You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 147 Investigation, New Obsession (Thanks to the leader of the book friend ‘Praise for Soul R

When they were parting, Brian suddenly thought of something.

In this case, there should be people from the sex department involved.

He quickly grabbed Rajag: "Rajag, are the police officers from the sex department here?"

The sex department is actually the anti-pornography team.

This is a good department. At least in the prosperous downtown Los Angeles, their income is not low.

Rajag nodded and pointed at the two men who were watching the beating scene:

"They are the ones who helped provide the identity information of several female victims.

But no matter how much they help, they can't help.

You know, many times, some prostitutes get off the car before they are taken to the police station.

Because of the bad attitude of those colleagues in the sex department, the prostitutes often don't trust us, which leads to us not even knowing the identity of the deceased. "

Brian naturally understood the subtext of Rajag's words.

The sex department is a lucrative job, and it is also a department with serious violations.

Police officers often use their identities to generate income.

For example, after catching the transaction, they asked the client and the prostitute for money, and then let them go. In this way, there would be no identity information of the prostitute.

In order to generate income, the vice unit would also let the female police disguise as prostitutes, stand at the intersection, and wait for the unlucky clients who drove by to ask for the price.

The trust between people was destroyed bit by bit by these idiots.

Although Rajag said it was useless.

But Brian still found the two people who were watching the show.

"Hey, guys, can I find you to understand something?" Brian called the two people aside.

It was probably because of the big bastard before.

The two were quite polite to Brian, the pretty boy.

"I am Egli."

Egli is a tall, fat black policeman who looks more than 30 years old, with triangular eyes and thick lips. At first glance, he looks like a drug lord gang member, not a police officer.

"I'm Otto."

Otto is a white man, also in his thirties, with an average appearance, but he is much friendlier than his colleagues. When he introduced himself, he smiled at Brian.

Brian nodded: "You two, are there many reports of prostitutes around here?"

He used to do high-end business, so he didn't know much about these.

Black police officer Egli shook his head directly: "Very rarely, these bitches don't like to contact us. In fact, we don't like them either. They are poor, ugly, and troublesome. Sometimes in order to resist arrest, they even attack the police with bloody sanitary napkins."

It can be seen that he really hates the prostitutes here.

Brian: ".You mean, they will also come out to do business during their menstrual period?"

Otto, another white police officer, was worried that his companion's outspokenness would offend this pretty boy, so he nodded quickly and said: "Yes, most of these women are addicted to drugs, some have to raise children, and the competitive pressure is also great. They can't save much money. If they don't work for a day or two, they may starve."

Seeing that he couldn't get any useful information, Brian had to give up.

On the other side.

The beating of the crowd also ended.

Everyone was an adult who had received professional training from the police force. They were self-taught in this area and had different degrees of severity, so they only beat Peter, who was foul-mouthed, with a superficial wound. It was nothing serious.

A beating cured the old man's cynicism.

Peter didn't dare to talk nonsense and left in embarrassment.

Only after he was far away did he take out his mobile phone and call the complaint number of the NW Internal Affairs Department!

Peter looked at his miserable self in the rearview mirror, with hatred flashing in his eyes: "You bastards, you will all get retribution!"

Green followed Brian into the car comfortably.

"Wang~ (hungry)", Thirteen, who had always had no sense of existence, shouted a little listlessly.

"I know~"

Brian touched Thirteen's dog head and threw the key to Green: "Hey, take it to eat something, you eat something too, I'll find someone to help investigate the information of those victims."

Green took the key and said with some concern: "Boss Brian, will that guy named Peter complain about us?"

Brian shrugged: "I hope he won't do such a stupid thing."

Thinking of the boss's pettiness at times, Green, who had a deep understanding, shuddered.

Good luck to that foul-mouthed guy.

After Green left.

Brian took out his mobile phone, found a number, and called it.

After a while, a woman's scream and a man's panting voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hey, Brian, I haven't contacted you for a long time. I heard that you don't work part-time anymore?"

"Yes, I've changed my ways. Doss, which gangs are the prostitutes around Minglai Street affiliated with?" Brian was not surprised by the movement on the other end of the phone.

