You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 162: Difficult? Then don’t do it! (Two in one)

Brian admitted that he was just looking for trouble.

He was like a villain in a movie, waiting for a minor role to cooperate and stand up, killing the chicken to scare the monkey, saving the tediousness later.

Of course, it is possible that he will be C instead of pretending to be cool.

Reality is not a movie.

Brian is not the protagonist.

Following his arrogant and brainless words, the four men looked at each other, rushed out of the crowd without saying a word, picked up the swing sticks and daggers on their waists and rushed towards Brian tacitly.

Looking at the four people rushing out.

A short Asian woman with a ninja sword on her back looked at a black-haired white man next to her: "Julio, watch out, if these four people are not opponents, you just shoot and blow up the limbs of this idiot, and then I will give you my purchase rights, and I will pay half of the exchange resources needed."

After Susan left, she was the third member in this period.

This training is about to end.

She would rather pay a certain price to keep her position.

"No problem, Miss Fangzi, this is a win-win situation."

A young white man with black hair whistled, and his right hand inadvertently took out a short pistol.

All this happened very quickly.

Seeing the four people rushing towards him, Brian silently stepped back and disappeared behind the trees at the intersection.

"Be careful of the trap."

"We are more familiar with this place than he is."

The four people have been in tacit understanding for a while. Seeing this, they are no longer in a hurry to rush over. They turn around and disperse, preparing to go around to the back of the trail from other places.

The next moment.


Seven or eight iron nails shot out from the fallen leaves above their heads, turning into seven or eight afterimages of the shooting, passing through the four people who were about to disperse, and appeared on the body of the black-haired white young man who had just taken out the pistol.

The black-haired white young man was still pouting his whistling mouth. Four iron nails pierced into his limbs with great force. The other two iron nails collided with each other miraculously, and changed direction in the air, and were poured into his pouting mouth with great skill, sewing his mouth up.

The remaining iron nail was obviously much less powerful, and finally arrived, hitting the left chest of the woman who spoke.

All this happened too fast.

Until the black-haired white man collapsed to the ground, trying to make a painful wail, but could only squeeze out the sound of a trumpet from his sewn mouth, the rest of the people realized it later and were so scared that they all scattered and hid behind the bunker.

The worst was the woman who spoke.

She looked down at her left chest with a dull expression.

The iron nail was too vicious, and it pierced through her bulletproof vest on her chest. The tip of the iron nail hit the grape on the left side, which was painful and itchy. The humiliation meant more than the damage to her body.


She reacted, veins popped up on her forehead, her eyes turned into vertical cat eyes, she cursed, sprinted on the ground, and was the first to arrive, passing the four white men before, ignoring the terrain, rushed to the top of the tree, drew her sword, put her hands together, and swung the sword down: "Iai slash!"

The sword flashed.

Countless fallen leaves flew.

Wherever the blade went, branches broke and leaves shattered, extremely sharp, with a sense of killing with one stroke.

"What a nostalgic tone"

In a trance.

Matsushita Yoshiko seemed to hear a man's low sigh.

The next moment.

A big hand just brushed the trajectory of her sword light, and grabbed her hands holding the sword with great accuracy.

Brian was like a monkey. He grabbed the tree trunk with one hand and held the woman in his hand with the other hand. He jumped down from the tree and landed on the ground. In front of everyone, he shook his hand and lifted the little Japanese woman who still wanted to resist high up, and then slammed her heavily on the ground.

There was a dull bang.

Everyone felt the ground shaking.

They hurriedly looked at the situation of Matsushita Yoshiko, but found that this Japanese female ninja, who was extremely agile, had amazing swordsmanship, and was proficient in various hidden weapons, seemed to be embedded in the ground.

Her body twitched slightly, and her open mouth seemed to want to breathe, but it hurt so much that she couldn't breathe any air. Only the blood slowly flowing from her mouth, nose, ears, etc. told everyone that in just one move, this female master from Japan was already seriously injured and could die at any time.


Everyone took a breath of cold air.

With such inhuman strength, is it necessary to participate in their level of training camp?

Isn't this a father beating his son to bully the weak?

At the Night Devil headquarters, those who opened the market were also speechless by Brian's recklessness.

Only Konchev, the Mediterranean man who personally received Brian, had anticipated this situation and calmly picked up the microphone: "Medical team, go ahead."

These elites are either enhanced or modified, and they are not normal humans.

The injuries that would kill ordinary people can last a lot longer for them, enough for rescue.

But they are only responsible for saving lives.

As for the subsequent treatment issues, it is none of their Night Devil organization's business.

Before joining the training camp, everyone signed a death exemption clause. As long as the death was not caused by an external attack, it was an internal conflict of the organization where the elites belonged, and it had nothing to do with their Night Devil organization.

On the other side.

The four strong men who rushed out at the beginning were frightened by Brian's ferocity and strength and took out their guns.

