You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 164 Dark Council, are you still itching?

"Primitive sect sacrifice?"

Brian tried.

The street-style woman shook her head: "Those are just cannon fodder to lure away the Night Demon Organization. Well, let's not talk anymore. If I don't like food to keep my blood boiling, I really don't want to talk nonsense with people."

The words fell.

She chewed the gum for who knows how long, and it shot towards Brian with a sound that broke through the air.

Brian's pupils shrank and he ducked behind the sculpture.

There was a dull thud.

This stone sculpture actually had a small crater made by the chewing gum, and it kept shaking.


Seeing Brian dodge so fast.

The woman was not surprised but overjoyed: "I didn't expect that when I came to pick up the goods, I would encounter such a high-quality prey as you..."

Brian stuck his head out again, looked at the potholes on the sculpture curiously, and touched the lump of chewing gum.

Only when I touched it did I feel something was wrong.

The material of this thing seems to be similar to some kind of highly stretchable metal.

In other words, this woman has been chewing metal.

The teeth are pretty good.

Brian took out both guns and asked curiously: "Doesn't your mouth hurt when you chew this?"

"It doesn't hurt, it relieves the itching!"

The woman's eyes turned blood red, and two long fangs slowly protruded from her mouth. Her body became elongated and thin, and her body was covered in dry flesh. The claws on her hands became longer and curved, like ten sharp steel knives.

At this moment, she looked like a vampire monster in European and American novels, and her voice became hoarse and unpleasant: "My teeth are itchy right now, give me a bite, just one bite!"

The words fell.

Swish all over.

The distance of five or six meters disappeared in a blink of an eye.

With a swish, the fingers intertwined.

The cold light flickered, carrying the momentum brought by the speed, and was terrifyingly sharp. Once it touched a flesh and blood body, it was almost indistinguishable from a cutting machine.

The claws were about to pierce through Brian's body.

A long leg popped out and hit the woman in the stomach.

An inch long, an inch strong!

A scream.

This amazingly fast monster was kicked back by Brian simply because it was not close enough and its strength was too weak. It hit the wall behind it heavily, shaking a lot of dust out of the entire room.

"Isn't it itchy?"

Brian showed a ferocious smile: "Brother, let's use bullets to relieve your itching today!"

Bang bang bang~

The bullets from both guns sprayed out, hitting the woman's dry skin one by one.

She rolled on the ground and wailed, trying to get up more than once and attack again, but she was horrified to find that a large number of bullets were stuck in various joints of her body. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not get up and use force.

More than thirty bullets, not a single one was wasted, all hit the female monster.

"In what age are you still engaging in hand-to-hand combat?"

Brian shook his head and coolly unloaded the clip and replaced the ammunition. Feeling that it was not enough, he picked up the stone sculpture, which weighed several hundred kilograms, like a king lifting a cauldron, and strode up to the woman: "Are you still itchy? "

Seeing that the weight of several hundred kilograms was as light as a feather in the opponent's hand, the woman realized the seriousness of the matter.

Her eyes showed fear: "Stop taking action. I am a member of the Dark Council. If you offend us, you will not get good results."

"threaten me?"

Brian held the sculpture with his right hand, and without any hesitation, he aimed it at the woman's slender right leg and smashed it down.

A loud bang.

The ground shook, and the female monster also let out a shrill howl.

When the sculpture was lifted up again, the woman's right leg had become flat and stuck to the ground, looking very abstract.

"Dark Parliament, right?"

There was another loud noise.

The woman's left foot also turned into a patch of flesh.

She was in so much pain that she couldn't speak and could only moan.

Brian threw the sculpture aside, squatted down, and touched the woman's two fangs.

This thing is very sharp, and the tip is hollow. It looks a bit like Spider Woman's teeth, but much larger. It has a texture like jade, feels cool and cool, and is very comfortable.

"Susan seems to like collecting these things."

As he spoke, Brian held down the woman's head: "You have itchy teeth, right? What a coincidence. My dream is to be a dentist. Be good, don't move, I'll help with the treatment, don't be afraid, I'm very gentle."

woman:! ! !

next moment.

Ouch ouch~

Amidst the woman's high-pitched but brief scream, Brian forcibly tore off the opponent's fangs, then rubbed them on the woman's body, removing the remaining flesh and blood, and successfully harvested two very high-quality vampire fangs. tooth.

Keep your teeth in place.

Brian grabbed the woman's hair and lifted her up: "Is it still itchy?"

The woman's mouth was full of blood and she shook her head in fear: "No, it doesn't itch anymore."

"very good."

Brian nodded with satisfaction.

He is truly the holy body of a congenital dentist who can permanently solve the root cause of a patient's pain in just one second.

"Then why don't you say thank you?"

Women are crying.

