You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 148 Good people don’t get good rewards


Oh my God, what happened to her? "

The head of the children's home, a middle-aged black woman, looked at the photo of the female corpse in her hand and said emotionally: "She didn't come today. I thought she was very busy today. What happened to her?"

Seeing this, Brian winked at Green.

Green was very conscious of being a younger brother, and said in a low voice: "Someone found her body in a small forest last night."

"Oh~", this middle-aged black woman expressed her emotions with exaggerated body language.

After a while of comforting words.

Brian and the others also obtained information about the deceased woman.

The deceased's name was Olenna, she was 28 years old, single and orphaned. She usually worked as a waiter in a fast food restaurant and was also a volunteer at this children's home.

After work, Olenna basically spends all her time with the children in the children's home. Her social relations are simple and she has no bad habits.

According to black aunts, Olenna is a very kind and decent girl who has never even been in love.

The problem is, according to the photos at the crime scene, when Olenna died, she was wearing scantily attire, a shoulder bag, and high heels, which did not match the image of the black aunt.

In addition, Brian also read the C5 team's autopsy records.

This Olenna is not a virgin.

She is not as innocent as she appears on the outside.

For more accurate information.

Brian and the others had no choice but to ask the middle-aged aunt to call the number of volunteers familiar with Olenna and inquire one by one.

This time, there is also more detailed information.

According to information provided by a volunteer who was close to the deceased Olenna, Olenna actually had a relationship for a period of time when she was at work. The other party was a customer named Bertrand who often went to fast food restaurants to eat. He is more than ten years older than Olenna.

As an orphan, Olenna actually longed to have a family of her own.

Not only did Bertrand have his own house, but he also inquired after her and gave Olenna the warmth of a father.

Unfortunately, the outcome of this relationship was not happy.

Olenna's partner, Bertrand, was caught soliciting prostitution and violently beating a prostitute in March this year. He lost a lot of money and his job.

From then on, that guy became decadent and often beat Olenna.

Because of this incident, Olenna and Bertrand broke up.

One month before Olenna's accident, Bertrand approached Olenna again and threatened Olenna to either re-engage with him or give him money, otherwise Olenna would regret it.

Olenna's job was also made impossible because of Bertrand.

After getting the address of the victim Olenna's ex-boyfriend, Bertrand, from the female volunteer, Brian and the two said goodbye to the middle-aged black aunt who was still sad and blaming herself.

After going out.

Green's face showed joy: "Boss Brian, this Bertrand is highly suspected. He was tricked by a prostitute, violently threatened, and asked for money. He has criminal motives."

Brian nodded: "The suspicion is indeed high. Bertrand's address is in this area, and many of his characteristics are consistent with the criminal psychological profile I did before."

In the car, Thirteen was fast asleep.

The little guy is probably growing taller recently, eating more and sleeping more.

Thirteen seemed to smell Brian's scent. He squinted his eyes, wagged his tail, and made a squeaking sound, as if he was sucking breasts in his sleep, which was very cute.

Green liked it and said, "When I take my next vacation, I will also get a Labrador."

As he said that, he turned around and wanted to touch Thirteen in the back seat.

As a result, before the hand came over, the sleeping Thirteen's mouth turned into a grin, and the cute chirping sound turned into a threatening whine.


He retracted his hand as if nothing had happened: "Is it pretending to sleep?"

Brian started the car, glanced at Thirteen in the rearview mirror, and chuckled: "Why don't you give it a try? NW has disability subsidies anyway, so don't be afraid."

"never mind."

Green regained his composure.

Although Thirteen is only more than two months old and probably doesn't have all his teeth yet, he has inherited Boss Brian's pettiness and he doesn't want to offend him.

In the previous case of the female corpse in the tree, when investigating the crime scene, Thom mocked Shisan for being so small and didn't even know what a bitch felt like. As a result, Shisan not only bit his finger, but also drank it afterward. Two days of added water.

After checking the surveillance, everyone found out that Thirteen would secretly bite the lid of the water cup and urinate in the cup every time Tom was not at his work station.

Green doesn't want to follow in Thom's footsteps.

Ten minutes later, the car arrived at the residence of Olenna's ex-boyfriend, Bertrand.

Bertrand is forty years old and currently unemployed.

His house is an independent wooden house. The fallen leaves and weeds outside are desolate, indicating that it is an independent house that is not under property management.

The two put on their police badges and stepped forward to ring the doorbell.

It's not even nine o'clock yet, so the other party is most likely still awake.

More than a minute later, a middle-aged man with dull eyes and a beard opened the door mechanically: "Who are you?"

The moment the door opened, Brian and Green subconsciously stood back.

It stinks!

It's rancid, smelly, and smells like something rotten.

