Kenneth is a very hardworking young man.

His social relations are simple:

Before the age of 22, he worked in the kitchen of a five-star hotel in Los Angeles.

He is not the apprentice of a certain chef as Old Harden said before.

Kenneth is just a handyman.

After 22 years old...

Kenneth has no back.

he died.


Kenneth had been away from that hotel for just over a month.

More than a month ago.

Kenneth had a conflict with the chef in the back kitchen because of something.

The two got into a fight, and Kenneth was kicked out of the hotel.

Kenneth, the poor guy at the back, got some money from somewhere and opened a food truck stall. And because of the Chinese elements and good taste, he became a star in that commercial street in just one month. Food truck.

There is only so much traffic in the commercial street.

Everyone went to Kenneth's food truck to eat.

The business of other vendors will naturally be affected accordingly, and they will show hostility towards Kenneth.

Among them, a black fast food vendor named Audlin showed the most obvious performance.

According to the information collected by Ivan and the others.

Half a month after Kenneth's food truck opened, Odlin complained to Kenneth eight or nine times for not having a health permit. The complaint was only ended three days ago.

The reason was that Kenneth couldn't bear it anymore.

He found Audrin directly and the two had a big fight.

Odlin was old and frail, and was beaten by the deceased Kenneth so that he could not leave the stall for several days.

The key is.

According to the information provided by Ivan and others.

In his early years, Odelin went to a bitter kiln for stealing explosive raw materials from the mine. In the bitter kiln, Long Chang realized the truth and learned advanced blasting skills. After he came out, he continued to commit crimes and went to study for several years. He was released only five years ago.

The time and means for committing a crime are all there.

This is also the reason why Brian feels that the other party is very suspicious.

The only problem.

It was the hooded man that Brian met earlier. He was agile and probably not too old.

If Odlin is really the mastermind.

That means he has other helpers.

Except that Odlin is very suspicious.

There is another person who was marked by Ivan and the others.

The other party's name is Li Sen, a second-generation Chinese, and he is forty-seven years old.

Li Sen is the chef of a five-star hotel in Los Angeles. He is mainly responsible for certain Chinese specialties and is somewhat famous in the industry.

The deceased, Kenneth, was expelled from the hotel because of the fight with him.

His name was also marked with key colors by Ivan and the others.

Except for Audlin and Lison, the rest of the people were either Kenneth's neighbors or friends who were not closely connected and had no criminal motives.

These people are far less suspect than the previous two.

Thinking of the obsession of the deceased Kenneth.

Brian put down the information in his hand and asked Ivan: "Guys, have you ever found out whether the deceased Kenneth has a girlfriend or any emotional disputes in this regard?"

Ivan shook his head: "Glenn and I went to Kenneth's neighbors and former colleagues to find out the situation. They all said that Kenneth was a diligent and honest man who did not smoke, drink, or even go to bars. He goes out on time and comes home on time every day, which is why he has few friends.”

"All right."

Brian was a little disappointed.

Although Kenneth's obsession is difficult to complete, Brian, who is in urgent need of strengthening his strength, still wants to give it a try.

after all.

The method of achieving obsession is not so rigid.


After everyone has finished reading the information.

Integrated by Susan.

Everyone began to collect the intelligence information collected.

Brian also shared the autopsy results and speculation at the meeting.

Glenn whistled: "It seems that we have found the suspect in this case. He knows explosives and has criminal motives. These all point to the black street vendor Audlin with a criminal record. I bet a hundred dollars that he is murderer!"

Ivan nodded in agreement.

Because Odlin was robbed of his business, he not only reported the deceased many times, but also had conflicts with the deceased. As a result, he was beaten to the point where he could not leave the stall.

There was enough grudge between him and the deceased.

The point is.

Odlin has a criminal record. Not only did he have experience as a mine demolitionist, but after he was released from prison, he also sold homemade explosives.

Anyone can see this information.

