You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 16 Physical Examination

Paused for about two seconds.

Brian lowered his head, glanced at his special shoes, and continued to walk towards the conference room.

Pushed open the door.

To his surprise.

The conference room was not very large, with only an old man wearing a vest, revealing a lumpy body, with his feet on the conference table, playing with a skull that looked a bit like a dog.

Other than that.

There was nothing here except the tables and chairs.

No trace of blood was found at all.

Brian's nose twitched slightly, and he was startled. He immediately turned off his enhanced sense of smell, and then before Uncle Billy looked over, he lowered his head and whispered: "Uncle, what's wrong?"

"Look up."

Billy put down the wolf skull in his hand and knocked on the conference table: "Have you received any news from the new department recently?"

Brian raised his head and nodded: "It is said that the recruitment notice will be issued at the end of the month, but no one knows the details."

"Here are the materials."

Billy threw a stack of materials on the table opposite and motioned Brian to sit down.

Brian was not restrained either.

After sitting down.

He picked up the information and flipped through it.

I don't know how Billy got this internal information.

Very detailed.

The full name of the new department is "Crime Experiment Team".

But this is just a general name.

The entire department is built to imitate the Robbery and Murder Division (Major Crime Unit) of the Detective Bureau, divided into several numbered groups, each group includes a team leader, a deputy team leader, and several members.

The rest is the division of rights and responsibilities.

In terms of rights.

Each team of the crime experiment team has absolute control and law enforcement rights for cases suspected of homicide in the jurisdiction, from on-site investigation to arrest and return to the case, and can even mobilize the local police station to coordinate and dispatch.

It is equivalent to an enhanced version of the Forensic Bureau and the police station.

In terms of responsibilities.

The team divides the jurisdiction according to the Los Angeles police district.

The specific details are not stated in the information.

However, considering that there are four major police stations, 21 police districts, and nearly 100 small police stations in the Los Angeles city alone, I am afraid that the number of crime experiment teams will not be too small.

After reading the information.

Brian asked in confusion: "Uncle, this crime experiment team has such great authority, will the Forensic Bureau and the Detective Bureau agree?"

"Politics is the product of compromise of interests, you will know when the time comes." Billy's tone was full of disdain, and then he changed the topic and said casually: "By the way, Brian, the blood moon phenomenon, isn't it amazing?"

While speaking.

His eyes were fixed on Brian's face, trying to see something strange.

Brian shrugged naturally, his eyes drooped, and lowered his head slightly, agreeing: "It is indeed shocking, but it's a pity that it only appears once every 30 years. The next time I see it, I will be in my 50s."

Seeing this.

Billy frowned slightly, and after a moment of silence, he nodded, picked up the phone on the table, pressed a few keys, and said to the microphone: "Come in with the equipment."

Brian, who tried his best to disguise himself, was shocked.

He had long discovered that his uncle had a deep attainment in observing micro-expressions, so before coming, he kept hinting to himself that he was still the same Brian as before, and tried to avoid looking at his uncle.

I didn't expect that the uncle had a trick up his sleeve.

This inhuman uncle was so obsessed with the blood moon phenomenon. I also suddenly had a golden finger after that night. Could it be...

Thinking of this.

Brian's face was calm. The shoes under the table had been adjusted to the position and were ready to be activated at any time.

I was not prepared before.

Now I am prepared. Even if the uncle really has other intentions for me.

Brian will drag the other party to death together!

Billy seemed to be aware of something.

He put down the phone and turned his head to look at Brian. He was motionless, only the bloodshot in his eyes jumped out one by one, as if the scene of that day was reappearing.

Brian was stared at by the uncle's eyes, as if he was being treated as prey by a brutal brown bear that had been hungry for three days and three nights at close range.

It seemed that as long as he moved, he would be torn into pieces!

"Such a keen perception?"

Brian clenched his fists under the table, and he was going to strike first.

The next moment.


The door of the conference room was pushed open again.

Several men and women wearing masks and white coats pushed several carts and walked into the meeting room.

They stood respectfully at the door, lined up, waiting for Billy's instructions.

Billy saw this, the bloodshot in his eyes faded, and pointed to Brian: "Help him do a complete physical examination. I want to ensure that he will not lose a good opportunity next week because of the physical examination."

Hearing this.

The men and women in masks, regardless of Brian's opinion, picked up various equipment on the carts and got busy.

Half an hour later.

Brian drove away from his uncle with a gloomy expression.

He was sure.

Uncle Billy is definitely not a human!

Or, not a normal person!

When the sense of smell is enhanced.

Brian found that Uncle Billy seemed to be clean, but in fact, every hair and every pore exuded a pungent smell of blood.

Those bloody smells, depending on the freshness and oldness, were layered.

It was like the previous smell of blood, which had not yet been washed away, and then a new blood bath was immediately taken, resulting in even the blood on the surface being washed away.

The tiny remnants from before were covered up underneath, like a large onion wrapped in layers of bloody stench.

Brian suspected.

Even if a mountain lion stood in front of his uncle, it would be scared by the bloody smell on his uncle and run away, not daring to have the slightest thought of fighting.

On the contrary, humans.

They can't capture those extremely tiny odor molecules.

Standing in front of Billy.

At most, they will feel uncomfortable and depressed.

"And the kind of beast-like intuition, exaggerated power, and insight into people's hearts..."

After Brian left the community, he parked the car on the side of the road and smoked a cigarette.

His heart was now a little heavy.

Brian felt that his uncle was like the legendary werewolf, and like some orcs in novels, but in any case, he could not be classified as a normal person.

Such an uncle.

Why did he pay so much attention to himself before and after the blood moon phenomenon?

Brian felt that he seemed to have captured a truth, but because of the lack of certain information, there was always a thin film between him.

Until a cigarette burned out.

He got nothing.


Brian, who couldn't figure it out, slammed the steering wheel: "We are all carbon-based creatures, who is afraid of whom! Even if you are a werewolf, if you piss me off, I will still kill you with a rocket launcher and explosives!"

After figuring this out.

Brian's suppressed heart relaxed again.

He rubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand with his fingers, put it in his pocket, restarted the car, and drove home.

On the other side.

In the early morning.

Billy handed a medical examination report that was rushed out to the unkempt old man wearing a bloodstained white coat: "Marquis, my nephew, is it possible that he is also a God-favored person?"

The old man called Marquis glanced at the data on the medical examination form and shook his head:

"All are normal data.

The God-favored people, although their abilities come from the desire of the soul, resulting in all kinds of strange things, your bodies will have obvious hormonal changes in the early stage.

He is obviously not one of you."

Hearing this, Billy was completely disappointed.

"I thought this nephew called the Son of Disaster was the same kind as me."

Billy felt a little disappointed and gave up the idea of ​​stopping Brian from joining the 'Crime Experiment Team'.

A nephew with little emotional ties.

Because of the previous incident.

They had offended each other's feelings.

I can only let Brian be a cannon fodder for testing.

One more chapter, it should be at seven o'clock.


I overslept.

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