You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 150: Locating the murderer and making a bet

The C5 team leader was probably still working overtime, investigating the files and crime reporting records in the jurisdiction in recent years. After receiving a call from Green, he immediately said that he would bring someone over immediately.

hang up the phone.

Green did not rush to ask Brian why, but thought about it first.

Boss Brian was just about to take off work and continue investigating the case tomorrow, but after experiencing the previous pursuit of robbers, he changed his tune.

The difference is probably the police high-power flashlight.

The borrowed flashlight, which was used as evidence of assault and was stained with blood, was naturally not returned.

Green sat in the passenger seat and picked up a flashlight to examine it.

During his previous six-month training at the police academy, he was trained on the use of police bright flashlights.

This kind of strong-light flashlight is a type of police equipment. It is not only longer than ordinary flashlights, but also made of harder material. The lamp head has a large round shape and a raised triangle, which is like a spike. It can be used for fighting, and the light source It is dazzling enough to ensure that it will cause blinding effects for several seconds after hitting the human eyes.

It can be said that ordinary people with little experience will be blinded for three to four seconds if they are exposed to the radiation, just like the robber before. They will subconsciously block it and don't know how to deal with it. As a result, Boss Brian will easily complete it. attacked.

However, most people rarely use flashlights as a means of attack.

The first is the issue of usage angle.

People who often watch police movies or similar realistic film and television dramas will know that when police officers use bright flashlights as a means, they raise their hands upwards, higher than their shoulders, instead of holding them flat.

This is because the light sources are mutual, and soft light is fine. Once this kind of strong light shines horizontally, the field of vision of the person holding the lamp will also be affected. In addition, this action is convenient for direct impact when there is a sudden attack.

Second, it is a matter of usage habits.

Trainees like police officers.

When they use flashlights, they must use their less flexible hands. For example, left-handers use their right hand, and right-handers use their left hand. This is completely opposite to ordinary people.


Because holding the bright flashlight high is just a control skill, it is to coordinate the aiming of the gun with the other hand, so the more flexible hand must be free as a means of attack or defense.

This is the difference between ordinary people and trainees.

In other words, even if an ordinary person thought of using a flashlight to blind him and then attack, because he was holding a flashlight in his hand to attack, the remaining palm would be difficult to carry out as quickly as possible because it is not that flexible. Scotch tape wrapping work.

In this case, they might as well just use another method.

All things considered.

A special flashlight, professional usage habits, familiarity with prostitutes and their surroundings, and possible discrimination and hostility towards prostitutes. The identity of the murderer is almost made clear - a member of the Fenghua Group who is also a member of the police force!

The main target groups of the Fenghua Group are only clients and prostitutes.

Relatively speaking, prostitutes and clients are not that dangerous. In addition to the trading hours, most of the time are at night and early in the morning. The strong flashlight is a very suitable law enforcement tool for the officers of the customs team.

In addition, these people themselves are very aware of the situation of prostitutes in the jurisdiction.

Only then could he easily kill ten prostitute victims in just two days!

Green wanted to understand this and showed admiration: "Boss Brian, are you suspicious of colleagues in the weathering team?"

Brian nodded: "Yes, the former coroner of the C5 team had actually figured out the general shape of the murder weapon through the victim's wound marks, but he subconsciously defined the murder weapon as a solid heavy object until I saw those patrolmen. I found this special flashlight is more suitable.”

Green put down the flashlight and said with emotion to Brian: "Boss Brian, you are so amazing. You actually thought of the murderer's process of the prostitute's murder through just a few things, and directly locked the identity of the murderer!"

Brian did not show any pride when he praised Green, but simply said:

"This is actually just an opportunity. In fact, even if today's incident hadn't happened, I would have focused my investigation efforts on the Fenghua Group tomorrow. After all, ordinary people don't have the strength to kill ten prostitutes in two days. , the key is to accurately stop them on their way to get off work to avoid encountering witnesses.”

Killing people randomly is easy.

Surveillance is not very common here. As long as you are familiar with the environment, and then see someone leaving alone, and leave immediately after taking action, it is really not difficult.

But it is not easy to accurately select prostitutes in just two days, five in one day and ten in two days, all while the victim is on his way back from get off work.

This is actually a very stupid approach.

