You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 165 Obsession, Reward

Male vampire obsession: I really want to use the identity of a vampire to make a movie and convince more than a hundred people that vampires are handsome and elegant creatures!

Gift One: Gift Energy 35

Gift 2: Gift energy 5+alienation-vampire

Brian touched his chin:

“This kid’s obsession is quite simple, it’s not about killing me for revenge.

The question is what to do with this obsession?

I play COS and pay for people to make movies?

Then why not call Susan a female werewolf and play a sadomasochistic relationship between a vampire and a werewolf? The script of Twilight would be good..."

Of course this is a joke.

At this point in time, with more than one million US dollars, you can almost make a movie, and complete the promotion and release. If you tell your idea, the agency will handle it all for you from top to bottom, but shooting Twilight City, it’s all a joke.

The little money Brian had on hand was not enough.

This kind of movement is too big.

Brian is actually more inclined to find time to go directly to the San Fernando Valley.

This place is the largest source of pornographic film shooting industry in the United States. It is known as Yellow Hollywood. It is located about 30 kilometers northwest of Los Angeles and very close to the city.

If the efficiency is fast, it can be completed in one day.

Many of the female clients Brian served before worked part-time there and knew the situation there.

If you plan well and complete this obsession, not only will you not have to spend money, but you may also be able to make money.

You just can’t use your face to leave the country.

After all, he has become a good man.

Waiting is boring.

Brian took a sip of the original blood left by the werewolf aberrant Joseph, stored the liquid in his body and isolated it, and then simply went about his job and performed in vitro tests on the corpses on the ground.

After the death of a male vampire, his death state remains alienated.

After tearing open the clothes, you can see two shriveled 'bags' on the opponent's chest, as well as clearly visible rib lines. From the surface, except that the two bags are a bit unsightly, the overall structure is similar to that of a human being.

But there was an obvious abnormality in the opponent's spine.

The spine of a male vampire is long and flexible, as are the bones of the limbs. The overall appearance is smooth and thin. The muscles of the legs and hands may seem dry, but in fact they are elastic, and the explosive force under the skin can be felt.

This thing, in the era of cold weapons, was really a killing machine.

In addition, Brian also discovered that under the other party's gray skin, there were densely packed strange blood vessels, and even after he had been dead for a long time, there was still a slight beating feeling of organs on both sides.

Yes, this guy has two pumping hearts.

The most outrageous thing is below.

This guy's lower body can actually shrink and has two sets of reproductive systems, which makes him a hermaphrodite.

Brian threw the picked stick aside in disgust.

He thought of one thing: Aberrants can reproduce, and the offspring will retain some of the physical inheritance of their parents.

The blood moon has been around for more than sixty years.

How many descendants of these monsters have been hidden in the world for such a long time?

If these offspring reproduce with each other, what will happen if they continue to be deformed?

There is no trace of this information even on the NW organization's internal network, and no one even discusses this matter.

The more you know.

The more Brian feels, the deeper the water in this world is.

Sometimes, he is confused.

This crazy world, I really don’t know what kind of development path it will take in the end.

The Night Demon Organization values ​​the raw materials of ‘Water of Sanity’.

When Brian was confused about his life, Konchev arrived at the abandoned manor in a transport helicopter.

Behind him, there is an armed helicopter.

heard movement.

Brian came outside the gate and waved to him: "This way, the things are over here."

Seeing his calm expression, Konchev was completely relieved: "Quick, quick, bring the instruments and equipment and follow."

Come to the chapel.

Konchev didn't even bother to ask about the traces of battle in the room or the corpses on the ground.

He couldn't wait to look at the researchers who were salvaging the materials. He didn't laugh until the other party nodded in confirmation: "The thing is actually here. Those idiots were chasing those black coal briquettes with all their lives, but they were picked up cheaply by our Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "

"Is this thing precious?"

"Of course it's precious!" Konchev looked at Brian like a country bumpkin:

"This stuff is a very precious raw material that can serve as a top-notch anti-rejection serum, allowing ordinary people to transplant those alienated organs and have a part of the vitality of aberrant beasts without taking the risk of losing control.

Although there are negative effects, the monster's vitality is what countless rich people dream of, and they don't care about that. "

"Then why no one sent out troops to kill the primitive sect?"

“In a place as big as Africa, there are no people to be found.

And killing them is equivalent to a one-time harvest and raising them. They are reluctant to live in the prosperity of Europe and often come here.

Those coal briquettes regard this thing as something to relieve mental distortion, and they always carry some with them.

From time to time we can harvest once and then let people go and let them go back and get it again.

After they knew that as long as they had the "Water of Reason" in their bodies, their lives would not be in danger, some members still wanted to cooperate with us, but it was just the old immortals from the primitive sect who were unwilling.

But they are also afraid that we will do them, so they do not stop people from coming here.

In this way, you will gain something every time, which is much more cost-effective than taking all the effort to kill them. "

Good guy, Leek is very clear about it.

Brian nodded and patted Konchef on the shoulder: "Where's Hathaway?"

Conchev rolled his eyes: "Brian, I admit that you are indeed the biological son of this bitch, Lady Luck, and you are very lucky, but you are too impulsive to do things. There is no way I would let my baby girl interact with a bastard like you. If you are dating, this will harm her."