She held back the tears of frustration and said tremblingly: "Thank you."

"Well, this is what I should do." Brian dragged the woman to the sculpture and stuffed the woman's hands under the sculpture: "I have already helped you like this, you satisfy some of my curiosity, is it too much? ?”

"Not too much!"

The woman shook her head wildly.

She was afraid that if she spoke a second too late, her hands would turn into flat pieces.

Brian has always had a good attitude towards cooperative patients.

He said in a gentle tone: "What are you doing here?"

"Take the water of sanity that is about to be completed."

"Water of reason, not material?"

The woman shook her head:

"Actually, the previous actions are all to attract the followers of the Night Demon Organization.

The finished product of the Water of Reason is very special. Ordinary containers cannot lock the smell, and the smell will remain for a long time. They can only rely on the tree body of the raw materials, but this group of people only had time to bring out the raw materials.

Once the water of sanity is synthesized here and the smell is left, the Night Demon organization will track it like crazy, and it will be difficult for us to evacuate. "

"Is it different now?"

The woman continued to shake her head: "I can store the water of reason in my body through my fangs, blocking the escape of the smell. It is easier to move alone. With the people of the primitive sect attracting attention in the open, even if the night demons follow, The organization discovered something was wrong, and I left the Commonwealth a long time ago.”

Brian nodded.

Whether it's true or not, it makes sense logically.

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make sense.

He didn't expect that the raw materials for the Water of Reason were actually hidden here.

It’s really a free bonus.

Brian was worried about the long nights and dreams. After dragging the woman's hair and asking where the things were, he came to the pedestal where the sculpture had been stored and punched it down.

The room shook.

In the woman's horrified gaze, the concrete abutment was covered with dense cracks.

Brian ignored the pain and punched again.

There was a snap.

The thick cement base was completely cracked, revealing a 'pool' the size of a basketball and unknown how deep it was.

Inside the pool, a green substance that resembles jelly or thick crude oil ripples with vibrations, reflecting light green light waves under the dark surface, making it look dreamy and gorgeous.

"It's so beautiful. Is this really a natural product?"

Looking at these things, Brian couldn't help but sigh.

The woman glanced outside, joy flashed in her eyes, and she wailed softly: "These things are valuable. Let's cooperate. You return the teeth to me. After I complete the last step of extraction, we will leave together. Then you You can completely abandon the Night Demon Organization and join our Dark Parliament, we"


Brian casually punched the woman on the head.

There was a muffled snap.

The shriveled head, which still retains an expression of astonishment, hangs dangling from the body relying on the half-torn neck skin, full of black humor.

More than 2,000 kilograms of force were concentrated at one point, and the rebar as thick as a finger would be bent, let alone a fragile neck.

This vampire-like female aberrant was actually not weak in strength, and her explosive speed was almost as fast as Brian's. But apart from speed, she was useless.

In front of Brian, a humanoid beast with no shortcomings, the opponent was vulnerable and could be easily crushed to death.

After killing the chirping female aberrant, Brian reached into the pool below.

next moment.

A warm current surged.

The obsession of the bald priest is complete!

This made Brian feel a lot happier.

It doesn't need to be processed, and it can still fulfill the obsession, which shows that this thing can still be effective even if it is not processed, but the purity is different at most.

There are two ways to give gifts to the bald priest:

Gift 1: 30 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 5 points of gift energy + body expansion

Brian had seen the expansion of the body before. It was similar to the meat bomb chariot in Naruto in the previous life. It was indeed a bit strange, but there is no such thing as chakra in reality, so this skill, in addition to adding some private fun, was very useful in the age of firearms. , simply because he felt that his target was not obvious enough.

He chose Gift One.

30 points of gift energy enter the body.

A short time.

Brian regained a full 66 units of gift energy reserves.

By the way, there are also rewards from the Night Demon Organization.

Think of this.

Brian didn't look back and said in a gentle voice: "Man, I remember your name is Joseph, right? I'm in a good mood now. If you don't resist, I can consider immobilizing you and handing you over to the Night Demon Organization."

The smell of this guy outside is very fishy, ​​and there is also the smell of the young Joseph from before.

Obviously, he and the vampire just now were together.

Outside the chapel.

A monster that was completely black, three meters tall, with the head of a wolf and a gray-haired dog, looked at the withered and decapitated corpse in front of Brian in horror with its big eyes: "You killed Meserv!"

Brian was stunned when he heard the name.

He turned around, grabbed the body that he had smashed, and pulled open the other person's tattered jeans to take a look, his face speechless.

What a mastermind.

"I thought he was a woman. Are you also a member of the Dark Council?"

Brian had completed his obsession and was not in a hurry to continue killing the young man in front of him.

He is quite curious about the aberrants here.

Either a werewolf or a vampire.

