
"Brian Lee."

"You are a forensic assistant at the Forensic Bureau. Why did you choose to change jobs?"

"I have had a dream since I was a child."

Dark room.

Under the orange light, Brian sat on a high chair, answering the interviewer's questions with a serious expression.

This situation.

If you add a pair of handcuffs to your hands.

Brian even doubted whether he had committed the crime.

The behavior of this newly established NW department is really weird.

Military helicopter transfer.

During the process, he was also blindfolded.

After getting off the helicopter.

Brian and his group were helped through the security check again.

After passing.

Go up another elevator.

Until you arrive at a large hall.

Everyone's blindfolds were then taken off.

They don't even know where they are now.

Except Brian.

Brian's enhanced sense of smell allowed him to smell a very faint earthy smell.

Now, they are deep underground.

If Brian hadn't lived in this world for more than twenty years and had never heard of the Umbrella Company, he would almost have thought that this base was the underground base of the Umbrella Company.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Until Brian's mouth went dry.

The interviewer opposite stopped asking.

Under dim orange light.

The interviewer, who was originally hiding in the shadows with his back to the light, leaned forward slightly, finally revealing his pale face.

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to see the other person's appearance clearly.

But under the influence of light.

He couldn't see the other person's facial features clearly. He could only vaguely see two deep crow's feet on both sides of the other person's cheeks. He must be quite old.

The interviewer was also a little confused at the moment.

The most suitable position for Brian is that of coroner.

This is a position that requires both talent and experience.

But Brian was too young.

He thought for a while and asked again: "Mr. Brian, I just looked at your electronic file. The forensic doctors you have served all have high evaluations of you. Can I ask how you did it? ?”

Brian shrugged and said honestly: "I have a lot of high-quality resources at my disposal."


"It just so happens that most of those forensic doctors are men."


The interviewer immediately understands what high-quality resources are.

The way he looked at Brian was immediately different.

The man who was still struggling just now stood up immediately and extended his hands to Brian enthusiastically: "That sounds great. I mean, our NW department needs talents like you very much. You passed my interview." Yes, Mr. Bryan!"

that's all.

Brian somehow passed the first round of interviews.

After passing the interview.

Brian was led to a large lounge by a tall blonde woman with a cold expression.

The first time I saw this beauty.

Brian just knew it.

You've come to the right place!

I was born to join the NW department!

Even Brian, who is well-informed, must admit that the other party's appearance, figure, and temperament may not be considered outstanding, but when combined, it is definitely the most impulsive person he has ever seen in his past life. A member of the opposite sex.

Perhaps, this is what is called love at first sight.

Brian wanted to enjoy the early sunrise with this lady.

It's a pity that his main goal now is to pass the assessment smoothly and he doesn't dare to act rashly.

Otherwise, Brian would definitely ask the other party for his contact information.

Watching the blonde beauty's back disappear.

Brian reluctantly withdrew his gaze and looked at the lounge.

The lounge is huge.

Now there are only two or three people sitting scattered.

They should also be the ones who passed the first round of interviews.

Brian looked at each other and found a seat by himself.

time flies.

It's as if this place has been forgotten.

Until everyone's stomachs began to growl, and there were almost fifty people in the lounge. Still no one came to take them to eat, and no one paid attention to them, so they were left here.

But everyone is an adult.

In addition, after coming here, I received all kinds of unusual treatment.

Let these candidates understand that this time the NW department is not as simple as they first imagined.

No one dares to show their personality in a place like this.


A big office.

Four men and two women, each holding a tablet that is not commonly seen on the market, were looking at the information on the tablet and at the large surveillance screen in front of them, as if they were looking at animals, looking at the people inside the surveillance screen.

Among them was the tall blonde beauty who had brought Brian into the lounge before.

The tablet in her hand already had the information of four people hooked up.

Brian's portrait stands out.

Dong dong dong~

The office door was pushed open.

The white interviewer who interviewed Brian earlier walked in.

After seeing him, the four men and two women quickly stood up from their chairs and said in unison: "Mr. Pavel."

This guy is obviously not just an ordinary interviewer.

Pavel nodded, "Ladies and gentlemen, the first round of interview screening has been completed. Submit your selected list."

The six people had already made their choices.

These unofficial second-generation team leaders put on blindfolds and began to leave one by one under the escort of base security.

Only the blonde beauty stayed.

Wait until everyone is gone.

The tall blond beauty's cold expression disappeared and she looked at the middle-aged man in front of her with a smile: "Uncle Pavel, long time no see."

