You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 171 Online dating is risky, go to the base!

At night, Thirteen curled up on the sofa, his dog eyes glancing at the bathroom from time to time.

do not know why.

After the big dog came back, it always felt that the big dog looked at it with evil intentions, which made it feel cold.

After taking a shower.

Brian stretched out comfortably, collapsed on the sofa, picked up a pile of chocolates and showed off.

Seeing this, Thirteen followed suit. He bit into a large piece of beef jerky given to him by Susan from the coffee table, carried it back to Brian, followed Ge You's paralyzed posture, and held the beef jerky humanely with his little paws. , and started eating.

One person and one dog just lay there, watching TV and eating.

After eating a large box of chocolates, Brian drank two one-liter buckets of milk in one go before he felt less hungry.

As the strength becomes stronger and stronger.

His daily demand for food and energy is also increasing.

Fortunately, his digestive function is not bad.

Otherwise, Brian suspected that he would become a tool for making shit in the future.

After eating.

Brian took out a row of small syringes and, in front of Thirteen, discharged the reagents stored in the body bit by bit and put them away in categories.

There are mainly two reagents.

One is an eye cell-strengthening reagent that can strengthen the number of eye cells and surrounding tissues and enhance vision.

One is a troll reagent, which can greatly enhance the strength and toughness of a creature's muscle fibers, and greatly improve the creature's muscle explosive power.

Note, it's intensity, not quantity.

Otherwise, Susan would have become King Kong Barbie.

In fact, Brian still has a "primordial blood" in his body that he got from the big wolf dog.

Brian originally planned to give this one to Susan, but after he came back, he discovered that after being exposed to the air, this thing would directly change its quality and could not be contained in ordinary containers.

The key is that the test tube containing the 'Primordial Blood' has been taken away by the Night Demon Organization.

Brian could only continue to store it in his body, preparing to find an opportunity to get a fake nutrient solution, and then give it to Susan to drink. He would take the opportunity to send the liquid into Susan's body through popping.

Looking at these familiar small syringes, the beef jerky between Thirteen's paws fell to the sofa with a clatter.

The beef jerky has no flavor at all.

"Wang~Wang Wangwang~ (Big dog, don't get injections when you are thirteen!)"

Thirteen felt aggrieved.

Brian touched Thirteen's head: "Fool, an ordinary dog ​​can only live for more than ten years. Don't you want to spend more time with me?"

"Wang? (What is living?)"

"Our current situation is to live. If we can no longer live, we are dead. Just like your mother, we will leave you forever." Brian explained patiently.

He really hopes that Thirteen can spend more time with him.

Under supercomputer perception.

Brian knew clearly that in his current state, it would be easy to live over a hundred years old.

This is going to be a long time.

If possible, Brian would like to cultivate Thirteen into a state similar to his current state, with greatly increased cell activity, breaking the upper limit of dog life, and always accompanying him.

Hear Brian's explanation.

Thirteen thought of the blurry figure in his mind, and quickly threw himself into Brian's arms. Golden peas poured out of his eyes: "Wang Wang Wang! (Thirteen don't die, woo woo, Thirteen will last forever." Stay with the big dog!)”

"Okay, okay, don't cry..."

Brian held Thirteen in his arms and coaxed him helplessly.

This little broken dog is becoming more and more emotional.

on the sofa.

Thirteen Claws covered his eyes and lay on the sofa obediently, but his body couldn't stop trembling.

The injection is actually not painful.

But it is afraid of sharp and long needles.

This time, Brian was more careful.

After injecting part of the reagent each time, he asked Thirteen how he felt before continuing the injection.

Thirteen surprisingly tolerates strengthening reagents very well.

Especially troll reagents.

After injecting all the small amounts of troll reagent, Thirteen not only did not feel any discomfort, but became a little addicted and kept begging Brian for two more injections.

Instead, it was the ‘eye strengthening reagent’ that caused some strange reactions.

After the injection, Thirteen kept complaining that his eyes were swollen and painful, but it was thanks to Brian feeding Thirteen a drop or two of 'primordial blood' from time to time that it managed to survive.

Even so, Thirteen fell into a deep sleep after injecting the 'eye strengthening reagent'.

After checking Thirteen's physical characteristics and confirming that the other party's eye temperature was only slightly high and there were no abnormalities in other parts, Brian confidently picked up the drawing board, pointed it at the TV show, and played a sketching game.

He wasn't going to sleep tonight.

You have to watch thirteen.

Brian is strong and full of energy.

It's not a big problem if you don't sleep for a few days.

the next day.

Susan came to the office and left in a hurry.

She was going to find her best friend who worked in the NW Internal Affairs Department to find out the identity of the employee who was being promoted today, and seemed to want to challenge him.

Seeing this, Brian chuckled inwardly.

He was quite looking forward to Susan's expression when she found out that he was promoted to staff.

Think of this.

He secretly sent a text message to Susan's best friend, the beautiful girl Caroline who was beaten twice by Brian, and threatened her not to tell Susan that he was the promoted employee, otherwise he would beat her once they met again!

At the NW base, Caroline was happily playing with the blade on her fingertips. From time to time, it suddenly popped out and cut a long wound on a doll with Brian's head on it.

When the play got more exciting, she punched the roly-poly-like doll twice, knocking it around.

Every time I see the doll looking embarrassed.

Caroline couldn't help laughing.

This damn bastard not only competed with him for Susan, but what was even more annoying was that he couldn't beat him!

