You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 153 Spider Queen Eliana

Chapter 153 Spider Queen-Eliana

The woman's mouth was filled to the brim with the cold muzzle of the gun.

She looked at Brian in horror: "Woooooo~"

"No pain?"

The woman shook her head.

Brian pinched the woman's arms and thighs curiously and found that the woman's body structure was significantly different from that of ordinary people. The joints were as soft as boneless, and the skin and muscles felt elastic and full of toughness, much like a modified product in a laboratory. .

He simply moved the gun away.

next moment.

Spider Woman's sunken cheeks actually recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the broken bones also reset themselves automatically. However, the skin and body that were originally full of soft luster and plumpness changed accordingly, as if they were dehydrated.

It can be seen that this kind of recovery will consume a lot of energy stored in Spider Woman's body.

More than a minute later, the sound of crunching bones rubbing could be heard from the intact Spider-Woman.

in a blink.

A beautiful white woman with soft appearance and delicate skin appeared in front of Brian.

She sat on the ground, hugging her knees with her hands, and looked at Brian pitifully: "Don't kill me, okay? Whatever you do, I will cooperate with you."

Brian waved his hand in disgust: "I can't do it if it smells like blood."

"I can go take a shower..."

"Not interested in"

"I can do whatever pose you want..."

"." After a moment of silence, Brian pointed to the tattoo on the woman's shoulder: "Tell me about your origins, and if you ever open your mouth to seduce a pure young single like me again, I will punch you in the head!"

This tattoo is a gluttonous pattern, which is exactly the same as the tattoo of the core figure of the 'Beast Pavilion' organization that Brian found before.

The only difference is that there is an iron cage carved around the tattoo of the glutton, which is lifelike, like a glutton being imprisoned.

The Beast Pavilion is a global organization that sells wild animals. It operates in a secretive manner. Many intelligence organizations do not accept the business of investigating this organization, so Brian's previous obsession with the aberrant beast has been delayed.

I didn't expect to be so lucky today. Not only did I get two new obsessions, I also met a deformed person who might be related to the 'Beast Pavilion'.


The woman looked at Brian, who was wearing a black hood in the middle of the night and who looked like he was not a good person at first glance. He was short in stature, dressed in shabby clothes, and spoke with a rich, mature male voice, and fell silent.

Face this shameless person.

She had no choice but to accept her fate and said:

"The tattoo on my body is the logo of a laboratory.

I was originally a model in Texas. When I was traveling by car, I had a car accident. When I woke up, I was locked in a glass room with many people, both men and women. It seemed that everyone There were all kinds of fish, but most of them died. Only me and a man with fish gills survived. "

"Human experiments?"

"It should be." The woman's eyes lost focus, as if she was remembering:

“After I woke up, people would come to draw our blood every day and inject us with all kinds of unknown things. If we didn’t obey, we would receive electric shocks.

People kept dying suddenly.

Others turned into deformed monsters, lost consciousness, and were taken away by people in white coats.

My body has also undergone strange changes. I can crawl as fast as a spider, and I can jump very high. The bones and muscles of my body are very tough, and I am not afraid of ordinary physical attacks. I can consume body energy to recover from injuries, and my body can also secrete Anesthetic and corrosive liquids.

Next, we surviving monsters will be taken to different places for testing every day and receive many injections.

Many people died during this process.

I don’t know how long it took, but I and a Japanese man with fish gills were the only ones left alive. "

"You can communicate casually?"


"Then how did you leave the laboratory and show up here?"

Spider Woman shook her head:

"I didn't know that one day a lot of gas was suddenly released in the room, and I fainted. When I woke up again, I found myself floating in the sea near a desert island, with debris from an airplane around me.

After eating the animals on the desert island, I wandered around on the sea, and when I was hungry, I dived into the sea to catch fish.

I don’t know how long it took.

I came across a passing freighter.

I clung to the hull from the water, climbed up and hid, and followed the cargo ship to Los Angeles. "

Hearing this, Brian was a little surprised: "Walking around on the sea?"

Spider-Woman nodded: "My body structure is very special. I can easily float on the water, and I can also climb and cling to smooth objects. However, I cannot spin silk like Spider-Man, nor can I have such a magical spider instinct." To be honest, I don’t know what kind of monster I am now, it seems to have the characteristics of many spider types.”

