You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 143 Letter from Uncle's Friend (Additional chapter 12 for the leader of 'Glorious

If Thirteen realized something, he lazily opened the innocent eyes of Kazilan.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

When it reacted, the needle in Brian's hand had already sunk into Thirteen's little PP!


"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt, I'll do it quickly."

Brian held Thirteen down and slowly injected the liquid in the syringe into Thirteen's body.

He tried.

If you take a small amount of this stuff, it won't have any side effects.

If there is a problem, he also has a therapeutic injection reagent on his hand to protect Shisan's life.

After injecting about 1ml of reagent.

Brian looked at Thirteen nervously: "How do you feel?"

"Wangwang~ (Itchy, numb, and want to sleep~)"

With thirteen big dog mouths, he couldn't help but yawned, put his head on his little paws again, and started snoring.

Seeing this, Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

He re-tested Shisan's vital signs, and after confirming that the other party's vital signs were stable, he injected all the remaining reagents.


Brian fixed the portable home heart rate monitor on Thirteen's body, sat aside, took out a deck of cards, and exercised his ability to memorize cards out of boredom.

After breaking the limit once.

His vitality became very strong.

An ordinary small wound, if you don't deliberately control the healing speed, can basically heal in just a few hours, which is three to four times better than ordinary people.

The same goes for sleep.

Until three or four o'clock in the morning the next day, Brian didn't feel any sleepiness at all. He was still energetic and full of energy.

It's about five o'clock in the morning.

Thirteen finally opened his eyes in a daze.

It stretched, shook off the equipment on its body, and ran into the toilet.

After a while, after flushing the water.

Thirteen returned to the living room again and said to Brian: "Wangwangwang~ (Big dog, hungry~)"

Brian shook his little hand, and an ordinary poker flew seven or eight meters away and landed on a dart target that was densely packed with pokers.

Clear your hand of cards.

Only then was Brian contentedly grabbing Thirteen and checking it inside and out.

how to say.

Apart from feeling that Thirteen's eyes were brighter, he didn't notice any other changes.

"Thirteen, besides being hungry, how else do you feel?"

Thirteen shook his head: "Wang~(hungry~)"

"Could it be that this kind of reagent requires energy and time to work?"

Brian put Thirteen down and started cooking.

After finishing five kilograms of high-protein beef, more than a kilogram of vegetable salad, and half a kilogram of carbohydrates in one go, Brian put down his utensils when he was seventy percent full and looked at Thirteen next to him.

Only today did he notice Shisan's special way of eating.

Generally, dogs tend to tear when eating. It is difficult for them to chew repeatedly like humans.

Thirteen is different.

The beef is very tough and does not require a knife or fork. When you take one bite, there will be a gap. Then follow Brian's example, chew it twice and swallow it.

One kilogram of steak can disappear in its small mouth in just ten seconds.

Thirteen's appetite before was almost half a steak.

Now he has eaten a large piece, weighing two kilograms, and Thirteen is still eating. His small belly is as full as a small water bag and still does not stop.

"Thirteen, are you sure you can still eat it?"

Brian couldn't help but asked.

Thirteen stopped eating and nodded: "Wang~ (hungry~)"

"Stop eating it!"

Brian took away the plate and directly injected the remaining therapeutic reagent in his hand into Thirteen's body.

If you eat any more, Shisan’s stomach will burst!

He felt that Thirteen was lacking energy now, so he felt hungry all the time.

Simply eating, supplementing and converting energy is too inefficient.

As the liquid accompanying the treatment reagent entered the body, Thirteen let out a comfortable hum, feeling like he was suddenly satisfied after being hungry for many days.


Thirteen's big eyes became brighter and brighter, full of surprise: "Wangwangwang~ (Big dog, he's not hungry anymore, he still has some energy~)"


It walked towards the garbage basket with its short legs and swaying bulging belly.

Looking at its figure, Brian touched his chin.

Really hammered!

The medicine that the female veterinarian injected into Thirteen was a mutant lycanthropy agent!

To be precise, it is a more complete and safer mutant animalization reagent.

After this thing acts on the body, it contains some special substances that can change the DNA structure of the organism and also treat and repair the body.

This can effectively solve the probability of gene collapse after injection.

To a certain extent, this thing is equivalent to a special therapeutic reagent, but it will have some sequelae, such as the emergence of some special animal transformation abilities or characteristics.

Consider Laura's status as Secret Service cannon fodder.

This can be said in the past.

Good thing, the FBI can't really give these specially trained cannon fodder.

But for Laura, this is definitely a precious thing, otherwise the team of more than 20 people would not only find a few reagent syringes on them.

"For the sake of men's lust and life-saving things, if they say they are for dogs, then they are for dogs."


He suddenly understood why Laura, the female veterinarian, used veterinary drugs to squeeze herself.


Fortunately, the other party suddenly went on a mission later.

Otherwise, Brian suspected that he would have been exposed.

According to Laura's thirsty look, she may not be able to do it, but once she uses the gifted energy to restore her body, her special characteristics will be exposed. If she doesn't use it, she will be drained alive.

She already had a way to die.

Bai Blind killed the shapeshifter and Scarecrow himself, and by chance, he helped her get revenge.

After Thirteen finished vomiting, Pidianpidian ran to Brian and rubbed his feet: "Wangwangwang~ (Big dog, I seem to think of things faster~)"

"Any other feelings?"

"The paws are itchy too~"

Brian nodded: "Fortunately, these are all benign changes. I just don't know if it's because of your special constitution or what."

