You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 168 Royal Ace Agent, Secret, Back to Los Angeles

The old man shrugged: "We want to test the limit of your nerve reaction. Before you, we have never met an individual who is so compatible with the 'nerve reaction activity' reagent."

"My strengthening effect is very high?"

"It's very high. If the effect of others using the 'nerve reaction activity' reagent is 1, then yours is 1.2, or even more. After all, you have only been injected for a short time and there is still a slow growth space."

The old man is very talkative: "So this test is actually good for you. It can stimulate the residual reagent in your body to the greatest extent and speed up the absorption and development of your nerve endings."

Brian understood it immediately.

He is a shitty match. It is simply the control of the body + pheromone that can absorb and digest the reagent perfectly at the fastest speed, which makes him seem to have made such great progress.

Anyone with these two talents will not be worse than him in the absorption effect after injecting the reagent.

Of course, Brian will definitely not explain this.

He said directly: "Okay, I didn't expect it to be so simple. Let's start with whatever test we want to conduct."

"It's not simple.

If we can figure out the reasons behind this, it will be a great improvement for an organization and a force, and there is even hope to advance the progress of many current biological research projects.

Of course, it may be a waste of effort.

Research is like this. As long as it is possible, we don't want to give up any hope."

After the old man finished his long-winded talk, he couldn't help but complain: "You don't look as difficult as the Night Devil Organization said. You look very cooperative."

He had a good first impression of Brian, the handsome guy.

Brian smiled but didn't say anything.

Smith on the side rolled his eyes: "Professor Bello, please hurry up. In order to make him so cooperative, we paid an extra Class A reagent and agreed to some additional conditions."


Waste his feelings!

Brian's 'body tissue' is backed up at the Night Devil base.

Unfortunately, apart from being able to check his higher-than-normal cell activity, there was no other discovery.

So the items tested this time are very simple, only two.

One is blank bullet dodge.

The other is real-life bare-hand combat.

Before the first test, Brian carefully checked the props to make sure they were all blanks, then he put on his bulletproof vest and stood in the open space in front.

There are three rounds of tests for this test.

Single, three, and five people.

The distance is ten meters.

Ten meters is the safest distance for blanks.

Too far, blanks, which are slower in flight, will hardly play a role in the test.

Brian is also very interested in this.

Without revealing all his strength, this kind of test actually helps him understand his own strength.

The test begins.

Brian controls his speed to an explosive power of about eight or nine seconds per hundred meters, and looks at the combatants in front.

The opponent is obviously also an elite in this area. He draws his gun and shoots, emptying the magazine in three seconds. The bullets are all around Brian, minimizing his dodging angle.

It was almost the moment the muzzle was fired.

Brian immediately entered a wonderful state: all the sounds and moving objects around him slowed down by three to five times. His eyes changed slightly, and all the objects in his field of vision were quickly transmitted to the brain nerves in the order of front and back, far and near. After the information was converted, the response method was transmitted to the body tissues.

The speed of this nerve transmission is the nerve reaction.

If it was before, even if Brian could barely see the trajectory and movement trajectory of these blank bullets, if he did not dodge in advance, his body would not have time to react.

Now it is completely different!

He just dodged left and right and bent down, and easily avoided the trajectory of more than ten bullets.

Brian even had the urge to catch the bullets with his bare hands.

This experience is really magical and cool!

Looking at the ultra-high-definition capture camera, Brian dodges the bullets in a 200-times slow-motion replay. Professor Bello nodded and looked at the stern-looking man beside him: "No. 5, how do you feel?"

The stern man nodded slightly:

"The speed is average, but the reaction is okay.

I heard that he is also very strong and has exquisite force-generating skills.

It's a pity that his speed is much slower than mine, so it's hard to hit me. If the target is experienced in fighting, he can still hold on to me for a while, otherwise, I can finish him off in two seconds at most."

Unarmed combat is a combination of speed and strength.

Instant contact, instant burst strike.

Speed, strength, reaction, no matter which aspect is crushed, it is a qualitative gap!

Professor Bello nodded as a matter of course: "You are a member of the ace agent team. He used to be just an autopsy officer. He can bully those regular elites, but it's hard to crush you non-humans as before."

While speaking.

Brian has completed the second round of tests with difficulty.

With three guns aimed at him, he almost got hit while trying to control his speed and burst and avoid dodging in advance.

The third round of testing began.

The five guns, working in perfect harmony, fired again.

Brian just rushed out and his bulletproof vest was hit.

The test was over.

Brian pretended to be disappointed: "It's too difficult. With so many guns, my brain and eyes can't react."

The stern man standing in front of Professor Bello nodded: "You have not received special training and have developed an instinctive bullet avoidance reaction. With this performance, you are already very powerful. Your strength has been recognized by me."

"Who are you?"

Brian looked at this pretty boy who looked no worse than himself.

The cold young man took a step forward: "Royal Ace Agent, you can call me No. 5, who is also the examiner of your second practical test. Come on, attack me."

"You are much more handsome than the agents in the movies."

As soon as he finished speaking, Brian showed no martial ethics and used a whip kick to pull out the afterimage, which appeared on No. 5's cheek.

The feeling of emptiness came.

Brian felt something bad, and with the inertia of his body, he rolled around in a panic, and at the same time stretched out his hand to block.

next moment.

A fist, with an afterimage, appeared on Brian's arm, sending him flying backwards. He finally managed to stabilize his body and landed on the ground, looking slightly embarrassed.

No. 5 stopped moving and commented at the same time: "Good reaction speed and combat acumen. Unfortunately, your speed is too slow. If you are not sure of the enemy's situation, taking action at will will only give the enemy a chance to discover your flaws."