Doss is also a vehicle appraiser, but full-time, specializing in some wild model business. He has a complicated background and has cooperated with many high-end places. He is also familiar with this industry.

"I'll ask for you after I'm done."

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone directly.

Brian found a chair on the corner and sat down.

Based on his understanding of Doss, this time will not be too long.

Looking at the busy crowd on the street, Brian silently lit a cigarette.

In this case, the murderer is very professional, and there are not many clues left at the scene. The only hope is to determine the identity of these victims.

To be precise, it is to find their acquaintances.

This is related to the living environment of these wild chickens.

In the Commonwealth of the United States, only a few agricultural counties in Nevada have truly legal venues for selling sex, and the others are called "adult entertainment venues."

This was the case at the pig farm where the female corpse in the tree was found.

This kind of place cannot be opened without a backer.

So in prosperous Los Angeles, there are a huge number of pheasants.

The living environment of these pheasants is not good.

The poor are always in trouble for the poor.

These pheasants are just living their daily lives when meeting customers who eat King chicken.

It is not uncommon for animals to be robbed instead of being paid after eating.

To protect yourself.

Those who are willing to spend money often seek affiliations with gangs, pay money to ensure safety, and let gang members handle problems when they arise.

Those who are reluctant to spend money will get together in groups. When something happens, they will rush in. Ordinary prostitutes are often not opponents and can keep an eye on each other.

If they are the kind of regular clients who drive, they will write down each other's license plates in front of the clients as a warning.

Although it may not be useful, it is at least a psychological comfort.

Therefore, if you want to determine the identity of these out-of-town prostitutes, it is the most worry-free and trouble-free thing to do directly to contact the nearby gangs.

The issue is.

These gang members all have a common problem.

They believe that cooperating with the police is a low-status matter.

Although Brian has many means to help them treat their illnesses, when he is in a hurry, he still asks professionals to deal with them and solve the problem with money, which is more efficient.

Half an hour later.

Brian handed the wad of cash he took out to Xiao Hei in front of him: "Man, I'm waiting in the cafe in front. If you can get everyone's information before eight o'clock tonight, I will also Pay an extra $2,000.”

"No problem, you won't be disappointed, generous guy."

Xiao Hei grinned, showing his white teeth, got into his companion's car, and drove away.

Brian looked at the time and made sure there was still a little time. He brushed his face, chatted with the female driver in the car, and arrived at the branch where the C5 group worked.

The previous female corpse had no obsession with explosion.

He wanted to see if there were any new discoveries.

With the help of the C5 group of coroners, rows of female corpses filled the small temporary morgue to the brim.

After thanking the coroner of Team C5.

Brian glanced at these female corpses that looked almost dead, and finally stopped at the penultimate female corpse.

In the sky above the female corpse, a dim ball of obsession slowly floated.

It seems that if it is any later, this little ball of obsession will disappear.

Brian quickly stepped forward and crushed the obsession ball.

The next moment, a message appeared in his mind: he must give them the Christmas gift he promised Mike.

Gift: Three points of gift energy.

Seeing this, Brian was a little disappointed.

This obsession has nothing to do with the murderer, which means he has no way to get additional information.

However, he still took a look at who the 'McTi and the others' in the female corpse's obsession were.

The faces of six boys and three girls appeared in Brian's mind.

He was a little surprised.

Generally, Christmas gifts are given to children.

Brian thought it was the child of a female corpse.

Now it seems unlikely.

Because these children look about the same age, and they are not the kind of explosive novels about nine children in one child. In the real world, no one can give birth to so many children of the same age at the same time.

However, although his obsession did not help him solve the case, Brian was still prepared to help this unlucky woman complete this obsession with love after finishing the case at hand.

Come all come.

Brian simply looked at these female corpses.

The clothes of the female corpses have been stripped off, but only three female corpses showed traces of autopsy. This was obviously caused by time constraints.

The death conditions of these female corpses were all similar. There were obvious percussion injuries on the right temple. Three of the female corpses still had an expression of struggling to breathe with their mouths open due to rigor mortis. The rest had been simply cleaned up. After that, death became much more peaceful.


