Brian pretended to disperse the burnt smell from the corpse and smashed the little red ball of obsession.

As the red ball turned into countless light spots, they poured into the eyes.

A new obsessive message emerged in Brian's mind: Let Shaina stop falling into the world and live happily throughout her life.


Could it be the girl the deceased liked?

Brian was a little disappointed after reading the obsession of the deceased.

Once you look at the content, you know it has nothing to do with the murderer.

The most outrageous thing is.

Obsession still allows a person to live happily throughout his life.

He also wants to live his life happily.

The question is is it possible?

This obsession can never be accomplished!

Much more disappointed.

Brian got used to it.

He began to work according to the autopsy process.

Susan, who was obsessed with Brian and was unaware of it, watched Brian work with relish, acting as a tool to make up the numbers.

To ensure fairness.

Nowadays, one person is not allowed to conduct an autopsy.

That's why he called his assistant.

Not that I need help.

Instead, a tool person is needed to ensure the legal compliance of the autopsy process.

The first step in an autopsy is to determine the identity of the remains.

Brian glanced at the registration form and verified the identification tag on the body's feet before saying to the camera: "The deceased, Kenneth, male, 22 years old, time of death, September 30, 1:56 pm. The deceased has been identified and Coroner Brian has begun examining the body."


It is somewhat similar to seeing a doctor.

After determining the identity of the deceased.

The second step is not surgery, but a physical examination.

Brian first conducted a simple visual inspection of the corpse, then looked at the deceased's charred limbs, mouth, nasal cavity, ears, and other private parts. Finally, he took a tool and carefully untied the bones that were adhered to the flesh. Leather apron.


Susan, who was looking curiously at the side, exclaimed when she saw the deceased's chest: "There are deep purple scars on it!"

Brian glared at Susan, told her to shut up, and then said to the camera:

“The deceased was severely burned all over his body, there was a lot of smoke in his nose, his chest was collapsed, there were multiple rib fractures, there was blood in his mouth, and his internal organs were suspected to be damaged.

In addition, there was a large, dark purple-red round scar on the chest of the deceased, with multiple hole-like incomplete marks in the middle of the scar. It is suspected that the deceased had been hit hard by some round blunt instrument some time before his death."

Having said this.

Brian then looked at Susan who was covering her mouth: "Didn't the deceased die in the hospital? Why is the leather apron still on him?"

Before the autopsy, he thought he was going to dissect a tattered corpse that had been operated on.

Susan explained:

"The deceased had already expired when he was sent to the hospital. The reason why I kept watch and asked the hospital to conceal it was because of Ivan's suggestion. Generally, after committing a crime, the murderer may appear at the crime scene and the hospital to determine the target's condition. .

Considering that the cause of death of the deceased was clear, I agreed. "


This is actually a very serious violation.

Ivan and Glenn's work style is a bit wild.

This team leader is also a bit stupid.

Brian had no choice but to give this cute new team leader some popular science: "Many times, the way of death you see with your own eyes may just be a way for the murderer to create confusion in order to cover up the truth. It is not a smart idea to delay the autopsy."

Susan listened to the advice and nodded: "I won't do it next time, but if this happens, how should I write the subsequent report on this case?"

Brian spread his hands: "If you solve the case, no one cares. If you can't solve the case or pass the test, there's no need to care."

Because Susan said some inappropriate things.

Brian had to give the camera a different card and start the process again.

After finishing recording again.

He began to observe the remaining clothing on the deceased.

Before death, the deceased suffered severe impact and flames, and almost all of his clothes were killed. Even if Brian turned on the enhanced sense of smell, there was nothing gained except the burning smell.

All I can say is that it makes sense to put murder and arson together.

Nothing gained.

Brian could only begin the next step of the dissection.

It is still the most commonly used type of ‘Y’ surgery.

Brian skillfully used extremely sharp knives to cut open the entire chest and stomach of the deceased, exposing the horrific internal organs of the deceased to the maximum extent possible.

