You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 19 The Sixth Reserve Group

After Brian's group of candidates who passed the interview were selected by Susan's group of second-generation people, someone finally came and sent them back to where they parked before.

Someone asked about follow-up arrangements.

As a result, the escorting security guard just said coldly and waited for notification.

"What a fucking day."

Brian rubbed his hungry belly, turned the car around speechlessly, and drove towards the city.

Return to the apartment.

Until evening.

Brian didn't receive any new email notifications.

This made him vaguely uneasy.

As far as he knows.

This kind of department is likely to have strict background checks.

On the surface, Brian was indeed an orphan who was adopted at the age of eight. He had a clean life experience, otherwise he would not have been able to pass the trial of the Forensic Medical Bureau.

But his relationship with the Camo family simply cannot withstand in-depth investigation.

I can't get into the NW organization.

It means that the agreement with the uncle cannot be fulfilled.

Unable to fulfill the promise.

You can’t get the money!

No money.

The adoptive parents’ medical expenses for the next month.

Brian can't even take it out now.

"If it really doesn't work, then we will have to strike first!"

Think of this.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Brian's eyes.

He took out an unused mobile phone from a hidden compartment in the apartment and silently dialed the number of the psychiatrist who had helped him. ·

The opponent's approach is very wild.

Can get a lot of prohibited items.

The key is the fees.

The other party doesn’t just charge money.

Grit your teeth.

Bitter brother.

Brian felt that he could still afford the price.

Just when Brian was about to do something crazy.

The information about these candidates has been transmitted to the FBI's Los Angeles branch intelligence team by Ace Training Camp.

Each candidate's information was reviewed and sent back.

at this time.

A capable young white man with short hair said to the supervisor who was sitting and leisurely reading the newspaper: "Supervisor, there is a candidate here, and the information has been marked."

"Send it over."

The supervisor folded the newspaper in his hand calmly, then turned on the computer and clicked on the document sent by his subordinate.


He frowned slightly.

"Brian Lee..Orphan foster parent."

According to the information entered into the system, he did not find anything unusual about this person.

No criminal record.

The growth trajectory is also clear.

The other party had previously passed the review by the Forensic Medical Bureau, which means that there is a high probability that the information will be fine.

Who marked this person's information?

The database of the FBI intelligence team is actually shared with the databases of major police departments in many places. However, within the FBI, there are many subdivided teams responsible for various fields, so occasionally, this department will appear. It’s a situation where the criminal arrested was actually an informant from another department.

To avoid misunderstandings.

For some special people, their information will be marked.

The issue is.

this sign.

Even the intelligence director of the Los Angeles branch was meeting him for the first time.

The supervisor did not dare to delay and immediately used his supervisory authority to send Brian's situation to his superiors.

His superiors recognized the mark and forwarded it again.

Ever since.

Half an hour later.

A scammer, a mature woman with a puppy, was leisurely walking her dog in a park when she received an urgent message from her superior: "Veterinarian, why did you mark a relative of a lurker?"

Laura was holding the puppy and holding the phone, a little confused: "You mean Brian?"

"Yes, this person is now trying to join the NW hunting team formed in Los Angeles."

Laura said calmly:

“Brian is my newest pastime.

This guy is a handsome guy with a good heart.

Boss, you know.

I couldn't resist the temptation of this one.

However, I extracted his body fluids and conducted tests, and I can confirm that he is not a newly awakened person, so there is no need to be so nervous.

He was probably Lurker No. 132, and he was used as cannon fodder for testing.

Someone close to Lurker No. 132 should have leaked our existence. "

There was silence for a moment, and then he said coldly:

"I know how to do it.

That Brian, don't touch him for now.

Otherwise I will be played to death by you.

It is easy to alert lurker No. 132.

No. 132 is a target with great potential, and we need to allow him to continue to grow freely. It is not yet time for us to harvest him. "

"Okay, boss."

"How is your current mission going?"

"The time is too short, we are still fishing."

"hurry up.

The frequency of Lurker No. 112's crimes has become much higher, and he is probably getting out of control.

We must harvest her as soon as possible. "


hang up the phone.

Laura put away her phone, smiled and touched the head of the huddled puppy in her arms: "Thirteen, it seems that you won't be able to go back to Luo in the short term. Please follow me from now on. I hope your master's flowering period will not wither. Hurry, otherwise I will be very angry!"


Thirteen's voice trembled, weak and helpless.

It's about ten o'clock in the evening.

Just when Brian was watching soap operas boredly and almost dozed off.

Ding dong~

The computer stereo finally sounded the sound of a new email.

Brian took off with a sprint, rushed to the computer, and opened a new email:

[Dear Mr. Brian.

Congratulations on passing the first round of interviews for the NW Reserve.

You have become a member of the Sixth Reserve Team of NW Los Angeles.

Please arrive at the Western Division on time at 10 a.m. on September 30th, and participate in the second round of assessment with your Sixth Reserve Team.

You have obtained the temporary law enforcement authority of NW.

Your law enforcement authority will take effect at the beginning of the second round of assessment and terminate after the assessment.

During this period, you have the following permissions]


Brian jumped up happily after reading the content of the email.

Although it seems that he has not officially joined NW, at least he does not have to face the threat from his uncle now.

He really lacks time to grow now!

I don't know what the situation will be tomorrow.

I must rest early.

Brian sent an email to the head of the Forensic Department, explaining his current situation, and then turned off the lights and went to bed.

The next day.

Brian drove early and came to the Western Division near Hollywood.

