You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 145 Secret: Distortion Level 5, Case Request

"Deformed beast?"

The old man obviously knew about this thing and took a breath of cold air.

He pointed at Brian and said, "You are so lucky. The weakest of that thing is comparable to a reborn level deformer. It is truly inhuman and very scary."

"Reborn level?"

Brian was delighted.

Since 1942, there has indeed been a deeper level of research on deformers, not as simple as the low, medium and high pollution levels in the free information of the NW organization.

Seeing that Brian seemed quite interested, the old man nodded and explained in detail:

"The internal deformed circle of China divides the deformed level into five levels: flesh evil, rebirth, mortal transformation, foundation building, and land immortal.

These five levels are not divided according to combat ability, but five stages of deformation.

As for whether there are more above, it is not clear.

In our organization, the strongest has only reached the fourth stage of foundation building, and must rely on sleeping to resist the risk of losing control.

As far as I know, among the known deformed people in the world, only 'Long' has reached the land immortal realm, and this realm is also added for him.

It's a pity that 'Long' was surrounded and killed by the army here as soon as he appeared in the world, and I haven't heard from him since then."

Speaking of 'Long', regret flashed in the eyes of the old man Meng.

The other party is also Chinese, and a pioneer among the deformed.

If he hadn't disappeared, he might have established a sect and opened a new path for these deformed people who can only hide.

Brian memorized the names of the five realms and asked:

"How do you distinguish the levels of the deformed?

The NW organization does have some information, but they seem to have only divided the deformed into three levels of low pollution, medium pollution and high pollution according to the concentration of the deformed."

The fierce old man glared at Brian and said, "Why do you keep asking these questions, kid? Generally, the deformed who can reach the rebirth realm have found their own way. They are afraid of losing control and will live away from the crowd. The probability of you meeting them is not high."

"Tell me about it, just to broaden your horizons."

Brian is very thick-skinned, how could he back down? He served him another cigarette.

"Hey, hey, you kid." The old man glanced at the bank check in his hand, and his tone softened: "Okay, I'll just tell you briefly, you dare not reveal it, these are the secrets of the inner circle of Chinese deformers, if it is leaked out, we will all be killed by those old immortals."

Bang bang bang~

Brian patted his chest loudly: "Uncle, my mouth is nothing but tight!"


The old man exhaled a puff of smoke, thought for a moment, and then slowly said:

"In the research of deformers, there are only two countries that are on the right track.

One is our Chinese deformer circle.

The other is the ascetic circle over there in India.

The deformers in other countries, Either they grow wildly, or they take the route of religious belief, hypnosis and brainwashing themselves.

As for the NW organization you are in, and other similar organizations that use deformers as research consumables, they only treat deformers as materials, and the research only stays on the surface, which is completely off the track.

For example, what degree of pollution you mentioned.

This is not the level of distortion, but the level of research materials.

Most perverts and psychopaths have higher mental strength than others, and the more blood moon radiance they fuse, the more serious the pollution, and the greater the potential.

This is potential, a shitty level!

It will not be developed.

Or the ability of the distortion is not good.

Even if it is a highly polluted deformer, it will still be shot to death. "

After saying that.

As if thinking of some unpleasant memories, a shadow of a blood moon flashed in the eyes of the fierce old man.

He sighed:

"Forget it, let's not talk about this.

In fact, every country, those violent organizations, also divide the degree of harm to the deformed people into levels.

In Europe and North America, they like to divide them into levels such as level 1 and level 2.

Their judgment is simple and rough.

For example, a deformed person who can cause the death and injury of hundreds of armed civilians is a level 1 deformed person, and a thousand is a level 2. They have special evaluation standards, and I am not very clear about the details.

As for China's level 5, it is divided according to the stage of transformation.

The judgment is a bit idealistic."


The old man nodded:

"The ability of the deformed person is originally formed by idealism + the radiation power of the blood moon.

Brian, I don't know how much you know about China.

In fact, among the earliest deformed people in China, in addition to those who are really perverted, there is also a Some people like me who study ancient culture, practice methods, and even dream of cultivating immortals.

At the beginning.

After discovering the changes in their bodies, those people thought that it was the revival of spiritual energy, so they practiced hard.

But the effect was not good.

Until a high-level deformed person in the official Chinese religion, he was well-informed and knew the blood moon radiation power contained in each deformed person.

So, the unique practice method and realm division in our Chinese circle also appeared.

They regarded the degree of integration of the blood moon radiation power as a realm.

