You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 141 I am so damn strong now!

Walking in the wilderness.

Brian could feel his powerful heart continuously squeezing out a large amount of blood, running at a speed that was about 30% higher than before.

An animal like Thirteen with sensitive hearing can even directly hear the sound of blood rushing like water waves within three meters.


The density of his muscles, bones, including internal organs, is slowly changing.

While Brian was looking forward to it, he was also a little worried.

If he continues like this, he can suppress and slow down the strong heart and body activities, like a tortoise, and reduce his metabolism to an appropriate level.

But what about weight?

In fact, during this period of time, with continuous strengthening, Brian's weight has increased from more than 160 to more than 180 kilograms, but the change in body shape does not seem obvious, and the body has become more symmetrical and healthier.

The current changes have been advancing slowly and passively.

Brian is worried that he will weigh more than 200 pounds, 300 pounds, or even more in the future.

It will be difficult to hide it then.

He was also very afraid that he would be reproductively isolated from normal humans, or that he would accidentally overwhelm his future wife to the point of being out of breath.

"The boat will naturally straighten out when it reaches the bridge. There are countless deformed people. There are always those who are fat and deformed, and then long to become thinner or lighter."


Brian took Thirteen to the pig farm again.

The name of the pig farm has been changed to the name of the guard Dolly.

This guy didn't hide the fact that he was in power at all, and he wasn't even worried that Brian would come back to him and realize that he was being used.

This is actually a very normal psychology.

For example, some people dare to bully good people at will, and even dare to confront law enforcement. They are only afraid of gangsters.

After all, good people can be bullied, and law enforcers must abide by the rules. At most, they can only make some stumbling blocks, which are painless and painless. Only gangsters who say they will kill his whole family may actually kill his whole family!

Dolly should have such a mentality.

He may have already thought about how to deal with his use of Brian being exposed, and was even mentally prepared to pay a certain price.

Look at the sign above your head.

Brian signaled Thirteen to stay where he was, took out a mask similar to Jason's from Black Friday, put it on a completely unfamiliar face, whistled Kill Bill, danced the Ax Gang's victory dance, and happily moved towards Go to the wooden house behind the pig pen.

Open Easter eggs?

How can it be done without a sense of ceremony!

The wooden house is in the shape of a concave shape, with a large open space in the middle, and a platform with steel pipes on it. On both sides are entertainment areas for guards and guests, divided into two floors.

At this time, the pig farm has not yet opened.

A group of guards gathered in a room, playing cards and complaining about the girls here.

They were tired of playing before.

I don’t know when the higher-ups will bring a batch of fresher and younger ones.

They didn't seem dissatisfied or surprised by Dolly's rise to power.

In the boss's room next door to them, Dolly's legs were propped up on the heavy desk that he could only stand by and watch before. His whole body was hidden in the soft wrapping of the boss's chair. He was holding his mobile phone and reporting his progress to it.

"Well, okay, boss."

"I have arranged for the leather bag recruitment company and the duck to find suitable prey. This time I plan to open more themes and make it bigger and stronger. Maybe we can buy a mountain, then build a manor and set up a membership system. Do some business for high-end people.”

"It won't be radical, boss. Those big guys have too many quirks. They usually have to restrain themselves. If we can provide them with a completely free and private place to vent, they will be happy to death."

"Thank you for the compliment. I'm not that idiot like Bieber. Well, it's okay. Boss, I have arranged for two children who are still studying. If the cop comes, I will get him drunk or drugged, take pictures and threaten him. People like them are the worst. I’m afraid of this, it’s just a small note.”

hang up the phone.

Dolly hung up the phone dismissively.

In his mind, this boss was just a fool who relied on his family background to build a framework.

Dolly's eyes flashed with ambition. As long as the stupid pig boss did what he suggested, he would have a chance to hook up with a more powerful person.

When the right opportunity comes, he will use the same trick as killing Bieber, send his boss in, and bury him here with him. Then he will move to another place and open a garden of Eden that belongs only to him.

“The island seems to be nice, very private.”

Dolly thought about it, stood up, took out a small exquisite wooden box from the cigar safe, and took out a high-end Brazilian cigar that he had been reluctant to smoke before.

He was getting ready to enjoy.


A knock on the door came from next door.

The sound of knocking on the door was loud, like a small hammer hitting the door, which could still reach his ears despite the noisy playing of the guards.

Dolly had doubts in his eyes. People in the small town knew something about the situation here. They should know that this place has not reopened yet. Who would come here at this time?

He wasn't worried about anything.

The documents here are complete, and there is no fear of the authorities. The subordinates have everything they need, and they are not afraid of looking for trouble.

At this time, the guards playing cards looked at the door suspiciously.

One of them, with a bald head, said to a thinner guard: "Go and have a look, I guess it's that guy Dolly."

The thin guard stood up with a smile: "Shouldn't it be Boss Dolly?"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Dolly is a close confidant of former boss Bieber and has a good relationship with them, so everyone is not so restrained when talking.

Dong Dong Dong~

The dull knock on the door sounded again.

The thin guard sped up.

He opened the wooden door: "Hey, Boss Dolly, it's..."

The thin guard paused after seeing the scene outside clearly.

He looked at the tall man in front of him, wearing a strange hole mask, revealing only a pair of eyes, and was stunned: "You"


Brian stretched out his finger and put it on the mouth of the mask: "Go, you bring your friends, your friends bring guns, and we play a game."

"What game?" The thin guard said subconsciously.

"Hunting game!"

Brian's mouth corners curled up under the mask: "I'm going to start the countdown~"

The others have realized that something is wrong at this time.