As mentioned earlier, Hathaway is just trying to stabilize Bryan.

He will not betray his daughter!

Seeing Brian's face darken, Konchev awkwardly changed the subject: "Whose body is this, and what's going on here, God, are these two elephants fighting here?"

Brian raised his fist and punched the several hundred kilogram sculpture beside him, causing it to roll several times. He showed his white teeth and sneered at Conchev: "Of course I hit it, with my fist!"


This movement made Konchev stunned.

The surrounding staff also stopped moving and looked at Brian stupidly.

Is this something a human can do?

"Impossible!" Konchev rushed to the stone sculpture. After using all his strength to move it, he said excitedly to Brian: "This is absolutely impossible, even if you were injected with S-T cell activation reagent. , it can’t be that strong!”

"What about adding this?"

Brian took out the test tube that contained the original blood: "The monster on the ground seems to be a member of the Dark Council. After I forced him to find out what was here, he punched him to death. By the way, this one seems to be called the original blood. Monster I found it on my body and it’s very strong after drinking it. Now I want to punch everything I see.”



"Why do you dare to drink anything?"

Konchev was heartbroken: "This thing is more precious than your NW specialty S-T cell activation reagent. You didn't use the nutrient tank to absorb it bit by bit and drank it directly!!!"

He felt even more uncomfortable than the death of his own father: "You should have told me earlier that you got this thing. Why didn't you tell me earlier? Even if I came here with a nutrient tank on my back, I wouldn't let you waste it like this!"

With that said, Konchev snatched the test tube from Brian's hand, stretched out his flexible old tongue in front of everyone, and tried to lick the residue inside the test tube into his mouth.


He pointed at the insane Konchev and looked at the others: "Why is he so excited?"

A young man smiled and said: "If you absorb it in a nutrient tank, Konchev can use his identity as a supervisor to shamelessly go in and soak your bath water. Maybe it will make him look a year or two younger."

In addition, the middle-aged man also showed envy: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says you are the concubine of a lucky daughter. Man, you are really lucky. I have a daughter."

Brian looked at the excited Konchev and the staff who wanted to pimp his daughter, and hurriedly walked out.

He was afraid that Konchev would lick the test tube eagerly while holding it, and would run directly in front of him, wanting to eat what was left in his mouth.

It’s scary to think about it.

The collection of raw materials for the ‘Water of Sanity’ took more than an hour.

The amount is actually not much, only about one cubic meter, and it is estimated to be even less after purification. Otherwise, the vampire would not have used his hollow fangs to make those things into finished products and stored them in his body.

The issue is.

These collectors, like Konchev, used instruments to collect the raw materials, and then scraped all the walls and other materials, preparing to take them back for secondary purification.

As expected of the descendants of bandits, this aspect is really worth learning.

With the harvest, everyone happily returned outside.

Konchev left an address for Brian: "Come here on your motorcycle. By the way, aren't there police guards outside? How are they?"

Brian shook his head: "I'm worried that the aberrant person has helpers. He has been guarding the chapel since he called you."

"That's the right thing to do. You can check it out later. If something happens to them, I will help them apply for the highest compensation for death in the line of duty."

After saying that, Konchev couldn't wait to get on the transport helicopter, ready to take all the credit.

Watching their shadows in the distance.

Brian also walked towards the outside of the manor.

The two policemen were lucky enough not to die. They just lay aside and slept soundly.

In fact, Brian was a little confused as to why Joseph and the vampire didn't come quietly at night.

But when he thought about coming over, the police's familiarity with Joseph and the remaining traces in the manor, Brian also vaguely figured it out.

It was estimated that people from the Night Demon Organization had been searching the manor and might have set up secret sentries to keep watch at night, so they came over during the day to test whether anyone from the Night Demon Organization was still guarding the place.

After all, Joseph is apparently one of the heirs to this manor, and he has also used it as a 'treasure hunt' before. They probably took this into consideration when they first let the group of primitive sect defectors use this place as a stronghold.

Based on this calculation, Brian felt that he was indeed lucky.

If he comes late or early, he will miss the ingredients of 'water of sanity'.

“What a coincidence”

Brian suddenly thought of Joseph's pale face, thoughtfully.

It's over.

Brian didn't dwell on it too much.

He woke up the two unconscious policemen physically, told them briefly about the situation inside, and then rode his motorcycle to the address given by Konchev.

Susan praised the rare resources of the Night Devil Organization.

He was also very curious.

The headquarters of the Night Devil Organization is located in a prosperous area of ​​London.

The entrance is an old coffee shop, which looks quite stylish, but the fees are very expensive. Except for the truly rich people, most of the customers here are pretentious people with no background.

I guess Konchev greeted them.

A waitress saw Brian, who was a little dirty, walk in and immediately greeted him: "Mr. Brian, follow me."

Follow the waitress to the backstage.

Passing through the backstage and coming to the warehouse, the waitress pressed her palm on the wall.

The originally ordinary tiles actually emitted a faint light.

The next moment.

A passage leading to the underground appeared in front of Brian.

Brian touched the wall curiously, only to find that the material of the wall had a slightly metallic texture, not real tiles.

"Mr. Brian, the people below have received the notice and are waiting for you at the entrance."

Brian nodded, quickened his pace, and walked down.

Get the reward as soon as possible, finish the work and go back as soon as possible!

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