You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 144 A severely mentally ill old man

Minley Street is located east of downtown Los Angeles.

There are many gangsters, poor people, and gangsters here. They are either slums or ordinary old communities.

With less taxes paid, the police stations are sparsely distributed, and there are also fewer small bureaus similar to community security stations. As a result, there are not many patrol officers and the public security is average.

Most of the thefts, robberies and other cases are contributed here.

The Hollywood jurisdiction where the B6 team is located has a relatively better economy and fewer cases. Most of them are assigned cases located outside the city, or cases transferred from other nearby team jurisdictions.

If group B6 is assigned here, it will definitely not be able to cope with the few people in the group.

Brian's second-hand car fits perfectly into the environment here and is not eye-catching at all.

More than twenty minutes later.

He arrived at Minlay Street.

This is a dilapidated commercial street with little customer flow. What you see are shops selling clothes, children's clothing, cheap OEM industrial products, etc.

And there are quite a few Chinese restaurants here.

Brian even saw a fried rice shop.

“It seems there is a Chinese community nearby”

Brian, who was in an inexplicably better mood, quickened his pace.

More than ten meters behind him, there was a creamy-yellow Labrador puppy that looked cute and had an iron sign hanging on it. It looked like it was sniffing and wandering around, but in fact it was a pair of big dogs. His eyes scanned around Brian from time to time to see if anyone suspicious was observing Brian.

The puppy is exactly thirteen.

Its current mission is to serve as a sentinel.

After walking more than six hundred meters, Brian finally saw the signboard of 'Daddy's Grocery Store' at the end of the street.

But the grocery store doesn't seem to be open.

Brian took a deep breath.

A large amount of smell poured into the nasal cavity, and was then broken down and divided into cognitions, which emerged in his mind.

Doubt flashed in his eyes: Strange, why can't he smell the residual smell on the letter?

With doubts.

Brian stepped forward and knocked on the door.

After waiting for a long time, there was no response.

at this time.

An inconspicuous little old Chinese man next door was basking in the sun. He opened his eyes and said to Brian: "This place is closed today."

The old man looked dry, thin and small, with messy hair on his head and a somewhat slovenly look. There were two rat whiskers on both sides of his cheeks, giving him the impression of a large rat.

He is still the kind of big rat that will run away at the slightest sign of trouble.

Brian looked at the old man for a while, then tilted his head and whispered in Chinese: "Macho man?"

Super computer perception + eagle vision.

He had long discovered that this old man had been secretly looking at him since he got close.

It's the image of the other party that really doesn't match the image of a macho man.

That's why Brian's tone was uncertain.


The old man couldn't pretend any longer: "You bastard, you're yelling, come with me!"

After saying that, he walked on his short legs and disappeared into the alley behind him.

Brian waved his hand towards Thirteen behind him, signaling him not to follow him, and then followed him into the alley behind the building.

Go through the alley.

The old man came to the door of a unit and waved to Brian.

Now that Brian's strength has greatly increased, and there are many tall and short buildings around him, he is not afraid of ordinary light firepower and follows directly without much scruples.

The two of them arrived at a dilapidated apartment on the sixth floor, and the old man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Find a place to sit and I'll talk to you later."

After saying that, the old man walked to the TV in the living room and turned on the TV.

The screen turned on, and the picture turned out to be the six surveillance cameras of the grocery store.


Seeing that the old man didn't seem to be malicious, he couldn't help but said: "Are you in trouble now?"

"Hey." The old man sat on the sofa and hammered his waist: "I don't know why, but after eating, I felt chilly on my body, as if there was an air conditioner blowing on me."

As he said that, he rubbed his dry palms and stood up uneasily: "It's strange. Why does it feel colder than before? It's bad. Someone must be eyeing me."


With a thought in his mind, he lowered his heart rate and so on to the lowest level, restrained all the leaked breath, and softened his gaze towards the old man.


The old man who had just stood up made a surprised sound: "Why isn't it cold again?"

"What a keen sense!"

Brian was amazed in his heart.

He has realized that the old man in front of him is definitely a deformed person, a perceptual deformed person.

The other party actually sensed his murderous intention after receiving his letter.


This was the first time Brian had seen a distortion ability similar to his own rules.

In order not to let the old man doubt himself.

Brian struck first and frowned: "If you need it, I can introduce you to a good psychiatrist."

The old man rolled his eyes: "Stop pretending. Since I wrote you a letter, I know something about you. I just didn't expect that you speak Chinese so well that you are worthy of the one-eighth Chinese blood in you."

Seeing this, Brian sat down near the door: "Well, after all, my uncle's identity is quite sensitive, and I work in the government department. By the way, where is he now? I haven't contacted my uncle for a long time."


The old man sighed: "I have an agreement with him to contact you once a month. If we lose contact, we will contact you. After he encountered the second radiation, he was close to losing control. If he doesn't contact me, just treat him as dead." "

Brian's eyes narrowed: "So you just sent the letter directly to my place of work?"

"I've calculated that it'll be fine."