As an autopsy examiner who has practiced several times, Brian knows very well that in the entire murder process, the early investigation and follow-up is the most energy-consuming.

So when Brian found out that the murderer was familiar with the environment and the victims, was decisive and precise in his attacks, and had professional techniques, his first suspect was the people from the Fenghua Group!

No opening in front.

One reason is that these people are also insiders and are well-informed. They can easily alert others by opening their mouths. Without evidence, there is no way to easily convict someone.

In this case, even if the case is solved later, there is no way to solve the case before tomorrow afternoon and complete the assessment commission of C5 team leader Rajag.

Brian is a very particular person who gets paid to do things.

He had to think about Rajag.

Another reason is to exclude other possible criminal targets.

Of course, the inspiration just now is still very helpful.

After at least determining the murderer's weapon and method, Brian was certain that the murderer was a member of the Fenghua Group.

There are only a few police officers in charge of the jurisdiction here.

With the answer in hand, it will be easy to find clues and identify the murderer.

More than twenty minutes later.

Two cars rushed to Brian's side.

The leader of the C5 team, Rajag, led three team members and excitedly said to Brian who was waiting in the street: "Brian, where is the murderer?"

Brian said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, he can't escape. Rajag, please tell me first the results of your team's overtime investigation."

Rajag nodded: Based on the ideas you provided, we investigated the prostitute cases in Los Angeles in recent years and found that a similar case occurred more than three years ago with similar criminal methods, but the frequency of the crimes was not high. For almost two weeks, plastic bags were used instead of transparent tape.”

Hearing the plastic bag, Green looked at Brian.

The crime simulation that Boss Brian just used on the unlucky robber just seemed to be a plastic bag. It was just a simulation process, and it was only 100% realistic.

Rajag continued: "The person in charge of the case at that time was the Third Squadron of the Police Detective Bureau. They were in the same situation as me now. They found no useful clues. Later, the murderer disappeared and he no longer continued to commit crimes. The case continued to be investigated. After a while, it was sealed.”

As he said that, he looked at Brian and patted the pistol on his waist: "When I heard you said that I wanted to catch the murderer, I even brought out the gun of kindness that I hadn't taken out for many years. Man, where is the person? I can't wait now. Saw him!"

Brian shrugged: "I'm not sure yet, but if you investigate the officers on duty in the area where the case was committed a few years ago, and then investigate the officers on duty in this area, the one who is there at the same time is the suspect."

As he spoke, he took out the blood-stained flashlight and told what he had discovered before.

Rajag looked at the blood-stained flashlight. He was happy but also a little depressed: "Then we have to go to the bureau to retrieve the personnel transfer files from a few years ago and now. Why not just say it on the phone? This will be more efficient. high."

"If you don't rush out in a hurry, how can you alert the murderer and reduce our workload?"

Because of its special nature, in addition to the normal shifts, the Fenghua Team often arranges police officers to be on duty from the afternoon to early morning to increase revenue generation, and also arranges police officers to be on duty.

With so many prostitutes being murdered in their jurisdiction over the past two days, they are under great pressure and will definitely be keeping an eye on the movements of the members of the C5 team.

A female member behind Rajag also raised a question: "What if the murderer committed the crime across jurisdictions?"

Brian grinned:

"As for committing crimes across jurisdictions, it is possible, but unlikely. Commuting, choosing a target to commit the crime, collecting intelligence on the target, and committing the crime again and leaving are all difficulties.

If the murderer does this, it will increase the risk of exposure for himself.

In addition, as a law enforcement officer, the murderer is very aware of the police's investigative habits, so he will naturally have a sense of superiority when committing crimes.

Choosing a place he is familiar with not only makes it easier to commit crimes, but also allows him to keep abreast of police investigations, so I don't think he will commit crimes across regions. "

Hearing Brian's explanation, the female team member nodded.


She felt that the well-known Brian in front of her was very keen and knowledgeable about criminal thinking. No wonder he could solve three cases in one day.

Everyone in the C5 group had no objections.

Brian took out his cell phone and looked at the time: "Whether the murderer committed the crime across jurisdictions, you will know when you go back and see. It is almost ten o'clock. Let's go back and see who is not here. Maybe this case can be solved at twelve o'clock." Got it done before.”

"Well, Brian, the confidence in your voice gave me a lot of confidence. I'm very happy that I found you when I was desperate."

