You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 151 I just received your complaint against me, let’s talk?

"Egli, Otto?"

The police officer on duty in the vice squad put down his pager and said curiously: "They are also on duty tonight, but they are on field duty. It is mainly because of the prostitute case recently. The higher-ups have arranged for us to increase the patrol frequency on the streets where prostitutes are frequented. If there is any emergency, I will call them back now."

Hearing the increase in patrol frequency, several old-timers in the office smiled with ambiguous meanings.

Catch thieves and stolen goods.

The same is true for catching prostitutes.

The vice squad usually conducts fishing enforcement. When has it ever patrolled diligently?

It is just to force those prostitutes to go to other jurisdictions.

If something happens, it will have nothing to do with them.

Rajag was a little disappointed when he heard that the people were not there.

He shook his head: "It's not an urgent matter. Do you know them?"

Hearing this, the police officer on duty immediately realized that something was wrong.

Rajag is the leader of the C5 team. His energy should be focused on the murder of prostitutes. Why would he care about the two officers of the vice squad?


Realizing this, the police officer on duty nodded in cooperation: "I understand him quite well. We often go out together during our breaks. Egli has a bad temper because of his wife, but he is actually a good person. He says whatever he wants and is very straightforward."

"His wife?"

"Yes, Egli's wife is a patrolman.

During one of his duty, his wife was shot.

Although she was rescued later, because a bastard doctor recommended OxyContin painkillers, his wife became addicted to drugs without Egli's knowledge.

Unable to bear the psychological and physical torture, his wife took the initiative to divorce Egli and committed suicide by swallowing a gun.

Egli only found out about this when he was cleaning up his belongings.

Since then, he has become very irritable."

Hearing this, Rajag's heart skipped a beat.

The suspect chosen for the bet between him and Brian was Egli, but now it seems that the other party does not meet the criminal psychology profile of the murderer.

Rajag glanced at Brian, who was looking at him with a half-smile, and continued to ask: "Where is Otto?"


The police officer on duty lowered his voice: "I have basically never seen Otto get angry. He is very kind in everything he does, but I have heard a rumor that he was able to join the moral group because of his mother."

Everyone pricked up their ears.

This is obviously a melon!

"I know this may be some gossip, but this rumor should be very true.

It is said that Otto's mother was originally a street prostitute. Later, because of her beauty, she was favored by a patrolman more than 20 years ago. He forced Otto's mother to follow him, and the patrolman became Otto's stepfather.

Later, when Otto and his stepfather went hunting in the mountains, his stepfather had an accident and rolled down the mountain and died. The rumor started from that time."

Da Da Da~

Footsteps came from outside, interrupting the words of the police officer on duty.

Everyone looked over and saw two police officers, one in white and one in black, wearing bulletproof vests of the Sexual Dependence Group, carrying some food, coming in from outside.

These two people were Igli and Otto.

Igli was a little surprised to see Brian and the others: "Didn't Gabu say earlier that your C5 group had an important discovery and were all on duty? Why did you come to our Sexual Dependence Group?"

Otto's hand trembled and he didn't say anything.

Gabu, the police officer on duty, was a little embarrassed when he saw them: "We just came to learn about the situation of some streetwalkers. As you know, this case is an assessment for their group."

Otto's reaction just now was seen by Rajag and the others.

Several members of the C5 group surrounded Otto in silence.

Rajag spread his hands helplessly to Brian: "Well, it seems that you won. How did you see that?"

Brian just smiled and said nothing, pretending to be an expert.

He saw nothing.

In fact, Brian also thought it was Igli at the beginning.

After all, this guy looks really bad, and he's divorced. His words and deeds have never concealed his dislike for prostitutes.

But Rajag chose Egli first, and Brian thought he wouldn't suffer any loss, so he chose another suspect, Otto.

Unexpectedly, it was really him.

While the two were chatting.

Black police officer Egli looked at the people surrounding his companions and said with some dissatisfaction: "This is the vice group, what do you want to do!"

But Otto sighed: "It seems that you have discovered it, yes, that's right, I killed those prostitutes, and the murder weapon is on my belt."

Then he looked at Egli: "Man, I'm sorry, I can't patrol with you in the future."

Committing so many crimes in two days.

Otto never thought he could escape.

"Otto..." Seeing his old partner confessing, Igli's eyes widened, and finally he stepped aside dejectedly and leaned against the wall, not knowing what he was thinking...

Thus, the serial murder of prostitutes was solved on the same day after Brian intervened.

Parking lot of the police station.

Brian looked at the time on his phone and chuckled: "Lucky, I should be able to get home before twelve o'clock."

Looking at his young face, Rajag was quite emotional: "Brian, you are indeed very good, but if you want to deal with Susan's family like this, this is not enough."

Brian took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth: "Then what level do I need to reach?"

"Have enough influence!" Rajag showed a bad smile on his face: "I mean, if you can become one of the decision-makers of the NW organization, or can reach half of the influence of the Susan family in business, There is no obstacle.”

"Too much trouble."

Brian exhaled a puff of smoke and shook his head: "If it doesn't work, I'll get married."

There are also brides-in-law here, but they will still be looked down upon.

Rajag: "Then the child won't have your last name."

He speaks more reservedly.

"It doesn't matter." Brian waved his hand disdainfully: "If Susan's father is willing to give the family property to our child, I can take the child's surname."

What a tiring struggle.


Seeing this guy's shameless look, he began to believe that Brian might really be able to deal with Susan's difficult mother and father with a bad personality.

Farewell to Rajag.

Brian drove to take Green back to the B6 group office building first.

This guy's car is still parked there.

On the road.

Green looked at Brian curiously: "Boss, what were you talking about before?"

