You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 154: The Birth of the ‘Urban Ghost Story Organization’, Killing Two FBI Agents to Liven Up t

Strong force locks the neck.

Under the threat of life, Eliana, who was confused and infatuated, finally regained some sense.

She begged: "As long as you have a baby with me, I will do whatever you want for you!"

Brian shrugged: "Sorry, if you can help me find guys with similar tattoos to you, maybe I can consider giving it to you once, but unfortunately you can't, and you saw my body shape, so I had to send you away."

The words fell.

He no longer hesitated, took out the silenced pistol from his waist, and fired several shots at Eliana, blowing her head off!

Puff puff puff~

Accompanied by several loud farting sounds, several bloody holes appeared on Eliana's head.

The red and white substance trickled out slowly, and the delicate woman in her hands stopped struggling, her hands and feet hanging down weakly.

"You should be burping now..."

Brian muttered and threw the corpse aside.

This time.

He waited for half an hour, until the other party's body was completely cold. Seeing that no obsession was born, he left here unwillingly.

Another half hour passed.

Brian, who had gone and returned, returned to the scene.

He touched Spider Woman's body, checked it again, and after making sure there was nothing unusual, he shook his head and disappeared.

This spider woman should be really dead this time.

A few minutes later.

Bullets silently squeezed out of Spider Woman's head wound one after another and fell to the ground.

Eliana's eyes shot open.

That feeling of being watched disappeared!

"What a cruel, stinky man!"

"After you shot me, you actually stayed there for so long!"

"Fortunately, my vital points are no longer in the head and heart, otherwise I might really die here today."

Eliana's heart was itching with hatred, but in her eyes that had regained their spirituality, there was still an inexorable voyeurism and passion for Brian.

That instinct of genetic attraction almost made her lose her mind.

What a perfect paternal body!

As long as she can sleep with him, she will definitely give birth to the best offspring!

Eliana touched the bullet hole in her head. After feeling that it was almost healed, she weakly got up from the ground.

Her originally plump figure was now dry, with long strands of skin sagging. Her fair and tender skin had also lost its luster and moisture, and was wrinkled. She looked like an old woman in her seventies or eighties.

That's the price of recovering from an injury quickly.

Continuous injuries and suspended animation caused her to consume a large amount of stored energy.

If it happened again, she would probably die here.

Turn around.

Eliana was numb.

In the darkness in the distance, she saw a tall figure squatting on the ground, staring directly at her with closed eyes. The three-dimensional nose wings were still trembling slightly, like two small motor wings.

Brian opened his eyes with a chuckle on his face: "You are so hard to kill!"

If it weren't for the fact that he had nothing to do at night and was so idle, and the spider woman had faked her death before, so this time Brian directly used his sense of smell instead of visual observation, he would really have given this little The spider escaped with his life.


Looking at this capricious man in a hood, she felt so tired.

Eliana lay down directly on the ground: "Just hit my belly button, my vital point is here, please be more precise."

"Forget it, I didn't kill you twice in a row. I guess God doesn't like me doing this." Brian waved his hand and did not choose to continue.

Seeing Eliana's messy appearance, he suddenly had a new idea.

After hearing that there was no need to die, Eliana got up from the ground.

She looked at Brian suspiciously: "Are you really not going to kill me?"

Eliana was really doubted by Brian's departure and return.

How can people be so stubborn?

Brian nodded: "Well, by the way, how do you usually solve food problems?"

"Normal food will do, but the fresher the flesh and blood, the more energy I can absorb." Eliana pulled at her soft flesh due to excessive recovery: "In this situation, I have to find That kind of stray cats and dogs use spikes to inject anesthetic and corrosive liquid into their bodies, and then suck them directly with the spikes, but I rarely use it because it’s too disgusting.”

As she spoke, she opened her mouth wide.

next moment.

Two slender bone spurs pierced out from her mouth. She looked like a human-shaped saber-toothed tiger, but it gave the pale and soft Eliana a bit more wild temperament.

"Then why was your mouth full of blood just now?"

