You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 158 Night Devil Invitation, Farewell (Additional chapter 3 for the leader of the 'Post-

Thirteen Dog's nose is more sensitive, and he can smell the smell of that big female dog who likes to bully him as soon as he walks in the door.

The key point is that Brian, a big dog, is obviously afraid of the big female dog.

It glanced at Brian and rushed into Susan's office first.


"Ah, Thirteen, do you miss me?"

Susan's surprised voice immediately came from the office: "Thirteen, you have gained a lot of weight, haha, don't lick your face, it's itchy, come on, give me a kiss, Trojan~"

Outside, Brian clenched his fists.

Thirteen, this bitch, not only rushed over to wag his tail, act cute and beg to be touched, but also


Pack it up when you get back!

Green was a little surprised when he heard Susan's voice in the team leader's office: "Team leader Susan is back early? Isn't she coming back in seven or eight days?"

Glenn, who was sitting on his desk fishing, stopped chatting on the computer, turned around and smiled: "The team leader was sent back by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From what they said, the team leader seems to be over there in London. I killed several criminals who wanted to surrender and sent them back in advance because of the fear. The Ministry of Internal Affairs just talked to the team leader and asked her to pay attention to civilized law enforcement. "

Brian glanced at Glenn, who was working despite being sick: "Are you still paying attention to this?"

Ivan on the side rolled his eyes: "He is a new female member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Her name seems to be Caroline. She is very beautiful. But just as Glenn wanted to get closer, he was slapped by the team leader and knocked unconscious. past."

Brian was amused.

Caroline is Susan's best friend.

How could Susan let a scum like Glenn get close to her best friend.

Glenn sighed a little aggrievedly: "The team leader's slap was too outrageous. I felt like my face was hit by a motorcycle. The moment I fainted, I seemed to see my deceased grandmother. My face is not even there now." Perception, it has only been more than 20 days since I left, and the team leader has become much stronger."

As he spoke, he wiped the saliva that had flowed down from the corner of his mouth.

Brian and Green discovered that the other side of Glenn's face was swollen, as red and swollen as a fermented steamed bun.

This guy has been in Group B6 for less than two months, and his face has basically never been better.

Everyone has almost forgotten what Glenn looked like.

at this time.

Susan, who was holding Thirteen in her arms, came from the inner office, glanced at everyone, and said sternly to Brian: "Brian, come in, I want to know about the recent situation of the group."

"Okay, team leader."

Brian jogged into the office.


He wants to push Susan to the ground and bang her!

With a bang, the door closed, blocking everyone's view from the outside.

inside the house.

Just when Brian was about to speak, Susan pounced on him, pushed him to the ground, and started chewing him desperately.

This script is wrong!

Brian was not willing to be inferior to a woman and struggled hard, but other than helping this cowgirl experience the sweetness of love and the pain of longing for the first time, it could not change anything.

In the end, he could only close his eyes and enjoy the unspoken rules his female boss had for him.

Thirteen on the side looked at all this with wide eyes.

Just now, the female big dog kissed herself, and the female big dog kissed the big dog again = the big dog kissed herself.

So happy!

With a sense of participation, Thirteen watched with great interest.

a long time.

Susan wiped her mouth with satisfaction: "Brian, thank you for taking care of Group B6 when I was away."

Brian licked his lips in recollection: "They are all powerful, and I can't say they take care of you. But you, Ms. Susan, your current behavior is to sexually harass your male subordinates. If you don't let me kiss you back, I will ask you The Ministry of Internal Affairs complained to you."

Susan looked at Brian, who had taken advantage of him and behaved well, and rolled her eyes: "Oh, go ahead, my best friend is in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I will lock you up when the time comes!"

Thinking of the bruised and swollen Caroline who was beaten twice by him, Brian smiled and said nothing.

He stood up, held Susan in his arms with his backhand, put his lips to Susan's earlobe, and breathed out: "Why did you come back suddenly? Have you been bullied?"

Susan, who had regained her senses, seemed a little unaccustomed to this kind of close contact.

Especially when Brian was talking, his hot breath blew against her earlobes, tickling and tingling, making her feel weak all over and her mind a little confused.

Until the vital point was attacked.

Susan, who was confused and confused, came back to her senses.

She grabbed Brian's criminal hand cleanly and pinned him down on the desk: "Did you forget that sneak attacks on your boss are not allowed in the office?"

A bit of slapstick.

Susan, who was blushing, threw a document in front of Brian: "This is the invitation letter for further study that I applied for for you. You should deal with the things around you after get off work and leave tomorrow."

"Set off?"

Brian arranged his clothes, sat directly on Susan's desk, picked up the documents and started to read through them.

The content of the invitation letter is very simple:

Mr. Brian, we sincerely invite you to arrive in London on December 8th to participate in a one-month training.


Night Demon Academy.

Seeing the mark at the bottom, Brian's heart moved.

When he called Susan before, he seemed to have mentioned the name of this organization. It seemed to be the official organization of the Commonwealth against aberrants, similar to the NW organization in Los Angeles.