Everyone will regard Odlin as the first suspect.

Old Harden took a sip of coffee, yawned and said: "Young people, don't take everything so absolutely. I have seen many reversal cases. What was the reason behind the deceased and the cook named Li Sen?" Fighting?"

Although in his heart, he also felt that Odlin was highly suspicious.

But as a black man.

He didn't like Glenn's stereotype of black people.

Glenn couldn't stand the old Harden's attitude of relying on his elders and saying perfunctorily:

“This is what I went to investigate.

Based on information provided by hotel kitchen staff.

That Li Sen was different from ordinary Chinese. He had a bad temper and a bad attitude towards them.

But before the fight, Li Sen had not specifically targeted the deceased.

The conflict between the two seemed to be because the deceased wanted to steal some of Li Sen's secret ingredients. "

Hear why.

Old Harden’s eyes are tiny:

“Man, you probably don’t know that.

The Chinese take these secret recipes very seriously.

The deceased was just an ordinary helper, but after leaving the hotel, he could cook such delicious Chinese food.

I suspect he has succeeded.

The grudge between Li Sen and the deceased may not be as simple as you think. "

Hear this.

Brian couldn't help but nod.

This is true.

In particular, Li Sen is a second-generation immigrant from China.

Calculate the time.

His father's generation can be regarded as the real older generation.

Many of these people's ideas still follow the old traditions of China.

Secretly learn the foundation of one's life.

Not a trivial matter.

If Old Harden's speculation is true.

The hatred between the deceased and Li Sen was indeed not small.

"Although I don't understand, I still insist on focusing the investigation on that Aldrin." Glenn insisted.

Old Harden shrugged and said nothing.

He is past the age of competitiveness.

Ivan, who seems to be a reckless man, is much more thoughtful.

He clapped his hands and said: "This is easy to solve. There may be explosives hidden on Odlin's side. Glenn and I will investigate tomorrow. As for Li Sen, we can let team leader Susan and Brian investigate. As for Old Harden."

Ivan grinned: "In the afternoon, we received reliable information through an informant friend. The number on the lid of the lunch box should be an apartment room near the commercial street. There have been many single ladies renting there recently. We need An experienced person, go out there and feel out the situation.”

Old Harden's old face froze, and his expression became excited: "What does it mean to be experienced! I am quite old, is it appropriate to go to a place like that?"

Susan, who had been watching the show, her red lips curled up: "I am a woman, and Brian is so handsome. It also arouses suspicion to go there. Old Harden, besides you, there is really no more suitable candidate here. "

Old Harden:

He glared at Brian.

If it hadn't been for this kid's pretense about his own image, how could he have been labeled as a regular prostitute on the first day he joined the group!

It's very late.

The tasks have been arranged.

A few people just took their IDs and guns and left work.

Brian didn't go home immediately.

He first went to the flower shop and bought two bouquets of flowers, and then drove to the cemetery in the suburbs.

He has always had an obsession that he has never completed: dancing and peeing on the grave of Carolina Ellis.

Thinking about this case still makes Brian feel uncomfortable.

The case was closed a few days ago.

The murderer is still Andres.

This beast was executed by Brian after he hammered to death his female neighbor and his wife.

After the police discovered Andres' body, they found secretions from the female neighbor's body on the other's pants during the autopsy. They followed this clue and found the hammer that had not been handled by Andres.

Brian thought this case would drag on for a long time.

After all, Andres died by his hands.

Unexpectedly, maybe during this period, there were too many cases backlogged.

And because of the establishment of NW.

There are a lot of changes in the Detective Bureau.

In short, the case was closed with Andres committing murder and then committing suicide.

The bodies of the two female victims were cremated yesterday and then sent to the cemetery for burial.

"Thank you Thom for this timely information."

Brian sped up.

I don’t know what kind of gift I will get after completing the obsession of beast Andres.

The second chapter should be around 5:30, so it will be a little later.

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