You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 157 A strange family ethics drama, planning, Susan's return

The prisoners in the detention center are all medium- and heavy-duty prisoners who have not yet been sentenced. It is similar to the detention center in Brian's previous life. The general process is within a month, but sometimes there are fluctuations.

Mrs. Gilman looked very haggard.

Her previous husband had a good income but a cowardly character, which kept her pampered.

No one in the prison cared for her.

In addition, Gilman's cowardly husband has almost cut off contact with her, she has no money to find a good lawyer, and she is not young herself. It is foreseeable that her future will not be very good.

This kind of mental torture of waiting for the verdict and being confused about the future made Mrs. Gilman look more than ten years older.

She didn't expect Brian to come see her.

"Has the case changed and I can go out?" She looked at Brian almost pleadingly.

Brian shook his head: "What will happen if you go out, unless you apply for divorce from your husband, and then use the money to hire a good lawyer, but the process will take a long time, and there is no time at all."

After giving this poisonous woman an idea.

He then gave a portrait of a family of three to Mrs. Gilman: "This is what we found among your daughter's belongings when we went to the pig farm to investigate. It can be seen that even if she is killed by you again and again, , she didn’t blame you, she just wanted to have a normal family, but it’s a pity that you failed your own daughter.”

After saying that, Brian nodded to the guard guard on the side to express his gratitude, turned around and left.

Looking at the portrait of a family of three on the table that looked like a child's doodles, Gilman had a painful expression on his face.

She grabbed the paper tightly, lowered her head, and let out a painful and suppressed cry.

After leaving the detention center.

Brian didn't leave directly.

He found a suitable position and waited for Mrs. Gilman's choice.

The portrait is naturally fake.

One is to give him an excuse to come over.

The second is to give Mrs. Gilman a reason to self-immolate.

The main purpose of coming here this time was to allow Gilman to voluntarily leave the protection of the prison.

Brian was curious.

Will such a poisonous woman really regret and accept her own judgment because of a portrait?

The reception room of the detention center.

The guarding police officer looked at this woman who was crying and still charming, and felt a little compassion: "The mistake you made has already happened, 伱"

"I want to go out!"

Mrs. Gilman stood up suddenly, her eyes full of tears, full of madness: "I am still young and cannot be alone in prison. I want to ask the best lawyer to let me out. I want to draft a divorce agreement with my husband!"

Guarding police officer: ..

Sour radish bichi.

Just now, I actually wanted to comfort this vicious woman.

The tears of bad people are really worthless.

His face turned cold: "Yes, but you must submit an application, or ask your husband to come over on his own initiative. It is already off work time, so go back!"

As he spoke, he took out his electric baton.

Mrs. Gilman wiped the tears from her face: "You can work overtime, I have to go now, otherwise you will only see my body tomorrow!"

After Brian's reminder, she was desperate to seize this last glimmer of hope!

Seeing the woman's crazy expression, the guard guard silently withdrew the electric baton.

No one cares whether the other party dies or not.

The problem is that this is a detention center where criminals who have not yet been tried are detained.

When someone dies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs comes in to investigate.

This kind of place cannot withstand investigation.

"Bitch, let's see how we deal with you later!"

With resentment, the guard police officer could only report the situation.

It's around 7pm.

An escort vehicle with four police officers on duty drove out of the detention center.

In the car, Mrs. Gilman, who was handcuffed, breathed the turbid air outside greedily.

This is the smell of freedom!

This is the smell of damn freedom!

far away.

Brian looked at the escort car in the distance and shook his head.

Dogs can't change eating shit.

He also started the car and left here.

It's past eight o'clock.

After Ivan and others finished their work, they called Brian and came to the bar together.

A few people were drinking and chatting.

"How is the investigation of the villa case going?" Brian asked curiously.

"The murderer has been caught."

Ivan let out a breath of wine:

“This case is so bloody.

A rich man has sex with his stepson.

The stepson had sex with his mother Q again.