LAPD police stations are distributed in a three-tier structure: headquarters-sub-bureaus-districts.

One headquarters, four sub-bureaus, and 21 districts.

Some communities and streets also set up additional duty posts.

The Western Division, where Brian came, is in charge of five districts, namely Hollywood, Pacific, West Hollywood, Wilshire, and Olympic.

The overall economic environment here is not bad.

The Western Division also looks very impressive.

Brian found the duty security post and handed a cigarette to the middle-aged uncle who looked pregnant for ten months. After explaining the situation, the uncle asked him to go to the large conference room on the third floor of Building B.

When Brian found the place.

He found that there was only a tall and slender blonde woman here, with her head down, constantly playing with a Smith \u0026 Wesson M29 revolver, with fancy movements, dexterity and changeability, and she looked like a master of this.

But people who still like to play with this kind of revolver now.

It's not the old generation.

It's the new generation who have been influenced by western cowboy movies.

People like this kind of people like to play American Iai.

Hearing the noise.

The woman looked up and saw Brian staring at her hands, with a smile on her pretty face full of collagen: "Do you like playing with guns?"

Seeing the woman's appearance clearly.

Brian's eyes lit up, and he said without hesitation: "I like it! I am a firm American Iai enthusiast!"

Although this gun is not that gun.

But it doesn't matter!

Brian didn't expect that he could see this beautiful woman again.

This is simply a gift from God!

Seeing the undisguised joy in Brian's eyes, the woman thought he was really an American Iai enthusiast. In addition, Brian was 1.87 meters tall, his appearance and skin color were all top-notch, and now he pretended to be a decent person, so she immediately felt a good impression.

She waved the Smith \u0026 Wesson M29 revolver in her hand: "My name is Susan, and I am the leader of the NW Sixth Reserve Group. We have time to compete in rapid shooting."

"I am looking forward to it!"

Brian nodded calmly, but secretly thought in his heart that he had to spend some time practicing his shooting skills.

His human body outlining gun skills are fast, but not accurate.

There is no way, this thing requires some talent.

Brian happens not to have this talent.

So he prefers explosives.

It is past eight o'clock now.

It is still early.

In order to prevent Susan from discussing the topic of American Iai with him.

Brian took the lead in bringing up the topic and focused Susan's attention on various strange cases.

These are all hearsay.

But Brian can't resist bragging.

Susan, who has just entered society, exclaimed from time to time, or asked about the subsequent development of the case and the ending of the murderer.

This reaction also made Brian realize that this beautiful team leader might be a second-generation who came down to gild himself.


She is so beautiful, and she has an identity and background.

Brian couldn't help but think of the doctor's advice to him during the physical examination: Mr. Brian, your gastrointestinal condition is not very good, you should eat more soft things to regulate your gastrointestinal tract.

He felt that he should listen to the advice.

Under Brian's conscious boasting.

Susan's good impression of Brian rose sharply.

What a rich experience in cases and autopsies!

Uncle Marquis also said that Brian was young and inexperienced.

It was obvious that he couldn't stand seeing his own success!

Susan was more convinced that the people she had chosen were the best of the best!

He boasted for more than an hour.

Brian licked his dry lips.

It was almost ten o'clock.

Why didn't the other team members come yet?

He was about to stop boasting.

In order not to expose the fact that he was a fool.

Brian had to stop talking, took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and then said in a very green tea way: "Team Leader Susan, are we all agreed on the time at ten o'clock?"

Susan nodded: "Including you, there are four people in total, all at ten o'clock in the morning, gather here."

"It's almost ten o'clock, it seems that the remaining three people are all old-timers..." Brian was ready to continue to fan the flames.

Don't suppress new colleagues and isolate superiors.

How can he become a confidant?

How can Susan feel dependent on him?

Second generations like Susan cannot be won by simply falling in love.

Because the other party also has family resistance.

Only by letting Susan develop a habitual sense of dependence on her, and when Susan's family objects, will she stand firmly on her side and tell her father: "Father, he is not the kind of person you said! You Don’t understand him!”

Have you learned it?

Susan's interest was aroused by Brian's words: "Brian, why did you say those three people are old fools? Do you know them?"

Just when Brian was about to continue talking.

From the corner of his eye, he happened to notice someone at the door.

Brian turned around and saw three men looking at him outside the door with smiles, as if to say: Come on, man, keep talking, we are all listening.


At this moment, he felt like a clown.

Fortunately, he was thick-skinned and quick to respond. He said to Susan seriously: "Because only the really powerful veterans will not pay attention to some useless rules. Strength is their confidence. On the contrary, those who follow the rules, They generally don’t have much strength, so they don’t dare to violate the rules.”

Susan nodded thoughtfully.

That's it.

It seems that my choice was correct!

They are all talents!

Outside the door, there were three older men, one old, one middle-aged and one young. Their originally unkind expressions turned into strong approval.

I thought I had met a villain colleague who was making trouble.

I didn’t expect that I was a close friend!

"Man, if I like you, we will get along well in the future!"

The middle-aged man, the strongest among the three, rushed into the conference room and gave Brian a warm hug.

Brian wasn't sure whether what this guy said was true or false.

But the other party's enthusiasm is real.

He almost felt out of breath.

Susan looked at the very harmonious scene when her subordinates met for the first time, and her beautiful eyes curved into crescents.

She clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Okay, guys, now that everyone is here, let's start the first meeting of our NW Sixth Reserve Group. The content of this meeting is also related to what we can do. Can’t be regularized.”

Two chapters and 7,000 words, updated.

Brothers, see you on time at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

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