Marquez obviously knew of Billy's plan.

He looked at Billy who was silent and sneered: "Billy, are you willing to throw your nephew to test those hyenas?"

Billy's eyes were cold: "Since Brian doesn't have that qualification, he must be prepared to sacrifice for his family. You first leave Los Angeles with the equipment. If he can successfully join the new department by then, you can come back."

"Okay." Marquis nodded, and seemed to have thought of something, and reminded: "You have experienced the second gift. Although you have become more powerful, the risk of losing control is also greater. Don't go hunting anymore recently. "


Billy finished speaking coldly, turned and left.

A few days later.

It's nearing the end of the month.

On September 27, Brian finally received the recruitment information for the ‘Crime Experiment Team’.

For this recruitment, the Z government directly sent the recruitment email to all the professional talent registration email addresses registered by the Z government, and attached the registration URL.

The end of the email.

clearly states.

No matter which government department you were an employee in before.

As long as you pass the assessment, you can be directly transferred to the newly established 'Crime Experiment Team' NW.

Among them, NW is the abbreviation code name.

Facing this circumstances.

The higher-ups of the Forensic Bureau couldn't stop it even if they wanted to.

The most they can do is go to the old employees below in private, draw up a pie, negotiate conditions, and try to reduce the loss of old employees.

But this time.

All autopsy rights for homicide cases were intercepted by the police.

Everyone is not stupid and sees the strength of the new department.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

After all, they are all working for the Z government. Except for those guys who don't seek advancement, no one is willing to give up this opportunity.

Including some formal forensics.

They also want to make progress!

Brian naturally signed up immediately.

These days.

He didn't receive a single new obsession.

The probability of ordinary people who die in normal accidents developing obsessions is too small.

Even if there is no threat from uncle now.

In order to gain more obsession and become stronger.

Brian is ready to try his best to join the new department NW.

Brian is a current employee of Government Z with a well-established background.

Registration review.

Got approval as soon as possible.

According to email notification.

Brian must arrive at the Ace training camp in the suburbs on time on September 28, that is, at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, for the interview.

He'd heard about that camp before.

Ace Training Camp was established in 2003. Its location is somewhat remote from Los Angeles and has never been used publicly.

Now it seems that this criminal experiment team department was established for this purpose.

I just don’t know why it was placed in the suburbs.

But that's not important.

After joining, you will slowly understand the reason.

While there is still time today.

Brian was going to the pet hospital to see how the puppy Thirteen, who had cost him so much hard-earned money, was doing.

For puppies mother big dog.

Brian was still grateful.

The gift from the other party not only completely restored his body to that of a normal young man, but also gave him a powerful sense of smell.

As long as Puppy Thirteen can survive.

Brian wouldn't mind raising it to death.

He was also a little curious about Laura, the female doctor who helped him fulfill his big dog obsession.

You know, at that time, the puppy basically had only one breath left.

How did Laura get the puppy to eat again within an hour or two?

Now has an enhanced sense of smell.

I just took the opportunity to explore the bottom.

Arrive at the pet hospital.

Brian was stunned to find that the pet hospital was not open.

Not only is the door not open!

The rolling shutter door of Tama was also painted with various paints and spray paints, with words such as bitch, liar, and various greetings spray-painted on it!

An ominous premonition came to Brian's mind.

He quickly called Laura, the female doctor, and found that the call could not be reached at all.

"You're not running away, are you?"

Brian quickly got out of the car and asked the person next to him.

As a result, he received a bolt from the blue: this private pet hospital closed its doors and ran away after deceiving a group of people into charging credit cards for consumption!

Time to run away.

It happened to be the day after he paid the medical bills for the puppy Thirteen, Thirteen!

"I'm so stupid!"

Brian punched the colorful rolling shutter door!

People ran away!

The dog is gone too!

Wasn’t he being prostituted for nothing?

The store owner on the side saw Brian's angry look, shook his head, and said to the waitress beside him: "Another unlucky guy who was deceived. I hope he didn't charge a lot of money."

The waitress glanced at Brian's appearance and her eyes lit up.

She immediately abandoned her boss, ran to Brian diligently, and said softly: "Were you also deceived into charging a lot of money by that female liar?"

Brian glanced at the waitress's plain face and shook his head: "It's not about money."

Others are charging cards.

He is full of sperm!

Can it be the same?

As a professional vehicle appraiser.

The female doctor Laura’s prostitution for free is the greatest insult to his professionalism!

"This matter is not over yet!"

Brian took one last look at the sign of this private pet hospital and turned to leave.

the next day.

Brian got up early, dressed up carefully, and drove to the Eskimo base according to the address provided in the email.

More than an hour later.

Brian drove the car, shuttling between the mountains, and he began to curse in his heart.

Damn it.

He hasn't seen the sign mentioned in the email yet.

Drive forward.

It's almost out of Los Angeles County!

Why did those bastards build the base in such a remote place?

Don't they need to consider the transportation and construction costs?

In front of and behind Brian, there are dozens of cars driving on this mountain road with little traffic.

Drive forward for another four or five minutes.

Finally, a big tattered sign with a NW logo appeared in Brian's sight.

The sign looks like a worn-out wooden board.

The NW logo on it looks a little damp, as if the paint has not dried completely...

Under the sign, there is an open space, and you can still see the traces of the cleanup that has just been done.

More than a dozen cars of various types have found a place to park.

Next to the car, there was a group of confused men and women, standing there looking around, wondering why no one came to pick them up.

Brian arrived early.

There was still room for his car.

The people who came later.

They could only park their cars on the side of the road.

When it was close to ten o'clock, the small open space was already crowded with people, and there was a long "traffic" parked on the edge of the road.

Brian took a rough look.

There were about four or five hundred people coming.

Many of them were his colleagues from the Forensic Bureau.

But they were all technicians like him.

None of the formal forensic doctors were seen.

I don't know if they were specially invited, or if they really didn't plan to change jobs.

In this unfamiliar environment.

People subconsciously choose to stick together.

Soon, these four or five hundred people formed dozens of small groups of different sizes.

This also made Brian realize.

The direction of NW's recruitment this time was very diverse.

It was ten o'clock.

Just when everyone's patience was almost exhausted.

Buzz buzz buzz~

Finally, there was a sound in the distant sky.

Everyone looked up.

They saw more than a dozen camouflage transport helicopters rushing out from the distant mountains and flying towards them.

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