With this kind of physical fitness, if they fight with bare hands, even if four people fight together, they will definitely end up being crushed. Only the firearms in their hands can give them a sense of security.

"Are you preparing to eliminate yourself?"

Brian was pointed at by four guns and tossed the nails in his hands nonchalantly: "Why don't you give it a try, will my nails penetrate your necks first, or will your bullets hit my body first?" ?”

There are big trees here, and at his speed, he doesn't care about just four small pistols.

Among the four, the strongest one suppressed the anger in his heart and put away his pistol:

"Stop it, we were indeed a little rude before and offended Susan, but she also taught us a lesson!

You eliminated Matsushita Yoshiko and Cortez in one go, which is tantamount to offending the Japanese Ninja and the French sword and musket team. If you forcefully eliminate us again, even the NW team will not protect you! "

Another person also nodded: "This place has been established for more than 50 years, and less than ten people have been directly eliminated. Even Susan just taught us a lesson. This is an unspoken rule and trampling on the rules. , it will only harm yourself!”

Many of the other people watching the show also nodded silently.

Although the camp is not illegal as long as no guns are used and no damage is caused to limbs or organs, everyone is here to exchange for the precious resources of the Night Demon Organization, and they are not here to fight life or death.

Unless there is a grudge, everyone will abide by the unspoken rules tacitly.

Looking at the frightened four people, Brian grinned and took off the glasses on his face, threw them to the ground, and crushed them with his foot: "Rules are only to protect the weak, and never to restrain the strong. If you If you are afraid, I will give you a chance..."

"what chance?"

"Three seconds, if you join forces, you can stop me for three seconds, I will let you go!"

The four of them looked at each other and nodded: "Okay!"

Several people put away their pistols and prepared to make a last stand!

Shooting is destined to be eliminated.

Give it a try, there's still a chance!

Just three seconds!

They are not idlers in their respective organizations. I don't believe that the four of them can't hold this pretty boy down for three seconds if they join forces!

The moment they nodded.

Brian tiptoed and instantly crossed a distance of five to six meters and came to the nearest man. Without any skills at all, he punched him with force and impact.

The speed of this instant explosion was too fast.

Even though Brian had already restrained most of his speed and strength, by the time the physically enhanced man reacted, his fist had already hit his shoulder.


With screams and figures flying upside down, Brian had already arrived in front of another person. His right leg was struck like a tomahawk, hitting his hands that were protecting his chest.

The man's hard arms were dented and broken at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then flew out.

In front of the terrifying explosive speed.

The so-called alliance between the four people has become a complete joke.

The remaining two people looked at each other, turned around and ran away.

Seeing this, Brian casually threw up a handful of nails, and then his hands were so fast that a large number of afterimages appeared in the air.

The falling iron nails were like meteors piercing the night, accurately hitting the two fleeing people everywhere. They were nailed into hedgehogs and fell to the ground screaming.

This cool and outrageous scene not only shocked everyone at the scene, but also the people in the Foreign Affairs Department of the Night Demon Organization who had been paying attention to the surveillance here were all dumbfounded.

Is this juggling?

They have never seen someone who can use iron nails at close range to an extent that is even more outrageous than a pistol, which can be called an automatic rifle.

In the minds of these people, the person with the most powerful hidden weapon was Matsushita Yoshiko, who was severely injured by Brian before when he smashed her to death like a dog.

But the opponent's hidden weapons such as darts and cross darts were completely incomparable to Brian.

Looking at the scene of complete silence.

Brian shook his aching hands and held out three fingers: "Three seconds, two breaths. I am a person who keeps my promises. Congratulations, you can continue to stay."

In response to him, there were only four people moaning and howling.

The first person's right shoulder bones were all shattered, and half of his body was numb. If he resisted, he could still survive the next few days.

The second person's hands and arms were broken, and his chest ribs were also cracked, but he could survive the next few days if he resisted.

The remaining two tried to escape, but were directly beaten into hedgehogs by Brian's nails.

Although under Brian's deliberate control, the nails avoided critical points, the dense wounds would kill them if they were not treated in time, resulting in blood loss and tetanus.

These two cowards who ran away had no choice but to leave early if they didn't want to die.

at this time.

A group of people wearing medical attire also rushed to the camp with stretchers and first aid equipment.

After asking.

The Japanese woman, the French black-haired white man, and two unlucky guys who were nailed like hedgehogs were carried away for emergency treatment.

The remaining two people just asked for some painkillers and prepared to fight.

It's a pity that Brian didn't give them face: "You can ask for some medicine to prevent bone necrosis, but pain relief is not allowed, otherwise, I will beat you once a day."

If there weren't cameras everywhere, these bastards would kill Susan just by talking about her.

He even killed so many FBI members, and he didn't care about the organizations and families behind these people.

This made Brian angry.

He changed his identity, and with his talent as a shapeshifter, he kept disguising himself as someone else. He could slaughter any family and even destroy some small official organizations.

It was just that the shapeshifting process was too disgusting.