"Fortune telling?"

"Absolutely, I can feel some good and bad luck. I don't know if you can understand it. It's similar to the legendary witch's crystal ball here, which can sense whether there is danger.

I added my address and nickname to the letter.

If you will be in danger, it means that I will be in danger, and I will definitely not do this. "

The old man said proudly.


Brian sincerely praised!

He actually has this ability!

He didn't expect the old man to be so honest.

The other party actually has a rare deformed ability that is different from the physical body!

Brian's eyes when he looked at the old man suddenly changed: "Um, do you have any obsessions?"

"Ah?" The old man looked at Brian strangely: "What obsession?"

He touched his arm.

Why do you feel cold again?

Which bastard is it that keeps trying to steal my attention!

The old man looked at Brian suspiciously: "By the way, you're not a deformed person now, are you?"

Brian quickly suppressed the greed in his heart and shook his head: "No, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to pass the review of the NW Operations Department."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief and rambled:

"It's okay if it's not. The aberrations all have today and no tomorrow, and they may lose control at any time and hurt the people around them. You are not, that's good.

Your uncle is a lunatic, always trying to artificially give birth to a powerful aberration.

I can't even see it.

Since you are fine now, stay in the NW in the future, redeem some strengthening reagents when you have the chance, live a long life and give birth to a lot of cubs, that is better than anything else. "

Listening to the old man's nagging and concern, if the other party hadn't just revealed his abnormal ability, Brian would have almost thought that the dry old man in front of him, less than 1.6 meters tall, was just an ordinary lonely old man.

He couldn't help but asked curiously: "Then how do you always become a deformed person?"

The old man was really calm: "Me? I am severely mentally ill. I went crazy studying the "Book of Changes". If it weren't for the bloody moon, I would have died in a mental hospital long ago."


This old man is very candid.

See him and say nothing.

The old man thought he had scared Brian, so he hurriedly explained: "Don't worry, I have never killed anyone. Even if I get sick, it will just be my fault and I won't hurt anyone."

"But didn't my uncle say that deformed people will be affected by the blood moon and continue to pursue their deepest desires?" Brian was even more puzzled.

Is the uncle still deceiving himself?

It doesn't make sense.

The old man nodded:

"That's right, my desire is the "Book of Changes", so when I get sick and chatter, my distortion will become more severe. The more severe the distortion, the more powerful my ability will be.

At first, I could only perceive the vague maliciousness around me, and then I could gradually sense the maliciousness far away.

But it makes me sad.

Because although I could feel the malice, I had no idea where the danger came from.

It made me suspicious all day long, and I became less and less courageous. "

Brian nodded, seeing it.

As the saying goes, the face comes from the heart. Although it is not necessarily accurate, it is somewhat true.

The old man didn't seem very courageous, so he was nicknamed "Macho Man".

With such a stubborn attitude, coupled with the ability to predict good and bad luck, it is no wonder that he is still alive today.

Brian really wanted the old man's ability!

He licked his lips: "Your old Gui Geng?"

The old man rolled his eyes: "Why do you speak more politely than me? My surname is Meng. Just call me Old Man Meng. I am 67 this year."

"Don't smoke, fierce old man."

Brian clumsily took out a pack of cigarettes.

He really wanted this ability.

The aberrants have a high explosion rate.

The only problem is that Brian takes action himself, which may lead to the fierce old man's obsession with killing himself, and he is not hostile to him, which is somewhat inappropriate.

So he planned to build a good relationship first.

Wait until the old man is no longer able to do it, and then come over to see him off.

"Not bad, not bad. He knows how to respect the old and love the young." Old Meng took the cigarette and looked for a lighter. Brian's lighter came over, which was so considerate.


The fierce old man seemed to be a long-time smoker, and his posture was skillful. He took one puff, and half of the cigarette was gone. The smoke puffed out from his mouth and nose, condensing and not dissipating, like some kind of breathing method, and like a fairy figure. , but it really makes him look a bit immortal.

"Awesome, Uncle Meng, how did you do this?"

Brian didn't expect that the old man actually had such a hand.

He has such a large lung capacity and can control every part of his body in minute ways, but no one can do this!

The old man smiled and said nothing, without explanation.

Seeing this, Brian stopped asking further.

Chatted for a few more words.

Brian unceremoniously took out a stack of pamphlets from his pocket:

"Uncle Meng, since you are my uncle's friend, you are my elder!

I came in a hurry and didn’t bring any gifts. These are high-quality things that I have collected part-time in the past few years. You keep them. When you get lonely at night, just ask a few foreign women to come over and warm your bed. The cost is mine. ! "

"Foreign woman?"

The old man Meng's throat twitched twice: "I'm so old, wouldn't it be inappropriate?"

"Ouch!" Brian waved his hand: "A man will be a boy until he dies, what's inappropriate? Besides, there is no shortage of money, who would do this? Uncle Meng, you are doing good deeds!"

"Oh well."

The old man grumbled and accepted the brochure and Brian's bank check, and said a little embarrassedly: "You kid, you come here when you come, and you bring things with you. I don't know if I, an old man, can handle it."

