You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 156 I’m in a bad mood today, so I grill the scumbag!

Back to the apartment.

Thirteen, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa, suddenly opened his eyes and approached Brian with some concern: "Wangwang~ (Big Dog, you are injured~)"

"It's okay."

Brian waved the bottle containing his flesh and blood in his hand: "You continue to sleep, I'll deal with this."

The sealed water bottle isolates the spread of odor, so there is no need to worry about being tracked.

The method of handling is also simple.

The blood water is poured out and rinsed, and the flesh and blood are wrapped in tin foil and thrown into the oven.

After it is baked.

Brian opened it and smelled it gently.

The pheromones that had remained in the flesh and blood before have disappeared. I don't know if it is because of the increased activity of his body, but Brian actually smelled a strange fragrance.

No wonder Thirteen has always said that he smells good, it turns out that he really smells good.

After confirming that there is no smell left on the meat, Brian sealed the bottle, meat, clothes, etc. in a plastic bag, and prepared to find a time to take them to the suburbs for incineration and burial.

After finishing these.

Brian stroked Thirteen's dog head and began to check the obsession of the black agent.

The energy consumed to repair the flesh and blood is far more than the normal recovery of injuries.

In simple terms.

Repairing the damage of the heart cut may only consume one unit of gift energy.

Repairing the flesh and blood, just a small piece, requires several times this unit of energy.

In order to repair the flesh and blood of the calf, Brian directly consumed the three points of gift energy he just got tonight. If he can't make up for this loss, he will have to fight the FBI several more times in the future!

With a thought.

A message appeared in Brian's mind: Get rid of all the data on my personal computer, you must get rid of it!!!

Gift: Energy points +12

At the same time, the residence where the black agent's computer is located, as well as various heavy-tasting browsing records, download records, etc. on the computer, all appeared in Brian's mind, very clear and detailed, for fear of missing a little.

"As expected of a beastman, one is worth the obsession of two or three ordinary people!" Brian nodded with satisfaction.

Fortunately, the black agent's obsession is not to kill himself.

He likes this kind of cultured people who want to keep their innocence in the world.

Brian looked at the sky and saw that there was still some time before dawn. He immediately turned to the direction where the black agent died and said solemnly: "Don't worry, brother understands you, I will help you deal with it later."

By the way, he dealt with the big bag of things that he had changed before.

Change clothes.

Brian, who has become a short middle-aged man, checked his equipment, carried a big backpack, put on running shoes, and prepared to go out again.

Thirteen yawned: "Wangwang~Wangwangwang! (Big dog, you don't take me with you every time you go out at night. Do you have a dog outside!)"

"Get lost!"

Brian gave Thirteen a head bang, went directly to the balcony, and descended rapidly several times in a row. He came downstairs in less than two seconds.

The place where the black agent lived was a hotel, and it was a relatively cheap hotel.

This is a very normal thing.

The treatment of the frontline of the FBI is actually not very good.

If the new FBI recruits work in a big city like Los Angeles, the salary is a little higher, about 3,000 US dollars a month, and in other areas, it is lower than this.

At present, there are not so many people in the black labor market. In addition, the United States is still very prosperous at this time. A dishwasher can make 4,000 US dollars a month if he is lucky.

If this black worker has some small skills, such as decoration welding, the salary can reach 7,000 to 8,000 US dollars. If it is really not good, he can make some Japanese sashimi and get 5,000 to 6,000 US dollars a month.

By comparison, you can know how miserable the frontline field work of the FBI is.

Otherwise, before, the Teddy combination of Ivan and Glenn would not have killed all the male and female members of the FBI field team assisting in the investigation in two days.

In addition to the fact that these two Teddys look good, it is also because the US dollar is too fragrant.

This is the real reason.

Only those who have made it to the top of the FBI have higher incomes, but the high income is not the salary, but the various incomes brought by the position.

I won’t go into details here.

Both the black and white agents died outside.

The support teams that arrived later have not yet arrived at the hotel.

Brian easily sneaked into the hotel, took away the black man’s laptop, and searched the temporary room of the two people, but found nothing useful, so he had to leave disappointed.

Came to the nearby slums.

