You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 20 New colleagues, explosion! (Two in one)

"Guys, this is our sixth reserve group, the first meeting."

After Susan started the meeting, she immediately showed a different capable temperament from before: "My name is Susan. You can call me team leader, eldest sister, or just call me by my name. Now, I need you to be a Self introduction."

After saying that, she glanced at Brian.

Brian was not a newbie in the workplace. He understood it instantly. He stood up and said to everyone: "Hello everyone, my name is Brian. I was originally a forensic assistant in the Forensic Bureau. I am good at corpse investigation and scene investigation. In the next assessment, I should Can be of some help.”

Bang bang bang~

Susan led the applause.

The other three applauded.

The most enthusiastic one among them was the strong man who gave Brian a bear hug before.

This guy, while applauding and smiling at Brian, seemed very enthusiastic and approachable.

The second person to introduce himself was the old black man among the three.

He looked to be in his sixties, slightly shorter, with a tattoo from the side of his ear to his neck. The tattoo was a portrait of a woman, which should be an important person in the old man's heart.

What attracted the most attention was the old man's dress.

Wearing a leather bomber jacket, a pair of blue jeans, and the shoes under his feet, they seemed to be signature high-top basketball shoes of a certain brand.


The old black man also had a metal tag hanging on his chest.

Brian knew that tag.

Because it was a game of ‘King of Hegemony’, an honorary medal for the strongest king.

Clash of Kings is the game played by Brian’s former colleague Thom.

Somewhat like Warcraft in his previous life, it is one of the most popular computer games at the moment.

Brian didn't think much of it.

This brand should be just a replica for game enthusiasts.

Anyway, he couldn't imagine that in a game that requires extremely high opponent speed, the strongest king of the year would be an old man in his sixties or seventies.

The old man stood up, coughed twice, and then said slowly: "You can call me Old Harden. I am an old policeman who has been in the police for many years, but most of them work in logistics. I know a little bit about everything, right? We are also familiar with some unspoken rules of the government and police departments.”

When Susan heard this, she clapped with satisfaction: "That's very good. I believe that relying on your experience will help us avoid many detours in the future."

Everyone also applauded in unison.


The man who stood up was the strong man who had given Brian a warm hug before.

"Hello, guys, my name is Ivan. I am 29 years old. Before coming here, I was a detective in the police detective bureau. In addition, I am proficient in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and boxing. You can just leave all the general arrest cases to me!"

Ivan is a big white man, nearly 1.9 meters tall, with bulging muscles all over his body. He has long blond hair, and with his slightly messy stubble, he exudes the charm of male hormones.

This kind of guy who looks macho at first glance can really give his teammates a sense of security.

Brian thought that he might have to rely on Ivan to stop bullets in the future, and immediately cast a kind look at him.

On the other hand, Old Harden, who was sitting next to Brian, had his eyes widened.

He licked his big, dry, plump lips and said in a trembling voice, "Are you Ivan, the Ivan from Detective Teddy?"

"Teddy group?"

Susan, who was at the front of the conference table, asked in confusion.

Old Harden noticed that Ivan, who was sitting across from him, looked at him with a "kind" look. As an old man, he immediately said vaguely: "They are somewhat famous. They are very good at solving crimes."

Hearing this, Susan felt even more happy.

I really do have a good eye for it!

She looked at the last person with a smile: "I have read the file and know that you are a colleague with Ivan, so you are also a member of the Teddy group, Luo?"

The remaining white young man stood up and nodded: "Yes, Team Leader Susan, my name is Glenn, Glenn Michael. I was a colleague of Ivan before. My close combat skills are relatively average, but my marksmanship is pretty good."

When it comes to marksmanship.

This guy also emphasized his tone, showing a sense of confidence.

Brian looked at Glenn silently.

Glenn is about the same height as Old Harden, about 1.75 meters. He is white, thin, with a decent appearance and an upright face. He looks like a reliable person.

In response, Brian nodded silently.

I can tell.

This time, my colleagues all have a brush.

Not good.

He is the only husky among this group of people.

You have to work hard!