Brian glanced at him and said frankly: "We're talking about an independent man's guide to starting a business."

“How to start a business?”

"Find a rich woman."

Green lowered his head and thought deeply.

Don't say it, really don't say it!

Here in Hollywood, there are really many rich women who like young and strong black men like him. They also have status bonuses and uniform temptations. It seems that they really have something to do with it.

the next day.

Brian received his salary and bonus, which totaled over one hundred thousand dollars.

Green also received his first salary after joining the B6 group.

Looking at the numbers above, he couldn't help but cheer.

He took a sip of soup with Brian and received a check for $20,000.

This is the first time Green has made so much money since he was a child.

What surprised him even more.

Brian also gave him two thousand dollars as a bonus for helping the C5 team solve the case.

It’s not much money, it’s just an attitude.

Green is already very satisfied.

He was just a soy sauce guy, and he actually got another two thousand dollars in vain.

Sure enough, when it comes to soy sauce, it also depends on who you are fighting with.

In the young man's heart, his determination to follow Brian has become much stronger!

The rest of the people in the office were also in a good mood.

However, they got their own checks before getting off work yesterday. They were past the excitement period, but their mental state at work was obviously much more attentive than before.

Except for Ivan and Glenn.

The case in their hands was also solved, but they only brought back one convicted boy. As for the Cripple Gang, they spent a lot of money to find someone to make peace with, which led to someone from the NW Operations Department speaking out.

The investigation came to nothing.

There was nothing Brian could do about it.

NW rights come from the common acquiescence and support of all capital and rights institutions in Los Angeles. As a price, they will also be affected by capital to a certain extent.

At noon.

Brian came to the bank and based on the police information he found, he paid a sum of money to the middle-aged policeman whose daughter had died in the Forest Park case as a token of his gratitude.

After that, he took Shisan, bought a lot of toys and gift boxes, drove to the children's home where the female victim Olenna often helped, found the parents, and briefly explained the situation of the case. Afterwards, those gifts were left behind.

Each gift has a name on it.

Brian did not say that he bought it himself, but explained that it was a list of gifts found on Olenna.

This is Olenna's last gift to her children.

After sending the gift, I did not receive the gift of obsession.

Brian guessed that there would be no feedback until these gifts were delivered to those children.

He didn't really care.

Even without the gift of energy, he would still help with this obsession.

After saying goodbye to the middle-aged black woman who was wiping her tears again, Brian took Thirteen to eat.

Some of it was eaten in the store, and some of it was packed and eaten back in the car.

Quite troublesome.

But his and Thirteen's appetites were a bit large, and together they were too conspicuous.

come back to the office.

Seeing that Green and the others were gone, Brian asked Old Harden strangely: "Where are Green and Ivan?"

"There is a new case. The deceased was a rich man. He was found dead in the bathtub of the guest room of the villa by a servant who came to clean up. Ivan and the others feel that they have received so many bonuses recently because of your credit, so they want to do more. matter."

Old Harden didn't look back, and was slowly playing a game similar to Sokoban on the computer.

"Okay." Brian nodded: "What happened to the previous case of the female corpse in the tree?"

The garbage that sold my daughter has not been dealt with yet.

Speaking of this case, Old Harden stopped what he was doing and looked at Brian strangely:

“Because there are so many cases, the court’s efficiency has improved a lot now.

The outcome of this case should be available in more than a week.

But this is the first time I've seen you take an interest in a case.

Brian, as someone who has been there, I must remind you not to do unnecessary things. We can be merciful and we can over-enforce the law, but..."


Brian interrupted Old Harden: "I just saw on the police call that there was a fire in the pig farm where the deceased was kept, and there were several corpses. I just asked out of curiosity."

The pig farm has been discovered.

However, the case was not assigned to Group B6 this time.

Since the addition of two new teams to Team C, they have indeed been much more relaxed.

Old Harden did not comment on Brian's explanation.

He hesitated and took out a business card from the drawer: "This is my friend's phone number. He knows some people in prison. If you want to do something, just contact him. He is very reliable."

After that, he turned his attention back to the computer game.

Looking at the business card in front of him, Brian silently put it in his arms.

He asked Old Harden to pay attention to this matter before, and it was also because he took the initiative to help last time, which was somewhat tentative.

Now it seems that the result is not bad.

At least he is not a person with a conservative and nosy personality.

It is close to the end of get off work.

Because his colleagues are too hard-working, Brian, who has nothing to do, is preparing to work overtime tonight and go to the hospital to do some part-time work to store some gift energy points on him.

Caroline, a junior staff member of the NW Internal Affairs Department and Susan's best friend, who had met before, came to the B6 group office in a short skirt and a professional suit, with high heels and stockings on her legs.

She walked directly to Brian: "Staff Brian, we received a complaint about you and want to know what happened."


Brian pointed at himself: "Me?"

The first time is gone?

Caroline didn't say much, just walked to the door of Susan's office and hooked her finger at him.

This gesture looks very tempting.

In addition, why did only Caroline come this time?

With curiosity.

Brian followed in.

More than ten minutes later.

Caroline, with messy clothes and swollen panda eyes, left the B6 group office quickly with red and swollen eyes.

Brian sneered and clenched his fists, holding a document and followed behind.

This little girl actually threatened the complainant's information and wanted to fight him again.

The other party has made great progress.

At least I didn't get beaten to tears this time.

Society can really hone people.

As a simple, kind person who spends the night without emotions.

After work.

Brian took Thirteen directly to the complainant's home and rang the doorbell.

A moment.

A somewhat decadent man with a smell of alcohol opened the door.

When he saw that the person was Brian, he was stunned.

Brian looked at him with a gentle smile: "Peter, I just received your complaint against me, come and talk?"

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