"All right."

Brian was a little disappointed and a little surprised when he didn't hear the detailed news about the beast pavilion.

The woman's account has a strong sense of reality.

If this is the case, it means that the Beast Pavilion organization not only poaches wild animals around the world, but also captures many humans and conducts human experiments similar to lycanthropy reagents.

At least the woman's ability and appearance just now looked like she had used a lycanthropy reagent.

This Beast Pavilion actually has such strong scientific research capabilities. It may be a black glove of a national institution. It is not as easy to deal with as I imagined.

As for private forces.

Brian denied it without even thinking about it.

Just the cutting-edge equipment for biological research and the reserve of scientific research talents are not something that an individual can get.

It is simply unrealistic.

Brian sighed and looked at the obsession of the Deformed Beast: Kill all these hairless two-legged beasts, kill them all! ! !

There is also a pattern of a Taotie tattoo attached to the back.

Obsession Gift:

One: 80 points of gift energy.

Two: 10 points of gift energy + rapid burst

Thinking of the terrifying movement speed of the Deformed Beast, which is like teleportation, Brian felt even more uncomfortable.

It is the most painful to ask for it but not get it.

Hey, the obsession gift of the Deformed Beast is really hard to get.

While thinking.

Brian put away his gun, stretched out his hand and pinched the woman's tight face. At the moment when she breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, wanting to show her obedient attitude, he suddenly grabbed her neck and bent it hard.

There was a crisp sound.

The smile on Spider Woman's face froze, and her head was weakly bent 90 degrees, just like a tumbler that lost its support and swayed in the air. Her beautiful big eyes looked straight at Brian, as if questioning why he was willing to kill her...

Looking at the woman who died with her eyes open.

Brian threw Spider Woman's body to the ground, stood up, tore open the tent, and looked inside.

In the messy tent, there was a black homeless man in his thirties, who was skinny and skinny, with loose skin all over his body, sticking to his tall frame, highlighting his wide-open and terrified eyes, which looked like they were about to fall out of his eye sockets.

There was a huge gap in the neck of the black homeless man, and a fluid substance similar to tomato juice slowly flowed out of the gap, emitting a pungent corrosive smell.

Spider Woman, just eating.

Brian looked at the tent with an expressionless face.

This Spider Woman, her habits have really changed. She directly injects digestive fluid into the body of her prey, and then sucks it like jelly, which is similar to the habits of those spiders.

If the other party is just hunting some stray cats and dogs, Brian, who has not exposed his body and voice, may let her go and go fishing.

Cannibalism is not allowed.

Cannibals, die!

No one is around.

After dealing with Spider Woman, Brian lit a cigarette, squatted aside, and looked at the body of Spider Woman with unclosed eyes in anticipation, wanting to see if she would burst out of obsession.

A cigarette was completely finished.

There was no movement in front of him.

Brian crushed the cigarette butt and put it in his pocket. He frowned and checked the body characteristics of Spider Woman again. After confirming that her heart had stopped beating, he shook his head in disappointment.

To be on the safe side.

He took out his pistol, took out a fastened silencer from his belt, and slowly installed it on the muzzle, preparing to shoot a few more shots at the woman's head, heart and other vital parts to see what happened.

The next moment.

A feeling of dizziness came over him.

Brian's eyes were filled with astonishment, and he slowly fell down, unable to move at all.

How could this be possible!

He who had control over pheromones and his body would actually be hit?

He held his breath and concentrated, his consciousness surging in his body, and was shocked to find that not only could he not move, but even the neural network in his body had lost its connection, leaving only his consciousness alone to function, and the speed was still slowing down.

What a terrifying neurotoxin!

Brian realized that although his innate ability could transform things like neurotoxins through special organs in the body to avoid poisoning, he would still be hit by neurotoxins that invaded from the outside world if he was not prepared in advance.

Sure enough, there is no infallible ability in the world!

However, under the powerful physical activity, Brian could feel that his body's perception was slowly recovering.