Completed self-introduction.

Susan also started the real content of the meeting: "Everyone who has read the email should know that we only temporarily have the law enforcement authority of NW. In fact, there are six reserve teams for this batch of NW assessments. Our six teams, All belong to the non-staff group.”

"Is there still a formal group?"

Brian asked curiously.

He thought about his forensic colleagues who had not shown up at the Ais base.

Susan nodded: "Yes, those people are professional elites in various industries. They replaced the Robbery and Murder Division (Major Crime Division) of the Detective Bureau. As for us, if we complete the next assessment, we will also Converted from reserve to full-time, divided into operational areas and provided with a formal office location.”

Speaking of replacing the Robbery and Murder Division.

She also glanced at Ivan and Glenn in confusion.

The profiles of these two people are really excellent.

She didn't know why such outstanding two people didn't receive a direct transfer notice and instead went to Es Base.

They were probably so outstanding that they were squeezed out by their superiors.

Susan automatically found a suitable reason for the two of them.

She is a generous person and believes that these two people can better utilize their talents under her hands in the future.

Suppress random thoughts.

Susan continued:

“The second round of assessment involves our regularization.

The content of the assessment will be a murder case assigned to us by the above, so I don't know what the specific case is at the moment.

Now, if you want to know anything, you can ask me. "

Brian was the first to raise his hand: "Team Leader Susan, I want to know, will the sixth team be just us in the future? Besides, our office location can't be at the Es Base, it's too far over there."

Susan shook her head:

“We are just a framework.

After becoming a regular employee.

We will also recruit other members, and the office locations will be arranged according to the divided jurisdictions.

There will be independent anatomy rooms, some relatively simple laboratories, and absolutely independent case-handling authority.

With just the five of us, we can't do this. "

Old Harden on the side also raised his hand and asked: "I received the news that the new department is the Criminal Experiment Team. Why is it now codenamed NW?"

"The Criminal Experiment Team is just a name given to the outside world." A trace of hesitation flashed in Susan's eyes, but she still said: "The full name of NW is Night Watchman."

"Night watchman?"

Hearing this, Brian and the others had different expressions.

This name doesn't look like a serious crime-solving department at first glance!

Susan was unwilling to explain too much: "The specific meaning will naturally be known after we complete the second round of assessments and you go to the Ais base for training and signing of confidential documents."

Glenn in the Teddy group is a genius.

He shrugged: "Let's get back to the point. I want to know, since our second round of assessment is suspected of murder, can we assemble the pistols? Ivan and I have already handed back the pistols."

"Of course." Susan nodded: "Guns, body armor, police badges, temporary documents. You can get these after the meeting."

After asking some other questions.

The meeting just ended.

Because the second round of assessment tasks is a real murder case.

This thing may happen in the next moment, or nothing will happen for several days.

Just fine today.

At Susan's suggestion, everyone got their things and drove together, following Old Harden, preparing to go to the place he introduced and have a meal together.

The place for the dinner was a food truck located on a certain commercial street.

Yes, it's that simple.

However, it can be seen that this fast food restaurant is very popular with customers. Even after one o'clock in the afternoon, there are still many people queuing up, and the tables and chairs are full of customers.

However, the dining car will provide seating and takeout services.

In comparison.

The business of other surrounding food trucks and stalls is much bleak.

Old Harden introduced to everyone: "Did you see the handsome young man busy in the dining car? His teacher is a chef at a five-star hotel, specializing in Chinese specialties. This stuff is in restaurants, and the charges are really high. It’s too expensive, so people don’t mind even if they have to wait a long time.”

I heard it’s Chinese food.

Everyone became interested.

Brian came forward curiously. After receiving the cushion, he glanced at the food the handsome boy was making.

Then, the person became numb.

"Yangzhou fried rice?"

Brian was speechless.

A group of foreigners, waiting in such a long line just for a bite of Yangzhou fried rice?

Considering that the sixth group had dinner together for the first time.

He couldn't complain, so he had to take the cushion with him and prepare to go back.

The moment he turned around.

