You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 149 Robber: Is there still justice? (Additional chapter 14 for the leader of the 'Glori


Bang bang bang~

Accompanied by screams and roars.

There's a firefight ahead!

"It seems like he's chasing a robber."

Green squinted his eyes, looked at the movement in front of him, and said.

While talking.

A figure, clutching a gun in one hand and a handbag in the other, ran towards their vehicle.

"Get him!"

Brian glanced at the robber who was running away in panic, and said softly.

Green nodded, held his breath, and calculated the time. When the man approached in a hurry, he suddenly opened the passenger door.

The man who was running away in embarrassment was caught off guard. He was hit by the car door and fell more than a meter away. The handbag he had just snatched from his hand and the pistol in the other hand also flew out. He fell to the ground and screamed in pain. Hum.

Green jumped down, ignoring the other person's pain, and pushed him to the ground, pressing his hands behind his back, and at the same time kneeling with his knees close to the other person's neck.

This ensures that the other party cannot resist.

It can be seen that this guy Green has been practicing this trick a lot.

He was about to take out the handcuffs and cuff the robber's hands. Several figures chasing him suddenly shined bright flashlights into Green's eyes, and at the same time, someone roared:

"Don't move, put your hands up!"

"Show your hands!"

Green subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands and explained at the same time: "One of our own, don't shoot. I am an employee of the NW Operations Department!!!"

He spoke loudly, fearing that he would be shot by the chasing policeman.

Similar cases have occurred in Los Angeles before.

The deceased was still a black police detective. He just put his hand into his arms and wanted to take out his ID to identify himself. As a result, the nervous patrol officer shot him directly and sent him to see God.

Brian was watching the excitement in the car. When he saw this scene, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. All the clues in the murder of the prostitute gathered together, and finally he became enlightened.

He knows how the murderer committed the crime!

No wonder the other party is so professional!

But Brian was in no rush to get out of the car.

He was afraid that if he opened the door suddenly, he would cause stress to the patrol officers in front of him.

This is no joke,

It's fine during the day.

In the evening, except for relaxing when eating donuts and being lazy, patrol officers on duty will be tense most of the time in areas with relatively poor security.

After hearing Green's yell.

Several patrol officers did not relax their vigilance. It was not until they surrounded the two men on the ground and saw the pistols on the ground that they put down their bright flashlights and guns.

"Man, I'm sorry, these bastards suddenly opened fire and a colleague was injured."

After checking the ID, an older black patrolman apologized to Green.

Green waved his hand: "It's okay, these guys are so crazy, they dare to shoot directly at the police!"

A white policeman spat on the ground: "So his accomplice is dead. If you hadn't intervened, this bastard would have died too!"

Green followed the bastards from Group B6 and committed murder and arson several times. He was no longer the reserved young man he was before.

He was not used to it at all. He pointed directly at the white policeman and cursed: "Only because of your shitty shooting skills? I can shoot more accurately than you even if I take off my pants!"

The white policeman was probably used to it, but he didn't expect the black man in front of him to be so arrogant. There was a cruel look in his eyes, and he wanted to say something else.

Pa da ~

The car door opens.

Brian walked out of the car with a cigarette in his mouth and walked up to the white policeman: "How about we release the robber again, return the pistol to him, and then you have a duel in the alley in front?"

"and who are you!"

"Brian, an ordinary coroner." Brian shrugged: "What about my proposal? You don't need to worry. Even if you die, I can do an autopsy for you for free."

White police:.

He had heard of Brian's name, but the key point was that this guy was still in this jurisdiction today. In front of many people, with just a few words, he let a group of people beat up a colleague from the NW Operations Department.

The circle is so big.

When they were patrolling today, they used this matter as a way to pass the time. Unexpectedly, they met the real owner not long after.

The white policeman's lips twitched twice, and he turned to Green and whispered softly: "I'm sorry, I was a little emotional because my partner was injured."

Seeing this, Green nodded and said no more.

In fact, most of the LAPD staff are not highly educated and tend to be those with well-developed limbs and simple minds.

The reason is simple: good management, dare to fight and fight hard.

Disadvantages: Emotional, average quality.

Especially at this time in the LAPD, white police officers make up the majority, and other ethnic groups combined account for less than one-tenth.

So internal racism is not uncommon.

When he joined the police force, Green encountered a lot of discrimination.

Now that the other party is using the injured partner as an excuse, it's hard for him to pursue the matter further.

Seeing that the other party gave in, Brian didn't bother to argue with this kind of thing.

He walked directly towards the older black patrolman who had a higher status here: "Man, can you show me your bright flashlight?"

