You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 163: Delivered to the door (Additional chapter 1 for the leader of ‘Soul Harvester’)

That night, Brian met Konchev again.

Also with him was his daughter, whom he had never met before, and several expressionless men in suits.

This is a very beautiful girl, with a delicate and majestic face, lively eyes, big wavy brown curly hair hanging down her back, and a body of nearly 1.8 meters. She is a stunner who needs good looks and a good figure.

With a dark face, Konchev stood in front of his daughter and said to Brian in a bad tone: "I really regret working overtime today and receiving you, a bastard!"

Brian ignored him and looked at the brown-haired beauty who was a head taller than Conchev: "I smell the silent melancholy of the night from you, Hathaway, I'm glad to see you."


Konchev was so angry that he raised his hands, trying to block Brian's view: "Go away, don't talk to my baby girl, you shameless scoundrel!"

"Father, you have gone too far!"

Hathaway tilted her head and looked at Brian with big eyes, full of curiosity: "I changed my perfume specially, how did you know that I am Hathaway?"

Brian shrugged and slandered + Green Tea in front of other people’s fathers:

“Your father is nervous.

You know, this kind of old guy has a pathological desire to control his children.

They will subconsciously think that everyone close to you is a bad person and prevent you from running towards possible happiness.

But you can't blame Conchev. To be honest, if I could have a daughter as beautiful and temperamental as you, I would be even more nervous than Conchev appears.

Seeing you, I almost thought that in the legend of King Arthur, the spirit of the lake came to the turbid world.

I am an honest man, forgive my confession. "


Hathaway was laughed out loud by Brian's shamelessness in telling lies with his eyes open.

No one takes these words seriously.

But no woman can deny the emotional satisfaction and recognition these words bring them.

But Konchev was so angry that he touched his waist with his right hand: "Brian, I want to duel with you! You despicable male dog in heat, a shameless person who threatens and extorts, I want to challenge you!!!"

Brian shook his head and refused: "Forget it, Hathaway will be sad if I break you. Just give me what I want, you feudalist old stubborn."


Konchev was so angry that he covered his chest and was speechless.

The extra fifty thousand pounds I just got tonight doesn't taste good at all.

He would rather he had never met Brian, a shameless bastard!

Although Hathaway was very curious about Brian, she was also afraid that her father would be really angry, so she quickly handed a silver box to Brian:

“Brian, here are the weapons, information, and temporary law enforcement credentials you want.

However, your law enforcement area is limited to areas under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth.

In addition, you have no right to harm any innocent citizen who is not involved in the primitive sect, otherwise we will punish you according to the control law! "

"no problem."

Brian took the box and prepared to leave.

Hathaway stopped him: "Are you sure you don't need us to arrange an assistant for you?"

Brian waved his hand without looking back: "No need, a truly strong man always walks alone."

Behind him, Konchev, a gentleman, came from a single invitation and cursed.

Brian subconsciously quickened his pace.

Konchev is actually quite a nice person, and he even reminded himself of some things to pay attention to before.

Just don't know why.

When he saw Konchev, the Mediterranean, he wanted to tease him, as if they were in conflict with each other, and he couldn't control himself at all.

Brian couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of his bad character.

You are really mean.

It seemed that he had to avoid Conchev next time, otherwise Brian was really afraid that he would not be able to hold back his oral pleasure and cause this middle-aged man's brain to bleed.

Return to the castle.

Brian ignored everyone who was avoiding him like a madman, and opened the big silver box without a password.

Inside the box, there were two black pistols, ten magazines, a set of portable body armor with a good protection level, a temporary certificate, a lot of information, maps and a motorcycle key.

In fact, Brian wanted some high-explosive grenades, automatic rifles and the like.

But as soon as the other party heard his quantity request, he decisively refused.

After all, it was not his own territory, so Brian had no choice but to accept the material support.

He quickly flipped through the information and maps.

