You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 166 Reward, Pseudo Bullet Time (Additional chapter 2 for the leader of ‘Hail to the Soul Rea

Walking down the stairs, a passage similar to the NW underground subway appeared.

A white man with a hooked nose was waiting for Brian at the entrance.

Brian looked at the passage and was a little speechless.

It seemed that these organizations all liked to dig underground, not afraid of earthquakes, and the top collapsed. It was really nothing new.


The white man with the hooked nose looked at Brian suspiciously, and didn't understand why such a pretty boy could go directly to the research room.

That place was the most strictly guarded place in the Night Devil Organization. Even members of the Night Devil Organization could only go there when they received alienated organ transplants.

Brian nodded: "Yes, it's me. I'm in a hurry. Please hurry up."

The hooked nose stopped talking nonsense.

The two took the subway first and came to a closed room.

Brian took off all his clothes, changed into the portable clothes provided by the other party, and went through several security checks before taking another train to the next location.

This time, it was still not a research room, but a room full of surveillance, armed soldiers, and a lot of transparent glass.

Various high-end instruments can be seen in the room.

There are also several larger rooms. Although no movement can be heard inside, young boys and girls can be seen wearing close-fitting training suits, doing various tests and training.

This place reminds Brian of the scene when he was weak and was forced to undergo radiation tests on the Deformers.

He looked at the hooked nose who led the way with a bad face: "Man, I think I have made it very clear. Give me the rewards I can redeem, and I will take them away. It's that simple!"

The hooked nose shook his head: "Mr. Brian, free rewards must be used on the spot, but no matter what reward you choose, you must undergo a more detailed inspection to prevent. In short, this must be stipulated, even for your NW organization!"

He had something to say.

Brian took a deep breath: "I used to exchange many rewards in the NW organization, and there was no such requirement!"

"No, you have been tested by the distortion ray detector, so you don't need to do these tests, but this is the Night Demon Organization. The audit team has checked your information. Your growth rate is too fast and outrageous. We must ensure your purity!"

There was no compromise or negotiation in the words of the hook-nosed man.

Brian's face darkened.

In the body, the dark matter that had been silent for a long time seemed to feel the change in his emotions, and it became active little by little from the dead silence. It seemed that as long as Brian suddenly killed someone, he would cheer and reunite with the host in front of him again.

A nameless fire surged in Brian's chest.

If this place was not underground, he really wanted to twist the head of the person in front of him off and crush it bit by bit.

Being stared at by Brian.

The hook-nosed man didn't know why, but he felt that the air around him suddenly became dull, and even breathing became a little difficult.

"This damn air circulation system!"

He pulled his tie uneasily, and said in a slow tone: "Mr. Brian, everyone doesn't like their privacy to be leaked, but this is also a reconfirmation of the purity of your identity. This is very important. Believe me, if you don't do it now, even if you return to Los Angeles, you can't avoid this process."

"Go to the purity of the mother."

Brian stretched out his hand: "Give me the phone, I want to contact my colleagues in Los Angeles!"

He hated people who spoke half-heartedly, and his mood became more and more irritable.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood.

Hooked nose hesitated for a moment, but still took out a black box from his pocket, unlocked it with fingerprints, turned on the button, and handed it to Brian.

Brian didn't shy away and called Susan directly.

It should be early morning over there.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, a dog barked from the other end of the phone: "Wang~ (which one~)"

Brian: What the hell is Thirteen answering the phone.

The key is that he is not around, there is no pheromone prompt, he can't understand what Thirteen is saying.

Brian suppressed his anger and whispered, "Thirteen, ask Susan to answer the phone."


After more than ten seconds, Susan's nasal voice came from the other end: "Hey, this is Susan, what's up?"

Hearing Susan's silly voice, the nameless fire in Brian's chest was extinguished silently.

He couldn't help but smile: "It's me, Brian."


In Los Angeles, Susan's squinting eyes suddenly opened.

She jumped up from the bed and asked with concern: "Are you okay, Brian, those bastards didn't bother you?"

Susan didn't know that Brian took the initiative to join her training camp.

"It's okay, it's like this, I helped the Night Devil Organization solve a more troublesome thing, they insisted on sending me some things, but I need to do it"

Brian briefly explained what happened.

The hook-nosed man on the side rolled his eyes.

It was obviously this guy who had an exaggerated nail shooting skill, which caused the training camp bug and forced the Night Devil Organization to give him extra treatment.

Originally, this was nothing.

But this guy actually fulfilled the agreement.

This is outrageous.

Hearing Brian's words, Susan laughed:

"Brian, you are really lucky.

The review is normal, mainly including some blood tests, musculoskeletal density tests, X-rays and other physical examinations, and may also require strength and speed tests, etc.

This information will become your file and be synchronized to NW.

Our relationship with the Night Stalker organization has always been very good, so don't worry. "

"Well, I'll be back as soon as possible."


After hanging up the phone, Susan threw the phone away, grabbed the chubby Thirteen, fell on the bed and kicked her legs: "Brian is great!!!"

On the other side, Brian also returned the phone to the hook-nosed man: "Hurry up!"

