You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 152 Come on, keep showing off, or I’ll shoot you dead (Additional chapter 1 for the leader o

When Peter saw that the person was Brian, he was numb.

He thought the person who came was from the NW Internal Affairs Department, who was helping him identify his injuries, but it turned out to be the person he had complained about.

The complaint call was made in the morning.

The real owner came in the afternoon.

Is there still justice?

Is there still law?

Peter took a deep breath, and his face, which still had scars from last night's beating, tried to force a smile: "Is there any misunderstanding? I just suggested that the NW Operations Department enforce the law in a civilized manner."

Brian looked surprised: "Dude, do you have amnesia?"


"Did you ask others to beat you yesterday?"

"Yes, but..."

"Did the brothers choose to take action to satisfy your strange fetish, regardless of their suits and politeness?"


Looking at him pretending to be dead, he stopped talking.

Brian sighed and said with great sorrow: "We have satisfied your needs in this way, but is it not civilized enough to enforce the law?"

"I'm sorry," Peter looked at the tall and strong Brian, his lips moved a few times, and finally chose to bow his head: "I am a little narrow-minded, I drank a little too much, said some nonsense, did some stupid things, and caused trouble to you."

"Being narrow-minded is not a good habit."

Brian handed a folder to Peter: "Fortunately, I am generous and don't bother with you. Come, sign this for me. In the future, learn more from me and don't be a villain behind my back."


He took the folder numbly, and then he was stunned.

The reason for being stunned was not just because of the confession of "using the convenience of his position to sell smuggled drugs" written on the folder, and the soft thing under the folder.

As an agent who used to be in the anti-gang group, Peter knew what it was.

This bastard!!!

He trembled his lips half in anger and half in fear, and looked at Brian begging for mercy, but met his smiling eyes.

There was no warmth in those beautiful eyes, and looking at him was like looking at a dead person.

"Is the content of the document embarrassing for you?"

Brian stepped forward and lowered his voice: "Or do you think that you don't agree with the content above?"

"I was wrong!" Peter was really scared this time, begging for mercy: "I am a bug, a self-righteous bug, I will never appear in front of you in the future, please, let me go!"

When he touched the soft package, he realized that the gentle and clean man in front of him was a real villain, a hundred times more bastard than him, and an unscrupulous lawless maniac!

Too cruel!

He just complained about this guy, and the other party actually slandered him for drug trafficking and even prepared the evidence!

Thinking that he complained, the other party found his power right after he complained.

Peter is really scared now!

How could he be so stupid as to provoke such a person?

After being beaten, he dared to jump around and provoke again?

Peter now wishes he could travel back to yesterday and join the crowd that beat him.

He wants to die when he has a good life!

His foul mouth hurts people!

In the end, after Mr. Peter burst into tears and expressed that he realized his mistake, as a generous man, Brian gave Peter a chance in the end and did not continue to embarrass this foul-mouthed and narrow-minded guy.

After leaving.

Brian casually threw the bag of flour into the trash can on the street.

It was really just a bag of flour.

It was more than ten o'clock in the evening.

Brian left the hospital morgue disappointedly.

Since the last time he broke the limit, he has been drained and has no gift energy reserves on his body.

He has several obsessions in his hands, but none of them can be completed in the first time.

There is no inventory, which makes Brian feel very insecure.

He thought about it, and simply took out the black hood he carried with him in the dark, changed his body shape and face, put the hood on his head, and rushed to the next hospital.

This time Brian deliberately did not drive out, just to exercise his body.

Since his body broke the limit.

His casual force is a thousand pounds, and with a slight burst, coupled with the body's force skills, it is close to two thousand pounds of force. If he kicks with the speed of charging, he can even kick a car weighing several tons to make the door dent and the car move sideways.

In comparison, the body of an ordinary person is too fragile in front of him.

Usually at work, Brian has to restrain himself, for fear that a slap will crack someone's shoulder or break his head.

This feeling of running and parkouring on the street in the dead of night without any scruples is really cool.

A distance of more than ten miles was reached in a short while.

Brian didn't even feel out of breath.

He first used his night vision to identify the surveillance of this hospital, and then, like Spider-Man, he walked along the wall to a dressing room, put on a white coat, put on a mask, and took the elevator directly to the morgue without avoiding the elevator surveillance.

The security guard here was sleeping soundly.

Brian came forward, pinched the security guard with his little hand, and fainted him. He picked up the registration book, looked at the storage number, and sneaked in quietly.

This time, he finally got something.

This is the obsession of a 17-year-old boy with leukemia: If I were a little braver, at least I could tell Angel that I like her

The obsession gift is 3 points of gift energy.

But the difficulty of completion is very low.

After Brian wrote down the boy's identity information, he left quietly.

As long as there is no body theft.

In fact, no one will go out of their way to check the hospital's surveillance. After a while, the surveillance will be covered.

Even if someone finds out, Brian doesn't care.

He and the autopsy officer Brian now have nothing in common, from body shape to appearance, from voice to walking posture, except for the eyes and hair.

On the way to the next hospital, Brian took a look at the girl in the boy's obsession.

This girl named Angel should be the boy's classmate, but she looks more mature, a sexy blonde big cow, and the obsession close-up portrait is still a close-up of the other party standing on the basketball court, holding something and dancing.