The information was mainly about the causes and clues of this incident. There was not much useful information. After a brief browse, Brian threw it aside.

There are only three pieces of most useful information here.

According to the intelligence of the Night Demon organization, these defected primitive sect aberrants are mainly priests of the three tribes.

One is the No. 1 aberrant who has the ability to control animals.

The rats carrying explosives controlled by the other party caused a lot of trouble for the Night Demon organization in the bustling city, and they were forced to stop chasing the No. 1 aberrant.

One is the No. 2 aberrant with the ability to transform into a beast.

This aberration is so flexible that not only is it incredibly fast, it can also run on walls and tall buildings in complex terrain at a certain height, almost ignoring gravity.

In addition, London is an important city in the Commonwealth and cannot use heavy weapons, so it was eventually run away by the opponent.

The last aberrant, whose abilities are unknown.

The reason why the other party was exposed was that the Night Devil Organization, after breaking through their base, inferred from the location of the scene that there was a sacrifice involved.

But this person never showed up from beginning to end.

The survivor was killed by Susan again.

As a result, the Night Devil Organization could not collect clues about this unknown existence in a short time.

"According to the information, the person who is most likely to be in charge of the raw materials of the "Water of Reason" should be this unknown No. 3.

The other party is even likely not to leave London."

Brian thought.

According to the information provided in the obsession, the "Water of Reason" is actually a kind of colloid-like green colloid.

The raw material of this thing is the secretion of a certain plant. Only after a large amount of purification can the finished product in Brian's obsession memory be obtained.

So the amount of raw materials will not be too small, otherwise this group of deformed people would not have to take the risk to kidnap a senior executive of a pharmaceutical company.

This unknown deformed person is likely to stay in London, guarding this batch of important raw materials that are related to whether they can maintain their sanity.

The problem is that there is no clue at all.

London is not small, with a dense population and many people of all identities. If you want to find a person, unless you catch the other two mutants and get information, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Brian suddenly realized.

No wonder the Night Demon Organization negotiated with him.

They probably didn't think they could find any of the three people in just five days, let alone find the Water of Reason directly.

However, this limited information still gave Brian some hints.

First of all, the third mutant who did not appear has the ability to hide himself, at least inconspicuous.

The Commonwealth is not a Gallic black chicken. There are not many African blacks here. Once one or two appear, they will be very conspicuous, so the third mutant either has a special ability to hide, or is likely to hide in the sewer.

London's sewers are even more outrageous than Los Angeles' underground drainage network.

Because of infectious diseases such as cholera, in 1859, London spent a lot of manpower and material resources and spent eight years to build a 2,000-kilometer-long honeycomb sewage pipeline that almost hollowed out London's underground.

Those sewage pipes were made of the most advanced special cement at the time. They were tall and open. As long as you didn't mind the dirt and stench, you could drive a car in them, not to mention living in them.

In addition, countless lines intersected to form a complex honeycomb-shaped pipeline, which was connected in all directions and could reach almost any sewer entrance in London. It was very difficult to find a hidden mutant.

Brian's activity area was limited. It was unlikely that he would go out with the people of the Night Demon Organization to snatch and capture the other two mutants who escaped from London.

He wanted to find the raw materials of the water of reason and fulfill the obsession of the bald priest. The only possibility was to find the unknown mutant priest who had no information within five days.

It was very difficult, but there was a chance.

Brian had absorbed the obsession of several people from the primitive sect before, and briefly read some of their memories. He knew that these people had special means of communication.

Although he didn't understand the meaning of these means of communication, as long as he found the remaining traces, he might be able to follow the traces, lock the smell of the person who left the traces, and then track them.

We have to go to the scene to see if it works.

The next day.

Brian, the new bully of the castle, snatched four or five steaks. After filling his stomach, he took his weapons and rode the motorcycle prepared outside the camp to the first crime scene.

During this period, Derek and Melita wanted to get close and offer help, but were directly rejected by him.

There is only one chance.

