You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 170 Promotion, Dawn Warrior


Old Harden clocked in sleepily, opened the door and saw the figure in the office, and rubbed his eyes: "Aren't you going on a business trip for a month?"

"It's too boring over there, so I came back early."

Brian buried his head in replying to the comments.

He just posted a photo of the motorcycle ‘Beast’ on his personal social account.

With such a cool motorcycle, it would be unreasonable not to install it.

This is a website similar to Brian's past life forum.

Because of his domineering appearance and sci-fi exhaust pipe, his ‘Beast’ attracted more than a dozen comments after just a minute or two of posting.

It’s so funny to see the sour comments made by troll netizens.

"No gift?"

The old man glanced around and was slightly disappointed.

When Susan came back, she gave them some perfume and brand-name wallets.

Brian shrugged: "My coming back is the biggest gift. Now our team can be at full strength without having to worry about encountering difficult cases."

Bad, he suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have brought a gift to Susan.

"Okay, I do feel a lot more at ease. By the way, I have your things."

Old Harden dragged a big box out of the corner and stuffed it into Brian: "It was delivered after you left and was thrown at the doorman. It looked like a little man had thrown it over at night. Ivan and the others scanned it. , made sure it was not a bomb, and took Shisan to smell it, and then dragged it up after confirming that it was not dangerous."

Brian was a little surprised: "You believe in Thirteen so much?"

"Why don't you believe it?" Old Harden looked at Brian strangely:

"During the two days when you were away, Thirteen smelled the body at the crime scene during a murder case and took Susan directly to find the murderer.

The guy was unlucky. He was the victim's neighbor and was bitten by Thirteen while he was standing outside watching the fun.

Later, Thirteen also took the team leader and the others to find the crime tools that the other party had not disposed of, breaking your record for the fastest crime solving after being dispatched to the police.

He is now the most powerful agent in our team. "


What the hell is there about the weird feeling that the dog you raised is plotting to usurp the throne?

It's about nine o'clock in the morning.

Other members of the team arrived one after another.

Everyone saw Brian coming back and greeted him warmly.

It’s just that I haven’t seen my younger brother Green for two days, so he looks a little wilted.

Brian asked the reason, but the other party was hesitant and just said it was an emotional matter.

Seeing that he didn't want to elaborate.

Brian did not continue to ask.

nine thirty.


Accompanied by the barking of a dog in excitement, a ball of fluff rushed in from outside the office door, jumped into the air from more than three meters away, and crashed into Brian's arms like a ball.

"Wangwang~ (big dog~)"

Thirteen's tongue was flexible, and without giving Brian a chance to refuse, he licked his cheeks all over. After marking his scent, he moved back and forth in Brian's arms to express his longing.

For a dog, that’s six meals in two days.

This has been a long time coming.

Brian pinched Thirteen's neck and wiped his face with disgust with his other hand: "Why do I feel like you've gained weight after not seeing me for two days?"

Susan, who walked into the office unhurriedly, rolled her eyes at Brian, grabbed Thirteen, held her in her arms, and said softly: "Why did you come back in two days?"

Brian grinned and chuckled: "There's no way, I'm too good. If I don't come back, I'll have to be left as a son-in-law by those British guys."

Susan rolled her eyes at Brian, her eyes filled with joy, but her mouth said with disgust: "Clerk Brian, come to my office and report on your business trip."

"Yes, team leader!" Brian responded loudly and followed.

Looking at the closed door of the team leader's office.

Ivan sighed: "Hey, marriage is the grave of love. Brian's life is over."

There was no trace of envy on Glenn's face: "Brian is still too young to understand that a woman is a creature that changes her face when she gets a favor. If the team leader is so violent, he will suffer the consequences in the future."

Old Harden said with emotion: "Young people still need love and marriage, otherwise when you get old, you will find that you don't even have anything to remember."

Green:? ? ?

He was silent for a moment before reacting: "Are you saying that Boss Brian and Team Leader Susan are in love?"

Old Harden and others:

Enter the office.

Brian's serious male subordinate's face changed, and he said aggrievedly: "I thought you would be very happy to see me back."

Seeing this, Susan quickly threw away Thirteen who was lying comfortably in her arms, hugged Brian, and put his head on her shoulder: "Brian, there were a lot of people outside just now. You know, office love? ~”

Thirteen who was thrown to the ground was truly aggrieved.