Brian walked up to a black female corpse, took out his gloves and put them on, then picked up the woman's right arm and looked at it.

The coroner of Group C5, who was watching from the sidelines, quickly followed up. Seeing this, he explained with disappointment: "This should be caused by the murderer hitting the murder weapon of the victims. Maybe this victim reacted faster and reached out to block it. "

Brian nodded: "Well, the cylindrical murder weapon is not too long. If we combine the injuries on their heads, can we make a rough three-dimensional simulation of the murder weapon?"

The coroner from Team C5 walked to the workbench nearby and took out a few photos: "They should be of these types, but the weights are a bit off."

Hearing the weight, Brian immediately realized this guy had two brushes.

Because even if it is the same item with different weights, the injuries caused by the same force will be slightly different.

It would be difficult for an experienced coroner or medical examiner to tell this apart.

The styles of the photos were roughly the same, similar to the sticks used by monks to knock out wooden fish, the tools used by traditional Chinese medicine to pound medicine, and some objects that Brian could not recognize, but they were also cylindrical bodies with a ball at the front.

This thing is not common.

Brian shrugged: "Well, at least I got something extra."

Farewell to the coroner of Team C5.

When Brian came out, Green and Thirteen had also finished their meals and were waiting for him outside the branch.

Twenty minutes later.

Two people and a dog came to the agreed coffee shop.

It was past seven forty, and there were only a dozen minutes left before the agreed eight o'clock.

Green handed a bag of food to Brian: "Boss Brian, eat something, I feel we have to work overtime tonight."

The subtext is that he thinks Brian will get something tonight.

Brian chuckled: "You have so much confidence in me?"

Green shrugged: "You are my boss, who else can I trust? By the way, Boss Brian, is Thirteen really only two months old? It can really eat."



While talking and laughing.

A black man came to the coffee shop with a handbag.

He looked around and found Brian, and ran over quickly: "Mr. Brian, this is what you want. We found nine out of ten prostitutes."

"Who else haven't been found?"

"This..." The black man handed a photo to Brian: "I asked all the friends who are in charge of these businesses around me, and the prostitutes under them, but no one knows her. This situation is rare. Either she just came, or she is not a prostitute."

Brian was a little surprised when he saw the photo.

The woman in the photo was the woman who had exploded the obsession ball before.

He nodded: "What do those women say?"

The black man shook his head:

"Their acquaintances said that these murdered prostitutes were killed when they were off work, so they couldn't provide information about suspicious people.

These prostitutes have free working hours and off-get off work hours.

Now in order to keep these women, we have to arrange people to escort them to and from get off work every day, and we have also rejected all the business of getting on the car, which has reduced our income a lot."


As a thank you for this guy's hard work, Brian paid him an extra 500 US dollars.

Watching the back of the black man leaving.

Brian threw the victim information provided by the other party to Green, knocking on the coffee table.

Although he did not get any useful information from the other party, he deduced another piece of information about the murderer: the murderer was not only professional, familiar with the surrounding environment, hated prostitutes, and observed and studied the work and rest time of these prostitutes before taking action.

The murderer knew the situation of these prostitutes very well.

Thinking of this.

Brian took out his mobile phone and called the leader of the C5 team, asking him to find out if there were any clients who had conflicts with prostitutes, suffered losses, went to jail, or were detained for this.

Hang up the phone.

He walked to the front desk that was about to close the door and took out a twenty-dollar bill: "Excuse me, how many children's homes are there nearby?"

Money makes things easier.

Brian quickly got two addresses.

He waved to Green and Shisan Zhao: "Let's go and see if we can find any useful clues."

That's how to solve a case.

Before finding key information, you can only rely on stupid methods, one by one, check all possible directions, without letting go.

When there is no way to cheat, the method of elimination is the ultimate secret to solving the case.

The first children's home is not far from the cafe.

It is past eight o'clock in the evening. Although the door is closed, the adults are not resting yet.

Brian took out the photo of the only female victim whose identity has not been found. After asking, he did not get a response and immediately rushed to another children's home.

This time, there was actually an important gain!

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