"The Night Devil Academy is the most powerful official institution in the Commonwealth. It has the world's first-class biological research and development technology and reagent manufacturing technology. They have reagent trading cooperation with our NW side, and they have quotas for us every year.

The training lasts for one month. After the training is over, you will have the opportunity to obtain some rare strengthening reagents. "

Susan told Brian, popularizing science about things that ordinary NW employees may never know in their lifetime: "The specialties of Night Demon Academy are neural reaction activation reagents, foreign body organ implantation surgeries, and troll reagents. I will do it this time." I spent a lot of money to get a neural reaction activation reagent, but I replaced it with a troll reagent, and the effect is really great. "

Brian's heart moved when he heard about the neuroresponsive reagent.

Although he asked Sandy, who he met at the Mexican border before, to pay attention to those people who had been injected with lycanthropic agents and had neuro-enhancing abilities, no news came.

It’s not a bad idea to try reagent enhancement.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, he can show more strength on the surface.

Thinking of this, Brian put down the invitation: "It sounds like there aren't many places for this place. How did you get it for me, Susan?"

Susan shrugged:

"It's very simple. During the mission, we encountered a group of primitive sects.

Thinking about their previous attack on our group and killing the new recruits I recruited, I became very angry, so I fired a few more shots, accidentally killing several of the believers who surrendered.

That group of people seems to be involved in a group of resources called "Water of Reason", which is highly valued by people in the Night Demon Academy.

They were afraid that I would continue to cause trouble, so they wanted me to come back early.

I asked them for an extra invitation by the way.

They were quite happy to let me leave early, but they probably wouldn't let me go to London again in the future.

But I don't care, the gloomy weather, disgusting food, and a group of pretentious sissy men, I don't have a good impression of it! "

Brian was even more excited when he heard the news about the 'Water of Sanity'.

Good guy, I was still thinking about how to get this news last night, but today Susan took the initiative to provide the source and gave me the opportunity to get in touch!

So cool!

He lowered his head and looked at the invitation that was easily placed in front of him even though no one else could get it.

Brian sighed in his heart: The most correct path he has taken in his life is the path of love that leads to the heart of Susan, a rich woman.

Rich lady, it smells so good.


After get off work, Susan treated her to dinner.

Everyone was very considerate, but Glenn ran away alone because he was feeling unwell.

His face was so swollen that he was not lucky enough to eat.

What we ate this time was multi-national specialties.

The cost is not low, but you can eat a lot of food that is unique to the country and meets the tastes of most people.

It was obvious that Susan was really driven crazy by the eating habits in London. She was unladylike. After eating seven or eight large snails with Spanish dip, she grabbed a Spanish roasted green onion and showed off.

There was a pile of dessert leftovers on the side.

This kind of disregard for image also makes everyone very relaxed.

Eat and eat.

Old Harden suddenly said to Brian: "Before leaving get off work, there was feedback from the detention center that Mrs. Gilman, who was detained in the case of the female corpse in the tree, has determined that she burned down her husband's house and set herself on fire for revenge."

Brian nodded with some disappointment: "I was thinking of letting someone take care of this scumbag in prison, which would give her an advantage."

The process at the detention center is very slow.

A week has passed before this matter was finalized.

After hearing their conversation, Green and Ivan, who were engrossed in eating, looked at each other and saw what each other meant: Brian is too narrow-minded.

Susan also put down her food, wiped her mouth and hands, picked up a drink, and asked.

After hearing the case.

The hard cup in her hand was crushed with a bang: "If I were here at that time, I would definitely blow that scumbag's head off!"

Looking at the crushed remains of the cup, everyone responded cooperatively.

After Susan came back, her strength increased greatly, but she was still not used to it. She had damaged many things in the office, and everyone was surprised.

Edna, the female clerk, silently stuffed a piece of barbecue into her mouth.

Before, she was curious about why Susan, such a good-looking team leader, would recruit a group of strange team members.

Now she understands.

The next day, Brian drove his shabby second-hand car to the airport lightly packed.

In fact, Kabu has already completed the modification of that beast motorcycle.

But Brian is going abroad now, so he can only temporarily stay with Kabu, otherwise he will put it downstairs in the apartment. When he comes back, he will never even see the shadow of the motorcycle.

Thirteen was also handed over to Susan's care by Brian.

Taking a dog abroad is somewhat inconvenient if something happens, and it's easy to expose yourself.

Smoking room.

Brian looked at the people passing by outside the glass with some boredom.

Susan, this scumbag, really didn't come to see me off today.

It was a wrong payment after all!

It wasn't until the moment before boarding the plane that Brian received a text message from Susan.

Or two:

"If you dare to mess with those sluts in London, I'll blow your head off!"

"be safe."

Answered OK.

Putting away his phone, Brian muttered in disdain: "I don't know how long we'll be out this time, and you didn't even want to kiss goodbye, what's the point of texting, scumbag!"

That being said.

He couldn't help but smile.

Compared to the thousands of women he met in his part-time job.

This kind of pure and heartfelt relationship is more likable.

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