You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 167 Master? This is just the threshold in front of me!

"Why is he so well integrated with reagents?"

In the observation room, a group of biological experts were a little surprised when they saw Brian's neural reaction speed under surveillance.

Because everyone's physique is different and their tolerance to reagents is different, the effects produced after injecting the same reagent are also somewhat different.

But the difference here is at most equivalent to a full score of 100 points. A small number of students failed, most of them were on the passing line, and a very few of them scored 90 or even 100 points.

And Brian reached 120 points!

This is what surprised this group of biological researchers.

"It may be that the cell activity in the target body is too high."

An old man flipped through the various indicators and tests collected by Brian on his hand, and clapped his hands:

“Target Brian’s previous data is close to the limit that ordinary people can achieve.

He has now been injected with three rare Class A strengthening reagents. I suspect that he has completely broken through the limits of ordinary people and reached the strength of a first-order aberrant creature.

Ordered to dispatch Demon Hunting Team A.

I want to test the target's current combat ability. "

Hearing this, a middle-aged man who was dressed incompatibly with this place looked embarrassed: "Director Ya Na, Brian is a sequence employee of the NW Operations Department, and the recommender is a scion of the Adams family. If we do this, if something goes wrong, we will I’m afraid it’s hard to explain.”

The old man who spoke looked at the middle-aged man with eagle eyes: "I am the chief here, and I accept orders!"


The middle-aged man had already done his duty to remind him, so he stopped talking nonsense and turned around to leave.

safe room.

After Brian simply adapted to his situation and made sure that his information was collected and entered but not too excessive, he wiped his body, put on his clothes, and prepared to leave.

He doesn't like this closed underground base.

No matter it is the headquarters of the NW organization or the headquarters of the Night Demon organization, I don’t like it!

This kind of place is not only closed, but also has various modern automatic defense systems, gates, and countless surveillance systems. Once a conflict occurs, even with his current strength, he can easily kill everyone here, but there is still no way to escape.

Brian suspected that only characters from Marvel could hope to escape from a place like this.

Safe outside.

The hook-nosed man who had guided Brian before was waiting outside.

Seeing Brian come out, he immediately showed a kind smile: "Mr. Brian, is everything going well?"

Brian nodded: "Not bad. I feel that my strength has improved a lot."

If the data here will be transmitted to NW as Susan said, he believes that after he returns, NW will give him the identity and permissions he deserves.

The hooked nose showed envy: "Sometimes I regret not joining the front-line operations department. When I got older, I realized that a little money and power are insignificant in the face of an increasingly weakened body."

Not enough compared to the top, but more than enough than the bottom.

It was not until they got older that these people with hooked noses realized that they had completely lost their ticket to embark on the ship of the new era.

Brian didn't care about this: "Man, maybe you can teach your descendants your experience, but now, I want to go back."

"Is there a need for actual combat testing?"

The hook-nosed man changed the topic and pointed out: "Our Night Demon Organization has always advocated various exchanges with allied organizations to make progress together. If you have excellent performance during the test, you can also improve your position in the NW organization. Field Level.”

"No need!" Brian's bright eyes were slightly narrowed as he looked straight at his hooked nose: "I'm leaving now!"

"Okay, I'll take you away now."

The hooked nose nodded very naturally and led the way.

Everything here, almost every passage, requires permission confirmation. No matter which section has a problem, the overall structural security can be ensured, much like the NW organization headquarters.

The two returned along the same route.

Just as Brian arrived at the area where clothes and belongings had been stored, a group of armed plainclothes, seven men and five women, got off another train at the same time.

Seeing these twelve people, Hook-nosed stopped and asked, "Captain Athol, did the mission go well?"

The leading bald man looked up and saw a hooked nose. He nodded indifferently: "Is the guy behind you a newcomer?"

The hooked nose shook his head and introduced to everyone: "This is a trainee from the Los Angeles NW organization. He is lucky. He helped the organization find some rare resources. He has just received three Class A reagent enhancements and is ready to leave."


The bald man seemed to be interested, and he led everyone behind him to look at Brian, who was standing behind the hooked nose, with a well-proportioned figure and handsome appearance.

Brian sighed: "Your acting skills are terrible. I'm just a coroner. I love peace and safe logistics, but I'm not good at fighting. There's no need for you to hold on to me."

As soon as these words came out.

The expressions of the rest of the people became subtle.

The indifference on the bald man's face turned into a sinister smile: "I heard early this morning that an arrogant guy came to the foreign affairs camp, using acrobatics to take advantage of loopholes and threaten our Night Demon organization. I am very unhappy with him!"


Brian twisted his neck: "Who are you?"

His patience is almost gone.

"Assel!" The bald man's eyes were full of aggression: "Night Demon Operations Department, captain of the Demon Hunting Team A!"

Brian ignored the other person's gaze and looked at the hooked nose: "Is he very strong?"

The hooked nose nodded: "Among the captains of the operations department, Asel is the top three master."

"Awesome." Brian shrugged: "I'm no match, I admit defeat, let's go, I miss my dog ​​in Los Angeles."

With that said, he was about to walk into the item storage room.

Bald-headed Asel strode forward and stood in front of Brian: "Coward, why don't you dare to look directly at me?"

next moment.

A fist hit Asel's chin with a sharp crack in the void.

There was a loud bang.

