You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 169 New Human Class (First Order Plus 1)

The Night Devil organization divides non-ordinary humans into three groups.

The first group is the deformed ones.

The data of this category is the most complete.

According to the investigation and records of the Night Devil organization for decades, because most of the deformed ones are physical mutations, their genetic material has also changed.

So their offspring will be affected more or less.

This influence is divided into dominant and recessive.

More than 90% of them are recessive, which means they are no different from ordinary people.

If both husband and wife are deformed, this probability will be as high as 30% to 50%, and the specific reason is unknown.

If the offspring of the deformed ones are dominantly inherited, they will be born with some abilities that are different from ordinary people. This ability may not be the same as the ability of the deformed provided by the genetic material, and mutations will occur.

And most of them will have obvious physical deformities, and the probability of premature death is very high. And most of them have abnormal brain development. Even if they grow up to adults, their IQ is not high, and they are like beasts.

There may be individual differences here, but there is no relevant record in the information Brian saw.

This makes Brian very uncomfortable.

He is a deformer, and a deformer with very strong deformation potential.

The only difference is that his deformation ability is likely to belong to the regular ability. In addition to the radiation energy of the blood moon in his body, there is nothing special about his body at the beginning. Including the previous NW and the current Night Demon organization, no abnormalities were found in the detection.

Brian is not sure whether his genetic material will have this effect.

The second type of non-ordinary people is the enhanced person.

Enhanced people refer to various enhanced reagents injected into the body using various deformers as raw materials and modern biotechnology.

This type is the most common non-human staff in all official organizations.

Therefore, the Night Demon organization has collected a lot of relevant data.

The offspring of this kind of people are somewhat similar to the deformers, and some abnormalities will also occur, and the probability of abnormalities is not low.

But most of them are benign mutations.

The offspring of these people are born with physical qualities and characteristics that surpass ordinary people, and their tolerance and absorption and digestion of subsequent reagents are also better than ordinary people.

They are all the official organizations’ favorite "own people".

Of course, there are a few who will have deformed children.

This situation is very obvious and has a high probability in enhanced people who use similar animalization reagents to change their body structure.

To a certain extent, this type of enhanced people and deformed people are almost the same except that there is no risk of losing control. Even their living habits will change with the transformation.

The most obvious example is the unknown individual that Brian met before, Spider Woman and the FBI hunting team cast bait to capture Spider Woman.

That unknown individual is even more outrageous than Spider Woman, and her eating habits are the same as spiders.

God knows what kind of ghost things this thing will give birth to if it reproduces.

There is another point.

The probability of enhanced people reproducing offspring is very low. It may take more than ten years, working day and night, but they can't keep their fertilized embryos alive. Even if they survive, they are likely to die in the process of gestation in the mother's body.

Artificial intervention is also difficult.

So this group, although it has great potential, is not large in number at present.

Brian suspected that the British Royal Ace Agent mentioned above was the descendant of an enhanced person, otherwise, he would be so strong at this age, which was really against the sky.

The third non-human type is the transformation of alienated organs.

This is different from using animal reagents.

This group of people uses rare substances extracted from the characteristics of the deformed people to synthesize various magical serums, ignores the laws of biotechnology, and forces the human body to accept the fusion of foreign organs.

In short, this is a type of modified people that should not exist in this era.

They exist because of the deformed people.

The characteristics of this type of people are fast combat formation, low cost, and good control. They are congenital cannon fodder holy bodies and are the first choice for employees of major organizations who have no power, no connections, and no ability.

The reproduction of their offspring is similar to that of ordinary people, without any impact.

Similarly, their offspring are also ordinary people.

Brian's headache is that he is both a deformed person and an enhanced person, and he has absorbed a lot of messy innate characteristics, which has caused some unknown changes in the body's internal structure.

As a dual talent of 'pheromone control' + 'body control', it also comes with the 'supercomputing perception' talent that is almost external for internal perception.

Brian knows clearly that although he looks like a normal person, and can even let Night Demon and NW organizations detect the filtered blood and tissue fluid in his body at will, his true core is no longer a normal human being.

In other words.

He reproduces offspring, which is like opening a blind box.

If the mother is also a deformed or enhanced person, it is equivalent to adding more uncertainty to this blind box.

Brian is very worried that if he continues to become stronger, there will be reproductive isolation between him and humans...

"If I had known earlier, I would have donated sperm with my classmates in college, so that at least I can find my own uncontaminated sperm now."

Brian really regrets it now.

Because of his good academic qualifications and appearance, when he was in school, many people from private institutions contacted him and wanted to buy his sperm at a high price.

Influenced by some concepts from previous lives.

In the end, Brian didn't agree, but chose to work as a vehicle appraiser, a part-time job that had no psychological burden and could also be enjoyed and made money.

Now that I think about it, I feel quite regretful.