"What's the point, Uncle Meng, do you want some wine? I'll bring you some some other time?"

Brian had never been so attentive to his own father.

From eating, drinking and prostitution, the only thing left to do was arrange gambling for this 67-year-old man.

However, he didn't want to rely on this to kill the old man, but he had already smelled the bad cigarettes and prostitute perfume on the fierce old man. Generally, the physical activity of aberrations was not smoking D or the like, and they were not taboo about these.

Brian simply saw that the old man Meng was having some financial difficulties and wanted to build a good relationship with him.

The old man Meng shook his head decisively: "Forget it, you should drink less. Drinking will harm your body and brain. If you encounter danger, you won't be able to react in time. You won't be able to run away by then."

Listen to the old man's concerned words.

Brian felt a little ashamed.

Mud, in order to build relationships, he actually used food, drink and whoring to corrupt such an old man. He is really not a human being.

His conscience found out: "Uncle Meng, those foreign women are sucking bones and marrow, please take it easy."

The old man blew out a puff of smoke and smiled: "Just smoke it. I'm getting older. Do you think I didn't want to enjoy it before? It's not that I don't have money. If I live a good life, it won't be a loss if I live ten years less."


He took out his business card: "Here, write the number on the phone and note the aberrant person. If you are in danger, it means that the phone will fall into the hands of others, and I will sense the danger. I will call you when the time comes. "

"Can this still happen?"

Brian's eyes widened.

Damn it, this uncle didn’t recognize him in vain!

The fierce old man chuckled:

“It works, but it’s not accurate.

There are still some old immortals who know who I am.

He didn’t know what I looked like or my race, so he could only talk about it every day, causing me to fidget from time to time.

But if you are going to do something dangerous, you can tell me in advance.

If I feel it, I can give you a reference. "

Deformed for so many years.

He has already made full use of his abilities.

Brian gave a thumbs up: "Awesome, Uncle Meng!"

This time, his call was genuine.

The fierce old man was not very happy:

"I actually arranged this for your uncle. Before he disappeared, I warned him of the danger, but he didn't listen. He said you were not living up to expectations and wanted to prepare something for you.

If you ask me, he is more neurotic than me.

Later I thought that he was going to lose control anyway, so I stopped trying to persuade him. "

Brian was silent for a moment and then said: "So my uncle hopes that you can always take care of me?"

He did not ask the old man Meng about who the unknown person that his uncle said would come to him was.

There may be a pitfall here.

Brian wasn't sure how much the old man knew about his uncle Billy's relationship.

Too many words lead to mistakes.

If the old man doesn't mention it, he won't say it.

Hearing Brian's question, the old man Meng shook his head:

"No, Billy saved my life before, so I promised to do something for him.

He asked me to vouch for you after he disappears or something happens, and pull you into the organization behind us. "


The fierce old man nodded:

“An organization full of lunatics and dreaming all day long.

Since you are not a pervert, don't understand it.

Your uncle is also a psycho!

I asked him, what if you didn't become a deformed person, but he told me not to worry about it, saying that he would know when the time comes. He didn't know anything, and I don't know where he got the confidence. "


This relieved Brian.

It seems that the fierce old man does not know his uncle's arrangement, otherwise he must know that if he cannot become a deformed person, his uncle will not tell him what will happen next. If he does not tell him, the high-explosive bomb hidden in his apartment will be solved. In Billy's eyes, he is a defective product.

To some extent.

The old man was right, Billy was indeed a psychopath who was paranoid about himself.

"Okay, don't think too much. It doesn't matter if your uncle is dead. Brian, you are still young and a good boy. Live your life well. If you have anything, come to me. If I can help, I will help."

The fierce old man comforted.

He knew what Billy had done to the kid.

This time I sent a letter suddenly because I wanted to help as much as I could.

Anyway, he can predict the good and bad things related to himself.

If Brian had malicious intentions, his perception would be so strong that he would run away at all costs.

Brian did have some malice before, but he was more prepared to see the situation before deciding his own attitude, which was Schrödinger's malice.

This is also the reason why the fierce old man did not realize that the source of the malice was Brian, and mistakenly thought that another old man was talking about him.

Brian actually really wanted to know what the organization the old man was talking about was, but in order not to arouse the other party's suspicion, he gave up.

He suddenly thought of his limit-breaking state, and the perverted aberration called 'Dragon' that Old Harden had mentioned before.

Meng Laotou has lived to such an old age, and he belongs to the same mysterious organization as his uncle. Maybe he knows something.

Thinking of this.

Brian sighed and said, "I also want to live a good life. The problem is that my uncle asked me to join the current NW organization. I thought it was a police organization at first, but later I knew the dangers inside."


He told about the encounter with the mutant beast in the forest park before.

Of course, in his mouth, he became a soy sauce scoundrel, and the main force became his team leader Susan.

Brian wanted to try to get some deeper secrets and truths of this world from Meng Laotou!

He has always been curious about what the blood moon is.

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