Quite interesting.

Seeing Brian's calm look.

Joseph sighed, trembled, his body slowly shrank, and all the hair on his body returned to his body.

He distressedly took out an orange-yellow glass test tube: "This is a special product of the Dark Council, called primordial blood. It is a raw material extracted from a huge deformed killer whale, combined with some special biological materials of the Dark Council to synthesize it. , can improve the cell activity of living things, and it is of great benefit to ordinary people and aberrants. I will give it to you, but please let me go."

Brian looked at the other person in surprise: "Kill you, isn't this thing mine too? Besides, why don't you try to see if you can escape?"

Joseph shook his head:

“Can’t run away.

Meserve was a pseudo-vampire deformed. He was so fast that he could almost dodge pistol bullets, and his sharp claws could tear the skin of a bison. However, you still killed him here. My beastly instinct tells me that you are terrifying.

I don't want to gamble.

Although I don’t understand why you, a human being, can be so strong, before you kill me, I can definitely crush the original blood on my hand. Killing me will do you no good. Let me go, this original blood Blood can make you stronger! "

Looking at Joseph, whose muscles were tense, Brian thought for a moment and nodded: "Throw it to me, tell me how to use it, and tell me some information about the Dark Council, and then you leave."

If the other party refuses to do this, Brian will kill the other party directly.

Even if the so-called reagent helps him, it is not as direct as the enhancement of gifted energy.

He agreed simply to increase the apparent reason for his own strength, and he also wanted to take it back to Susan for use.

Conditions to face Brian.

Joseph thought about it again and again, and finally agreed.

He put the test tube in his hand and carefully threw it towards Brian.

After Brian took it, he opened the test tube and smelled it. As a refreshing fragrance flowed into his nose, he actually felt a faint sense of hunger and thirst coming from his body's instinct.


His current physical fitness is almost inhuman.

Just smelling this thing can actually produce some attraction to his body. Although it's not big, it's pretty good!

At least it was much stronger than the original S-T cell solution he had injected.

I didn't expect this little wolfdog to have such a good thing in his hands.

Brian put the things away in the lining of his suit with satisfaction, and stretched out his hand to signal to Yasef.

Seeing that he didn't take action, Joseph licked his lips like a frightened rabbit:

"Original blood can be integrated into the cells of the body when drunk. It can increase cell activity, help organisms break through body restrictions, develop again, and can also extend life span. It has a relatively small effect on aberrations, but it can also increase the physical strength of aberrations. Become stronger.

As for the Dark Parliament, this was originally an underground organization in Europe, responsible for undertaking some assassinations, selling stolen goods, etc.

After the blood moon, some aberrations in the parliament began to take power. In addition, they had a large amount of money and resources, and most of the objects of aberration were powerful creatures from myths and legends here. This gradually formed today's The organization of aberrants. "

"Then I ruined your plan today, will you take revenge?" Brian said casually.

Ever since he met the fierce old man, he no longer had the same attitude of killing the aberrants as before.

Joseph shook his head:

"I don't know, this is a private mission for the Thirteenth Member.

The Dark Parliament is a member + platform control, and has some connections with high-level officials in many European countries. As long as it does not threaten the survival of the platform, the Dark Parliament will never target individuals, but I cannot guarantee that the thirteen members will not take revenge personally. "

"That's it"

Brian looked at the big dog in front of him and felt good about it.

He flashed and appeared in front of Joseph, hooked his shoulders, and pressed him like a bully: "Are you interested in being the boss?"

Joseph originally wanted to fight to the death, but after hearing this, his expression was dull: "Huh?"

Ten minutes later.

Afterwards, the powerful man left his ancestral home with a strange expression.

After Brian crushed the obsession that emerged over the vampire's corpse, he called Mr. Konchev, the director of the Night Stalker Organization's Foreign Affairs Department.

He didn't want to show off so dazzlingly and slap those people in the Night Demon Organization in the face, but his strength and luck didn't allow it.

The call is connected.

Before Brian could speak, Conchev scolded him: "Brian, you bastard, I won't provide you with any help, just give up!"

"I found the raw material for 'Water of Sanity'!"


"Sour Radish Bichi, you must be joking, right?"

"That's the truth. The address is the former base of the original sect, the abandoned manor. If you don't want to come, I will call the headquarters of the Night Demon Organization."

"No, no, no, don't do this, I do, I do! I mean, you wait for me here, I will bring Hathaway with me!"

Listening to Konchev's angry scolding at the beginning, then into shock, then into excitement, and finally even throwing out his baby daughter, Brian silently hung up the phone.

Hey, he still likes Konchev's angry look.

He suddenly became so enthusiastic, it was strange that he was not used to it.


Brian shook his head and examined the obsession of a female-to-male vampire.

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