The hooked nose put away the phone and said with some envy: "It seems that you have a good relationship with the girls of the Adams family."

"Are you envious?"

"There is no one who doesn't envy Susan Adams. There are seven men in Susan Adams's generation. She is the youngest and only girl, and she is highly favored. If you can win her, you can save at least fifty years of struggle."

The more you talk about your aquiline nose, the more sour your mouth becomes.

If Susan didn't have this background, how could they possibly spoil each other.

The Adams family can only be regarded as a second-rate family in the United States, but they were born in the Commonwealth. They were originally an old aristocratic family. Later, due to some struggles, they moved to the New World in the United States and rose again.

There were many aristocratic marriages in the past.

Counting everyone together, they can actually be related to each other.

It's just that the Adams family is relatively low-key, so it's not famous.

It can be said that this kind of established family with rich heritage, history, and money is even more popular in the Commonwealth, a land that values ​​bloodline traditions.

Probably for Susan's sake.

In the next session, the hook-nosed attitude improved a lot.

The first is a test of speed, reaction, and strength.

Brian only used half of his strength and speed, but it still attracted the aquiline nose and the people who were paying attention to marvel.

Looking at the data panel displayed on the notebook, Hook Nose was a little confused: "Mr. Brian, according to our on-site investigation and the information provided by Director Conchev, your strength should exceed one ton."

Brian shook his head: "This is a force-generating technique. Have you ever played with a whip?"

"Know something."


After finishing speaking, Brian took a deep breath. The muscles and joints were transferred from the heel layer by layer at a slow speed, constantly accelerating, and finally, with the sound of bone friction, they were transferred to the right fist with a slight popping sound. Hit the test equipment.

There was a dull thud.

The entire dynamometer vibrated.

This time, the displayed data changed from more than 600 kilograms to more than 1,230 kilograms, which was nearly doubled!


The hooked nose exclaimed.

Brian shrugged: "This requires a certain amount of fighting experience and familiarity with human tissue. I happen to be an autopsy examiner, and I also have some talent in fighting. However, this kind of force exerts a strong sense of pressure on the body. I use A few times and you will lose your strength.”

"This is amazing."

The hooked nose looked at Brian with a little more respect.


Just draw blood and take X-rays...

With the talent of physical control and pheromone control, Brian was not afraid at all and controlled the transmission of his information.

He had long predicted that this might happen and had studied these things.

In fact, this is what Brian is confused about:

Uncle Billy, why would he try his best to climb up in the NW organization? Doesn’t he know that these organizations test the so-called ‘purity’?

Or, in the uncle's opinion, as long as Old Man Meng's organization contacts him, there will be a way to solve his worries in this regard?

if the latter one.

Brian didn't dare to think deeply.

During the waiting period.

Night Demon Organization, Scientific Research Office.

Several people in white coats used the most sophisticated instruments to test the blood and cell tissues sent over, and then reported to a man wearing a mask on the side:

"Member Sandra, the target cell activity is about 50% higher than that of ordinary people, and no aberration of the genetic information chain has been found.

Trace amounts of strengthening reagents remain in the target body fluid.

The other party should have been injected with a large amount of strengthening reagents recently, which is consistent with the data.

In addition, we conducted three sets of tests on the target cells and extracted the original blood substance residue, which should be the main reason for the abnormal activity of the target cells.

If nothing unexpected happens, his body will become stronger again in the next few months, and he will hopefully become a first-order life form. "

"First-order life form"

Sandra, the masked man, showed envy in his exposed sunken eyes.

Young, strong, potential...

He looked at the secretary beside him: "What's going on with him?"

The secretary must have been prepared for it. He said respectfully: "An orphan with a gang background. He worked in some illegal adult industries when he was a student. He has a pair of seriously ill adoptive parents, but he is not in the United States at the moment. We have no relevant information in this regard. According to According to the intelligence information sent urgently, Brian has a strong sensitivity to the case, has donated to children's homes many times, and has also shown compassion for some victims."

A lot of information that Brian's colleagues didn't know was reported to the masked man in front of him by his secretary.

Hearing the illegal adult industry, as well as words such as funding and pity, Sandra shook her head in disappointment: "Forget it, this man is not suitable to be my daughter's husband. Tell the scientific research office to open all Class A reagents to him. If If the other party wants to transplant alienated organs, directly grant S-level permissions!"

His daughter's husband must either have average abilities, be honest and easy to control, or have outstanding abilities, high potential, refined self-interest, and no useless kindness.

In this way, he can withstand any pressure or inducement.

Brian, who is neither up nor down, can't do it!

Everyone in the laboratory did not notice the previous paragraph at all. They were all attracted by the S-level authority spoken by the leader of the Night Demon organization.

S-class alienated organ transplantation not only consumes the rare and top-level rejection serum, but also uses powerful aberration beast organs and limbs that consume a lot of resources to maintain activity.

Even within the Night Demon organization, only the top few special agents have such qualifications.

This is no longer about money.

Under everyone's doubtful gazes, the corners of Sandra's mouth turned up under her mask, and she left without explanation.