"To scare you away~"

Eliana retracted her two spiked teeth, opened her mouth, and found blood stains between her teeth and on her lips. These blood stains could actually disappear and appear with the peristalsis of the muscles in her mouth. It was as if there were countless tiny holes hidden in her mouth.

She sighed:

“I actually tried to go back home to Texas and I got mobbed by a bunch of people.

At first, I thought it was the organization that turned me into a monster. After killing their people, I found the ID of the FBI employee.

They are actually from the FBI.

I don’t know why they knew my situation so well, but for safety reasons, I returned to Los Angeles, a city with a large population. I usually hide in underground pipes and only come out at night to move around and look for food.

I have been living like this for more than a month. "


Brian wrote down the incident and said noncommittally: "But you tried to attack me in the end."

Eliana said aggrievedly:

"I really wanted to scare you away at first, but you revealed your night vision ability. I thought you were a monster like me, so I wanted to catch you and find out what was going on with me. If you wanted to kill me later, I just released neurotoxins.

I really didn't lie to you.

When I appeared here this time, I also sensed a monster similar to me, so I came over to see if there were any similar monsters similar to me, but it was very wary and ran away before I even got close. "

That's it.

Eliana's words were consistent with what she said before when she thought she had won.

The credibility is very high.

At this point, Brian was really ready to give up on killing this little spider that had died twice in his hands, and instead prepare to use her for fishing.

Think of this.

He extended his hand to Eliana: "Let me formally meet you. My name is Freddie. I am the boss of Los Angeles Urban Ghost Stories. I am young and promising. I am currently single. I have a gentle personality and like to wander around at night. Do you have anything else to ask? Just ask.”

"Freddy? Isn't this the devil from the Nightmare on Elm Street movie?"

"It's a code name. When you come out to fool around, who is a serious person who uses his real name?"

"What are the urban legends?"

"I just started an organization, well, to be precise, I just thought of the name ten seconds ago."


The style of painting changed too quickly.

She didn't know that she was actually wandering around the line of life and death again, jumping repeatedly on Satan's list, but she was a little unaccustomed and asked: "Okay, then are you the same monster as me?"

Brian did not answer, but asked: "Do you often have bloodthirsty impulses?"

Eliana shook her head: "No, most of the time it's the same as normal people, but now I prefer to eat raw flesh and blood. Sometimes when I see those handsome male model advertisements on the big screen, I have the guts to find them and grab them." Go down the drain, then applaud, and eat them again.”


Also co-authored is The Genetic Impact of Black Widows.

No wonder Eliana felt like she had taken tons of aphrodisiacs after smelling the pheromones she emitted.

No wonder the people who transformed Eliana gave her the nickname Spider Queen.

I really don’t know what’s wrong with those beasts in the pavilion. It should be said that the FBI people are studying some damn stuff!

Once a special group of people has strong reproductive power, it will be a disaster for ordinary people!

Judging from Eliana's experience, and thinking of what happened to his uncle, Brian immediately understood that the person behind the Beast Pavilion was actually from the FBI. Of course, it was not necessarily the FBI, it could also be the CIA.

After all, the origin of Beast Pavilion is in Vietnam.

There are quite a few people there who are close to this place.

The CIA also likes to support such foreign forces.

But Brian also figured out what was going on with Eliana.

The other party was just an unlucky guy who was captured and subjected to research and transformation. With good luck, an unexpected incident occurred during the transportation process and he escaped.

Thinking of his previous plan.

Brian directly explained to Eliana:

"There are some differences between you and me.

You are a product of biotechnology in the laboratory, a lycanthrope under the influence of medicine. In essence, you are now a genetically modified person. As for me, my group is called aberrants. Many modern non-human biotechnology are derived from Our group was born from human research. "


Brian also gave Eliana some knowledge about aberrations, blood moons, and those organizations.

Eliana listened with great interest.

What she has endured the most these days is inhuman psychological pressure.

Now that she heard that there was a group of aberrants, as well as those who actively used lycanthropy reagents to turn into monsters, she suddenly felt much better.

Just listen and listen.

She became wilted, as if the power had been cut off, and her head was shaking from time to time.