For example, the flesh evil realm is like your uncle. Maybe because of the distortion ability, your uncle has strong combat power, but he cannot sense the blood moon radiation power in his body, so he can only be regarded as the flesh evil realm.

His distortion ability has not undergone a second transformation.

The rebirth realm is a rebirth.

This is also the watershed of the deformed.

I have said it before.

When the deformed follow their inner desires, the degree of deformation will grow rapidly, and the hidden blood moon radiation power in their bodies will become more active.

At this time, if the deformed can maintain their sanity and guide the active blood moon energy into the body, it will trigger the transformation of the body and form a special life magnetic field outside the body.

The deformed ability of the deformed will also undergo a secondary transformation and strengthening in this process, becoming more powerful.

The reason why the deformed beasts are so terrifying is that the beasts that can be deformed not only have enough spirituality, but also the simplicity of beasts.

Their deformation ability is born for fighting, which is powerful. In addition, as long as they hunt and reproduce, they can fit their hearts, naturally integrate the radiation energy of the blood moon, and complete the evolution of the deformation ability again.

So those deformed beasts are monsters born for fighting.

No matter which country, as long as they are found, they will be killed. "

Brian listened with great interest.

It is worthy of our great China.

Even the deformed can rely on the strong cultural heritage to form a systematic realm division, paving the way for later generations and reducing the risk of losing control.

But he still has a doubt: "Uncle Meng, if the deformed are not guided to integrate into the body when the blood moon radiation energy is active, will they always be at the level of flesh and blood?"

Old man Meng nodded:


In the theory of our ancestors, the core of a person is the spirit, energy and spirit.

Essence is the body.

Qi is the blood.

Spirit is the strength of the spirit.

Essence, energy and spirit are a trinity.

With the increase of age, the curve of the essence and qi of a healthy person is constantly increasing, and then slowly decreasing after the age of thirty or forty.

This is also the natural law of life.

The strength of a person's spirit is also affected by the changes in this curve. "

Hearing this, Brian nodded.

This is a very simple truth.

For example, in his previous life, when he was a teenager, he went to the Internet cafe all night. After staying up all night, he still had the energy to go to class or do other things the next day. Later, when he got older, he couldn't recover from staying up all night for several days, and he was also sluggish.

The fierce old man continued to speak slowly:

"It is difficult for man to overcome nature.

The path of the deformed is to go against nature.

Every time the blood moon comes, it is equivalent to a heavenly calamity for the deformed.

Some deformed people in the flesh realm rely on hard training, self-hypnosis, or the use of some reagents developed by scientific means to survive, and may be able to maintain their sanity and survive for thirty years.

But in this process, their spirit, that is, mental strength and tolerance, are constantly declining!

Once the blood moon comes again.

These guys who have managed to survive for thirty years will be like your uncle. No matter how they struggle, they will still be corroded little by little and finally lose control. "

"Uncle Meng, you mean, if they can't guide the blood moon radiation energy and integrate it into their bodies, thirty years is their limit?"

Old Man Meng nodded:

"Yes, only by integrating all the original blood moon radiation energy into the body and reaching the rebirth realm can they have another thirty years.

The deformed people in the rebirth realm will not only evolve their deformation ability again, but also have new vitality in their bodies, and have enough space to accommodate the next blood moon radiation energy.

They can naturally last longer. "

Seeing that Old Man Meng accepted everyone and was so talkative.

Brian didn't care about the old man's doubts and continued to ask: "Then how can we actively guide the blood moon radiation energy to merge into the body and become a rebirth?"

Old Man Meng spread his hands:

"Follow your heart.

For example, I got sick and naturally reached this realm.

And those deformed beasts, they are simple-minded, and they can transform in a few days after being deformed.

The problem is that it is easier said than done.

Many deformed people are complicated and twisted in mind.

The gap is hard to fill!

Most of them lost control because of insanity before the blood moon radiated energy and became active enough.

Either they kept suppressing themselves or used drugs to suppress themselves, which led to the fact that they could not reach the level of being able to sense the blood moon radiation energy until they died.

And your uncle is like this.

He is a foreigner, and he can join our organization because he is gifted. Not only is his deformed ability very strong, but his willpower is far beyond that of ordinary people at a young age. In addition, there is a guarantee from a senior, so the organization is willing to accept him.

As a result, this idiot has been brainwashed by his family since he was a child. He foolishly regards the strengthening of the shitty family as his spiritual anchor, and uses self-hypnosis to strengthen this anchor and stabilize his emotions.

This method of relying on the mind seems to be easy to use, but it is actually very risky.

