You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 159 Mr. Konchev, you don’t miss your daughter either

"Are you Brian?"

A middle-aged Mediterranean man holding a reception sign breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the tall, fair and elegant Brian in front of him.

This kid looks like a good baby, a little puppy, the kind who saves worries and troubles.

Brian adjusted the glasses on his face and smiled shyly: "Yes, what are my next arrangements?"

In order to give his colleagues in London a good first impression and relax his vigilance, before setting off, he specially wore a pair of decorative Platinum Scum glasses.

So far, it seems to be working well.

Along the way, at least three or four stewardesses, five or six unknown young women, and seven or eight tall and powerful-looking British gentlemen left their contact information for him, but Brian threw them all into the trash can.

He is not a freeloader!

The middle-aged Mediterranean man obviously also had a good impression of Brian.

He stretched out his hand: "My name is Konchev. I have a lot to do today. I'll take you to the training camp first."

Konchev drove a classic Beetle with a light blue body. It was small and had big lights. It looked cute and cute, but it couldn't stand being ridden by two big men.

Brian pushed himself into the passenger seat and felt the body of the car sinking down. He couldn't extend his legs at all and felt suffocated and uncomfortable.

Konchev looked apologetic: "The last time I acted, my car was damaged by a bastard, so I had to take my daughter's car."

Brian sniffed lightly and nodded: "She must be gentle, reserved, and kind, and likes to make snacks. Mr. Konchev, you have a good daughter."

Hearing this, Konchev slowed down the car and asked curiously: "It's a very accurate guess. How did you know?"

“Know a woman by smell”

Brian looked at the scenery outside the window and grabbed a fallen leaf that flew past the window. While playing with it, he smiled and said: "Everyone's preference for fragrance is somewhat related to their personality. As for her liking to make desserts, it's because The package of cookies in your pocket that still smells good is a family wrapper, not a dessert sold outside.”

Konchev looked surprised in his eyes.

He simply found a place to park the car, took out the pipe from his chest, stuffed some tobacco, lit it, puffed a few times skillfully, and blew out a smoke ring: "How are you sure this is made by my daughter? Why not Is it my wife?"

Brian shrugged:

"Because your wife has been dead for a long time, at least more than three years.

This is what your ring and the ring mark on your finger tell me.

You love your wife very much and have been single ever since.

But you have a long-term relationship with the opposite sex, a simple relationship. She likes you and gave you the tie you are wearing now. You also know that she likes you, but you can't break through the barrier in your heart, so you just treat her as a good person. friend.

You have been struggling with this matter recently. Your insomnia is so severe that you can only fall asleep using sleeping pills.

In addition, there are three listening devices in this vehicle to ensure that our conversations and chats are received by the people in the truck behind us.

So, Mr. Konchev, did I pass the camp entrance examination? "

Konchev held his pipe in his mouth and frowned: "Although this is not the script we started preparing, your observation and reasoning skills have been recognized by me. Congratulations, Brian, you passed the camp entrance examination. This is your Did Ms. Susan, the recommender, tell you the news in advance?”

Brian adjusted his glasses and shook his head:

"This is what you told me. When I first asked you about the arrangements, you didn't explain your identity. You just said you would take me to the training camp. This is abnormal. It means that in your subconscious, I am not worthy of knowing you. identity of.

After getting in the car, I made a habitual observation and discovered these not-so-hidden listening devices.

I am now representing the NW training staff, and the Night Demon Organization will not take action against me whether it is for the sake of face or anything else.

So I guess there should be some assessment next.

This is too cumbersome and too passive.

It is convenient for everyone to directly demonstrate my abilities now. "

Since his mental strength reached 1.3, his thinking speed has been more than three or four times faster than his own before the blood moon, and it is getting closer to inhuman.

"Okay, I will be your auditor after you pass the assessment. You will be assigned to the next recommendation group. It usually lasts for one month. The top three can get the exchange of rare reagents." Konchev knocked. Knocking off the ashes, he put the pipe away again.

"Does everyone have this assessment?"

"No, it's only for those who join temporarily. However, your recommender, Ms. Susan, is very confident in you. In fact, you are better than she said. At least I can't figure out how you know that I have been there recently. Things that bother women.”

Conchev looked at Brian speechlessly: "Man, this is my biggest secret, but you said it directly, and now I don't even know how to explain it to my daughter!"

