You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 155: Double kill, and another obsession (Additional chapter 2 for the leader of the 80s fish

These are two men wearing sunglasses and exuding a cold air.

One of them was a slender, white man, nearly 1.9 meters tall. He was wearing a flowing windbreaker, and his body was so tight that he felt hot when he looked at it.

The other one was about just over 1.7 meters tall, a black man, wearing a black suit, with a big nose, and a skull earring on his left ear. He was swaying when he walked, giving people a weird feeling.

They followed the street to the place where Brian had stayed before and looked into the darkness of the grass ahead.

The tall white man pulled down his sunglasses, revealing his eyes that glowed green: "The bait is passive, the target should be fooled, Bobby, I leave it to you."

The black man nodded and complained: "The laughing clown hasn't been found before, and the higher ups have given us a new target. Are we being treated as hard labor?"

Hearing this, the white man next to him grinned and chuckled: "Bobby, wasn't your great-grandfather a hard worker in the cotton garden?"

"FK Squid!"

The black man Bobby cursed and took a deep breath forward.

next moment.

He made a motion of retching: "Those spider-men are so disgusting, they actually dissolve people into jelly when they eat. The smell is even more nauseating than the dog feces in the sewer."

The white man opened his green eyes, glanced around, and said casually: "We are no different from those spider-men, we are also monsters."


The black man wiped his mouth and pointed in the direction where Eliana disappeared: "That's where the freshest pheromones went. Those Vietnamese monkeys were so unreliable that they created a spider monster that could crawl everywhere. Let’s track it.”

"Stop complaining. The sooner they make progress, the sooner we can get rid of the restrictions of the serum. Let's go."

As he spoke, the white man walked in the direction pointed by the black man.

next moment.

He turned around suddenly, and at some point two strange-looking pistols appeared in his hands. He pointed them at Brian's hiding place and pulled the triggers repeatedly.

Bang bang bang~

The exaggerated and huge gunfire tore through the pre-dawn tranquility.

Brian reacted extremely quickly. He exploded and rolled, and his body flew out sideways. He was in the air. Almost at the moment when the other party fired, he also drew the gun and pulled the trigger.

Puff puff puff~

Even though he reacted extremely quickly, he still felt numbness in his calf.

He's been shot!

This guy's marksmanship is so sophisticated that it almost blocks his dodge angle!

The black Bobby screamed strangely, pulled open his suit, and turned his back to Brian.

That layer of suit swelled up quickly.

The bullets hit his back accurately, but they were bounced off by the suit made of unknown materials. They did not hurt the black agent at all.

The two-gun white agent is even more exaggerated.

His eyes were green and he was holding two guns. He seemed to be dancing, dodging continuously, wiping away the bullets fired by Brian. At the same time, the special bullets in his hands hit Brian's afterimage one by one.

If Brian hadn't been too fast, he would have been shot and fell down.


Brian's muscles flicked, and the special bullet with anesthesia liquid on his calf was squeezed out of the muscle. His heart rate increased rapidly from more than a hundred to two hundred or three hundred in an instant, and a large amount of blood surged through his body. .

He tiptoed and transformed into a violent humanoid leopard. In just two seconds, he crossed the distance of forty to fifty meters between the two sides and appeared in front of the black agent.

"No, stay away, Poppy."

The double-gun man's expression changed.

This speed is so scary!

What kind of monster did they encounter?

But when his voice reached the ears of his companions, a palm with a violent sound of wind slapped the black Bobby on the head.

Huge force surges.

Before the black man could react to what happened, his neck was broken by a hard blow and he fell limply to the ground.

From the black man's open mouth, a long forked tongue slipped out and appeared in Brian's field of vision.

He knew it.

No wonder he was suddenly exposed.

It turns out that this guy actually has the ability to sense infrared heat.

It's just too weak.

Killed with one slap.

A problem was solved.

Brian looked at the white man who had retracted his two guns and replaced them with a pair of more bizarre-looking pistols, posing in a weird posture: "Gun fighting skills?"

The white detective looked at Brian solemnly: "Are you the laughing clown?"

Brian shrugged: "Yes, but I went out without a mask tonight. Why, have you heard my name?"