If this reagent is so miraculous for all animals, it is impossible for those R\u0026D personnel not to know about it. After all, biological experiments usually start with mice and gorillas.

So Thirteen should be a special case.

It's a pity that although he studied biology in college, it was only some basic introductory knowledge. Later, he was dragged to join the Forensic Bureau and did not continue to study in depth. Otherwise, Brian would really have the urge to carry out scientific research on Thirteen. .

He somewhat understood why there were so many Frankensteins in the movie.

It is really difficult for humans to restrain the urge to explore the unknown.

Thirteen's perception is very keen.

It felt that the big dog looked at it in a strange way, which made it feel uncomfortable.


Thirteen whispered, like a child who is afraid of his parents.

Brian woke up with a start.

He was very ashamed.

Thirteen is still a child, he actually has such thoughts!

No matter what.

I have to wait until I have learned more advanced knowledge on my own, and when Thirteen is older, I can draw blood and conduct research!

Out of guilt.

In addition to calling Old Harden today and asking him to help pay attention to the progress of the case of the female corpse in the tree, Brian spent the rest of the time playing outside with Thirteen.

Thirteen is very happy.

Today it not only went to a place called an amusement park and played many games with the big dog, but also grabbed a lot of territory and gained many new little brothers.

Big dogs are great.

Always stay with the big dogs!

Rested for two days.

On Friday, Brian took Shisan, who was wearing a police dog tag, to the B6 team office and clocked in to work.

Yes, thirteen also has to clock in.

Everyone came quite early today.

It can be seen that after two days of rest, except for Ivan, Glenn, and Brian's younger brother Green, everyone else is in good condition.

Old Harden saw Glenn with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and gloated: "Oh, oh, Glenn, did you sleep with someone else's girlfriend and then get beaten?"

Glenn glared at Old Harden and mocked: "I hope you can still be so happy when you collect the check before get off work, because if you don't apologize to me, I will call the girls one by one and ask them to come. Pick up the money."

The girls he was talking about were all strippers danced by immortals like Old Harden, a disrespectful fellow.

Those women opened their mouths, causing Old Harden to pay a lot of money.

Watching the two bickering, the others watched the excitement with a smile, and then discussed how to use the salary after they were paid.

The new members of the group are also looking forward to it.

The NW Operations Department has a bi-weekly salary system. Generally, when there are no scheduled holidays, salary checks are issued on Fridays of the second and fourth weeks and then signed and collected.

If there is a bonus, it will also be issued together with the check.

For those who spend a lot of money.

This distribution model is still very enjoyable, but it is easy to lose money.

This morning, still no cases.

It's not that security in Los Angeles has improved, but that the NW Operations Department has formed six more Team C teams, causing all the cases during this period to be diverted.

Otherwise, in such a big place, the number of vicious crimes has more than tripled, and the previous staffing has not stopped, and the manpower is completely insufficient.


If the frequency of cases does not decrease in the future, it is not impossible for a D team to appear again.

At noon.

Because his body's needs increased and his appetite increased, Brian took Thirteen with him and prepared to go out to eat alone.

When leaving the gate.

The new doorman, who had been here for a few days, suddenly stopped Brian: "Hey, Coroner Brian, here is a letter from you."


Brian lowered the window and asked in surprise: "Are you saying that someone sent me a letter, or that it was delivered here?"

Apart from his cousin Welfare who is far away from home, he only has close relationships with his colleagues in the B6 team. Who will send him a letter?

"I don't know. The letter was delivered after eleven o'clock."

The guard handed a tightly sealed yellow envelope to Brian: "You'll know after you open it."

Brian took the envelope: "Okay, thank you."

The envelope feels very thin.

Brian smelled it and found that there were a few traces of biological residues remaining on it, belonging to different people, but they were very light, and there were no special harmful substances in the envelope.

This is the main entrance, not suitable for reading letters.

Brian put the letter away and drove to the restaurant.

Half an hour later.

After eating and drinking, Brian took Thirteen back to the car and opened the envelope.

Inside the envelope was a simple folded white paper.

Brian let Thirteen smell it, and after making sure there was no special smell, he put on gloves and opened the white paper.

What caught his eye was a line of handwritten words:

I am glad that Beast has such an excellent junior like you.

Oh, by the way, Beast is Billy's code name in the organization.

You can call me tough guy.

If you need help, you can come to No. 372 Minglai Street, Daddy's Grocery Store to find me.


Billy's friend: tough guy

Keep the letter.

Brian's expression was uncertain.

Uncle Billy said in the relic letter that someone would come to find him.

He had been prepared for this, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.


Brian sighed.

Even if his uncle died, he arranged himself properly and forced himself to go in the direction he wanted. It was really annoying!

It was a pity that Billy misjudged Brian's growth rate, and he didn't know how abnormal his awakening ability was.

Whether to take this path or not.

Now it depends on Brian's mood.

The worst case scenario is to abandon the current identity and live with a new one.

"Just abandon the identity, I can't bear to leave Susan."

Brian shook his head: "Forget it, escaping can't solve the problem, let's go and see the situation first."

He took out his mobile phone, said hello to Green, said he would be back later, then turned the car around and rushed to the address on the letter.

At this time.

In the shabby grocery store, a skinny old man who was lying on a rocking chair, humming a little song, and leisurely enjoying the afternoon time suddenly stiffened.

He touched the hair on his head: "Strange, why do I feel cold?"

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