The rich man got jealous and told the woman to get out and continue to use his money to support his stepson.

Two days ago, during their private meeting, the two had a quarrel.

The stepson wants his mother Q to join, but the rich man disagrees.

The stepson was so excited that he pushed the rich man into the bathtub and drowned him. "

Brian raised his glass: "Rich people really have fun."

Glenn clinked glasses with Brian and chuckled: "What's even more outrageous is that the stepson is hiding with his mother. Do you know what the stepson's mother told us?"


“She was originally the wife of a wealthy friend, but after her husband passed away, the wealthy man pursued her.

But in fact, what the rich man originally set his sights on was the stepson who looked like his father.

The rich man and his friend have been having an affair for a long time.

In order to take revenge, the stepson's mother forced her son to choose between her and the rich man.

The son was upset. He wanted everything, and finally lost control of his emotions and killed someone. "


Even though he was well-informed, he was still stunned when he heard this.

This relationship is quite complicated.

A group of people were chatting, and Green suddenly received a call, saying that he had something to do and needed to leave early.

Everyone drank a lot, so they just dispersed.

Back to the car.

Just as Brian was about to start the car and return to the apartment, a warm current surged in his body.

Another obsession was completed.

He took out a spare mobile phone.

The next moment.

As if the time was calculated, a strange number called.

Brian chose to answer the call, and the voice of Spider Eliana came out from the other end: "Freddy, the target has been executed, burned at the stake, is this a contribution value?"

On the other end of the phone, there were screams, the sound of wood burning violently, and the sound of shouting for firefighting, which was very noisy.

Brian pinched his throat, and his voice became the voice he had communicated with Eliana before: "Well, yes, in our Urban Tales Club, as long as you get ten contribution points, you can make a request to me. ”

“Including sleeping with me?”

Brian: “..including.”

Being too good is not a good thing, it is easy to be targeted by bad women.

Forget it, at worst I can just fire blanks.

“Great, next time you have something to do, remember to leave it to me, I’m going back first, the fire here is too big, I don’t like it very much. ", and the other party hung up the phone.

Brian hummed a little tune and took back his phone.

It's a pity that he didn't see Mrs. Gilman's miserable state with his own eyes, otherwise he would be in a better mood.

However, with the completion of this obsession.

Brian's gift energy also returned to the reserve of 16 units.

There are only three obsessions left to be completed, and one has not been paid.

The unpaid one is the gift obsession of the victim Olena in the prostitute case.

Brian has sent all the gifts, but it is estimated that it will be completed only when the gifts are delivered to those children on Christmas.

Plus there are only three units of energy, so Brian is not very concerned.

The three unfinished obsessions are the big ones.

The first obsession is Uncle Billy's obsession to revitalize the Kamo family.

The gift is very buggy.

There are three choices!


1. One hundred gift energy.

2. One point of gift energy + beast body (beast strength, beast speed, beast smell, beast vision, beast warning)

3. One point of gift energy + iron will

To be honest.

When Brian's gift ability of the dead was upgraded to the point where he could directly see the reward, he had a clearer understanding of the potential of his uncle.

He only had one feeling: outrageous!

You know, the total gift energy of the previous Deformed Beast, or the Seven Deadly Sins Glutton, was at most fifty. The Deformed Beast that needed to be killed by missiles before, the gift energy was only eighty, but his uncle, who was still in the first stage of deformation, had a gift energy of up to one hundred!

This is the most Brian has encountered so far Obsession gives energy value!

The old man didn't lie to him. Billy's talent is really very strong!

That beast body is almost equivalent to possessing all the characteristics of beasts, almost reaching the exaggerated degree of Brian's body without any shortcomings.

It also comes with beast warning and comprehensive beast vision that Brian doesn't have now.

Brian knew that his uncle Billy had shown mercy to his nephew who was caught in the blood moon emotion, but he didn't expect to show so much mercy.

