You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 142 Smashing Easter Eggs, Thirteen's Changes, Testing


Dolly looked at those two ferocious fangs and took a breath!

This is actually a small puppy!

He almost thought he was hallucinating.

A Labrador puppy that looked no taller than his calf bit off a piece of his own flesh in one bite?

But the pain in my palm was real.

The completely disproportionate fangs under the puppy’s mouth are also real!

At this time, the movement upstairs had completely disappeared.

under threat of death.

Dolly suppressed the fear in his heart and slowly squatted down, trying to use his good left hand to pick up the pistol on the ground.

He stared intently at the tiny cream-yellow puppy in front of him, fearing that the puppy would suddenly pounce on him and rip his throat out.

Fortunately, until his left hand grasped the cold and secure handle of the gun, the little monster in front did not move at all.

Not only was there no movement, the opponent actually released his attacking posture, retracted his two fangs into his mouth at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his short tail also started to wag happily.

Dolly was puzzled, but he couldn't care less.

Pick up the pistol.

He endured the severe pain in the palm of his right hand and wanted to leave this hellish place quickly.

One step back.

Dolly froze.

When did there be a wall behind me?

If he were an experienced warrior, he would have ignored him and shot behind him.

It's a pity that Dolly is just a weakling.

He turned his head stiffly, only to find a cold, pale mask full of holes, looking down at him.

next moment.

Dolly's head was confused, and he collapsed softly on the cold wooden floor.

Looking at the unconscious Dolly.

Brian bent down, pulled his feet, and walked towards Thirteen: "Why did you stop him?"

Thirteen, who originally wanted to take credit, stopped wagging his cheerful tail: "Wangwang~ (He wants to run~)"

Brian glared at it and prepared to go back and teach it what it meant to be obscene and obscene!

Such a small one, if Dolly was shot and killed, would he have to die sadly?

This bitch has learned nothing about the essence of his body!

It's after eight o'clock in the evening.

I'll have a day off tomorrow too.

It’s a long night and there’s still plenty of time.

Brian found the tool room, hummed a tune, and built a cross for Dolly on the spot, then nailed him to it. He took out the gasoline barrel he found and poured gasoline around it.

Finish all this.

Dolly hasn't woken up yet.

Brian scratched his head helplessly: "Every aspect of his body is about twice as strong as before. Although he has physical control, he has not made simple adaptations, so his attacks are still a bit heavier."

He was not in a hurry, so he simply carried a shovel and dug a fire isolation belt around the building.

Set fire to the mountain and sit on the bottom of the prison.

As a good law-abiding citizen of Los Angeles, Brian still has some integrity.

More than an hour later.

Brian, who had finished at least ten people by himself, a day or two's work, lit the building in front of him on fire, then sat in front of Dolly, the Jesus cross ornament, and looked at Thirteen's teeth.

"Hey~ Thirteen, where are your big tusks?"

Brian looked at Thirteen's canine teeth and said strangely.


Thirteen's mouth was grabbed and he couldn't make a complete sound, so he had to look at Brian resentfully and control his hidden teeth to stick out little by little.

Brian then discovered that there was a pair of thin teeth, or blades, hidden on the sides of all Thirteen's canine teeth.

This layer of tooth blades is light, thin and sharp, just like two undercuts. The remaining tooth blades, which are not long, are like blades. When one bites it, there is a smooth missing concave plane.

No wonder Dolly was caught off guard and was immediately disarmed.

Brian let go of Thirteen: "When did you grow?"

Thirteen retracted his hidden teeth and licked his nose: "Wangwangwang~ (I don't remember, I can only control it recently~)"

"Was it there before I injected you with those reagents?"

"Wang~ (yes)"


Brian was a little surprised.

When Thirteen met him, he was only about a month old. He was skinny and staggered when he walked, but he was very spiritual, but for sure, he was not an aberrant beast.

You know it if you think about it.

After the deformation, most diseases originating from the body, even cancer, will be cured automatically as long as the limbs are not mutilated.

If Thirteen had been a deformed beast at that time, he would not have been dying of parvo.

The problem lies with Laura, the female veterinarian.

What did this girl inject into Thirteen at that time?

Brian suddenly thought of the few reagents he found after the last time he killed the FBI hunting team.

