You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 160 This guy is even crazier than Susan!

Through the weed-covered wasteland, a deserted entrance flower bed came into view.

The dilapidated castle is not only on the surface, but also on the inside.

If it weren't for the few trampled paths, Brian would have thought it had been abandoned for years.

He turned on the enhanced sense of smell, and various smells rushed into his nose.

Brian frowned slightly and quickened his pace.

Passing through the deserted flower bed area.

A temporary camp appeared in Brian's vision.

The camp was full of wooden cabins and camping tents, which looked like a homeless camp. There were three men and one woman in the open space, gathered together, fighting hand-to-hand in a circle, and occasionally tangled naked, which looked more like skills.

There were also many obvious surveillance cameras around.

Through the camp, you can see an entrance to the castle with a drawbridge.

Brian has a strong field of vision and can see some modern furniture on the terrace of the castle, fruits and food placed on the tables and chairs, and even a glass of wine.

This means that the castle is inhabited and decorated, and it is not as desolate as the outside.

However, in these places, surveillance cameras can be seen everywhere.

It is useless to think too much.

Brian walked directly to the simple camp in front.

The four people in the open space of the camp were so engrossed in the game that they did not notice that Brian, an outsider, had quietly entered their territory.

At this moment.

The red-haired man who was fighting with the woman was strangled by the opponent's slender thighs.

He carried the body of the woman sitting on his head, lay on the ground, and quickly raised his hands to surrender: "The smell is too strong, Melita, how long have you not taken a shower? This is a biochemical attack, it's not fair!"


The woman on the man's head was angry and slapped him. Just as she was about to say something, her eyes suddenly focused and looked at the entrance, alertly: "This is a private area, who are you?"

The man under the woman quickly got up, and when he saw that it was a little white face wearing glasses, he breathed a sigh of relief and shrugged his shoulders: "A handsome guy is here, you should pay attention to your image, Melita."

The other two wrestling men also stopped their actions and looked at Brian who broke in here.

Brian looked at the four dirty people and shrugged: "My name is Brian, from the NW Operations Department in Los Angeles, and I am temporarily joining your training. Is there anyone kind enough to tell me the situation and rules here?"

After this, the four people were silent.

As if this organization was a taboo topic.

The red-haired man who was ridden at the beginning was still the one who talked more: "NW Operations Department? Is there a woman named Susan over there?"

"Yes." Brian found a wooden stake to sit down and adjusted his glasses: "Susan is my team leader. I was recommended by her, but it doesn't matter. My time is very tight. Can you tell me the rules here?"

"This is very important." The red-haired man looked at Brian pitifully:

"The rules here are very barbaric. There are no rules except that firearms cannot be used, no lives can be taken, and no organs or limbs can be mutilated.

The strong can freely choose tasks and accommodations.

The weak, like us, can only endure the wind and rain outside and take some garbage and time-consuming tasks.

Susan offended a lot of people at the beginning.

This means that those people can make trouble for you at will."

"You talk too much, Derek!"

A strong man interrupted the red-haired man.

Before the red-haired man Derek spoke, the short-haired woman Melita, who was riding on him, kicked at him first: "York, speak politely to Derek, or I will cut off your poor little bug with a dagger!"

"You bitch!"

The strong man York spit on the ground fearlessly, strode towards Brian, and smiled grimly: "Although I don't know why that crazy woman chose to let you come, but..."

Before the man finished speaking, a wooden stick as thick as a baby's arm, with a whistling sound, suddenly hit York's mouth.

As the wood chips exploded, his cheeks were distorted to a visible degree, and the whole person, with three or four teeth that had run away from home, fell down in the opposite direction of the wooden stick, without a word, and fell into a baby-like sleep.

Brian threw away the remaining half of the wooden stick and kicked the motionless strong man York.

Seeing that the other party was sleeping deeply.

He looked casually at the red-haired man who was giving him a brief introduction: "Your name is Derek, right? It shouldn't be against the rules for me to help him sleep like this?"

