You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 22: Whoever wants to eat this free meal can eat it!

Susan responded quickly.


If the address, etc., is written on the inside of the lid, then the delivery person will have to open the box to look at it, which will give people an unclean feeling.

"So what does this mean?"

Susan chose to leave the problem to everyone.

Ivan and Glenn shook their heads.

This was the first time they had seen such a thing.

Old Hader had some ideas and said uncertainly: "This may be a trading place. In the past, some people liked to put some illegal drugs and chemical drugs in some special foods and trade them through fast food delivery. In addition, I heard Said, Los Angeles has recently gained a new way of making money and sex, and that is food delivery.”

"Takeaway delivery?"

Susan and others became interested.

Brian's face turned dark.

Damn it!

I originally thought that when everyone expressed doubts, I would answer the questions myself!

As expected of Lao Deng!

I’ve finished pretending for you!

What am I pretending to be?

Harden Sr. didn't notice Brian with a dark face.

He said with some embarrassment: "I just heard it from a friend. The general process is to order a set meal takeout, and then the client acts as a delivery person. Based on the address, he finds the 'orderer', and then starts tasting the takeout. There is also some role play. , many tricks”



This Lao Deng is really clear.

To know.

This idea was based on a certain group of 'takeaways' he had in his previous life, and he casually mentioned it during the vehicle appraisal.

The result was carried forward.

It’s just that the delivery people in my previous life were those young ladies in black stockings.

In this life, he is the prostitute himself.

In fact, they are not only food delivery boys, but also prostitutes who play many roles.

For example, plumbers who come to your home to repair water pipes, teachers who come to your home for tutoring

Susan mused.

She had rarely been exposed to this information before.

Ivan's face showed confusion:

"What's the point?

Not only are there location deals in Los Angeles, there are also curbside deals, phone calls

This type of transaction.

There are so many ways.

This is not a novelty, is it? "

Old Harden shook his head:

"You don't know that.

Location trading is easy to get caught.

Roadside transactions are prone to phishing.

The girls and clients are very insecure.

Telephone trading.

Door-to-door service is too expensive.

This new type of transaction is different.

It charges cheaply, and there is no exchange of funds or information between the client and the escort.

The prostitutes deliver the goods to their doorsteps themselves.

Very inconspicuous.

Even if he was targeted, it can be said that when he was delivering the food, the spark of love between himself and the lady who received the food was sparked.

Without evidence.

There is no way to convict him. "

Just when everyone was amazed at the creativity of those pimps.

Brian said leisurely: "Old Harden, you know these things so well, isn't it all your personal experience?"

Old Harden:

His black face turned red: "Brian, you are blaspheming against my thirty-year-old police professionalism..."

“What’s it like to play plumber and teacher.”

"It's novel, that is."

Old Harden was not aware of it for a moment. When he reacted, he had already revealed his secret and could only hide his face and run away: "I will go to the technical department to urge the three-dimensional drawing of the explosive bottle."

Get rid of the old Harden who stole his limelight.

The cautious Brian coughed and said:

"According to the current known information, in this explosion, the owner of the food truck is most likely the real target of the murderer. So next, I need to conduct a careful autopsy on his body. Does anyone want to be an assistant?"

"I'll do it." Susan volunteered, then looked at Ivan and Glenn: "You are professionals in solving crimes, what are you going to do next?"

Ivan touched his stubble and thought for a moment before saying:

“In general homicide investigations, the key point is to find the murderer’s motive.

Glenn and I need to investigate the deceased's personal connections first.

In addition, this is what Old Harden said.

We will also look for informants to help with the investigation.

This may take a while. "

Finished assigning tasks.

Brian and Susan arrived at the temporary morgue at the branch.

Make a good registration.

The two began to change clothes.

Susan was not familiar with any of this.

Brian didn't find it too troublesome, and took his hands with him to personally teach the team leader Susan to change clothes.

Susan looked at Brian, who was attentive and considerate and had a very pleasant appearance, and couldn't help but said: "Brian, you are really a gentleman, unlike old Harden, who still goes to whoring at an old age."

Brian stood behind Susan, helping to tie the straps. At the same time, he looked at the beautiful curve of her back and smiled lightly: "Thank you for the compliment. With all due respect, I have no shortcomings except judging people by their appearance."

"Hahaha, you are so funny."

Susan chuckled, and then sighed: "I used to think that I was very powerful. Before I became the team leader, I was full of confidence. But when I really encountered a case, I realized that I didn't understand anything. Unlike you, everyone is so sharp."

Brian placed the needed items one by one according to the case number and said casually:

“No one is born with it.

As a leader.

All you need to do is understand the abilities of your subordinates and assign the right things to the right people.

By the way, Team Leader Susan.

What did you do before? "

Susan felt much better after hearing what Brian said.

She said seriously:

"I used to be a member of the VIP protection team, responsible for protecting the female family members of some national dignitaries and visiting foreign guests.

I had a good time there.

Until an accident happened, I shot and blew up the heads of seven or eight thugs, and scared the foreign guest's wife into insanity, and was fired."


His face froze: "Blow up the heads of seven or eight thugs?"

"Yes." Susan's face showed distress:

"Those people were holding knives and Molotov cocktails.

I reacted a little too stressed.

Before those people came close, I emptied the magazines of two revolvers in an instant and shot all the thugs at the scene.

After investigation.

It was found that it was just a confrontation caused by uneven distribution of spoils after a zero-dollar purchase event.

The head of the protection team thought I was more straightforward.

Not suitable for the protection team...

I got bored later.

I wanted to be a cowboy or a bounty hunter.

In order to make a name for myself.

I also went to Texas, participated in a competition, and won a gun king medal.

But something happened at home.

So I came back."

Ah this.

Seven or eight people were shot in the head in an instant.

Gun King Medal

I'm bragging to you.

You're playing real with me?

Bryan felt a little sour in his teeth.

As a man, you still have to rely on yourself.

Whoever wants to eat this free food can eat it.

Bryan didn't want to eat it anyway.

He was afraid that one day he would eat a bullet in his food!

Bryan quickly changed the subject: "Okay, Team Leader Susan, please turn on the camera, I'm going to start the autopsy."


Susan obeyed obediently.

The freezer was opened.

What came into view was a body with a charred body and a black charred leather apron.

There was a number plate hanging on the body's feet.

What surprised Brian was.

A small crimson ball was floating above the body.

A good start!

The corpse of a murder case is indeed more likely to reveal obsession!

Bryan touched the ball with his palm full of expectation.

If the obsession of the deceased contains information about the murderer, it would be great!

Good afternoon.

This book will be recommended in the first round on Sunday.

I don’t know if it can maintain its innocence under the attack from so many bigwigs.

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