Brian was unwilling to do that unless it was necessary.

In order to hold on until the end of the one-month period.

The two finally compromised, and endured the pain, and were carried into the castle by the medical team of the Night Demon Organization, ready to endure the pain, which was also the price they paid for their boasting.

Get rid of these bastards.

Brian was about to pretend to be gentle and adjust his glasses, but then he remembered that his glasses had been crushed by him.

He spread his hands awkwardly and said to the rest of the people: "Everyone, in order not to cause some unpleasant things to happen, you will stay here honestly from now on, is there any problem?"

The temporary captain who had teamed up with Susan before shrugged: "No problem, in fact, this is what we originally planned."


Brian was stunned.

He didn't know that the members of the original sect had all run away.

Another member of the United States Federation sighed:

"Originally, the original sect had a base in London, but when we cooperated with the Night Demon Organization to raid, everyone was killed by Susan, and the remaining clues all pointed to outside London.

We are just a temporary combat team. According to the treaty, we do not have the power to enforce the law outside London. In addition, the performance gap with the previous few is a bit large. There is no point in continuing the mission."

Ah this

Brian was a little helpless. Isn't it equivalent to pretending in vain?

He sighed and took out two nails from his pocket again. In the stunned crowd, he showed them a grim smile: "Sorry, I don't know about this situation. Since there is no way to get a high performance score, I can only ask all of you seniors to leave in advance, otherwise I can't guarantee that I can get the top three results."


They silently took out their pistols.

If they are destined to be eliminated, they don't mind breaking the rules and shooting the lunatic in front of them.

Even several members of the United States Federation were speechless.

Susan's violence can only be regarded as amiable in front of the jumping thinking of this pretty boy in front of him.

What is this?

The temporary captain who had teamed up with Susan before stretched out his hands speechlessly: "Bryan, don't be impulsive, you are too outrageous, no, you can discuss with the Night Demon Foreign Affairs Department to see if you can negotiate."

Others also nodded.

If it weren't for the fact that the man in front of him had an outrageous burst speed, his nail shooting technique was comparable to an automatic rifle at close range, and there were big trees around, it would be against the rules for them to use guns. No one would be willing to waste time with this psychopath who was stuck with a bug in front of him.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Brian nodded: "Let's do this, you contact the Foreign Affairs Department, if possible, I will let you go, otherwise I will sneak attack every day, and it should be no problem to send you out of the camp in five or six days."

After speaking, Brian's figure flashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

A moment.

A call was made to the satellite phone specially equipped by Brian before he set off.

The call was connected.

From the other end came Konchev's tired and helpless voice: "Brian, what do you want to do?"

Brian stood on the top of the cliff, blowing the sea breeze, and said calmly: "I am a person who follows the rules. Either give me a free quota for rare resources, or I will eliminate everyone and take the quota myself."

"You are not following the rules!"

"I didn't use a gun, and I didn't cause their limbs to be missing. What's not in compliance?"


No one would have thought that Brian actually had a close-range, nail-shooting technique comparable to that of an automatic rifle.

If someone uses a gun to fight back, it is against the rules.

If you don't use a gun, you will be nailed into a hedgehog.

This bastard is completely stuck with a bug!

Konchev sighed: "Each time, the number of rare resources is limited. We made an exception for Susan before, and we took out our inventory. She gave us a lot of resources in exchange. You have nothing. If you make an exception again, it will be difficult for us to deal with it!"

"It's difficult, then don't do it!"

Brian said calmly: "Then let's see if I can't stand the retaliation of those people first, or your Night Devil Organization will lose face and authority!"

He is not really brainless.


If you don't let the window open, then lift the roof!

Someone will compromise.

In the end, after negotiation.

The Ministry of External Affairs of the Night Devil Organization agreed to Brian's request.

But a condition was also proposed:

"Brian, you should have heard of the Primitive Cult.

After our investigation, a rebellion broke out at their headquarters in Africa.

Some of the Primitive Cult's deformed people stole a raw material called "Water of Reason" and fled to France.

After that, they lurked in London, trying to kidnap a senior executive of a pharmaceutical company and use the cutting-edge equipment in their hands to synthesize harmless "Water of Reason".

At present, that stronghold has been destroyed by us before the plan was successfully implemented.

There are three fugitives, one of whom knows the whereabouts of the raw materials of "Water of Reason".

If you can find the other party, we promise to give you a free qualification to select rare resources.

If you can find the water of reason before the Night Devil team, we will give you corresponding rewards.

This is our last bottom line, otherwise you will be forcibly deprived of your camp qualifications and blacklisted by us for life, and will never be allowed to enter the territory of the Commonwealth! "

It can be heard.

Brian's shameless blackmail angered this group of "gentlemen".

If you can't play, break the contract.

Brian did not hesitate at all and directly agreed to the request of the Night Devil Organization.

After a lot of trouble.

He finally achieved his wish.

The previous ones were just smoke bombs.

This is his real purpose!

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