You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 146 I have never seen such a cheap request (Additional chapter 13 for the leader of the &#03

"Hello, I'm Brian, coroner of Group B6."

Brian stretched out his palm towards the man in front of him.

"Hello, I know you are a celebrity coroner who has become famous recently. He once solved three cases in one day and is a master of solving crimes." The man held Brian's hand: "I am Rajag Fei. Li, the new leader of the C5 team, of course, if we can’t solve the case at hand, our entire team will have to get out.”

Rajag is a white man with a slightly older appearance. He looks to be in his thirties or forties. He is not tall, only over 1.6 meters tall, but his brown eyes are very deep, with a mature and melancholy temperament.

In fact, all the team leaders of the NW Operations Department are white and there is not a single black person.

Needless to say, Rajag is also a man of status.

"Is the case very difficult?" Brian led Rajag to the corridor.

Rajag nodded: "It's very tricky. Five people died in one day and ten people died in two days. There were very few clues left at the scene. The deceased were all prostitutes from other places. Their identities were somewhat special. As a result, most of our dead were even Their actual identities cannot be determined.”

As soon as Brian heard this, he knew how difficult this case was.

He frowned and asked, "Are there any signs of sexual assault?"

Rajag shook his head:

"There was no sexual assault, no robbery, just killing for the sake of killing.

Every prostitute dies the same way.

In order to trade, they were in a remote place without surveillance. Their mouths and noses were wrapped with large transparent tape and they suffocated to death.

We also found no fingerprints other than those of the deceased at the scene. "

It's really difficult.

This is a random murder case with no witnesses, no surveillance, and no clues.

How low is the detection rate for this kind of case?

About three percent.

And most of the time, after the murderer was arrested, when explaining other cases, he was tricked into explaining the previous random murder case.

Therefore, the actual detection rate of this kind of random homicide is lower than 3%.

This C5 group is really unlucky to encounter such a case for assessment.

Anyway, there is no case at hand.

Brian didn't care much about the help in times of need.

It's more or less a personal connection.

However, the benefits should not be omitted.

It's not just for those little benefits.

It's a matter of principle. First, you can screen whether the person in front of you is a smart person to be friends with. Second, you can prevent someone from shamelessly coming over to prostitute for free. When the time comes, no matter whether you refuse or not, it will only cause trouble.

Brian said directly: "Team Leader Rajag, as you know, our team leader is not here. I not only need to handle the assigned cases, but also help manage the team, in terms of time."

Subtext: There is no benefit, your matter is not easy to handle.

Rajag is also a cheerful person: "For one day, just one day, no matter whether it is possible or not, I am willing to privately sponsor $50,000 as your personal consulting fee, Brian."

The team leader's quota means a fixed merit point income.

It's only fifty thousand US dollars, and its value is far less than the investment and game his family put into helping him get this opportunity to be the team leader.

Brian nodded.

Just by relying on the "private consulting fee" statement, we know that Rajag is not a stupid young man.

He stretched out his hand: "Helping others is the foundation of happiness. Team leader Rajag, happy cooperation."

"Haha, happy working together." Rajag breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and shook hands with Brian, and then signed a check on the spot.

The check is in hand.

Brian called up Green, who was still practicing his marksmanship: "Man, let's go and make extra money."

"Extra money?"

Green's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, in addition to getting salary and bonus, I also got unexpected gains today.

In the last massacre, after their team handed over the stolen money and drugs, they received a bonus of more than $110,000, which was about one-tenth of the stolen money.

A quarter was given to the two police officers who had helped earlier.

The rest, divided into cents, is a huge sum for Green, a rookie patrol officer whose previous monthly salary was only four to five thousand dollars.

Following Brian was simply his greatest luck in the past twenty years!

Say hello to old Harden.

Brian took Green and Thirteen and drove behind Rajag's car, preparing to investigate the murder scene.

The place where the crime occurred was very close to Minglai Street where the old man Meng was.

But it's normal.

There are a lot of pheasants here.

The same cheap, old pheasants.