This guy, dressed so weirdly, especially the strange mask, looks eerie, not a normal person.

The bald guard grabbed the pistol under the seat, strode forward, pulled away the thin guard, and looked at Brian with a bad look: "Asshole, no matter who you are, this is private territory, leave here immediately!"

"Ten, nine"

Brian counted down regardless.


The bald guard no longer hesitated, pointed the pistol at the door and pulled the trigger.


The smell of gunpowder was strong.

The seven or eight steel balls in the buckshot hit the wooden railings on the corridor outside the door, causing dust to burst and vibrate.

The bald guard's face was not happy at all.

He looked outside the door in horror: "Where is the person!"

The tall masked man just now disappeared!

The other guards were also frightened by this weird scene and stood up.

"I swear, there was a person at the door just now!"

"FK, I saw it too, and the person suddenly disappeared!"

"It can't be a ghost...", the timid one has already taken out the cross on his chest: "God, protect your faithful believer Sarada"

Next door, Dolly was also frightened by the sudden gunshot and hid under the heavy boss's desk.

There is a mechanism on the floor under the table that can open a small hole leading to the room downstairs. The heavy boss's desk can block ordinary bullets.

Once in danger, he has enough time to escape.

The guard in the next room fell into real fear.

When they wondered if they had just had a collective hallucination, the tall masked man who disappeared reappeared at the door and slowly counted down: "Four, three"

"Fuck him!"

No one dared to bet on what would happen when the countdown ended!

At the command of the bald guard, the guards picked up their weapons and fired at the gate and the wooden walls around it like crazy.

Da da da~

The wooden boards were smashed to pieces, and the wooden fence was even broken by a large number of bullets.

Countless dust spread.

It was not until this group of rabble had used up all the magazines in their hands that the surroundings fell into silence again.

The six guards held their breath, changing bullets while staring at the corridor outside the door.

Reason told them that no carbon-based creatures could survive the close-range bombardment just now, but the weird scene just now made them dare not even go out to check the situation now!

This atmosphere was depressing and uncomfortable.

Finally, more than a minute later, the bald guard holding a short spray looked at the thin guard again: "Ava, go out and see the situation."

The thin guard wanted to refute.

The other four guards quickly responded, "Yes, Ava, go quickly, we will cover you from behind!"

Five to one.

The thin guard named Ava had no choice but to hold the pistol tightly in his hand and walked out of the broken wooden door tremblingly.

Outside the door, the lights in the corridor were dim.

With the help of the light, Ava noticed that there was no figure around except for the broken fence.

He looked downstairs carefully.

However, there was no light downstairs, and the silver moonlight was polluted by the lights upstairs, resulting in a dark and unclear view from above.

"That guy should have been shot and fell down."

Ava deceived himself, breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and wanted to report to his teammates, but he vaguely felt something was wrong from the corner of his eye.

Isn't there an angled wooden roof above his head? Why is there a shadow reflected on his face?

Ava looked up blankly, but saw a tall figure with silver light standing on the angled eaves, like a death god holding a sickle, looking down at him.

The next moment.

A big hand grabbed Ava's head, lifted him up, and instantly disappeared from the sight of the five guards in the room.


With the last thought, Ava's consciousness was drowned in infinite darkness.

Twist the guard's neck.

Bryan carried the other's body weighing more than 100 kilograms in one hand, jumped back to the corridor, and threw the body into the crowd: "Why don't you run?"

"Go to hell, you monster!"

The bald guard looked at the body of his companion under his feet, and the other's exaggeratedly twisted neck, his hair stood up, and he pulled the trigger at Brian again like crazy.

This time Brian did not dodge.

At the moment when the opponent raised the muzzle of the gun, his body left a not-so-obvious afterimage, and appeared beside the opponent with a swish, and slapped the opponent's bald head with a slap.

With a click.

With the spray of steel balls, the bald guard's body was actually shortened, and his head seemed to be embedded in his chest. Without a sound, he fell to the ground and died.


The remaining four people were also scared and started shooting randomly.

Narrow space.

Under the supercomputer perception, Brian sensed the movement of the four guns, raised his head to dodge, and shuttled through the crowd like a ghost.

In less than three seconds.

Three guards fell under the bullets fired by their companions, leaving only a lucky guard, who had already emptied his pistol bullets, but still mechanically pulled the trigger.

"I'm so damn strong now!"

Brian looked at himself who was not shot, and he was so happy!

After breaking the limit once.

He already had three points of the glory of the two deformed beasts in the forest park that day!

After sighing.

Brian stepped on the messy ground and walked to the guard who was already scared. He held his hand on his neck and gently sent him away from this noisy world.

Unfortunately, these six guards, I don’t know if they are eating, drinking, gambling, and smoking, which leads to weak willpower and poor mental quality, and no obsession is born.


Dolly was scared when he heard the screams of the guards upstairs and the mess of gunfire.


Could it be that a hostile gang broke in!

Fortunately, there is a mechanism under the desk leading to this room!

Listening to the movement upstairs gradually stopping.

Dolly swallowed his saliva, took a small pistol for self-defense, and quietly opened the door of the room on the first floor, wanting to take advantage of the night and hide in the mountains and woods behind him.

He didn't notice that a small figure curled up in the corner, lowered his body, like a hunting leopard, ready to go.

The next moment.

Dolly screamed, and the pistol in his hand fell to the ground.

He raised his hand holding the gun in horror, only to find that a small piece of flesh was missing from it.

Thirteen spat out the piece of meat in his mouth, his eyes were fierce, and in his blood-stained mouth, two sharp fangs extended, emitting a cold and cold light under the reflection of the moonlight.

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