.

There was such a strong smell of blood in the conference room!

There's a door across.

He seemed to be back in front of the autopsy table of the Medical Examiner's Bureau.

Brian couldn't imagine what kind of scene he would see when he opened the door!

Brian: "Thank you to the book friend '80 Fishing Guy' for the 600 book coin reward." Thank you boss.

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