Brian still really wants to have healthy offspring of his own.

"If it really doesn't work, I have no choice but to admit it..."

Brian thought of the ace agent and comforted himself in his heart: "As long as the descendants of such an outstanding individual like me can survive, they will probably be fine. Monsters will be monsters. The world has gone crazy. In the future, maybe non-human monsters will be the real ones." 's ruling class"

After all, the name of the Daredevil Organization's archive is "Biological Genetics: New Humanity Archives."

None of the second generations like Susan resisted the use of strengthening reagents.

This is probably a tacit understanding in their circle.

Think of this.

Brian suddenly thought of two paragraphs in his uncle's suicide note:

In this era of solidified classes, the fastest way for a family with no foundation to rise is to become a favored one.

This status allows you to transcend classes.

Brian slapped himself directly!

The uncle has given me a reminder, but I am still worrying about myself.


He got it!

The organization that the uncle and the fierce old man belong to must have a solution to the problem of the descendants of the aberrations!

And this method will definitely make the descendants even better than those descendants of enhanced people!

This makes the logic smooth!

Otherwise, uncle Billy, there is no need to insist on becoming a deformed person!

Brian doesn't think Billy can't get a booster.

If Billy didn't do this, it must be that after joining the old man's organization, he discovered that there was a better choice, so the other party kept forcing him, the unlucky guy, to become a deformed person.

In the eyes of the other party, the 'new humanity' is the master of the new era after the blood moon, and it is the invisible threshold in the true sense of class jump.

The descendants of ordinary people, no matter how outstanding they are, will probably end up working for the 'new humans'.

With better luck, you can know these sealed truths, and let your descendants step on others' starting point, integrate into this group, and become a member of the class.

It was almost unlucky and it was swallowed up.

Just think about the composition of the NW organization: rich + official.

Next, there are their children, as well as elite ordinary people like Brian, who have become the new "enhanced people" workers.

That is to say.

In this era, a new class has appeared a long time ago, but ordinary people have no idea about these.

Think this through.

Uncle Billy, a lot of the content in the previous suicide note makes sense.

Billy is not stupid, it's just that he knows more, is more aware of the truth of this distorted world, sees the essence more clearly, and is more desperate, which is why he becomes so extreme in the end.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

That must be the case!

It must be like this!

When Brian was about to get off the plane, he called Old Man Meng to confirm this matter!

More than eleven hours later.

The private plane begins to land.

Looking at the bustling lights of Los Angeles at night, Brian chuckled. He wondered if his colleagues in the team would be surprised to see him appear tomorrow.

When we got off the plane, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Take an airport taxi.

Brian returned to the empty apartment.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Old Man Meng's number directly.


There was a humming sound similar to an opera and the voice of a fierce old man: "Boy, I have something to talk about and I am busy."

Listening to the foreign-style opera sound, Brian:...

"Uncle Meng, are you teaching a foreign woman how to sing?"

"Hey, that's it.

Many of the foreign ladies in your communication book are highly educated and quick to learn things. At first they were not willing to teach me or sing for me, but as soon as I threw money at them, they were willing to do anything.

Hey, it’s great to have money. "

The old man on the other end of the phone sighed with emotion.

After hiding for half his life, when had he ever felt so comfortable?

This is what living is like!


What's the difference between this and asking prostitutes to go home to help plow the fields and harvest rice? It doesn't respect their profession at all!

But it’s hard to buy old man happiness if you have money.

Although it was his own money, Brian was still very generous in this regard.

He expressed his doubts: "Uncle Meng, I saw a file about the new humans today and learned something. Does your organization have a way to solve the problem of aberrations having children?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then the voice of the fierce old man driving someone home came.

Waited for more than ten seconds.

The fierce old man acted like a thief and said softly: "Did that lunatic Billy leave any message for you?"

"No, it's just a guess. Otherwise, I don't understand why Billy always wanted me to become a deformed person. It's great that I am an enhanced person now. My next generation is born into this group, and whatever I do in the future will be much easier."

Brian would naturally not tell the reason so honestly.


The fierce old man sighed: "Boy, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but this matter involves a lot of things. Even among the members of the organization, most of them don't know about this matter, and only Billy's master can do it. I don't know the details."

It's Uncle Billy's master again..

Brian knew that if he asked more, the old man would be suspicious, so he chatted with him for a few words and hung up the phone.

Thirteen is at Susan's place.

It's strange to be back to living alone.

A sleepless night.

The next day, Brian packed up and went to Kabu's motorcycle supermarket first, took his "monster" motorcycle, and rushed to work.

One is that he missed Susan and Thirteen.

The other is that there are so many reagents hidden in his body. Brian feels uncomfortable all over and wants to get rid of them as soon as possible.

I don't know if Thirteen will show new changes after absorbing these reagents

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