Brian looked solemn and assumed a defensive posture, feeling secretly surprised.

This guy has something.

The opponent's speed was almost as fast as when he exploded, and his strength was nearly a ton. The key was his whip kick just now, which exploded at an exaggerated speed at close range, but the opponent was able to get out of the way in time, and his reaction speed absolutely crushed him!

Judging from the other party's expression, this is probably not all his strength.

A bit outrageous.

Brian suspected that if he didn't explode with all his strength, open up his physical limitations, and fight with bare hands, he might not be the opponent's opponent.

Seeing that he didn't speak, No. 5's expression did not change and he tiptoed a little bit.

A swish sound.

As if teleporting, he instantly crossed a distance of seven or eight meters and appeared in Brian's face. He punched Brian in the face lightly.

This time, Brian saw it clearly.

The instantaneous burst speed of No. 5 was no slower than the aberrant beast he encountered in Forest Park before, and it was even faster than he was now!

For this kind of enemy, moving around at will will only reveal flaws!

Brian stood still and stretched out his hand to block.

No. 5's other fist also hit him with an uppercut from below.

Brian blocks again!

The two stood there, using their hands to quickly move the wind wheel, striking each other dozens or hundreds of times in just a few seconds.

Because of the exaggerated speed, afterimages of arms appeared around the two people, clashing with each other, as if movie special effects had come to reality, and a group of people in the distance were amazed.

These two perverts' hands are probably fast enough to catch blank ammunition!

Smith, the middle-aged and kind white man who received Brian, patted his big belly: "Every time I see these inhuman battles, I feel that this world is very strange and insecure."

Professor Bello nodded, looking helpless: "No one can stop the world from changing. The only thing we can do is keep up with the pace and not fall behind."

The fight lasted for five or six seconds.

Brian calculated the time, his hands became slower and slower, and the expression on his face became more and more ugly. He took the last step back to avoid No. 5's attack range, and raised his hands in surrender: "No more fighting, no more fighting, my body Unbearable."

No. 5 was also very gentlemanly and did not pursue, but there was some disappointment on his face: "I thought you would make some progress under my pressure, but it seems not. You should just absorb the 'nerve reactivity' reagent better. relatively complete.”

After saying that, he returned to Professor Bello.

Hearing this, Professor Bello quickly waved to Brian, then drew his blood, and carefully inserted a long and thin special needle, similar to an acupuncture needle, into the gap between the bones of Brian's head, and extracted a little tissue fluid. .

After doing this, he went directly to the scene and used simple instruments to conduct inspections.

Smith took Brian and walked into the base.

Looking at the old man who was directly at the shooting range, forgetting himself and entering a state of research, Brian touched the tiny hole on his head that had just been penetrated and felt nothing: "He has a high status?"

The pheromones and other substances in the tissue fluid and blood have been filtered and purified by him.

The other party will only find that there are only some slight residues of the 'Troll Reagent', 'Primordial Blood', and 'Sight Cell Strengthening Reagent', but not much of the 'Neural Reactivity' reagent.

This saves trouble.

However, this experience also made Brian realize that the combination of his two physical talents seemed to have a great promotion effect on biological research.

Otherwise, when your status becomes high, you become rich and powerful, you can also form an organizational department that specializes in studying these things?

Smith was still immersed in the inhuman images he had seen before.

Hearing Brian's words, he nodded dully: "Professor Bello is a professor at the Royal Academy of the Commonwealth and has a high academic status. He just didn't agree with the style of doing things of the Night Demon Organization, so he didn't join the Scientific Research Department of the Night Demon Organization. Otherwise, The head of the scientific research department is Professor Bello.”

While talking.

Smith took Brian to a heavily guarded archives room.

the other side.

The old man, Professor Bello, also raised his head with some disappointment: "Tell the Night Demon Research Department that the target's super absorption of the 'neural reaction activity' reagent is probably because he injected the 'original blood' of the Dark Council at the same time in a short period of time, which led to a significant increase in the activity of cells in the body and accelerated the body's absorption of the reagent components. The target did not have any special reaction to the other two reagent components."

Archive room.

After complex verification, Smith took out a metal safe from the metal wall with difficulty: "Because of the non-confidentiality of the network, many important information are stored in paper files. As a condition for cooperating with this test, the above agrees to open some internal information to you, which should be of some help to you."

Hearing this, Brian showed curiosity.

He likes secret things the most.

The more you know, the less uneasy you will feel about the unknown.

After signing the confidentiality agreement.

Bryan saw the contents of the safe: "Biological Genetics: New Human Archives"

"New Human?"

Brian was surprised.

This is what he wanted to know the most!

He was very curious before. There are so many enhancers and body modifiers in official organizations. There are also private organizations and bounty organizations in the private sector. There is no lack of such things circulating in the underground world.

What characteristics will the offspring of these people have?

Without figuring this out, Brian has not been intimate with women for a long time.

In addition to being afraid of being too powerful and breaking people, he is also afraid of accidentally giving birth to some monster offspring.

This is unfair to new life.

Seeing Brian's curiosity, Smith chuckled: "In fact, this is not an important thing, but it cannot be announced, otherwise it may cause social panic, so countries around the world have blocked information on these things. Even internal members will generally only be informed of these things after joining for a few years."

Brian ignored him.

It was not until half an hour later that he left the military base with a gloomy face and got on the private plane arranged for him by the Night Demon Organization.

On the plane back to Los Angeles.

Brian played with the reagent syringe in his hand, looked at the clear sky outside the window, and sighed slightly.

The matter of offspring is difficult to deal with.

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