It saw two big dogs in heat, their mouths touching each other, gnawing back and forth, stroking their paws here and there, wagging their tails helplessly, and then jumped onto the sofa and Ge You collapsed.

Don't understand humans...

a long time.

Brian reluctantly walked down the mountain with his hands, carried Susan to the sofa, kicked away the unloved Thirteen, lowered his head and whispered, briefly telling the story of the past two days in London.

Men are somewhat expressive in front of women.

Under Brian's simple artistic processing, he became a knight who became angry when he heard his lover was wronged. He carried his own lance and went in and out of the camps of the Night Demon Organization and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. , slapped me in the face, and got three free Class A reagents for free. My strength has greatly increased. I just have to hug the princess and have a litter of children. My life is complete.

Although Susan knew that Brian was running a train, she still couldn't restrain her emotions. She pressed Brian under her again and turned against Tiangang, venting her feminine charm that she never showed outside.

Another long time.

She pinched Brian's chest muscles before reluctantly retracting her palm: "Brian, have you injected Thirteen with a strengthening reagent?"

After raising it for thirteen or two days, she immediately noticed something strange.

Brian nodded: "I exchanged a lot of strengthening reagents before. It was probably the S-T cell activation reagent before. It was very effective for me. The reagents I exchanged did not improve me much, so I injected them all into Thirteen "

"Too luxurious..."

Susan rolled her eyes at Brian: "And it's very unsafe!"

If the reagent could be easily injected without risk, they, the second generation, would not have to start earning merit by themselves only after they reach adulthood.

Through Susan's narration, Brian realized how serious Thirteen's life was.

First of all, unless it is congenital inheritance, during the development period, Susan and the others will only inject some auxiliary strengthening reagents to enhance their physical upper limit.

Until they feel that their physique has stagnated, they will go out to work or go to work, earn merit points by themselves, and exchange them for the strengthening reagents they have planned according to the different development directions.

This is because strengthening reagents are biotechnology developed from aberrations after all. Each creature has a different constitution. The strengthening reagents that can withstand and absorb are limited. Beyond that limit, it will be difficult to absorb the substances in the reagents. , stagnating, and may even lead to physical collapse.

Therefore, Susan and other second generations will choose their own strengthening route when they reach adulthood, develop step by step, and develop their potential to the greatest extent.

This will not only minimize the possible hidden dangers of the enhanced reagents and achieve maximum growth, but will also be beneficial to the breeding of future generations.


There is such a thing.

He looked at Thirteen apologetically, and met Thirteen's resentful eyes looking at him.

Damn it, forget about this guy, he can already understand some people's words

Susan was very happy that Brian had obtained three more Class A strengthening reagents and his strength had greatly increased.

This means that the resistance between her and Brian will be much smaller in the future.

Although according to Susan's character, she didn't care about this at all, otherwise she wouldn't have been angry with her family before and went directly to be the group leader, and she didn't tell Brian about these things later.

But if Brian is good enough, it will naturally be better.

This will also be good for their future babies.


Susan had already thought about the baby.

She thought very simply.

If you like someone, get married and have children.

There is no breakup, no divorce, only widowhood!

Brian didn't know that his absence would cause Susan to become even more disgusted with him, and he had to think of a name for his future baby.

He took out the extra Class A reagent he had obtained from the Daredevil Organization before leaving London: "This is the gift I brought back to you from London."

Susan curiously took the reagent syringe and looked at it with a look of surprise: "Is this an eye cell activation reagent? They actually allowed you to take the reagent away?"

Brian shrugged: "They were curious about my ability to absorb neural activation reagents, so they offered to conduct some additional tests on me. This reagent is my gift."

Susan knew that Brian had been injected with similar reagents, so she did not refuse.

She looked happy: "Great, now my nerve response and physical strength are constantly developing. If I add this 'eye cell activation reagent', I should be able to complete the sharpshooter assessment in half a year!" "

"A sharpshooter's test?"

Brian asked curiously.

Susan nodded:

"This is the upper level of the NW organization's soldier sequence. For example, if you take the gunner route, you are a sharpshooter, and if you take the close combat route, you are a dawn warrior.