Brian chuckled:

“The external characteristics of your medication are obvious, which shows that you have severe anxiety and insomnia.

At this time, I actually don’t know why you are anxious.

After all, in our industry, a lot of worries are the norm.

But when I deduced from your new, mismatched tie that you were dating someone of the opposite sex and said it, your eyes frequently glanced at the rearview mirror, and I knew the reason for your anxiety.

Either that woman's identity is more sensitive.

Or, your daughter is sitting in the monitoring car, and you have been hiding this from your daughter because you are worried that she will not be able to accept it.

Consider your age.

I concluded that the person of the opposite sex no longer wants to maintain this kind of underground relationship recently.

So you are anxious and afraid that I will say more. "

Looking at Konchev whose face was getting darker and darker.

Brian took out a cigarette: "Do you mind if I smoke? Gentle car owner, I can send you another message."

There was a moment of silence.

A soft female voice came from the air vent of the car: "Smoke, I don't mind."


Brian asked the old Mediterranean man Denkonchev, borrowed a fire, lit it, and then looked at the other party's pleading eyes and said with a smile: "That person of the opposite sex should be a close colleague of your father, and he has a very close relationship with your mother. Otherwise your father wouldn’t be so entangled.”

Konchev looks young, and remarriage is not a big deal here.

Children generally respect their parents' choices.

Konchev is so entangled, which shows that the confidante's identity is special. Once exposed, he will worry that his daughter will suspect that he has hooked up with the other party, and he cannot accept it psychologically.

In fact, this is entirely a result of the authorities' obsession and the common people's troubles.

"Thank you. In fact, I have known about it for a long time. I am planning to find an opportunity to talk to my father. He just cares a little too much about my feelings. I have no objection." The female voice chuckled: "By the way, my name is Hathaway. , you are very powerful and handsome, I believe you will have good results."

"Thank you for your approval, Hathaway. This name is great. Just like the perfume you use, it is fresh, not greasy, and gentle to the heart. Do you like small animals?"


"I got a puppy that can do backflips."

'Really! ’

Looking at this pretty face, chatting with his baby daughter in a few words, Konchev felt that his fist was hardened!

He wants to slap himself right now!

What a gentle little puppy!

This is clearly a veteran scumbag with good looks, strength, and a good understanding of women's hearts!

A lewd vicious dog that eats people without spitting out their bones!

This bastard!

He actually picks up his own daughter in front of him!

What's the difference between this and teasing a little nun in front of a priest?

Konchev viciously tore off all the temporary monitoring communication equipment in the car, and looked at Brian like a cannibal: "Asshole, if you dare to get close to my daughter, I will definitely take my double-barreled shotgun and stuff it into your Mouth, pull the trigger and let the bullet come out of your back!"


Brian pulled off the gentle scum glasses on his face and pulled off the tie on his chest. His temperament instantly changed from a gentle and elegant sportsman to a rogue scum: "Mr. Konchev, I want to ask you a favor."

"Are you threatening me?"

Brian stretched his cigarette out of the car window and shook out the ashes:

"It's not a threat, it's just a request. Believe me, if I want to, even if you say 10,000 bad things about me in front of your daughter, she will only tell you: Father, you don't understand Brian

Mr. Konchev, you don’t want your daughter either.”

"You are a shameless threat!"

"Oh, is it shameless to break the law?"

Looking at the cheeky + shameless pretty boy in front of him, Konchev didn't want to speak anymore.

He knew that this bastard probably didn't have any good intentions from the beginning. If someone else came over, he would be confused by this guy's appearance, and then expose his own flaws, and the other party would seize the opportunity to threaten him softly.

I was just unlucky enough to be responsible for hosting this bastard.

Konchev nodded feebly: "Go on, I will help you if you can, but I am just a junior manager of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I can't do anything if it goes too far, and I do not rule out using force to deal with your threats. This is the Commonwealth. , not your Los Angeles!”

"Come on, man."

Brian's face changed, and he tied his tie again and put on his glasses: "At least I've helped you solve your biggest headache. Then you can enjoy the gentle land without having to have an affair. This is a good thing."

"I don't want to talk to you, come on!"

Konchev made up his mind not to talk nonsense to this shameless little bastard again!

Brian didn't take it seriously and stated his purpose: "It's too troublesome to wait for the next period. The people in this period haven't finished training yet. I want to join directly."

"You mean, you want to join this training session that ends in six or seven days?"