"LAPD", Green resisted the urge to cover his mouth and nose, and pointed to the police badge on his chest: "Bertrand, we have something we want to ask you about."

"Oh, come in."

Bertland was too lazy to verify and turned back to the living room.

The living room didn't have any lights on, so he could only see the surrounding environment with the light of the TV.

This was a garbage dump, with takeout boxes, beer cans, plates piled on the coffee table, food scraps, and unknown substances with green hair... These things were scattered all over this not-so-big living room.

The smell was hard to describe.


The two had to stand there and watch Bertrand return to the equally sloppy sofa, then hold a big jar and watch the soap opera in front of him with a dull look.

In this way, he didn't look like a normal person.

"Boss Brian, I feel like he is a puppet who has lost his soul..." Green glanced at the jar Bertrand was holding and added in a low voice: "He is also a puppet addicted to painkillers."

Brian followed Green's line of sight and nodded.

That kind of jar is the kind of painkiller that is overfilled at home. Generally, there are 2,000 tablets in a barrel. On average, the price is more affordable, much cheaper than taking drugs, and it is the first choice for many poor drug addicts.

In Brian's previous life, this thing was a fever-reducing and analgesic drug, but here, it is just a regular painkiller. Some affordable supermarkets sell it in barrels.

This thing is dependent and addictive. The key is that many people can't avoid it. As long as you bump into it, someone will ask you to take a tablet. If you have joint pain, menstruation, etc., you can also take a tablet. Once you get used to it, you can't leave it.

In many American dramas, after getting up, the male and female protagonists open the cabinet in front of the mirror and take out a bunch of pills to show off in their mouths.

In Brian's previous life, he thought it was something like vitamin C. After coming to this world, he knew that it was more of a painkiller like OxyContin.

His eyesight is very strong. Even in a dim environment, he can still see the environment in the living room clearly.

In addition to the large family-sized medicine barrel held in Bertrand's arms, Brian also saw many boxes at the foot of the sofa, and the names on the boxes were in small fonts.

Seeing these boxes, he completely gave up.

This Bertrand is most likely not the murderer.

The reason is very simple.

Those boxes are all opioid painkillers similar to OxyContin.

Of course, if you don't understand, you will understand it by changing the name.

The predecessor of the raw material of this thing is called opium.

Brian had an obsession in the hospital before:

The old man with cancer was worried that his son would not live well, so he hid all the prescription drugs prescribed by the doctor, and ended up dying of pain.

The old man's obsession was to give his son the pills he hid.

Those drugs are opioid painkillers.

The price is not expensive, usually three to five dollars a piece, so this type of drug is also called five-dollar drugs.

A middle-aged man who has been taking these things for a long time, let alone killing people, probably has trouble killing chickens.

Now that I'm here, I still have to ask.

Green resisted the stench and pulled Bertrand, who was lying on the sofa, out of the house.

This guy cooperated, but his reaction was very slow. It seemed that he had problems with his cognitive ability and could only communicate in some simple ways.

It was not until Brian went to a 24-hour pharmacy and used his police identity to get a box of opioid painkillers and gave it to Bertrand that he felt better.


Bertrand repeated it several times, and his dull eyes suddenly glared and cursed: "This stinky bitch, she promised to give me money before, but she didn't come these days. She lied to me!"


Brian and Green looked at each other and asked about this.

Bertrand's mind was jumping.

Through intermittent information, the two finally figured out what was going on.

It turned out that when Bertrand had no money, he went to find Olena and forced Olena to give him money. If she didn't give it, she would not be able to go to work, and threatened to blow up the children's home.

Olena liked those children very much. Most of her salary was used to support the children before. How could she be willing? However, the cowardly character brought by her orphan status made her compromise.

From then on, Olena, the silly girl, began to join the streetwalking team.

In order not to be known by nearby acquaintances.

She went to the north every time, and then returned to the rental house here after finishing work.

There was a surveillance camera in Bertrand's living room.

According to the surveillance playback, he had been staying at home in the past few days, living a life of drunkenness and dreaming, and had no time to commit crimes.

Left the garbage dump of this garbage man.

Green was indignant: "Such a good girl, this bastard not only did not cherish her, but also threatened and forced Olena to sell drugs for him. I really wanted to shoot that bastard just now!"

If it was him, he would definitely regard such a good girl as a treasure!

Brian shrugged: "Good people don't get good rewards, that's the norm."

Anyone with a little temper would give Bertrand a few big slaps to a rubbish like him. If that doesn't work, a pistol worth hundreds of dollars is not expensive.

They didn't have much time to lament Olena's misfortune.

The new clues were gone, but the case had to continue.

Brian looked at the time and found that it was past nine o'clock in the evening, so he said to Green: "It's getting late, let's stop here for today, tomorrow."

As he spoke.

Suddenly, there was a quarrel, shouting, and sirens in front.

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