Rajag waved to his men.

A group of people and three cars drove back to the precinct branch.

The office of the Fenghua Group is also there.

This time Brian did not take the initiative to drive, leaving it to Green.

Greene seemed a little excited.

Seeing Brian's boss talking in front of the leader and members of another group, he also felt a sense of pride as Brian's younger brother.

He couldn't help but look forward to Brian: "Boss Brian, I feel that I have made rapid progress recently and am becoming more and more involved in solving crimes. My mother is right, choice is more important than hard work."

Listening to Green's flattery, Brian couldn't help laughing and said: "Your mother is quite wise in life."

"Yes, she guides the direction of my life and is the most important person to me."

As he spoke, Green couldn't help but asked curiously: "Boss Brian, if you are so good at solving crimes, why did you join the Forensic Bureau in the first place? I believe that if you joined the police force, you would probably do better now."

to be honest.

After joining Group B6 for so long, he didn't realize how amazing Brian's performance was during the autopsy.

At least it's not as amazing as when Boss Brian solved the case.

"Crack the case"

Brian rubbed his chin.

He does seem to be getting better.

There was no cheating in this case, it was all solved by my own strength.

Breaking the law knowingly, combined with several years of experience working at the Forensic Bureau, and with his brain getting better and better, Brian found that his ability to solve cases and reasoning improved quite quickly.

If you want to do a job well, it is still very useful to have a deep understanding of the work content.

So, he did not commit a crime before, but just to better serve the citizens of Los Angeles!

The blood on his hands is just a little bit of frost on the road to growth.

Thinking of this.

Brian said to Green in a calm tone: "I am not good at solving cases, I can only think of the murderer. Green, as long as you can think more and do more like me, you can do these things in the future."


Green nodded heavily.

It's just how to think and how to do it?

He really wants to improve.

There are not many lights on in the police station.

At this time, except for some police officers on duty, there are basically no people.

The clerks in the archives have left work long ago.

Fortunately, it is now the Internet age.

In addition to paper files, generally non-confidential things are backed up by the internal network of the police force.

A group of people came to the temporary office of C5 team.

Rajag used his team leader authority to retrieve the list of duty personnel of the vice team in the area where serial prostitutes were killed a few years ago.

There were eight people on the list, five men and three women.

He continued to retrieve the duty list of the vice team members around the crime scene of the serial murder of prostitutes in the past two days.

This time there were thirteen people.

After comparing the two lists, three men and two women were screened out.

Brian used the mouse to move the information of these police officers, first filtering out two married female police officers, and then filtering out a male police officer in his fifties.

He pointed to the remaining two personal information and said: "Eagly Birch, Otto Ace, the murderer should be one of these two guys, of course, it may be both."

Rajag looked at the information of the two people.

He had seen these two people during the day. They were the white and black police officers who assisted the police at the scene of the tenth victim.

Among them, Egli is the black police officer with triangular eyes. He looks unfriendly and seems to have a big prejudice against prostitutes. He directly calls them bitches.

Another guy named Otto is his partner, a white police officer who is not good-looking but at least looks polite.

According to the archives.

The black Egli is 34 years old this year, divorced, and has many complaints against prostitutes.

As for the white police officer Otto, he is also 30 years old this year, single, and has no marriage record, but it is not certain whether he has a girlfriend, and there is no complaint record.

There may be many coincidences in the world.

But when all the circumstances are in line with the speculation, it is no longer a coincidence.

Solve the case, don't believe in coincidence.

The murderer is most likely one of these two people, or both!

Rajag printed out the information of the two people and handed it to several team members.

Because there is hope for the case.

He was in a much more relaxed mood and joked with Brian directly: "It seems that this case is about to end. How about we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"If I win, you come to our team to help for a month. If I lose, I can help you pursue Susan when needed." Rajag raised his eyebrows at Brian: "My mother is Susan's mother's sister."


Brian didn't expect that Rajag was actually a relative of Susan.

He decisively agreed to the bet: "Deal!"

If he wins, if Susan's family dares to oppose their relationship in the future, he will start with Rajag, the traitor, and deal with Susan's family one by one.

If he loses

Haha, Susan will be back in more than two weeks, and Rajag will give up the bet by then.

No loss either way.

Brian would be stupid to refuse.

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