Flesh, flesh and bones splashed, covering the faces of the team members behind Asser.

Brian slowly retracted his fist and patted Asel's shoulder, who was still standing: "Because you are not qualified! A master? This is just the threshold for standing in front of me!"

After saying that, he walked around Asel and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Asel, who had lost his entire jaw, stood there, as if he had not yet realized what had happened. His tongue, which had lost the support in his mouth, was drooping and squirming in the void, like a fat, wide red worm, disgusting and terrifying.

"With such a huge impact and explosive force, why didn't the body of the target hit move?" He murmured with a hooked nose.

This is unscientific!

The other members of the Demon Hunting Team A reacted one after another. Regardless of the blood and saliva splattered on their faces, they rushed to Asel to check on his condition.

Athel realized it later and turned to look in the direction where Brian disappeared. His body became weak and he hit his back hard.

"team leader."

A group of team members who were still posing and POSS screamed in surprise, and rushed into the base subway with the unconscious Asel in embarrassment, preparing to take him to treatment.

Observation room.

Ya Na, the head of the scientific research department and the supervisor who issued the test order, looked at the close-up playback of Brian's punches on the screen over and over again, and was full of amazement: "The almost perfect combination of force, condensed strength, speed and power. Great, this is the most perfect soldier in my heart!”

The middle-aged man next to him had an ugly face: "Aser is currently the strongest person in the base's operations department at hand-to-hand combat, but he can't withstand the target's punch. Unless we use firearms, it will be difficult for us to continue testing."

"Then use it!"

Ya Na roared almost madly.

He wanted to see Brian's limit!

Other scientific researchers also voiced their agreement.

With their scientific research souls aroused, they did not care at all about the severity of this incident and the subsequent collapse of the reputation of the Night Demon Organization.

The more powerful scientific researchers are, the more paranoid and persistent their personalities are. After seeing something they are interested in, they can do many dehumanizing things in order to test it.

When the 'Nuclear Peace Messenger' was first born, the Federation of America used its own military to test it.

We also use the people at the bottom to conduct various practical experiments...

The United States and the British Commonwealth have the same origin in this regard.

Middle-aged people are not part of this group of psychopaths.

He directly chose to report urgently.

Brian didn't know that these people were so shameless and wanted to mess with him.

He didn't cooperate simply because these people were careless and didn't offer benefits, and he resented being treated as a research subject.

If it gives enough benefit.

In fact, it's not that he can't lie down properly, open his legs when he needs to, and turn over when he needs to.

The problem is that these people are not particular!

Change your clothes.

He handed over the pistol he had received earlier.

Brian stepped on the blood stains on the ground that had not yet been cleaned up, and stepped onto the departing base subway under the fearful eyes of the hooked nose.

After returning to the ground.

He took a deep breath: "The ground is still comfortable."

Next to the underground exit, a middle-aged man wearing a suit, slightly fat and with a friendly smile on his face nodded in agreement: "The underground is really depressing, Mr. Bryan, I am Agent Smith from MI6." Member, nice to meet you.”

Brian frowned: "I'm not happy to see you, what do you want to do! If you continue like this, I will ask my recommender to inform my experience. This will cost you the face of the Commonwealth and Reputation!”

"A Class A strengthening reagent!"

Smith directly stretched out a finger: "It's just some simple tests. In addition to strengthening the reagents, as long as you sign a confidentiality agreement, we can also show you some research results on human evolution. This is our greatest sincerity. If Mr. Brian doesn’t think it’s appropriate, I’ll take you to the airport now.”

Brian's frown immediately relaxed: "But then again, the Commonwealth is so generous and hospitable, and it really should be promoted more. Mr. Smith, where should we go to communicate?"

Is this right?

Finally met a normal person.

Reagents are nothing.

Brian was mainly curious about the research results of human evolution mentioned by Smith.

He is in the NW organization and does not have permission to view this thing.

Riding in Smith's classic car.

Brian was taken to a small military camp.

He took a look at the surrounding environment and said curiously: "Actually, I don't quite understand why you are so obsessed with studying me. I don't believe you don't have anyone better than me."

The strength he showed was actually only the level before his transformation. At most, he had a stronger neural reaction speed, but it was not an exaggeration. It would probably be difficult to fight a deformed beast with bare hands.

This strength is just an ant to the modern army.

Smith shook his head: "I just received an order to invite you here. There are people in the barracks who are responsible for contacting you about the specific situation. In fact, I have another task. Mr. Brian may consider changing jobs and joining our Commonwealth. We are willing."

"No need."

Brian refused without waiting for Smith to finish his words: "I don't like the weather here."

How comfortable he was in Los Angeles.

Only those who are desperate will join the Commonwealth where they are unfamiliar with the place.

If it weren't for his identity as an employee of the NW Operations Department, Brian would even doubt whether he had already lived an underground life as a guinea pig.

The local "gentlemen" are too hypocritical.

He doesn't like it!

"Well, that's a pity." Smith was not very persistent about this.

After security check.

The two took the base's shuttle bus and came to an empty cement shooting range.

On the shooting range, an old man, with seven or eight guards wearing sci-fi exoskeleton armor, had been waiting here for a long time.

Next to the old man stood a handsome young man with a stern look.

The young man stood out among the group of people.

Brian followed Smith and came to the front of the group of people.

He looked at the old man: "Before the test, can you tell me why you are so obsessed with me?"

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