Derrick looked at Brian, who had a well-proportioned figure, and licked his lips: "It's against the rules. As long as you are strong enough, you can beat up everyone else. As long as he doesn't choose to quit, you can beat and torture him at will, but this will lead to you being beaten up. Even Susan only used violence against a few people who teased her."


Brian raised his head and adjusted his glasses: "Dude, you mean, someone teased Susan?"

Derrick realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Answering would be like asking for trouble. Afterwards, those people would definitely target him.

If he didn't answer, the pretty boy in front of him would knock down the powerful York with a smile. It's hard to say that he wouldn't use violence against him.

When he was struggling, he still rode his short-haired girl Melita to help him out: "It's normal. Susan is very beautiful and has such a hot figure. In addition, the rules here are a bit primitive and cruel. If it weren't for that time, Susan directly showed off her ruthless shooting skills, indicating that whoever takes action will be killed if he leaves here, and he may not be able to escape unscathed. "

Brian nodded: "I like your answer very much. Do you two want to get the first three places in this training camp?"

Derek:? ? ?

Melita:? ? ?

the other side.

Confucius, who was restless, quickly took out his cell phone after watching Brian walk into the camp ahead.

He called his colleague: "Hey, it's me, Konchev, keeping an eye on the new kid. No, no, no, I'm not worried about him being bullied. I'm worried that he, like that Susan, will cause trouble in the camp. matter!"

On the other end of the phone, a colleague’s lazy voice came:

"Old man, are you kidding me? He seems like a very nice young man.

He has already gone in, wait, he doesn't know what he said, that Yorkie from Germany is going to do it, FK, so powerful, is there a beast hidden in this pretty boy? I want to see his information... "

Listening to his colleague talking to himself on the phone, Konchev sat down on the driver's recliner speechlessly.

You should have realized something was wrong when you saw the other person finishing a cigarette in one breath.

Fortunately, the other party had just arrived and hadn't received the weapons yet.

However, judging from the way the other party calculated against me before, he probably wasn't some brainless fool and wouldn't do anything too extreme.

I just pity the elites in this issue.

A biting dog does not bark.

This guy named Brian is not a good guy.

Konchev had a hunch that this Brian might cause something even more troublesome than the Susan before.

The Susan from before looked pretty and had a good figure, but she was almost shot to death just because a few assholes started teasing her. She didn't care about the rules or rare reagents. If you mess with me, I'll kill you. your attitude.

At that time, the people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs almost broke out in a cold sweat.

If there really was a large-scale infighting in the camp, no matter how many people died, they would be derelict in their duties.

Fortunately, things settled down in the end.

I just don’t know what will happen this time.

When he was having a headache thinking about it, his colleagues on the monitoring side also gave feedback:

"Konchev, you would never imagine that this guy named Brian is actually a civilian and an autopsy officer!

He had a mediocre resume before, but after joining NW, he seemed to be favored by that bitch of the goddess of luck. He continuously obtained merit points from NW and exchanged a lot of strengthening reagents.


damn it!

I know why this guy is so powerful!

He also got an S-T cell activity injection reagent as a reward from the NW because he took down a wanted S-class aberrant who once brought shame to Los Angeles. FK, this lucky guy's physique must be very suitable for the S-T cell activity injection reagent. !

S-class reagent!

I have worked for the Daredevil organization for decades, and I have always dreamed of redeeming one! "

Listening to his colleagues chattering, Konchev quickly hung up the phone.

Looking at his old self in the rearview mirror of the vehicle, Conchev also flashed envy in his eyes.

S-T cell activity injection reagent is the highest achievement of Los Angeles NW. The annual output is limited. Before it is produced, it is basically reserved by the big shots through interest exchange. Only a very small amount of additional output will be awarded to some lucky people. .

This thing can not only develop the potential of the human body for a second time, giving people the opportunity to develop their physical potential to the limit in a short period of time, but it can also repair body damage, activate cell activity, and increase the life span of the human body. Compared with the specialties of their Night Demon organization, It’s much rarer!