"No problem, Brian." He took off the bright flashlight hanging on his duty belt and handed it to Brian: "I heard Fergus mentioned your name. Thank you very much for helping his daughter in Forest Park. Revenge was taken.”

"Fergus?" Brian took the flashlight: "I remember him. I promised to attend his daughter's funeral, but he didn't send me an internal email telling me the time."

Previously, in the case of corpses at the bottom of the lake in Forest Park, the aberrant beast threw a policewoman to the point of being seriously injured and on the verge of death. Fergus was the policewoman's father, and he personally helped his daughter free herself.

The older black man sighed: "After he cremated his daughter, he did not hold a funeral. He resigned and returned to his hometown. He planned to guard his daughter's tombstone for the rest of his life."

Hearing this, Brian nodded.

Everyone has their own story.

His current story is to get rid of the case at hand.

Brian turned his attention to the bright flashlight in front of him and fiddled with it a few times. Then, under the puzzled looks of a group of people, he took out a plastic bag from the car and signaled to the robber who was squatting beside him with a bruised nose and face to stop. stand up.

The robber was afraid of being beaten further and did not dare to push, so he stood up.

Brian looked at the older black patrolman: "I have a case on hand. There are some things that need to be verified. Let's help him open the handcuffs first."

"you sure?"

"If something goes wrong, I'll be responsible."

After hearing this, the elderly black patrolman stopped talking nonsense and neatly helped the anxious robber open the handcuffs.

Brian waved the flashlight and said to the robber: "You go from the front."

Although the robber didn't know what the pretty boy wanted to do, he still walked forward honestly.

After walking a few steps.

Brian suddenly said to him: "Hey."

The robber turned around in confusion.

next moment.

A bright light strikes!

The robber consciously raised his hand to resist, but he felt pain in his right hand and screamed. As soon as he opened his mouth, a figure appeared behind him and hit him hard on the temple of the head.

Only three times.

The robber's eyes lost focus, he was dizzy, and he had no strength to struggle.

It turned out that another plastic bag was put on his head.

Do it all.

Brian squatted in front of the robber who collapsed on the ground, assessing the other man's condition.


Patrol officers:

All this happened too fast.

If they hadn't known that Brian was a coroner, they would have almost thought that he was a serial murder veteran committing crimes in front of them!

Especially the white policeman before, I felt a little lucky. The expressionless look on this young boy's face showed that he was not a good person at first glance.

"That." The older black patrolman licked his lips: "This"

He wanted to say that this was against the rules.

But he didn't really want to offend this famous coroner because of a robber.

The NW Operations Department has a higher level than their LAPD Operations Department.

Brian waved the bloody flashlight on his hand: "It's okay. If the prisoner wants to complain later, he can just throw it at my head. By the way, this flashlight is of good quality."

The black patrolman had no choice but to follow Brian's words and said: "Yes, after all, many times, when you can't shoot, a flashlight is also a weapon. We have training in this area."

While they were chatting, the robber on the ground was not in a good state.


The robber on the ground was dazed and breathing through his mouth and nose, but his mouth and nose were blocked by plastic bags every time, causing his mouth to open wider and wider.

Under the survival instinct.

Even though he was unconscious, his hands still wanted to tear off the plastic bag on his head.

However, lack of oxygen and dizziness caused the robber's hands to be unable to use strength. After several attempts, a strong man could not even open a strong plastic bag.

In the end, it was the constant pulling that caused gaps in the plastic bag that prevented him from being suffocated to death by the plastic bag.

A few minutes later, the robber, who had regained his breath, let Brian hold the flashlight tremblingly to check the injuries on his head and arms.

The near-death experience he had just experienced gave him a great sense of fear towards this seemingly gentle pretty boy.


Brian nodded with satisfaction.

The shape of the wound on the robber's head is 60-70% similar to the shape of the wound on the head of the prostitutes who were killed before!

The same goes for the arms.

This is enough!

He found the murder method and identity of the murderer in the murder of a prostitute!

"Are you okay?" The robber felt the weakness coming from his body and the blood that continued to slide from his cheeks to his clothes. He said with a cry: "Please, if I am guilty, let the court judge me and let me go." If I continue like this, I'm going to die."

"Then will you file a complaint against me?" Brian said with a gentle tone and a sunny smile.

"No, I fell by myself. I swear, I fell by myself!" The robber really wanted to cry.

What a world!

This man didn't treat people as human beings, and the policemen nearby turned a blind eye.

Is there any justice?


too dark!

"Very good." Brian nodded with satisfaction: "You can go to trial by law."

Although he doesn't care about complaints, he doesn't have the best.

For this first time, Brian still hoped that his resume would remain clean until he broke through.

Back to the car.

Brian said to Green: "Call the leader of the C5 team."

"say what?"


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