Bavel looked at his friend's daughter with a wry smile on his tired face: "Susan, I really don't understand why your father is willing to let you come to such a dangerous department."

"It's simple. I made a bet with him."

Susan clearly didn't want to talk about it.

She handed the tablet over and changed the subject: "Forget about those unpleasant things, Uncle Pavel, what do you think of these people I picked?"

Pavel curiously took the tablet and looked at it, then was a little dumbfounded.

There are four people on the tablet.

He personally interviewed these four people.

Susan was secretly studying Pavel's expression, and felt happy when she saw that he was stunned.

She knew it!

Those who can pass the interview with Uncle Pavel must be the most talented among talents!

Pavel looked at his secretly delighted niece, his lips twitched twice, and he didn't know how to speak.

But it's a bit inappropriate to cheat on your niece like this.

There was a moment of silence.

Pavel persuaded somewhat unnaturally: "Susan, how about you choose four more people."


Susan looked at Pavel with some caution.

This uncle must have been greeted by his father a long time ago and wants to trick him!

"Because they are not suitable!"

"Why is it inappropriate?"

Susan pointed to Brian's profile picture on the tablet and asked, "Uncle Pavel, tell me what's wrong with him."

Bavel looked at Brian's portrait and felt his scalp tingle.

There was no way he could call this person a bastard in front of his niece.

The reason why I let him pass must be for some reasons that are hard to explain.

Isn’t this using power for personal gain?

It affects your image too much.

Pavel could only say vaguely: "He is too young. The coroner is a profession that requires a lot of experience."

Susan saw Pavel's uneasiness, sneered twice, and without replying, pointed directly at another old man who looked to be sixty or seventy years old: "Is this old enough? Uncle Pavel, please tell me, What's wrong with him?"

She was certain.

Uncle Pavel must have seen that he was very discerning and picked all the people he liked. He was worried that he would complete the bet with his father, so he wanted to stop himself from taking away these talents!

See the portrait of the old man.

Pavel was fucked into silence again.

He couldn't tell his niece that this old man had been his gaming friend for many years and had selflessly provided a lot of plug-ins to him, so he must have chosen him to use them to decompress happily in two queues.

Things like relationships.

It’s hard to say it openly!

Seeing Pavel speechless.

Susan clicked on the remaining two portraits of men who looked upright and looked like elite men at first glance: "These two are neither old nor young. They have been working as police detectives for many years and have rich experience. May I ask, what's wrong with them? The place?"

Pavel looked at these two guys with upright faces, speechless and choked.

He couldn't tell his niece that these two guys, because of some weird acting styles, made their leader really unbearable. Taking this opportunity, he washed his hair a few times, preparing to transfer them in first, and then Get fired.

It's inappropriate.

There's really no way to explain it.

That's right, it's about using power for personal gain.

Not to mention, he cheated his niece again.

In the end, Pavel could only raise his head silently and stare at the ceiling in a daze.

He was speechless.

I have interviewed twelve people.

There were only four of them who passed the interview because of various purposes.

As a result, these four people all fell in love with Susan.

What a sin!

Pavel responded with silence.

Susan seemed to have won the battle and snorted coldly: "Uncle Pavel, I'm going back to prepare for the second round of assessment!"

Lao Deng!

Still trying to trick me!

She whistled happily, took a victorious step, put on a blindfold, put her hand on the shoulder of the female security guard waiting outside the door, and prepared to leave.

Pavel couldn't imagine it.

Those four guys would make a fool of their niece Susan if they got together.

He couldn't bear it, and stopped Susan who was about to leave, wanting to save this silly girl for the last time: "Susan, there are more than twenty candidates for you to choose from in this batch, please choose again. , otherwise you will definitely regret it.”

"I never regret my choice!"

Susan finished her arrogant words and disappeared from Bavel's sight without looking back.

Pavel shook his head, took out his cell phone, and called Susan's father.

Although I don't know about the bet between Susan and her father, it seems now that the team led by Susan will not pass the second round of assessment, so it is just a good time to take advantage of it and blackmail her friends for a few bottles of fine wine.

It's just a pity that Brian.

What a nice guy.

At first glance, you can tell that you care about your leadership and are very motivated.

What a shame.

Suddenly I remembered the first time Dean entered the detective station.

It was still 22 years ago.

It's been 24 years now.

The wheel of fate turns.

Brian also began to step onto his own stage and perform his own story

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