A man wearing a hood with his head lowered rushed out from the side and rushed past Brian, startling him.

"Hurry up and get reincarnated!"

Brian cursed secretly, his nose suddenly twitched and his expression changed.

This smell!

He is so familiar!

TATP, which is triacetone triperoxide!

This is a chemical that is not difficult to obtain at present. It can be made into high explosives by yourself. It is one of the favorite and most commonly used means of obtaining explosives by bad guys!

But no one would dare to carry out any terrorist attack in the downtown area, right?

Although I feel a little sensitive.

But out of caution, Brian chased in the direction where the man disappeared, and at the same time turned on the smell enhancement, trying to lock in the smell of the man.

Just chased five or six meters.

next moment.

There was a loud bang.

A large mass of cremation suddenly burst out from the direction of the dining car, carrying a shock wave and exploding in all directions. It lifted the people in line like rags and smashed them in all directions.

"How many is this!"

Buzz buzz~

Amidst the strong tinnitus and aching body, Brian listened to the strong voice of his colleague Ivan, which seemed to come from afar, and said with difficulty: "Ivan, can you stop shaking your fingers? I can't see clearly. How many?"

Hearing this, Ivan carefully put down Brian's head and said to Susan, who looked worried: "It should be a slight concussion caused by the explosion. Brian had been far away from the dining car before and was not affected by the frontal explosion. There should be no internal bleeding. , just take a few days’ rest.”

"That's good!" Susan looked at Old Harden: "You first send Brian to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination. Ivan and Glenn, control the scene. We must protect the scene before the people from the branch arrive. "


Susan, who had already tied up her hair, rushed towards the screaming and wailing crowd and began to provide basic treatment to the unlucky diners.

the next day.

Brian opened his eyes dazedly.

The first thing you see is the white ceiling above your head.

A gentle breeze, carrying the faint fragrance of flowers, came from the left.

Brian turned his head and looked around and found a bouquet of flowers. Behind the flower cabinet were some electronic instruments and a blue cloth that covered the front of the small bed next door, but it couldn't cover up the snoring coming from there. Voice.

"Is this a ward?"

Brian looked away, rubbed his still stinging head, checked his body with only a pair of underwear left, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

He should not be injured.

He felt like he was hungover all night, and he couldn't remember what happened last night.

"Get up first and then talk."

Brian took a deep breath, pulled out the electrodes from his body, lifted the quilt, crossed his legs over the railing of the bed, turned over, and stepped on the cold ground, trying to stand firm.

A feeling of dizziness suddenly came over my heart.

Brian felt like a goose that had lost control. His body tilted uncontrollably and landed heavily on the hospital bed again.

The movement woke up the strong man in the bed next to him.

Ivan rolled to the other side suddenly, took out his pistol, and looked around cautiously.

When he saw Brian with his head down and his belly pressed against the railing, causing his PP to rise high, he laughed loudly: "Man, that's a good posture. Are you trying to attract the attention of the little nurse here?"


Mudd, the society is dead!


Brian had just put on his clothes, and looked at Ivan with a gloomy face, who kept rubbing his fingers, as if he was reminiscing about the feeling: "So, yesterday we went to eat, and there was an explosion. I was slightly concussed by the shock wave?"

Ivan noticed Brian's gaze and sheepishly hid his hands under the edge of the bed and nodded: "Yes, your temporary amnesia and loss of physical coordination are common sequelae of concussion. However, this kind of situation usually occurs when It will recover on its own in two days.”

"Are Susan and the others okay?"

"It's okay. Old Harden sent it to you, but the other people in line were unlucky. Many people were killed or injured, and it all made the news."


Ivan stood up: "Brian, okay, you have a good rest. I have to go help. Those bastards actually threw this bombing case to our sixth group as an assessment. They are clearly planning to take advantage of us." Pot! I’ll be busy next time.”

Watching Ivan disappear at the door of the ward.

Brian lay down again.

He can't even walk unsteadily now, so he can only pray that these new teammates will be more reliable and powerful.

Otherwise, the assessment will fail.

It's really troublesome.

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