Many old prostitutes who are single and have no money like to come here very much, except for those guys from the anti-pornography team.

They like the young illegal ladies, but really hate these old guys.

After getting off the car.

Under the leadership of Rajag, everyone came to a crime scene that had not yet been cleaned up.

It could be seen that Rajag was really anxious, so much so that before he could handle the matter here, he rushed through the team members, found Old Harden, and asked Brian for help.

The crime scene was a small forest.

There were a lot of leaves falling on the ground. On a shallow layer, a female corpse with a bare back and scantily clad clothes was lying face down on the ground. A large amount of transparent tape could be seen on the mouth and behind the head, and it was tightly wrapped.

There were many people standing around, including patrolmen, surveyors, and members of the Rajag team.

Saw them coming.

Everyone immediately looked at Brian and the others.

There was curiosity, hostility, and expectation in the eyes of these people.

Human nature is diverse.

Brian also didn't bother arguing with hostile people.

He glanced at the messy scene and said to Rajag: "Team Leader Rajag, please ask the people around to disperse. I want to inspect the scene."

Rajag nodded.

A moment.

Under the crowd's onlookers, Brian took Green and Thirteen forward.

Thirteen undoubtedly attracted a lot of attention.

Especially after seeing the NW Operations Department police badge on its neck, the previously hostile members deliberately said in a loud voice: "FK, what kind of world is this? Even a puppy of a few months old can get taxpayers' salaries. What a joke."

Brian, who was about to squat down to check the female corpse, paused.

Rajag's face changed slightly, and he turned around and scolded the man: "Peter, if you can't learn to speak properly, please go back to your kindergarten teacher first, relearn how to be polite, and then come to work!"

Seeing the team leader's impolite words, the man named Peter closed his mouth in resentment.

Anger surged in his eyes.

This damned dwarf team leader is not a good guy either, damned connections.

Brian, seeing Rajag react in time, did not steal the show, and turned his attention back to the female corpse in front of him.

The female corpse was a white girl, and her profile showed that she was not very old. Except for her eyebrows, she did not wear heavy makeup, but the perfume on her body was cheap perfume.

There were injuries on her forehead caused by multiple hits, located on the temple, and the marks were precise, which showed that the murderer had a certain understanding of the human body.

There were a lot of tapes wrapped around her.

The female corpse had her mouth wide open, her expression was painful, and there were inconspicuous blood spots on the sides of her wide-open eyes, which were all symptoms of suffocation.

She should have experienced a painful struggle before her death, grabbing the tape with both hands, but these dense tapes, coupled with her dizzy state, caused her to fail.

There were no signs of struggle at the scene, so we knew that before the female corpse died, she did not have much strength to struggle after suffering multiple heavy blows on her temple.

There were two shallow footprints a little in front of the woman's body.

Ordinary people may not be able to find it, but it can't escape Brian's supercomputer perception + eagle eye's keen observation.

Unfortunately, I don't know which idiot stepped on the footprint. I can only see that there was a footprint, but I can't extract a useful footprint mold.

There are not many fallen leaves here, and it hasn't rained recently. Unless you stay for a long time, it's hard to leave a mark.

This means that the murderer squatted here before the victim died, watching the victim suffocate to death.

This is a massacre!

Brian turned on the enhanced sense of smell and tried to see if he could find some useful smell clues.

Unfortunately, this place is located in an open space, and there are so many people coming and going, and there are layers of smells. It's unlikely to find useful smells.

However, he smelled the smell of talcum powder on the tape of the female victim.


Brian looked at the messy fingerprints on the tape and reacted.

The source of this talcum powder should be the murderer's gloves.

Some gloves have talcum powder inside to ensure that the user will not affect the feel and accuracy of the operation due to sweating hands.

The murderer is really a professional guy.

After Brian looked at these traces, he asked Rajag, "Have you measured the liver temperature?"

Rajag nodded, "The approximate time of death of this victim should be around 10 to 12 last night. The interval is a bit long, so it is not very accurate."

As a forensic assistant, Brian naturally understands this.