Konchev looked at Brian as if he were a fool: "Didn't your recommender tell you before coming here that training is not the purpose, but the purpose is actually the rewards after the end and the qualification to redeem rare reagents?"

"I know." Brian crushed the cigarette butt in his hand, put it away, and said in a calm tone: "But the first training session takes a month, which is too long. My colleagues and team leader are waiting for me in Los Angeles. I want to go back early. "

This period of training is actually Susan’s period.

If he didn't jump in line, how could he justly interfere in the pursuit of the primitive sect?

Without pursuing him, how could he come into contact with the water of reason openly?

This is what Brian wants to come here for.

Of course, Brian didn't want to let go of the 'neural response activation reagents' and troll reagents that Susan praised so much.

He wants all of these!

Seeing that Brian wasn't joking, Konchev looked much better.

Just such a request, although a bit cumbersome, is not troublesome.

"No problem, leave it to me, but after joining, you can't quit, which means you may come here for nothing this time, and waste the recommendation quota that your recommender has worked so hard to get!"

As a good man, although Konchev hoped that this bastard would suffer a loss, he couldn't help but remind him: "Although this quota is the condition that your recommender Susan negotiated with our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she also paid an extra price for it."

Hearing this, Brian felt warm in his heart.

Susan didn't tell him this.

He looked at Konchev and said seriously: "What price?"

Susan didn't say it, but he had to keep it in his heart.

This is a good woman who is worth his efforts!

Konchev spread his hands: "I don't know, but it seems that it is a part of the precious resources that her family gave her to exchange for things. She could have performed an alienated organ transplant, but in the end she exchanged the exchanged resources for this quota, so if you can't get the top three results in the training, it means that her efforts are wasted."

Hearing this, Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

He nodded confidently: "No, Susan never misjudges people."

Konchev shook his head.

This guy is still too young.

The assessment and scoring of the training camp is based on the performance of the task.

There are only six or seven days left in a month, which means that nearly four-fifths of the time for executing the task is less than that of others.

The key assessment tasks are not to solve the case, but to hunt down those deformed people and dangerous organizations hidden in the crowd. Reasoning and observation alone are not enough, and strong force is needed!

Is there a pretty boy in front of you?

In addition, everyone who comes to the training is an elite from various countries.

In this case, how to chase?

This is simply impossible!

But Konchev was too lazy to persuade.

Everyone has to pay for their arrogance, as long as the other party does not continue to contact and harm their precious daughter.

It's a pity for the female Tyrannosaurus named Susan.

Obviously, she has a good background and she is so outstanding, why did she fall in love with Brian, an arrogant, conceited, and shameless pretty boy?

As an old father, Konchev really couldn't bear to see such things.

What a sin!

With mixed feelings.

Konchev sent Brian to an old castle near a cliff by the sea.

The outside of the castle maintained the vicissitudes and dilapidation brought by time. The long-term corrosion of the sea breeze caused traces everywhere, the rocks turned green, and the vines spread. It could be used as a location for horror movies.

The periphery of the castle was also full of weeds and plants, so that vehicles could not drive in.

Brian looked at Konchev: "Is this the camp?"

Konchev shrugged and gloated: "You have time to care about the environment of the camp, why not think about how to get in touch with your new teammates later? They have been bullied by your recommender Susan. If they know that you were recommended by Susan, I think they will be very happy."

This old Deng almost pointed at Brian's nose and said: Boy, you don't want those new teammates to know that you were recommended by Susan, right?

Brian silently took out a cigarette and looked at the old Deng who was being used by him: "Will you tell them?"

Konchev spread his hands: "It depends on my mood."

He finally understood how Brian felt when he threatened him before.

It was a bit bad.

But it was really cool!

This strange feeling made the good old man Konchev feel a new excitement and happiness in his boring life.

He was looking forward to the look of this snotty kid in front of him begging for mercy.

Brian chuckled.

He smoked a whole cigarette in one gulp, and then, in front of Konchev's surprised eyes, he exhaled a large puff of smoke, crushed the cigarette butt, and strode forward: "I hope you don't say too much, otherwise the ambulance will not be able to get here easily."

Looking at the lingering smoke and the tall and slender figure.

Konchev's eyes widened.

This kind of lung capacity.

More than 4,400 words per chapter, to satisfy your craving.

There will be two more chapters in the evening.

Let's see if I can return to the 12,000 update today.

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