Even a small manager of a federal organization like him might not be able to get a similar one even if he spends his entire life's financial resources.

It’s not that I can’t afford it, it’s that I’m simply not qualified to buy it.

In the end, this guy, through some kind of bad luck, killed a wanted criminal and got it directly.


Konchev took out his pipe depressedly, his mouth sore.

When will he meet a wanted criminal who will bring disgrace to the Night Demon Organization, and then beat him to death? His colleague is right, Goddess Luck is really a bitch, and she only likes Linxing's handsome appearance!


Brian looked curiously at the strong man who was lifted away by the helicopter.

His stick was so harsh that it dried up half of the opponent's cheek, and damaged most of the facial nerves. He had to be sent to the hospital for treatment. It is estimated that treatment reagents would have to be used later, otherwise there would definitely be sequelae.

In other words, this guy named York was directly knocked out by Brian with a stick.

Until the helicopter is gone.

Brian then looked away and looked at the two younger brothers he had just taken in: "Why haven't those people come back yet?"

In order to better complete the task, accumulate performance points, and to avoid the existence of beasts like Brian, the first thing for people who come here is to form teams according to nationality and organization to avoid being forced to Unlucky situation of elimination.

However, in order to obtain enough performance points as much as possible, only the strong ones will form groups with each other and occupy the most comfortable room in the castle.

The rest of the people robbed the remaining rooms in the castle, and were too lazy to form a team. Only when there was a mission, would they form a temporary small team.

However, according to the regulations of the Night Demon Organization: the castle only provides food and supplies for 18 people, and only 18 people are allowed to stay.

So those with weaker strength, such as the four unlucky guys outside the castle.

They couldn't even grab a room in the castle, so they could only crawl in this temporary camp.

In fact, it was difficult for them to even grab a mission.

Because the temporary team looked down on them.

But the impact was not great.

The biggest purpose of participating in this training camp is to obtain a resource exchange for rare reagents, rather than expecting the free rewards of the top three.

So Brian's behavior of directly killing people and forcing them to leave the camp is actually very bad and easy to cause group attacks.

Derek placed a handful of nails in front of Brian and said worriedly:

"They are busy chasing the members of the Primitive Sect. They will probably come back very late, or even not at all.

Those Primitive Sect guys should have come from France.

They attacked a noble's family.

Those black monkeys like to do this kind of thing, so that they can blackmail the noble privately and ask him to provide some high-end scientific research equipment.

However, this action was discovered by the Night Devil Organization in advance.

According to the confessions of the captured believers, this action of the Primitive Sect seems to be related to the purification of a reagent called Water of Reason.

The Night Devil Organization attaches great importance to this kind of thing and has made a very good promise.

Unfortunately, during the action, your team leader Susan shot too quickly and directly killed those Primitive Sect members. Everyone was killed, and even those who surrendered were shot in the head, resulting in the loss of clues. "

The short-haired girl Melita next to her added: "Because of this incident, Susan angered many people who wanted to take advantage of this mission to get high performance scores. If they knew that Susan recommended you, they would definitely be very angry."

Brian played with hundreds of nails in his hand and said in a relaxed tone: "There are only eighteen people in total, right?"

Melita and the others nodded: "Yes, there are eighteen, and they all carry guns. If you still want to rely on hand-to-hand combat to defeat them, we are not sure whether there will be people like your team leader who will directly pull out a gun to kill you. Similar things have happened before. "

"That's okay!"

Brian threw the nails in his hand: "I will have a good chat with them."

Seeing his careless look.

Derek couldn't help but ask: "Brian, can you tell me how you let Melita and I enter the top three assessments?"

"Didn't you guess it?"

Brian looked at the two of them strangely: "As long as we eliminate them all, there will be only three of us left, then we will all be in the top three, right?"



Oh no, I got on the wrong boat.

This guy is even crazier than that Susan!

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