I'm afraid that at that time, Billy had many abilities and means, but he didn't use them.

It's a pity that Billy took the wrong path, self-hypnosis, and used the family as the anchor of rational emotion, which led to the fact that he couldn't wait until the blood moon energy in his body was active, and he couldn't complete the next stage of distortion.

In the end, Billy's rationality was also lost when the second blood moon came. After that, he was completely on the verge of losing control.

Or imagine.

Billy entered the second stage of distortion, gifted ability: beast body, upgraded again, what level will he reach?

A humanoid distorted beast without shortcomings?

I am afraid that Brian now will not be the opponent of his uncle at that time.

Unfortunately, Billy is dead.

There is no answer to this matter.

However, Brian pays more attention to Billy's third gift reward: Iron Will.

This is probably a spiritual talent reward.

Looking at the gift display, this Iron Will is obviously not less valuable than the beast body, plus the beast body, for Brian, it is too overlapping.

The most difficult thing for a distorter to maintain is rationality.

Including Brian.

He is now acting, and once his emotions fluctuate, he is prone to make some radical and extreme choices.

This is actually a very dangerous thing.

So Brian wants to get this Iron Will talent more.

The problem is that it is not an easy thing to make the Camo family rise.

This world is different from his previous life.

It's not just the consortiums, even the gangs and terrorist criminal organizations, there are all complex networks behind them, not as simple as they seem on the surface.

To a certain extent, the class structure in this world is more solidified than in his previous life.

At least before he climbs to a certain position and has a certain influence and voice, Brian doesn't have to consider fulfilling his uncle Billy's obsession.

The second unfinished obsession is the obsession of the aberrant beast: to kill the core members of the Light Beast Pavilion.

Obsessive gift:

1. Eighty points of gift energy.

2. Ten points of gift energy + rapid burst

It can be seen from here that the two-gun white agent who delayed Brian last night was just a fart.

Of course, the visible members of the two monkey-like aberrations at that time were not the person in charge of the Beast Pavilion. This meant that there were definitely more than three core members of the Beast Pavilion with Taotie Tattoos.

However, the Beast Pavilion is a criminal organization controlled by the CIA, so this should not be a problem.

Otherwise, the Beast Pavilion, a simple criminal organization, would not be able to obtain advanced scientific research equipment and R\u0026D talents to create a spider woman like Eliana.

Eliana was sent to the laboratory from the hospital after a car accident in Texas.

There's nothing fishy about it, it doesn't make sense.

The CIA was involved.

If Brian wants to fulfill this obsession, he must not only find the list of core personnel in the Beast Pavilion, but also avoid the threat from the CIA.

For these, he currently lacks sufficient information.

The third obsession was the primitive sect's ritual obsession that was easily killed by Brian.

Bald Priest Obsession: Obtain enough water of sanity.

Gift 1: 30 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 5 points of gift energy + body expansion

For Brian, this obsession felt like a waste and a pity to abandon.

To complete it, you need to get the ‘water of sanity’.

When you hear this thing, you will know that it is a kind of "inhibitor" item similar to the one used by primitive sects to control the aberrants below.

The problem is that the main area of ​​activity of primitive sects is in Africa.

Plus the rewards, there's nothing special about it.

Brian could only continue to let this obsession go and see if there would be a chance to complete it in the future.

These obsessions are actually the reason why Brian suddenly had the idea to set up an urban ghost story club.

There are many things that are inconvenient for him to do.

There may also be more and more obsessions that cannot be completed directly in the future.

Being a boss and letting people work for you is what a smart person does.

I sorted through the three obsessions.

Brian drove back to the apartment.

Considering that the FBI killed two more elite hunters by itself.

Next two days.

He is not going to go out to work part-time anymore.

A week later.

Brian, who had solved a case of murder and insurance fraud, brought Green, and the grown-up Thirteen. As soon as they returned to the office, they saw Susan's office, which was open.

Brian sniffed and his eyes widened.

Susan came back early?

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