This level is equivalent to the supervisory authority of the base, and you can know some deeper secret information.

I heard that there is another level higher up.

Sequence soldiers of that level can match the strength of the two aberrant beasts we encountered before, and they belong to the true heritage of the NW organization.

Their organizational authority is very high, and they even have decision-making power on some matters in NW. "

As she said that, she couldn't help but hug Brian and kissed him again:

“After I returned to Los Angeles, my first goal was to make a career in the NW Operations Department and fulfill the bet I made with my father.

The second thing is that I want to become a B-sequence sharpshooter. I didn’t expect that after meeting you Brian, I can accomplish all of this. You are great! "

A woman's praise is the best stimulant for a man.

The two of them stayed together all morning, until Susan received the news that tomorrow afternoon, all the leaders of the operations department would go to the headquarters to participate in the sequential promotion of a staff member.

"I didn't expect that someone in the Operations Department could be promoted to the rank so quickly!"

Susan's eyes were full of fighting spirit: "Brian, I will continue to go to the shooting range to practice shooting and absorb reagents. You have to work hard too. When the time comes, we will be promoted together!"

Looking at Susan's back, Brian carried Thirteen who wanted to follow him, and felt a little emotional: "The strongest has his own, and there is someone stronger than me. Whose general is this?"

NW organization has three sequences ABC.

The operations department are all B-series soldiers.

It turns out there are two levels above.

This also provides Brian with a direction for his future path.

You have to work hard!

Because of Susan's reminder, Brian was not in a hurry to inject Thirteen with the strengthening reagents he brought back from his body.

He planned to try it slowly after he went back in the evening.

Take Shisan to finish eating.

Brian returned to his work station and began to look at the things that Harden had given him before.

The box opens.

A worn-out puppet appeared in front of Brian.

Looking at this Tigger puppet, Brian was a little confused.

Take out the puppet.

At the bottom of the box, there is also a letter.

Brian opened the envelope and was a little surprised when he saw some scrawled writing on it.

This was a gift he gave to a friend when he was in middle school.

The two have a good relationship.

The other party later transferred to another school, and before parting, they gave each other gifts.

The content of the letter is very simple:

Brian, I'm back.

Do you still remember the agreement we made when we were studying?

I have to be busy with some things recently. After Christmas, I remember to come to Yuanyue Lake to fulfill the promise I made that year.


Riddle Dallaire.

Put away the letter.

Blaine chuckled and lit up a cigarette.

Riddle is a wild Indian-white mixed-race boy who has been living with his mother. When Brian first entered middle school and was bullied on campus because of his outstanding appearance, he helped him and the two became friends.

Of course, the contact time between the two was not long, only one semester.

Afterwards, Riddle was taken by his mother to live with his Indian father.

In fact, as Brian's charm increased, he learned a lot of ruthless tactics from those bastards in the Camo family, and he was taken care of by a group of school sisters, he no longer suffered bullying.

As time passed and there was no contact for a long time, Brian had long forgotten about this friend.

After all, he is not a real child. His thoughts are much more complex and not so simple.

But now thinking about some of the things that happened between the two of them, Brian couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Store the boxes of childhood friendships carefully.

Brian turned on his computer and checked his mailbox out of habit.

There was actually an email sent to him by the NW Field Department in his mailbox:

"Dear employee Brian, after feedback from the Night Demon organization and review by the Field Service Department + Internal Affairs Department, we have decided to make an exception for you to be promoted sequentially.

Please arrive at Aisi Base tomorrow afternoon to complete Sequence B - Dawn Warrior Promotion Ceremony.

Please reply. "

Brian looked at the content of the email and couldn't help laughing.


It turns out that the fierce general is actually himself.

At noon, everyone went out to eat.

At this time, Old Harden was the only one in the office.

Hearing Brian's laughter, Old Harden, who had just opened the game, asked curiously: "Brian, what's wrong?"

Brian said perfunctorily: "It's okay. The box before was given to me by a friend I haven't seen for a long time. I thought of some happy things in the past."

"That's really something to be happy about."

Old Harden was a little absent-minded.

At his age, he doesn’t have many friends.

As the saying goes, the three great joys for men are promotion and wealth..

I'm in a good mood today.

Brian decided to be gentle with Thirteen that night.

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