Even without using the gift energy, it is estimated that after a few minutes, his body will be able to rely on its powerful activity and immune system to forcibly expel and devour the negative neurotoxins in his body, allowing him to regain control of his body.

Seeing this, Brian gave up the idea of ​​using the gift energy to heal.

When people think they have won, they tend to get carried away.

He wanted to see if Spider-Woman would reveal any surprises to him.

Along with losing control of his body.

An invisible force field radiated from Brian's body.

His body shape also recovered from a short stature to a tall height of 1.87 meters, and his muscular body became smooth and symmetrical again, so that people could feel his body beauty even through the black hood.


Spider-Woman, who had been motionless, suddenly stretched out her hands and reset her broken and bent head.

Accompanied by the sound of bone connection friction.

Her originally stiff expression and eyes also regained their agility.

A fear appeared on Spider-Woman's face.

Fortunately, her body structure is already very different from that of normal humans.

This also gave her the ability to fake her death, and she survived the fatal state just now.

"You damn bastard, you actually wanted to kill me..."

She was filled with anger in her heart, and looked at Brian fiercely, but she was attracted by the change in his appearance and even forgot to be angry.

Her nose twitched twice, and then she seemed to smell some intoxicating smell, with an intoxicated look on her face: "It smells so good, such a powerful smell."

Spider Woman forgot all her anger. She looked at Brian on the ground greedily. Using her hands and feet, she instantly appeared in front of Brian and leaned against his body. She sniffed him like a slut: "Why did you suddenly change?" You smell so good alone, you smell so good! It makes me have an irresistible urge."

It is the instinct of all female animals to find strong and outstanding individuals for reproduction.

As soon as Brian's pheromones were leaked, it immediately aroused Spider Woman's desire for reproduction engraved in her genes.


Accompanied by the sound of tearing clothes.

A body as muscular as a stone sculpture appeared in front of Spider Woman's eyes.

Like a slut who had been hungry for more than ten years, she sniffed around Brian's body like crazy, and finally grabbed the syringe on Brian's body, trying to connect to the channel.

The issue is.

under neurotoxins.

Brian couldn't even feel a knife, let alone let a syringe do its job.

I keep asking for it but not getting it.

Spider-Woman is going crazy!

She sat on Brian and begged him: "I'll help you remove the toxin, don't move, please give it to me, please, give it to me!"


What kind of heavy-mouthed ghost district plot is this?

Seeing that he didn't respond, Spider-Woman gritted her teeth and bit down on Brian's neck regardless of the danger. At the same time, two tiny tooth thorns protruded from the muscles of her mouth and inserted into Brian's carotid artery.

next moment.

A slightly cool substance surged inside Brian's body.

The lost perceptions and broken neural links are restored bit by bit.

He looked at Spider-Woman who was hugging him and biting his neck, and said in a weak voice: "What's your name?"

"Eliana!" Spider Woman exhaled her hot breath and said in confusion: "Those bastards prefer to call me Spider Queen."

"You didn't lie to me just now?"

"No." Spider-woman touched the syringe and found that there was no reaction, so she said impatiently:

“I don’t have to lie to a dead man.

I did escape here.

I have a special ability that allows me to detect spider monsters like me within a certain distance.

When I was hunting stray animals today, I suddenly found the scent of the same kind nearby, so I tracked it here. As a result, it found me in advance and ran away. I was just in front of the corpse trying to capture its scent. . "

"Didn't you kill that man?"

"No, I'm not a real monster in my heart. How can I eat my own kind? I'm still such an ugly, disgusting, and smelly black middle-aged beggar!"

Eliana rubbed against Brian obsessively:

"Thank God.

Your kind ran away, but God sent you here.

What a strong body!

Please, give it to me.

Get up quickly and give it to me! "

Hot breath sprayed on his face.

Brian felt like the other person's body was on fire.

Are your own pheromones so lethal to the opposite sex?

In order to obtain his own genetic material, the other party even risked his life and unlocked the neurotoxins in his body.

Male succubi are so scary.


I can't find anything.

Brian stopped pretending. The warm current surged, instantly dispelling the remaining neurotoxins in his body. He pinched the slender neck of the estrous female spider and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not a casual person, so please die again." "

The female spider saw her true size.

Can't stay!

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