North America has advanced technology. In order to prolong life reagents, those upper-level people, regardless of cost, have joined forces with the official to form organizations one by one, treating the deformed as cattle and sheep, and constantly harvesting them.

There is no environment for a family of deformed people to grow up here.

You have seen the result.

Before your uncle disappeared, he was stuck in the Transmigration Realm. In the end, he was still out of control despite the secondary radiation.

According to his potential and willpower, if he changes his selfish mind anchor point, he probably has a chance to reach the Transmigration Realm! ”


It turned out that it was because of his "non-cooperation" and concealing the fact that he had become a deformed person that caused Uncle Billy's spiritual anchor point to be damaged and began to lose control.

Brian felt no guilt for this.

Any normal person would not accept what his uncle did to him.

Billy's backlash was also retribution.

However, through the narration of the old man Meng, Brian also knew his own situation.

When he killed Billy, the blood moon radiation energy in his body reached the level of sufficient activity mentioned by the old man Meng. Later, he completely relied on completing his obsession, constantly absorbing spiritual crystals, strengthening his mental strength, and forcibly maintaining rationality to complete the process of blood moon fusion with his body.

So, Brian's real first transformation was at the Mexican border.

Later, his body transformed again.

It's all because he is a BUG. His ability to distort is to complete the obsession of the dead and harvest gifts, which makes him not only able to strengthen his body, absorb the spiritual crystals of the dead, but also devour the talents of the dead.

Brian's situation is too special. He can't completely compare it with the realm mentioned by the old man Meng. He can only use it as a reference.

"Uncle Meng, what about the third realm?"

Brian is unsatisfied and wants to know more.

The old man Meng rolled his eyes:

"Do you really think I know everything?

The third realm, mortal transformation, is a spiritual transformation, allowing the radiation energy of the blood moon to act on the spiritual consciousness and merge with each other.

This process is very dangerous and the mortality rate is very high.

Unfortunately, I am afraid of death.

I am sixty-seven years old this year. I am lucky to have reached the rebirth realm.

As long as I don't lose control, I can live until 2035.

By then, I will be more than a hundred years old. How many ordinary people can live to more than a hundred years old?

If you want to die, die. I have lived enough."


Brian thought of the spiritual crystals that he had merged after the gift of death.

The stronger the body, the more gift energy consumed for strengthening.

But mental strength may not be.

It is difficult to meet a deformed person, but there are many ordinary people.

Go to the hospital and other places more often to brush up your obsession, and accumulate little by little, which is also a way.

Say goodbye to the old man.

Brian left gratefully.

Some people, after more than ten years of getting along, are also all kinds of calculations.

Some people, when they meet for the first time, will get along comfortably and relaxed, and have a kind of intimacy at first sight.

The old man is undoubtedly such a person.

On the surface, he is not a deformed person, but an official staff.

According to the agreement, the old man could have ignored Brian, but he still chose to contact him and confessed his abilities, without worrying about being malicious and betrayed.

Although there is also the confidence of the old man in his deformed ability.

But this style of behavior and calm attitude still make Brian, who has encountered betrayal and calculations, feel very comfortable.

This old man can be dealt with.

Back to the parking lot.

Thirteen rushed out from the corner.

Brian looked at it.

Thirteen seconds to understand, shook the dog head: "Wangwang~ (Big dog, no one is following.)"

Brian nodded: "That's good, let's go, back to work."

Back to the office.

Ivan and Glenn are still busy with the previous dismemberment case.

They destroyed the factory of the Crips Gang, but it doesn't mean the case is over. Plus they still want to vent their anger, so they continue to run.

Brian doesn't bother to care.

Just don't keep it secret from me.

Out of boredom.

Brian took Green to the underground shooting range and taught him some pistol skills that he had learned.

It was a little after four o'clock in the afternoon.

Old Harden suddenly led a man to the shooting range.

He pulled Brian aside: "Brian, this is the leader of the C5 team. There is a difficult case. I hope you can help."

"C5, is the newly established C team?" Brian looked at the silent man in the distance in confusion, and wondered: "Shouldn't the case be allocated and adjusted by the reporting center? Why do you want to ask our team for help?"

Old Harden shrugged: "It's because you are famous. The C5 team is unlucky. They haven't completed the assessment case yet. Tomorrow afternoon is the last deadline. They can only do some tricks. And one of their team members happens to be my friend..."

"How much did you charge?"

"Ten thousand..." Old Harden reacted in time and said with a bitter face: "Fifty-five..."

"Nineteen! Nine for me!"

After that.

Brian ignored the bitter-faced Old Harden and walked towards the strange man.

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