Eliana nodded and pulled up the loose flesh on her body: "Every time I get injured, it consumes my body's energy. Also, I have been sensing the movement around me all the time, which makes me very mentally exhausted."

Brian was surprised: "Is this why you lay down for a full hour before?"

Eliana nodded:

“That’s a state of suspended animation.

When I am in suspended animation, my senses become very magical. I can hear the tiniest sounds within a few meters and feel the sight around me.

Although my body structure is somewhat different from that of normal people, damage to my brain and heart will also consume a lot of my body's energy. Once the energy is insufficient, I will really die, so if it is a little later, you still haven't If I leave, I will really die. "

"That's right. When combined with your neurotoxin, it's quite powerful when used to pretend to be dead and attack in a sneak attack. Most people can't handle it." Brian praised sincerely.

He checked twice. When Eliana faked her death, her body responded almost like a real dead person.

In other words, he was cheated once.

Otherwise, Eliana would still have to die.

As a qualified forensic examiner, Brian would most of the time dispose of the body after killing someone.

He was actually thinking about going back to get tools.

It can only be said that Eliana was unlucky for eight lifetimes when she met someone like him.

Eliana looked like she was about to lose power at any moment.

Brian glanced around and saw that the person waiting had not arrived yet. He stretched out his hand with some disappointment: "Here, have a drink."

Eliana looked at Brian blankly: "What?"

"Drink some!"

After saying that, Brian took out the willow leaf knife hidden in his clothes, slashed his wrist, and then put his wrist to Eliana's lips.

The blood gushing out stained his lips.

Eliana subconsciously stuck out her tongue and licked it, and then like a baby who had been hungry for several days and lost her mind, she grabbed Brian's hand and started sucking it.

As the active blood flows down her belly, her flabby muscles plump up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her wrinkled skin glows with a white and soft luster.

More than ten seconds.

The old lady with saggy skin turned into the beautiful and sweet Miss Eliana again.

She was dizzy and looked at Brian with a bit of drunkenness. She smiled like a fool and tore the fabric on her body: "You are so kind. Let's have a baby together."


Brian went over with a big mouth and slapped half of Eliana's face.


Eliana's face was swollen, and she was adjusting the fabric on her body.

She lowered her head and said pitifully: "I'm sorry, your blood is too fragrant and full of energy. I lost my temper after drinking it."

Smelling Eliana's own unique pheromones.

Brian grinned and chuckled: "It's okay. From now on, we will all be on our own. If you want to drink, just keep looking for me."


Eliana didn't understand: "One of our own?"

The smile on Brian's face slowly disappeared: "I treat you as a friend and let you drink my blood. As a friend, I ask you to join my urban ghost story organization. You shouldn't refuse, right?"


Eliana watched her 'friend' Brian take out the pistol again and chose to follow his heart.

At this point, the Urban Ghost Story Organization, more than ten minutes after its establishment, welcomed its second member - Little Spider.

Because there was a tracking method left on Eliana.

Brian generously told Eliana the address of a safe house: "There are human skin masks made of modern materials there. Although you can't change your appearance, your muscles and bones are special and can fit those masks. At least you will be normal next time." Activities, no problem.”

Hearing this, Eliana's face showed joy: "Can I come out openly?"

Brian nodded: "Yes, go ahead."

"how about you?"

Brian chuckled: "Of course I'll help you get rid of it. You really thought that you met the same kind of people nearby for no reason. It was just a bait set by the FBI. You should leave quickly. I have something to ask for your help in two days." "


Eliana glanced at Brian with some worry, her body creaked, and then she got down on all fours, like a humanoid spider, ignoring all kinds of terrain, following a building, and quickly disappeared from Brian's sight.

Looking at the humanoid reptile disappearing on the glass building, Brian took out a cigarette.

Mad, this world is becoming more and more abnormal!

Until about three o'clock in the morning.

Two figures walked towards this side slowly and slowly, facing the dim street lights and walking on scattered shadows.

Brian, who was hiding high up, silently took out his pistol.

Urban Weird Tales was born tonight.

Kill two FBI people to add to the fun!

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