Brian threw the backpack behind him to the ground, spread a layer of special cloth inside in a large oil barrel, and then poured all the remaining things into it, added gasoline, and ignited it.

The laptop is also easy to deal with.

Direct physical destruction, smashing and breaking it all, and throwing it into several trash cans separately.

Not burning them together, mainly because Brian is worried that the laptop has some kind of high-tech positioning.

This world is too magical, and he can’t judge it based on his previous cognition, so it’s better to be careful.

All traces have been dealt with.

Brian felt the warm current surging in his body, and with the twelve o’clock gift energy he regained, he returned to the apartment with satisfaction and fell asleep.

The next day, when I went to work, everything was calm.

The death of two FBI agents yesterday did not cause any ripples in the Los Angeles police force.

Brian probably lost face here too much recently, so he just handled it coldly.

Ivan and the other three were still busy with the previous new case: the owner of the villa died in the bathtub of the villa guest room, and was found by the maid.

The deceased had obvious scars on his body, which was initially defined as homicide and transferred to the B6 team.

Ivan and his team rushed to do it in order to show their value.

At present, the body of the deceased and some physical evidence found at the scene have also been brought back.

Brian took the time to do an autopsy on the victim's body.

The deceased was a rich man who lived in Dabieye and was found dead in the bathtub of the guest room by the maid.

The cause of death was simple, drowning.

There were fresh scratches on the deceased's body and a big tooth mark on his shoulder.

The position was very strange. It seemed that during the communication activity, the other partner was too excited and directly bit him in the mouth.

Judging from the distribution of the tooth marks, the person who bit him had a big mouth.

Other than that, there was nothing special about the physical characteristics of the deceased.

However, Brian found that the nails of the deceased had signs of inflammation and infection.

After Ivan and his team inspected the scene, they also detected the residue of E. coli on the surface of a small umbrella they brought back.

E. coli is a common intestinal bacterium

This shows that the deceased not only played poker before his death, but also walked the valley road.

More explosive, but still to come.

After questioning, Ivan and his team determined that before the rich man died, only the rich man's stepson returned to the villa, that is, before the rich man died, the person who communicated with the valley road was most likely his stepson.

The stepson has disappeared and cannot be contacted.

Ivan and his team are now attacking the rich man's wife, that is, the mother of the stepson, and want to get some useful clues from this woman.

Brian is looking forward to the results of Ivan's case investigation.

This should be a very bloody family ethics drama.

In the afternoon, Brian did not wait for the rich man's family ethics drama, but waited for Rajag, the leader of the C5 team.

Rajag is not tall, only about 1.6 meters tall, and has a melancholy look in his eyes.

The serial murders of prostitutes were solved, and the C5 team also gained a foothold.

The man with melancholy eyes was obviously in a good mood. He greeted Brian enthusiastically: "Thank you, Brian, the case has been submitted, and I have passed the assessment."

"You paid, this is what you deserve."

Brian threw the drawing board in his hand aside: "How will the case be handled later?"

"Normal conviction.

Based on the victim information you provided, we found their residence and address book, and contacted the victims' families.

To be honest, there are a lot of bloody things in it.

There is the husband of the deceased, who thought his wife had been working as a waitress in Los Angeles, and there are also the parents of the deceased, who thought their daughter was a teacher here.

In short, in the end, only three of the victims' families were willing to take their bodies away, and the rest were left for us to deal with."

As he said, Rajag sighed: "We also found a very disgusting thing here...that poor girl named Olena, she is a very nice person, but she met a scumbag."

Oleanna, that is, the victim who left an obsession, hoping to give Christmas gifts to the children in the children's home.

She is really a good person, but she is a little cowardly and has a little bad luck.

"Good people don't get good rewards, but we found the ex-boyfriend who threatened and forced her according to her diary and took him away by force. He is a drug addict. I hope he can hold on for a few more days."

Rajag smiled lightly: "I called them and will take good care of that scumbag."

Brian shrugged: "It sounds good."

This kind of retribution for bad people always makes people feel happy.

Rajag came here mainly to get closer to Brian.

He is a relative of Susan after all.

Both sides are natural allies.