The other party should still be a cheerleader of the school basketball team.

This kind of people are usually the celebrities in the school, and their boyfriends are also star students and players of baseball or basketball teams. It is estimated that Angel doesn't know that there is such a boy with leukemia who likes her.

"What a simple and pure crush"

Brian thought of the absurdity of his high school career and couldn't help but smile.

Half an hour later.

He sneaked into a smaller hospital morgue again.

This time the security guard didn't sleep, but he was reading some color magazines, which was really not affected by the environment at all.

Fortunately, Brian brought all the equipment when he went out.

A little volatile anesthetic gas went down.

This guy lay on his magazine and lost consciousness.

I don't know if it's because of his good luck today.

This time, Brian gained another obsession.

This obsession was left by a middle-aged man in his thirties who died suddenly after staying up late: I heard that the assembly model of the StarCraft spacecraft has come out, it's a pity that I can't see it with my own eyes.

The gift energy after completion is also not much, only three points.

"Men are teenagers until they die..."

Brian smiled knowingly.

The obsessions of people who died in the hospital are mostly simple.

This experience of seeing all kinds of life made him feel a lot more relaxed.

Arrived at a big shopping mall.

Brian sneaked in, smashed the glass of a model shop, and rushed in quickly with the alarm sounding, leaving a stack of cash and leaving with the model the man wanted.

Before leaving, he also gestured to the surveillance camera.

When the night security of the mall arrived trembling with fear, he only saw a mess on the ground and the stack of cash on the counter.

Found an open space.

Brian lit the model the man wanted: "Dude, I helped you see it, it's really cool, I hope you have fun in the sky."

Feeling the surge of warm current.

Brian also regained three points of gift energy reserves.

Wait until daytime, find the girl named Angel, or get her phone number, and help the leukemia boy say "I like you", and you can get three more points of gift energy.

Six points of gift energy reserves are barely enough for the time being.

Thinking of this.

Brian gave up the idea of ​​going to the next hospital and returned along the original route.

It was not a peaceful journey.

Los Angeles at night is another world.

Many illegal transactions are carried out at this time.

Some homeless people who are harmless during the day will also take advantage of this time to wander around, looking for thinner homeless people, and robbing everything they can use. If they meet the opposite sex who are drunk or high, it is equivalent to eating meat.

Brian did not interfere with this.

His figure was hidden in the shadows, like a ghost blending into the shadows. In the constant familiarity and adjustment, he quickly and silently passed through the streets.

When he was about two kilometers away from home.

Brian paused.

He stopped by the roadside and looked at the darkness ahead.

There was a small tent hidden inside.

The owner of the tent should be a very experienced homeless person. He set up the tent in this position. Generally, no one would find it unless someone went in.

However, this little darkness could not block Brian's night vision.

His eyesight was very good, and he could see the two figures stacked on top of each other in the tent by the moonlight.

The person on top had his head swaying on the side of the other person's neck.

Anyone who saw this would think that the two were being naughty.

Unfortunately, it wasn't.

Brian said politely to the inside: "Dude, it's wrong to eat people."

The figure in the tent suddenly stopped.

The next moment.


The sound of the zipper being pulled down was particularly harsh in the silence.

As the zipper of the tent slid down.

A pale and sharp hand pressed on the grass.

Then, there was the head of a woman with a mouth full of blood.

Behind it, there was a pair of people who looked like ballerinas, with their toes touching the ground, legs wide open, and hips touching the ground.

This was a young woman who looked like a human being, good-looking, with only a few pieces of rags covering her body, but crawling like a spider, with her hands and feet on the ground.

She tilted her head and looked at Brian curiously, with a grim smile on her bloody face: "Do you want to join my dinner party?"



The woman was like a spider, scurrying around on the grass, disappearing under the cover of the vegetation on the roadside and into the darkness.

The sound of rapid movement kept coming from the darkness ahead.

Sometimes far, sometimes near, sometimes forward, sometimes backward, constantly giving people a sense of psychological oppression as if countless reptiles were approaching.

Brian looked at this psychopath, constantly jumping around on the grass, pretending to be a ghost, thinking that he couldn't see her, and couldn't help sighing: "Although you dance very beautifully and your legs are very white and long, I still want to go back to bed early. Do you have any other new tricks? If not, I will send you to a mental hospital for treatment."

The woman's figure stagnated: "It's so dark here, can you see me?"

Brian nodded sincerely: "I can see it."

The next moment.

He saw the woman's toes curled up.

It can be seen that she is very embarrassed now.

Silence for a moment.

The woman silently returned to the outside of the tent: "You go, I won't kill you."


Brian nodded and turned to leave.

The next moment.

A figure, like a hunting jumping spider, jumped four or five meters high, with a hideous face and red eyes, and appeared above Brian's head across a distance of seven or eight meters.

She was fast, but Brian was even faster.

He didn't even look at her and slapped her on the top of his head.

There was a muffled sound.

The woman flew back at a faster speed like a piece of rag, hitting the tent, and her whole face was deformed.

"You jumped quite high."

Brian slowly walked to the struggling woman, stepped on her on the ground, took out a pistol, and stuffed it into her sunken mouth: "Come on, keep showing off, or I'll shoot you!"

If he hadn't seen a special tattoo on the woman's body, he would have killed her directly.

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