For safety reasons.

He scattered and hid the reagents in several hidden places.

It seems that after solving the situation here, I have to find an opportunity to retrieve those reagents, and then use physical control and supercomputer perception to experiment with the effects of those reagents.

When one person and one dog communicate harmoniously.

Wooden houses burn vigorously with the help of gasoline.

Dolly, who was crucified on the cross, woke up bit by bit from the intensely rising high temperature.

He groaned in pain, and it wasn't until more than ten seconds that he finally regained consciousness.

heard movement.

Brian walked up to Dolly, looked up at the guard who had deceived and used him, took off his mask, and said with a smile: "Mr. Dolly, do you feel good about being the boss?"


Dolly let out a weak exclamation, followed by despair.

He thought of his previously self-righteous coping methods, and suddenly felt as childish as a child.

I am still playing the trick of drugging and threatening.

Others have already started killing people and setting fires.

"This is a misunderstanding." Dolly felt that he could still save something.

"Don't talk about this." Brian took out a knife, cut all his clothes off, and threw them into the fire behind him.

He jumped off the high platform, stayed away from the heat, looked at it for a moment, and then nodded with satisfaction:

“Dolly, do you know about baking?

Roast at high temperature and close range, and then use the fat in the food to cook the inside bit by bit. The fat is squeezed to the surface by the tight barbecue. It is buttery and fragrant, without firewood or oil, and can retain the original texture of the meat. Delicious..”


After Dolly lost the cover of his clothes, he felt the burning pain behind him. Listening to Brian's detailed and slow description, he was frightened to death just by thinking about it.

He trembled and begged for mercy: "Don't do this, please, don't do this, this is too inhumane, just kill me, please, just kill me!"


Brian interrupted Dolly's plea for mercy: "While there is still time, briefly talk about your previous plan."

Under Dolly's urgent and frightening description, Brian finally knew the truth of the matter.

In fact, it’s the same as before.

The only problem is that Dolly is not the so-called well-intentioned guard, but the assistant to the person in charge of the pig farm.

He knew every guard and every 'piggy' here, so after knowing the tragedy of the victim Soraya, he comforted them while designing this escape plan.

The only problem is.

He originally waited for Soraya to escape, then used her identity to call the police, and then looked for an opportunity to kill his boss.

In the end, he didn't expect that the person Soraya hired to pick her up was so unreliable. Even if he stole the car, he directly hit Soraya to death. In desperation, he returned to the small town without telling the boss above. town, wait for the arrival of the urban police, and then take the initiative to guide.

Green, the black man, was so immature that Dolly could easily see through his identity.

This is the story behind it.

What surprised Dolly even more was that he didn't expect Brian, a pretty boy, to be so awesome that he would fuck up his boss, Bieber, and take him home without giving any face to the big boss behind him.

"This easter egg is so dry."

Brian shook his head in disappointment: "I'm sorry, Dolly. I'm a very principled person. You can't please me, so I can only say sorry."


He whistled at Thirteen.

One person and one dog, under the reflection of the fierce flames, drifted away.

Behind him, Dolly's shrill and resentful voice continued: "I curse you, you."

But soon, he ran out of energy.

Under the continuous high-temperature baking, blisters appeared on the skin on Dolly's back. Under the stinging pain, Dolly's consciousness gradually fell into a trance, as if he heard the sound of oil sizzling.

He suddenly remembered Brian's detailed description before.

Oh, what an image.

Half an hour later.

Brian reappears on the dais.

before leaving.

One is fishing, to see if any unlucky souls have seen the movement and come over stupidly.

If there was, he would detonate a simple bomb under Dory's feet to avoid the bloody plot of the person dying and revealing his identity.

The second is for experimentation.

He wanted to try to see if Dolly would give birth to an obsession ball.

Brian was not disappointed.

Two small light red balls slowly condensed in front of Dolly's somewhat dehydrated body.

"Ordinary people can actually have twin obsessions. Dolly, you are indeed a greedy guy."

Brian muttered, stretched out his hand, and crushed the two obsession balls in front of Dolly:

Obsession 1: Burn this beast Brian to death!

Gift: 3 points of gift energy.