The two people were afraid of offending other members before, so they chose to give in. It was naturally wishful thinking to want to cling to Brian's thigh.

The road along the Thames.

Brian walked through the slow traffic and it took only more than 20 minutes to come to the base where the original sect was exposed at the beginning according to the map.

This is a deserted manor.

London and deserted manor, the two words combined together sound a bit outrageous.

But this is actually a very normal thing.

Europe and the United States have high inheritance taxes, up to one-third or even half of the government's valuation, and they must be maintained and maintained every year according to requirements.

Labor here is not cheap.

Some down-and-out guys cannot meet the threshold of some evasion measures, and have no choice but to give up inheritance, so there are many abandoned manors and castles in Europe.

Some with good geographical locations will be taken over by others.

Some with bad geographical locations have really become horror film locations.

The geographical location of this manor is actually good, but no one took it over, there must be some other factors.

Brian asked for directions many times before he arrived at his destination.

There are few people around here, and it has been surrounded by London police.

You can see the dilapidated iron railings and the green vines climbing all over the rusty railings.

Some dirty stone sculptures can still see traces of painted spray, but some pieces of dirt covered with toilet paper are undoubtedly reminding Brian, an outsider, of some fine traditions here: urinating and defecating anywhere.

In addition to the smell of excrement, Brian, who has a keen sense of smell, can smell a strong stench of rotting corpses when he approaches, even if he does not turn on the enhanced sense of smell.

This smell gets stronger the closer you get.

When he arrived at the entrance of the manor, a pale-faced curly-haired guy, carrying a large backpack half a man's height, was taking a brown-haired girl with a high ponytail, and had an argument with the police guarding the gate of the manor.

When they heard the movement of the motorcycle, these people stopped arguing and looked at Brian who was coming over.

Brian took out the ID card given to him by the Daredevil Foreign Affairs Department: "Temporary investigator, I want to go in and take a look."

A police officer took the ID and took out his mobile phone to confirm. After a moment, he respectfully returned the ID to Brian: "Mr. Brian, the situation inside is a bit special. Please pay attention to protection."


"Yes, biochemical protection. There are many diseased dead mice inside, as well as a lot of flesh and blood residue. Before biochemical cleaning is carried out, there is a risk of infection."

Brian was relieved when he heard this.

As long as it is not nuclear radiation or biochemical toxins, other biological viruses will basically have no pressure on him.

In fact, even the elites in the training camp are more resistant to common biological viruses than ordinary people.

To a certain extent, they, like the aberrants, are no longer normal humans.

After collecting his documents, Brian was just about to go in through the open door.

The man and woman who had argued with the police before came over quickly: "Hello, sir, I am Joseph, the heir to this manor. I grew up here when I was a child. Can you take me in with you? I am very familiar with it!" "

Looking at this typical British man, Brian moved his nose lightly. After finding nothing unusual about the two of them, he asked curiously: "Some dangerous things happened here, why did you go in?"

Neither of these two people looked like rich people.

Especially that girl, who had the aura of a street girl. The look she looked at Brian was full of aggression and provocation. She was not a serious person.

Joseph didn't notice at all that his companion was seducing the pretty boy in front of him.

He sighed:

“Actually, this place is not abandoned, but is mortgaged.

In order to lay out the Internet industry, my eldest brother used up the last bit of his family's wealth and mortgaged this place. The result was not very good, and he committed suicide later.

Until a few weeks ago, when I was tidying up my ancestral home, I discovered the secret message my grandfather had hidden in the picture frame.

It turns out that there is a dungeon underground under the manor, where the wealth accumulated by my ancestors during the Age of Discovery is buried.

My eldest brother mortgaged the above-ground assets, not the underground assets. These should be our family's wealth. Later, I secretly brought equipment and explored several times, and almost searched the entire manor.

It's just a little short of that amount of money.

I've determined where the entrance is, but no one is allowed in here.