"I heard it, because we came here just for you from the beginning, but you are much more powerful than the intelligence said. At least I don't have the confidence to survive your terrifying speed." The white agent took a deep breath: "Kill We will only attract more powerful hunters, so let’s talk.”

"What to talk about?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to want to talk, Brian didn't rush to do anything.

He has lived nearby for several years and knows the surrounding environment well. This is the city center and there is a large underground pipeline network around it. Even if the sound of gunfire attracts many people, it is impossible to catch him.

Seeing Brian's desire to talk, the white agent quickly said: "I will pretend that I have never met you. As for my partner, he also died at the hands of another target. How about you let me go?"

Brian nodded: "Well, you tell me the intelligence information of the Beast Pavilion, and I'll tell you where the Butcher is."

"Butcher?", the white agent's eyes flashed green: "Is it another S-class mutant wanted criminal Butcher?"


"Okay!", the white agent slowly put away his posture:

"The Beast Pavilion is a criminal group supported by the CIA, which mainly provides funds, research materials, and conducts human experiments for the CIA.

There are three core figures in total, responsible for theft, hospital human material docking, and research institution docking. The characteristic is that there is a strange tattoo on the back of their hands.

Their specialty is various beast reagents, which are better than those of the Doomsday Sect.

I and my black partner are all special hunting teams trained by them after taking their reagents. There are many similar ones."


Brian stretched out his finger to stop the other party from delaying time: "Enough, if you keep talking, I won't have time to deal with the special pheromones contained in your bullets, and the support you called for is probably coming soon."

How could he believe the words of this front-line cannon fodder who was just trying to delay time and simply wanted to confirm whether the Beast Pavilion belonged to the FBI or the CIA.


The white agent was shocked.

He was indeed stalling for time, but the real killer move was the special pheromone contained in the bullet.

As long as you are hit by a bullet or covered by the landing point of a special bullet, you will be infected with this special chemical pheromone, and then there will be endless pursuit!

This is his special skill.

How did the other party know?

There was no time to think.

He re-posed in the gun fighting posture, ready to fight to the death, but in front of him, there was no trace of the man wearing a hood.


The white agent's breathing was much heavier.

He could only see at night and had a nerve reaction beyond ordinary people, but he did not have the heat source sensing ability of his companions!



A violent wind sound came from behind.

The white agent, without turning his head, hid the muzzles of his two guns under his windbreaker, crossed left and right, and suddenly opened fire.

Bang Bang Bang~

Three stones were smashed into gravel by special bullets.

One shot succeeded.

With rich combat experience, he followed his feeling, the muzzle of the gun kept moving left and right, and almost at the same time, two bullets appeared on his left and right sides.

The next moment.

Brian seemed to cooperate and appeared on the left side of the opponent.


Brian's eyesight was so sharp that although he did not notice the muzzle of the opponent's gun hidden under the windbreaker, he saw the bulge in front of the windbreaker. The moment it appeared, he twisted his waist and barely avoided the fierce blind shot of the white agent.

He ignored the other party's panic and wanted to turn the muzzle of the gun, and instantly crossed more than ten meters, grabbed the other party's hands, and gently pulled.


The two arms holding guns, with the broken sleeves of the windbreaker, twisted behind them, and were twisted into a twist by Brian's brute force.

Amid the shrill screams of the white agent.

He came forward and whispered: "Butcher, it's me too..."

He fulfilled his promise.

Brian learned the lesson of Spider Woman, grabbed the white agent's legs, and smashed them to the ground like a pendulum.

There was a cracking sound.

A headless body was thrown on the ground.

Just as Brian was about to leave, a blood-red obsession ball appeared above the black body, attracting his attention.

He walked forward, crushed the ball, and looked back at the headless body of the white man. After seeing that there was no obsession, he quietly left.

More than a minute later.

Drones surrounded the area, and several cars rushed here.

The scene was a mess, waiting for them to clean up.

On the other side, Brian directly cut off the flesh on his calf, put it into a water bottle on a roadside car, and took it back to the apartment.

Those FBI bastards dared to target me, I'll see what happens next!

I finally got rid of my anger today!


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