Obsession 2: Burn Mrs. Gilman, the bitch that killed me!

Gift: 3 points of gift energy.

After reading Obsession and Gifts.

Brian curled his lips.

This piece of shit gives so little and demands so much. It’s so calculated and shoddy. It’s such a shoddy list.

The first obsession is to have Brian burn himself to death.

Needless to say, this order was rejected directly.

Obsession two.

Brian nodded and chose to accept.

Three points of gift energy were better than nothing, but he was also very unhappy with Soraya's scumbag mother. He didn't move before just because he lacked the environment and reason to take action.

Now Dolly gave him the reason.

Back in the city, Brian, who had changed his appearance, came to the garage of a safe house, skillfully replaced new tires on his second-hand car, and returned to the apartment.

I helped Thirteen take a bath and prepared a pile of meat.

Brian put on new clothes and transformed into a tall, thin man like a bamboo pole. He went out and dug out the trophies he had buried before.

This is a small lead box.

With lead box.

Brian came to the homeless gathering place, found an open space, and opened the lead box.

Inside the box are several thin and short metal syringes.

There are some letters engraved by laser on the surface of the syringe, but without redundant instructions, it is difficult for outsiders to determine the contents of the syringe through the letters.

But this didn't matter to Brian.

He took out one directly and stuck it on his wrist.

The injection port was very unique. Seven or eight tiny injection channels popped up and easily penetrated Brian's skin, which was as tough as cowhide.

Brian felt almost no pain during the entire process.

“So advanced”

Brian closed his eyes and felt the changes as the reagent entered his body.

After the unknown liquid enters the body, it immediately integrates into the surrounding cells and tissues.

Those tissues seemed to be stimulated and moved a few times, but it was not obvious.

Brian opened his eyes in disappointment.

This is a therapeutic agent, and it is the kind of therapeutic agent that forcibly stimulates cell activity and accelerates healing. This will cause cells to continue to divide and shorten the life of the injected person.

To outsiders, it was valuable and could save lives at critical moments, but to Brian, it was just tasteless and still hid risks.

Brian directly injected all the reagents into his body, and then thought about it.

The liquid was squeezed out again and blended into the soil in front of Brian.

Throwing the used syringe back into the box, Brian picked up the second one

Go down one root at a time.

Among them are explosive reagents similar to adrenaline, desperate reagents similar to temporary enhancement that stimulate cells to release a large amount of kinetic energy, and special reagents similar to temporary BUFF to enhance the function of local areas.

However, these reagents all come at the cost of damaging the body.

Sure enough, there are no good things for cannon fodder that have no side effects!

Brian picked up the last reagent syringe in frustration.

The shape of this reagent syringe is slightly different from the others.

This is why Brian put it last.

The reagent enters the body.

Brian's eyes shot open.

He seems to know what female veterinarian Laura injected into Thirteen!

Brian quickly pressed the syringe to the bottom and stored all the unknown liquid in his body. Then he cleaned up the scene, found a random location, buried the lead box filled with empty syringes into the soil, and disappeared from the scene.

He wanted to go back and find Shisan to verify his conjecture.

More than ten minutes later.

Two men wearing sunglasses and exuding a cold aura appeared in the open space where Brian had previously experimented.

One of them twitched his nose twice and shook his head: "I smelled the smell of reagents and a very faint smell of lavender, but I didn't smell the smell of biological existence."

Another person, not surprisingly:

"The cunning prey on the beach left no useful traces before. I am very curious about the other party's abilities. It has strong strength, stealth, and seems to have strong vision.

Even if the opponent is a first-level aberrant, his abilities are too complicated. "

The companion nodded: "This is why the headquarters sent us here."

Search for a moment.

Finding nothing, the two men took out a semi-elliptical ball and looked at the radar-like interface on it, only to find that the previous light spot had long since disappeared.

The missing syringes were hidden again.

"Let's go, as long as we make sure that the other party is still in Los Angeles, he won't be able to escape!"

The two left again.

the other side.

After returning to the apartment.

Brian disposed of his coat, and immediately came to Thirteen, who was full, lying lazily and snoring, and took out a syringe.

After squeezing the reagent liquid stored in his body into the syringe, he showed a kind smile to Thirteen

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