You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 21 I'm going to start showing off! (Thanks to the leader of the Xichenyue book friend)

Maybe it's because of his increased physical fitness.

In the afternoon, Brian regained his mobility and remembered what happened yesterday.

This explosion became an assessment question for the sixth team.

Involves joining NW.

Brian didn't dare to delay.

He ignored the doctor's dissuasion and was discharged directly.

Seeing his resolute attitude, the hospital had no choice but to call the emergency contact and ask the other party to pick him up.

To Brian's surprise.

The person who picked up the person was Susan, the team leader.

"Do you mind if I smoke?" Susan took out a thin stick and stuffed it into her mouth: "Sorry, I haven't slept all day and need cigarettes to refresh myself. In fact, I haven't touched this for a long time, but this time it suddenly appeared. The case puts a lot of pressure on me.”

Brian couldn't care less about Susan smoking right now.

He directly asked about the case: "What's the situation now?"

Susan lit a thin lady's cigarette, took a deep breath, and then said in a low mood:

“This explosion caused two deaths and thirteen injuries.

Two dead.

One is a customer waiting to pick up their meal.

She was unlucky. The knife and fork caught in the blast wave was inserted into her eye and she died on the spot.

Another deceased was the owner of a food truck.

He was covered in burns.

Although doctors tried their best to save him, he died at noon today. "

Brian frowned and said, "What's the reason for the explosion?"

He has recovered his memory and remembers the smell of tripacetone triperoxide on the man who hit him.

This is definitely a premeditated bombing!

It's a pity that the explosion was too sudden.

He didn't lock onto the man's scent in time.

Otherwise, this case would be much simpler.

Susan shook her head:

“Still checking.

The entire dining car was burned down to its skeleton.

Firefighters and ambulances arrived later and destroyed almost all traces of the scene.

But Ivan found some physical evidence at the scene yesterday.

He believed it was a premeditated murder.

specific situation.

Still need to wait for the test results from the laboratory.

As for whether they found anything today.

I am not sure as well.

I've been guarding the food truck owner all day today.

It's a pity that he still couldn't hold on. "

Brian nodded.

Ivan is worthy of being an old police detective, and he does have a lot of skills.

Because there is no office space yet.

Currently, the sixth team is temporarily using a newly cleared floor here to work.

As for the bodies of the victims of the explosion, they were sent to the temporary morgue of the police station.

Originally, Susan was planning to request foreign aid.

Now that Brian is out of the hospital.

He was naturally responsible for the autopsy.

The temporary morgue of the police station is located underground. This is also the area where the police station stores evidence and other materials.

Brian and Susan passed by.

Ivan, Glenn and Old Harden were spinning around the remains of a food truck whose frame was bent sideways and formed into a C-shape.

From the fact that only the skeleton of this food truck remains, it can be seen that the fire was very fierce at that time.

"Guys, did you find anything?"

Although Brian had never been involved in a case before, he had been working in the Forensic Bureau for more than two years, so he was well-informed and would not suffer from stage fright.

no way.

Whether it's the Medical Examiner's Bureau or the Detective Bureau.

You can cook, but you can't be a coward.

You have to make your voice heard, otherwise you will be looked down upon even if you are not good at it.

The strong man Ivan nodded and pointed to the side bend of the car frame: "Judging from the damage to the vehicle, the initial explosion originated from the back of the car, where the mobile gas tank is placed."

Hearing this, Susan's pretty eyebrows wrinkled: "Ivan, you mean, this was an accident?"

Ivan didn't expect Susan, the team leader, to be so amateur.

He had no choice but to point to the car frame, which was all tilted to the left, and explained:

"Team leader, if the gas tank explodes, then the frame of the food truck should expand outwards, and the frame should bend from the inside to the outside, instead of all falling towards the food outlet. This means that when the explosion occurs, the shock wave will It’s the energy that is vented toward the food outlet.”

Susan was thoughtful, then looked at Brian next to her: "Do you understand?"

Brian looked at Susan, who was pretending to be calm, and nodded: "What Ivan means is that someone used explosives and detonated them on the back of the food truck, causing the gas tank in the food truck to explode, and finally caused such great damage. force."

Ivan nodded: "Yes, we have another discovery."

As he spoke, he looked at his old partner Glenn.

Glenn put on gloves, picked up a piece of burnt plastic, and explained:

“These are the bottle fragments that Ivan and I collected at the scene.

Normally, these plastics should ignite.

But a lot remains on site.

This shows that its original main body was the first to withstand the impact of the explosion, and most of the fragments flew out of the scope of the fire before being preserved. "


She really doesn't understand.

Can't it be simpler?

This time, Susan was too lazy to say anything and looked directly at the discerning translator Brian beside her.

Brian shrugged and said to Glenn: "Man, are you saying that someone filled a plastic bottle with explosives and then detonated the explosives?"

Glenn nodded:


Although there are residual substances on these plastic pieces.

The results from the laboratory have not been sent over yet.

But Ivan and I both believe that this is a man-made explosion.

The process should be that the murderer first detonated the homemade explosives, and then the explosives detonated the gas tanks in the car, and finally formed such a large explosion. "

An expert can tell whether there is something or not with one move.

Ivan and Glenn do have something.

Old Harden on the side, not to be outdone, said:

"After Ivan and others confirmed that this was a homicide, I numbered and 3D-photographed all the collected plastic fragments and sent them to the technical department.

There is computer 3D imaging technology.

It is estimated that at the latest tomorrow, we can get the appearance of the bottle containing explosives. "

This oldest old man also inadvertently showed his value.

"Well, if there is nothing else to find, I will go to check the body first. "

Brian knew that it was his turn to take action next.

This is the first time for everyone to cooperate.

If there is nothing.

I will not be tough in the future.

"Actually, there is another thing that I think is very strange. I brought it back yesterday. ", Ivan said, and found a palm-sized take-away box lid with burn marks from a pile of debris behind him.

On the inside of the lid, there was a line of unclear letters.

Under the letters, there were three numbers 229.

Susan, who had not participated in the topic, yawned, looked at the take-away box lid, and wondered: "Isn't this just an ordinary take-away box lid?"

"It's different." When Brian saw the string of numbers, he immediately became energetic: "Team Leader Susan, you should rarely eat takeout. For fast food takeout like this, in order to prevent the deliveryman from making mistakes, the address will be written on the surface of the lid, but no one will write the address on the back. "

He knows nothing about solving cases.

But when it comes to this stuff.


He is a professional in this regard!

As soon as Brian saw the numbers on the lid, he knew what it was!


Get away from me.

I'm going to start showing off!

Brian: "Thanks to the book friend 'Xi Chenyue' for the 100,000 book coins and character rewards, and thanks to the boss for being the leader! "

Thanks to the book friend 'Night of Glory' for the reward of 800 book coins for the book review, and thank you Mr. Night!

Thanks to the book friend 'Blue Sky Sea Breeze' for the reward of 520 book coins, and thank you boss!

Today is the beginning of the month.

One more chapter today, a good omen.

In addition, this case is a secondary creation based on some elements of the case.

In order to maintain the sense of expectation.

Book friends who know the prototype of the case, please do not spoil it, thank you.

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