Seeing this, the secretary chuckled and said: "Everyone, if the other party chooses alienated organ transplant surgery, in order to ensure his life safety, is it reasonable for us to collect some of the other party's body tissue and bone marrow during the operation?"

Everyone was stunned.

This kind of experimental body without pollution is rare!

In addition, according to the principle of non-leakage of S-class resources, if the other party wants to undergo transformation, they must join the Night Demon Organization or become a specially hired employee of the Night Demon Organization.

After all, the meat is rotten in the pot, and a strong fighting power is wasted.

These people who are playing political games are really evil.

the other side.

Brian patiently waited for more than half an hour and finally received the notification that the review had been approved.

Take the subway again.

They arrived at a heavily guarded refrigerated warehouse.

An elderly white man led Brian to a place similar to a bank vault. On an LCD screen, he introduced Brian:

"According to the agreement, you can choose all three reagents above, but I suggest you choose alienated organ transplantation. This can make your vitality very powerful and your combat effectiveness can also be improved a lot."

Brian scanned the screen.

There are not only the 'neural response activation reagents' and 'troll reagents' that Susan redeemed, but also many other focused strengthening reagents.

However, most of them overlap with the research of the NW organization.

What attracted him most was alienated organ transplant surgery.

On it, in addition to some special body tissues of aberrations, there are actually two body tissues of aberrations among the alienated organs that he can choose from.

Organization 1: Eagle Eye, visual distance up to 20 kilometers, night vision, dynamic vision. Requires nerves.

Organization 2: Muscle density, huge strength and high explosive strength require bone density and muscle density

Brian pointed to the two tissues above: "Can I transplant this too?"

The old man nodded: "Yes, but if you choose this, you must sign a contract and become a special employee of the Night Demon Organization. You must accept a non-excessive task arrangement once a year. Of course, we will provide the corresponding salary in accordance with the standard requirements."

Seems to want Brian to choose this.

He also made an exception and clicked on some videos, allowing Brian to watch some mosaic videos of men and women before and after undergoing transformation and during transformation.

Some of these special transformers are even stronger than Brian now in terms of individual abilities, such as speed, sense of smell, dynamic vision, strength, etc.

But combined.

There is no one who can fight.

The key to this process of transplantation and rejection resolution is that the operator needs to be fully anesthetized, naked, and at the mercy of others.

Good thing Susan didn’t accept this makeover!

Brian directly rejected the old man's recommendation: "No, I want the 'Neural Response Activation Reagent', the 'Troll Reagent', and this 'Vision Strengthening Reagent'."

"Okay, but you need to inject it on the spot in the observation room."

"no problem."

Brian readily agreed.


He appeared in a white room with a large glass cylindrical nutrient tank.

In case of emergency, first aid is available here.

Quite considerate.

Brian first injected the 'vision enhancement reagent' into his body.

The body tissue immediately isolates and stores the liquid that enters the body, leaving only a small amount for Brian's body to absorb.

Brian could feel the reagents acting on the tiny cells in his eyes, but the effect was basically insignificant.

He immediately decided to take the reagent back to Thirteen for use.

The second one is the ‘Troll Reagent’.

This effect is still not great.

Brian didn't know whether it was because he was a deformed person or because his body was too strong, which caused the reagent to have little effect.

The ‘Troll Reagent’ is still sealed.

With anticipation, Brian injected the two targets of this visit, the 'nerve response activating reagent', into his body.

This time, the effect is obvious.

Brian could feel that the information transmission endpoints of his subtle neural connections had undergone obvious changes. He even felt that his already fast thinking speed was more consistent with his body.

This means that the nerve information transmitted from his brain nerves to his body has accelerated!

"It works!"

Brian took a deep breath and immediately absorbed all the 'nerve reaction activation reagents'.

More than ten minutes later, he opened his eyes.

Brian stood up and wanted to pick up something to test his reaction speed, but was surprised to find that his senses were somewhat uncoordinated.

To be precise.

He just wanted to walk, and his legs stepped out immediately, but his muscle memory did not keep up, causing him to have the illusion of stepping on air.

Relying on the control of his body.

Brian took the second step and returned to normal.

He felt very good, as if his body had reduced the delay and became more advanced.

He picked up an empty test tube in the room and threw it into the air.

In Brian's keen vision, the test tube seemed to enter a slow space, falling down bit by bit, clearly visible.

He grabbed it excitedly, and his palm was so fast that there was a little afterimage, and it was accurately pinched at the bottom of the test tube.


Reaction speed is difficult to quantify.

Brian has always been average in this aspect, so he didn't care about the surveillance here. In addition to not using supercomputer perception assistance, he simply relied on his own reaction speed and went all out.

He threw the test tubes into the air one by one at the same time, and then his hands, like invisible hands, caught them all accurately and put them back in place.

It was not until he challenged nine test tubes in one breath that Brian made a mistake and failed to catch the last test tube in time, causing it to fall to the floor.


Brian was happy in his heart.

With this nerve reaction speed, plus strong physical fitness, physical control, supercomputer perception, and Hawkeye's dynamic vision, it seems that he can try pseudo-bullet time!

Bullet time in the true sense!

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