You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 161 I have finished speaking, who is in favor and who is against? (Additional chapter 4 for

It's around eight o'clock in the evening.

The dilapidated old castle in front was brightly lit, while the campfire below was shabby.

Brian was playing with a pile of iron nails in his hands in boredom.

This thing is provided free of charge by the Night Demon Organization to decorate wooden houses for these losers. In addition to nails, there are also some hammers, wood saws and the like. There is also an ammunition depot in case there are some deformed organizations who want to touch it. to here.

After knowing that he couldn't shoot his companions here, Brian lost interest in picking up a gun.

In his hands, nails are no worse than bullets.

This is a bummer.

Because he can use nails to hit others, and when others shoot, they will be out of the game illegally.

Opposite the campfire.

Derek and Melita hesitated to speak.

They really want to express that they no longer want the top three, but they are worried that if they open their mouths, they will be kicked out by the lunatic on the opposite side.

the reason is simple.

Because he was too bored, the unlucky guy who wrestled with York before was also targeted by Brian.

One moment, just one moment.

The unlucky man who could fight one against ten with his bare hands was punched by this violent man wearing elegant glasses and was still unconscious.

This power and speed have definitely reached the limits of the human body!

They didn't understand the significance of Brian coming to this training camp at all.

Listening to the crackling sound of burning wood, Derek took a deep breath and approached and said, "Um, Brian, are you a member of the combat team of the NW Operations Department? I heard that your side is very arrogant. When you meet that These difficult-to-handle aberrations are directly deployed on armed helicopters and missiles.”

Brian shook his head: "You can tell by looking at my appearance that I am a logistics worker. In fact, I am an autopsy officer, responsible for the team's autopsy work. What about you?"

"I'm from the British Commonwealth Navy, a naval gunner, responsible for hunting undersea aberrations." Derek said, pointing to Melita beside him: "Melita is from MI6, responsible for the colonies. In terms of intelligence work over there, we are actually not good at fighting.”

Seeing him complaining, Melita directly pushed Derek aside: "What he means is that we are all small people with no background. The Night Demon Foreign Affairs Camp is actually a one-time exchange for elite members of other organizations. With rare reagents and surgical opportunities, if you eliminate everyone else, you may not be able to bear their revenge.”

Derek also nodded wildly: "How about forget it. It's not easy for everyone to come here once. It's so hateful to have people kicked out."

Seeing the two of them flinching, Brian waved his hands nonchalantly: "I know, if you don't want to, just stay away from me then."

He is not a fool, how could he eliminate everyone casually.

The strong man named York before had a bad mouth.

Just wait and kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

He wanted to see if those guys who teased Susan were tough!

At this time, the Night Demon headquarters.

Konchev yawned and took a sip of coffee.

The colleague next to him saw this and said with a smile: "Director Konchev, it's rare for you to work overtime today."

Konchev looked at the surveillance video on his computer and put down his coffee cup: "I just want to see if this Brian will cause any trouble later."

The training camp is actually an alternative reward. It is also a channel for the Night Demon Organization to maintain benefits and exchange materials for other allies. The barbaric rules are set to suppress the arrogance of these elites.

The emergency team is nearby, and even if someone is seriously injured, they can be easily rescued. This is why the camp only prohibits the use of guns and mutilation of limbs.

In essence, the rules of the camp are equivalent to a training and growth for this group of elites.

Unless there is a grudge to begin with.

Otherwise, it is rare for people to be eliminated.

They were very curious about this arrogant guy named Brian, why he dared to join this camp even though he knew that the recommender Susan had offended many people, and they were even more curious about what would happen next.

Everyone in the monitoring room was so idle that it was rare to encounter such an interesting thing, so they simply started trading.

Buy and leave.

As a banker, he came to Konchev with a notebook and said: "Director Konchev, do you want to place a bet? This Brian was beaten by the crowd and kicked out of the camp. 1 pays 0.5. If he was beaten, 1 pays." 0.9 He beats everyone, and pays 1.5 for 1. He beats everyone, and knocks out more than one person, and pays 3 for 1."

Conchev directly took out a stack of pounds: "I bet alone. I bet that Brian will deliberately pick out the guys who have conflicts with Susan, take them down forcefully, and then force several other best performers out, alone." Responsible for the mission of the primitive sect in the training camp! 1 to 5, will you accept it?”

"Konchev, what you said is outrageous. If you offer ten thousand pounds, I'll take it!" The colleague thought Konchev was crazy.

That guy named Brian may have some strength, but when it comes to being eliminated, those guys won't obey the rules.

They really know how to draw their guns!

"No problem, just ten thousand pounds!"

As the first person to be tricked by Brian, Konchev knew exactly what kind of character that guy was.

The other party was not sure, and it was impossible to say something so confident that Susan would not misjudge the person.

It’s cool to pick up 50,000 pounds for free!

It's about nine o'clock in the evening.

Seven or eight cars appeared outside this remote country castle.

A group of people got out of the car without much interest, turned on their searchlights, and walked towards the castle.

According to current clues, the group of primitive sect members disappeared into London and lurked in other areas after their stronghold was taken away.

Unfortunately, they are only temporary members of the training camp and cannot leave London.

I could only watch helplessly as the members of the Night Demon Organization followed the clues and separated from them.

This also means that it is difficult for them to continue through this task and obtain additional benefits from the Night Demon organization.

Except for the top three, for the rest of them, the quota in the camp is just a quota for exchange for rare reagents.

So except for the three guys who were confident of getting the top three ratings, the rest were not very interested.

It's all that damn Susan's fault!

Walk through the familiar area of ​​flower beds.

The person walking at the front suddenly slowed down: "Why are there so many bonfires lit tonight in this gathering place for losers?"

"Maybe those four losers are celebrating and will leave soon. In the next few days, I plan to stay in the castle. I'm fed up with the food and remoteness of this garbage camp. I wouldn't have come here if I had known better. !”, the person on the side replied casually.

No one cared much about the changes here.

There are countless surveillance cameras all around. If something unexpected happens, the Night Demon Organization will tell them in advance.

So they are not worried about encountering sudden attacks.

In the more than fifty years since the camp was established, nothing like this has ever happened.

Except for real lunatics, no one would dare to offend so many countries and organizations at once.

When a group of people passed through the temporary camp that seemed dead today and contained only a pile of bonfires, and were preparing to enter the castle in front, a tall figure suddenly walked out of the shadows and blocked them in front.

Brian stood in front of everyone and gave a half-salute in a very gentlemanly manner: "My name is Brian, a staff member of the Los Angeles NW organization. I have joined the camp temporarily. I have something to inform you."

"NW organization, isn't it the organization where the female Tyrannosaurus Susan is?"

"It's interesting. Just after the female tyrannosaurus left, their new guy came right away and jumped in. What is this?"

Everyone was talking about it, but no one took the initiative to come forward.

Everyone is not a fool. They know that the other party dares to block them and still use notices to make excuses. They are either madmen, mentally retarded, or very powerful people. No one wants to make the first move.

Seeing no one to talk to, no one cooperated with me.

Brian could only continue:

"The purpose of my coming here is very simple. I want to get first place, get a reward, and help my team leader Susan to vent my anger. So, in the next few days, I ask everyone to have a good rest in the castle. In addition, I have provoked Su before. People in Shan, please come out and get out of the camp.”

After finishing speaking, Brian ignored everyone's crazy looks and played with a handful of nails with both hands: "After I finish speaking, who agrees and who disagrees?"

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