"The seventh, eighth, and ninth ribs on the left side of the deceased's chest showed impact fractures, and the heart and spleen were damaged."

broken heart

The cause of death was found.

After Brian checked these, he turned his attention to the flesh on the deceased's chest: "The deceased should have been a very self-disciplined person before his death. There were obvious signs of exercise on his body. In addition, the circular scar on his chest should be the sign of death. It was there before.”

"Why?" Susan was curious about Brian's reasoning: "Could it be caused by the impact of something during the explosion?"

Brian shook his head:

“If it was caused by an impact, then the deceased’s ribs at the corresponding location would also have left traces.

In addition, the dark purple scars on the deceased's chest were not stagnation marks caused by the cessation of blood circulation, but the form of congestion and coagulation.

This means that the deceased was injured here before his death.

However, the injury should not be serious.

At least it won't affect his work. "

"It's a headache to hear that." Susan patted her head and asked directly: "So, did you get anything from this autopsy?"

Brian continued to shake his head:

"The deceased did die from the impact and burns caused by the explosion.

We can only confirm that the deceased had fought with others before his death.

In that kind of public place, the amount of homemade explosives that the murderer can carry will not be very large.

Across the fast food truck.

It is difficult to kill.

So the murderer placed the explosives in a very clever position. Not only did he break the shell of the car, but he also detonated the mobile gas tank inside the car. This means that the murderer has some research on blasting and has investigated the structure inside the fast food truck.

In fact, after I graduated from high school, in order to make money, I studied the business model of fast food trucks for a while.

According to different habits.

The layout inside the fast food truck varies greatly.

Generally, no one will pay attention to these.

So I think this is a premeditated murder!"

Susan grasped the key point: "You mean, the murderer had the intention of killing the deceased from the beginning?"

"Yes! ", Brian nodded affirmatively:

"Ordinary grudges will not use explosives!

I just don't understand why the murderer chose the method of explosion?

After all, it is too eye-catching.

If I want to kill the owner of the fast food truck.

I will pretend to rob and shoot.

The owner of the fast food truck has a good business, and the daily revenue is estimated to be very high, and it is all in cash.

The robber targeted him.

It makes sense.

This way, you can kill people without attracting the attention of the police.

After all, there are many shootings and robberies in Los Angeles every year.

There are too many suspects. "

In terms of autopsy.

Brian is indeed mediocre.

But after putting himself in the shoes of the murderer, he immediately found something wrong in the case.

Maybe this is talent.

"Why do I feel that you are very knowledgeable about crime?"

Susan thought for a moment, and what she said almost scared Brian to death.

Brian rolled his eyes: "If you hear all kinds of crime stories every day, you will become like me. "

"Okay. "

Susan rubbed her sore neck: "It was premeditated, which means there must be some connection between the deceased and the murderer. It seems that the focus of our next investigation should be on the interpersonal relationship of the deceased."

Brian nodded in agreement.

I hope that the investigation of Ivan and Glenn, two former detectives, can bring them surprises.

Clean up the scene.

Lock up the autopsy records and other items.

The two left the cold morgue together.

In the evening.

Old Harden brought back a printed photo.

On the photo, there is a very common plastic bottle.

"This should be the bottle that the murderer used to store explosives. In addition, the laboratory department searched the surface materials of those plastic fragments and found that the composition of the explosives was triacetone triperoxide, which is a household chemical product. Some places like furniture factories can easily get it. "

The news brought back by Old Hard officially classified the bombing as a premeditated murder.

Not long after.

Ivan and Glenn also returned to the police station with their gains.

"This is some basic information about the deceased Kenneth and the connections that can be found on the surface. There are two people among them who can be focused on. I suspect they have a motive for committing the crime!", Ivan handed the copied information to everyone with a serious face.

Several people picked up the information and read it carefully.


Brian locked his eyes on a name: Odrin.

This guy is very suspicious!

Today's 5,000 words have been updated.

See you tomorrow at 5 pm.

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