Sir, if you can take me in, as long as you find that wealth, minus the tax part, I can give you half of the rest! "

"So bloody?"

Brian was just about to say something.

The police officer on the side complained speechlessly: "Kid, stop telling me that bullshit treasure story. When the government took over here, they used cutting-edge equipment to explore everything. There is no so-called underground treasure at all. It’s just a way for you to seduce those stupid girls into bed.”

The girl who was chewing gum spit out a bubble and said nonchalantly: "Everyone knows this, but Joseph is good-looking. In order to sleep with him, I am willing to play this house game with him. Uncle, for handsome boys, We are very proactive.”

Police officer: ..

He walked aside autistically.

This world is so unfair!

Joseph, still looked at Brian nervously.

Brian looked at the time and shook his head: "Listen, man, it's really dangerous here now. I won't let you in for your own good. If you want to live a good life, I suggest you find a rich widow to marry you. "

After saying that, he walked into this desolate manor under the boy's lost eyes.

Walk through a landscaped area filled with weeds.

When we arrived at a little angel fountain, the rancid smell that filled the air suddenly became several times stronger.

Brian kept moving forward without changing his expression.

Some traces of the battle began to appear one after another.

There were messy craters from bullets, and remnants of shock bombs and smoke bomb shells that had not been cleaned up in time, but the most numerous ones were densely packed corpses of dead rats.

The dirty stone carvings and walls were covered with traces of blood and flesh.

Brian even saw a piece of rat tail inserted into the hole in the entrance door. You can imagine how tragic the scene was when a group of rats charged with explosives.

Pass through this bloody battlefield.

Brian finally arrived at the outermost hall of the manor.

He prepared himself mentally, turned on his enhanced sense of smell, and took a big gulp.

Countless strong smells poured into the nasal cavity.

This feeling is hard to describe in words.

"If I had known earlier, I would have brought Thirteen here."

Resisting the instinct to vomit, Brian ignored the halls filled with traces of battle, kept walking through the hall, and followed the unique body odor of black people to a small church.

This is caused by the structure of the human body.

The sweat glands of black people are as developed as those of Asians, and there are as many apocrine glands that affect body odor as those of white people, so body odor is the heaviest among the three races of yellow, white and black.

In London, where white people are everywhere, this has become the best guide.

The chapel looked much cleaner, with no traces of fighting, but on the dusty ground, you could see shoe prints of similar styles and different sizes.

Obviously, the people from the Night Devil Organization also focused on searching this place.

Brian was not surprised by this.

The Night Devil Organization is the largest official special organization in the Commonwealth, and it also has the means of transplanting alienated organs.

Alienated organs are actually the body organs of deformed people.

Brian didn't know much about this, but it was valued by official organizations in so many countries, and they kept sending people here for "further study", so this method was obviously very special.

Pushing the door open.

What came into view was a strange sculpture.

Brian had seen it before in the sewers of Los Angeles. This was the faith totem of the primitive sect.

Unexpectedly, these betrayers did not forget their roots.

He came to the sculpture and observed it carefully. Finally, his eyes lit up, and he reached out and stroked a certain pattern on the sculpture.

Unfortunately, Brian could only confirm that these traces, which were not old, should be a means of communication containing certain information, but he couldn't understand it.

He was a little sick at first. After completing the obsessions of the primitive sect members, he directly absorbed the crystals and only knew some broken fragments.

Just when Brian was about to put his nose close to catch the smell that might remain on the lines.


He stopped moving and frowned and looked outside the door.


The sound of bubbles bursting.

A girl in jeans and ponytails appeared at the door. Her brown eyes looked at Brian curiously: "How do you know the totem contact method of the primitive sect?"

Brian narrowed his eyes: "How did you get in?"

"I walked in."

The girl spit out the gum in her mouth again: "You haven't answered my question yet. This is a communication method exclusively used by the primitive sect priests. Were Babu and the others arrested?"

Hearing this, Brian showed a strange expression.

Is this a proactive delivery?

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