The effective time of liver temperature detection is generally 4 to 24 hours. The later the time, the greater the error, so the estimated time of death will also be larger to ensure accuracy.

"This murderer is very professional."

Brian briefly described what he had discovered before, and added:

"The public security here is average. Even streetwalkers only work in certain areas after paying protection fees.

The murderer committed the crime at this time to reduce the presence of witnesses.

In addition, he wore talcum powder gloves, and his actions were fast and accurate. Otherwise, it would be difficult to wrap the transparent tape accurately around the victim's neck and mouth and nose before the victim lost her resistance.

In addition, after doing all this, the murderer did not continue to commit crimes, but stood not far in front of the victim, watching her suffocate to death little by little.

It's a pity that the footprints were destroyed by the person who stood there before, otherwise the murderer's body weight could be easily determined through the footprints."

Hearing the destruction of the footprints.

Several members of the C5 group at the scene looked at the man named Peter before.

Peter's face flushed, and he looked at Brian angrily: "What bullshit footprints, we have already surveyed all of what you said, Rajag should not have asked for any external help!"

"What does he do?"

Brian stopped analyzing and looked at Rajag.

Rajag said with an unpleasant face: "He was a member of the anti-gang group before. I saw that he was very familiar with the lower classes and gangs, and he had a lot of informants, so I asked him."

He said.

He glared at Peter: "Get out of here, you are not a member of the C5 group now!"

"FK squid!" Peter heard that he was fired on the spot, and he didn't care about Rajag's temporary team leader. He cursed directly: "Only a second-generation idiot like you would find such a kid who became famous by luck. Do you think I care about this garbage team? This kind of random murder case can't be solved in a short time. Tomorrow afternoon is the deadline for the assessment. I will watch you get out like me!"

Brian walked up to him: "Do you have a lot of opinions about me?"

Peter cursed happily, not afraid at all: "Yes, I have opinions. You are just a lucky pretty boy. Just because you look good, you are promoted by those stupid women. People like us who have worked diligently for more than ten years, but no one can see it!"

Brian didn't say anything, just looked at him quietly.

Seeing this, Peter was even happier.

Soft egg!

He grinned and chuckled: "Is it because your background was exposed that you can't refute it? What's the use of looking at me? If you have the ability, hit me!"

Peter seemed to be inadvertent, and his right leg was ready to kick this pretty boy at any time.

As long as this pretty boy dares to make a move.

He will kick him away and vent his anger!

The next moment.

A residual image flashed by.

Peter was dizzy with a big slap handprint, flew more than a meter away, and fell to the ground in a mess.

He stared at the sky above his head with dull eyes, his right cheek quickly became red and swollen, blood and saliva slid from the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to have not yet reacted to what happened.

Slap the sand dollar away.

Brian took out a handkerchief, wiped his hands, and said to Green beside him: "Why are you standing there? This guy is our former colleague after all. Didn't you hear him ask someone to beat him up?"


Green was stunned for a moment, then grinned, rushed forward, and punched and kicked.


Rajag looked at this scene with a headache.

Brian interrupted him and said to the other members of Team C5: "You heard it, he asked for a beating. To be honest, this is the first time I've seen such a cheap request since I was a child. But as a former colleague, I think you shouldn't despise him, but show love and help."

These people also reacted.

Two men and one woman actually joined the team to beat Peter.

It can be seen that this cynical guy with bad breath has offended many people in just a few days since joining the team.

The little fly was dealt with.

Brian stopped Rajag, who was also eager to try: "Where was I talking about...By the way, the murderer's method is professional and he is very familiar with this place. I suspect he is a nearby resident and has a criminal record. Go back and investigate the previous case files with the team members to see if there are similar unsolved cases."

After hearing the case, Rajag suppressed the urge to beat his subordinates.

He nodded: "No problem, what about you?"

"I plan to find out the identities of all the prostitutes. These illegal prostitutes have a very poor living environment and tend to stick together. There must be witnesses!"

Brian said lightly.

For Rajag and his team, it is difficult to determine the identities of so many prostitutes in a short time.

For him

Professional counterparts.

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