After seeing off Rajag, Brian prepared to complete another obsession he collected last night: If I had more courage, at least I could tell Angel that I like her..

This is the obsession of a 17-year-old boy with leukemia.

There are not many energy points given, only three points.

A mosquito leg is also meat.

With a helpful attitude, Brian found the school where the leukemia boy was studying based on his information last night, and then found the photo of Angel, whom he secretly loved in his obsession, in the promotional pictures on the school's official website.

Angel is indeed a school celebrity. Searching for school relationships, I can actually find a private chat room related to this girl.

However, after entering, the content inside is a bit unbearable.

Either discussing Angel's figure, love history, etc., or anonymous people proudly posting screenshots of harassing text messages they sent, and even discussing how to deal with the other party and then do something together.

Don't think this is just talk.

These guys with sperm in their brains may really take such actions.

Brian is also an experienced person and is more clear about these.

The children here mature early. Except for some conservative religious families, generally after middle school, children will generally choose their partners, and they will also have a strong curiosity and exploration for certain things.

Coupled with various information pollution and the influence of color magazines, these immature children are very likely to do something more exaggerated than adults.

Most of the victims' parents, for the sake of reputation, will choose to change their children's schools with compensation.

The school will also suppress the relevant news before.

Some of the victims' parents will directly choose to use bullets to tell those little beasts what to do and what not to do in the next life.

To a certain extent, guns give the victims the confidence to seek justice.

As a good citizen who would rather sell himself than mess around, Brian reported all the relevant chat rooms he could find to the Cyber ​​Crime Department without saying a word.

After the incident.

He kept his merits and fame to himself, picked up the mobile phone he brought with him, went to the rooftop and called Angel's contact number that he saw in the chat room before.

After the call was connected, there was no talk on the other end.

Brian changed to a relatively older voice: "Hello, this is the Urban Tales Club, are you Ms. Angel?"

"Urban Tales Club?"

A crisp female voice finally spoke: "Okay, finally it's not those idiots who harassed me, otherwise I would have considered changing my number. What can I do for you?"

"It's like this, a small customer customized a painting for you, the painting is done, but he can't be contacted. By the way, his name is Hillard, do you know him?"

"Hillard?" Angel paused for a long time before uncertainly saying: "Yes, I should know him, he was my former classmate, an amazing I'm a bookworm, but he seems to have dropped out of school because of illness. You mean, he ordered a painting for me? "

Listening to the other party's uncertain tone, Brian shook his head: "Yes, a painting, and there is a love confession left by him on it. Hillard is timid and has always had a crush on you. If..."

"No, no, no!"

Angel reacted strongly: "Don't send that damn painting to school, it will embarrass me, let Hillard get out of here, I won't give it to him even if I give it to a dog, that's it, don't call me again, I can't accept the love of a nerd, this is very low!"

Beep beep~

There was a busy tone over there.

Brian felt the warm current surging, and knew that the obsession of the little boy Hillard was completed.

He took out a sketch he had drawn, lit it with a lighter, and threw it into the small iron bucket for cigarette butts.

Looking at the burning sketch.

Brian said to the air: "Hillard, man, although the result is not very good, but secret love is like this. At least in your heart, that Angel himself is not as good as the white moonlight in your heart. Go with peace of mind and be brave in the next life."

To be honest.

He regretted reporting those chat rooms before.

It is normal to refuse.

But from the reaction of this Angel, it can be seen that he is not a good bird.

Some people just need to be educated by society!

With a little unhappy mood.

After get off work, Brian sent Thirteen back to the apartment and came to the temporary prisoner detention center.

He still has an obsession in his hand, which has not been completed: burn Mrs. Gilman, the bitch who killed me!

This obsession was left by Dolly, the guy who used Brian in the previous case of the female corpse in the tree.

Mrs. Gilman is the mother of the victim of the female corpse in the tree case.

This woman is vicious and jealous of her own daughter. She pushed her daughter who yearned for fatherly love into the abyss again and again, and finally led to the dramatic death of this poor child.

To be honest, with this kind of obsession, even if there is no gift, Brian is willing to do it.

It was just inconvenient before.

Now it is convenient for him.

I am in a bad mood today, charcoal grilled scum!

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