As the saying goes, thirty years to the east of Hedong, thirty years to the west of Hexi!

Don’t bully a girl into being poor!

When I use the resources of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and develop rapidly, I will beat that bastard to the point where he begs for mercy, and then I will put my arms around Susan's waist and show off my power in front of him!

Caroline was having a sweet dream when her phone on the table suddenly vibrated.

She lazily took the phone.

next moment.

Pa da ~

The phone fell to the ground.

Caroline glanced around guiltily, then remembered that she was in the base office and not in front of that bastard, and then punched the doll again in anger.

"By the way, what rank promotion?"

Brian is getting promoted?

Caroline picked up the phone, read the text message Brian sent again, curiously picked up the landline phone and called the clan members working in the field department.

Ten seconds later.

In the office, Caroline's roar and the sound of the miserable doll hitting the wall were heard.

God is unfair.

How can such a nasty bastard be so strong! ! !

Warriors of the Dawn!

This is the second series of employees!

Caroline's goal is to be promoted to this level before she is thirty.


Not one of a hundred enhancers may have this potential for promotion.

People have limits.

Everyone's physique is different, their upper limit is different, and their tolerance to strengthening reagents is also different.

For most people, even if they have enhanced reagents, the upper limit may be just like that.

This is determined innately.

Otherwise, they, the second generation, would have been addicted to drugs, instead of strengthening themselves step by step and maximizing their body's potential.

Why did that nasty bastard get promoted after joining the NW organization for more than two months?

Ahhhh! ! !

Ten minutes later, with a flushed face, Caroline tore off Brian's photo from the doll, secretly dragged the tattered doll to the garbage disposal, and threw the doll in.

After some mental victory, she finally felt much better.

Return to position.

Caroline couldn't help but click on Brian's information, looked at the handsome face with a bright smile on it, and thought about how to defeat this bastard who stole her woman.

Brian didn't know that there was a little beauty who kept talking about him.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

Team B6 received two cases.

Ivan and the others also received a new case.

Together it is a nearby park.

The driver of the city's garbage disposal and recycling company was disposing of the large garbage bin there when he spotted a man's body mixed in the garbage and reported the case.

The other case was a murder case in the suburbs.

There are many people here who, when they have money, like to buy their own land near towns, build houses with their own hands, and grow vegetables, but this is actually not safe.

The reporter was the victim’s mother.

She went to her daughter's home in the suburbs and found a family of five. All of them were dead. Some of them had turned into corpses and had probably been dead for a long time.

If the victim's mother had not been able to contact her daughter and went to see it in person, it would have been possible that the body had turned into bones and was finally discovered by the IRS.

Considering that in the afternoon, he had to go to the Es base to participate in the promotion ceremony.

Brian chose to take Green with him to deal with the case of the dumpster man's body.

Ivan and Glenn go to solve a murder case in the suburbs.

His assistant Thom was also arranged by him to follow Ivan and Glenn.

A group of soldiers divided into two groups, drove two on-site investigation vehicles (corpse collection vehicles), and left the office base of the B6 team.

Thirteen woke up today, but felt dizzy when walking.

Its eyesight and physical fitness improved immediately, but it also made it difficult for it to adapt. Brian had to carry it around with a school bag.

"Boss Brian, Thirteen is still young, so you should give Thirteen less alcohol from now on."

Greene spoke sincerely.

He thought Brian took Thirteen to drink again yesterday.

Before Brian could say anything, Thirteen poked his head out of his schoolbag, bared his teeth at Green, and shouted: "Wangwangwang~ (Don't lead the big dog!)"

Green couldn't understand Thirteen's dog-talk.

He released his right hand from the steering wheel and patted Thirteen on the head: "You're welcome, buddy, this is what I should do."

Seeing that he couldn't communicate, Thirteen looked at Brian depressedly: "Wangwang~ (Big dog, I want to learn human language~)"

Brian patted Thirteen Dog's head to comfort him.

As children grow older, they begin to realize that they are different and have their own troubles.

Arrive at the crime scene.

In addition to a garbage truck, two patrol policemen opened a cordon and guarded the area.

Next to them, there was a black driver wearing a garbage recycling company uniform, and a gloomy-looking white man in a suit, who seemed to be the driver's boss.

It was rare for Brian not to see the reporter.

It's probably because there have been so many murder cases recently that they can't even cover them, and everyone has gotten used to it. There isn't much traffic, so they don't bother to come here.

After a brief exchange with the driver and the on-site patrol police.

Brian glanced around the scene and looked at them: "Where is the body?"

The driver pointed to the garbage truck: "It's inside. Fortunately, I noticed it, otherwise the body would probably have to be compressed into a large piece for recycling along with the garbage."

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged white man on the side glared at him, smiled at Brian and explained: "It won't happen. Every time we recycle, there will be a dedicated person responsible for sorting garbage. It won't happen." Become an accomplice to the murderer.”

Hearing this, Brian rolled his eyes.

This is complete bullshit.

In fact, every year, homeless people sleeping in garbage bins are sent to garbage trucks by irresponsible drivers.

If the driver does not follow the procedure and hides in the car listening to music, or the weather outside is bad and it rains heavily, coupled with the special structure of the garbage truck body and the automatic recovery and compression function

The end result of these homeless people is to be crushed alive into 'human pieces', then mixed with the garbage, and compressed into a large rectangular piece of garbage.

Even if it is discovered in the end, the people from the garbage collection company will not report it.

Brian was too lazy to pay attention to the middle-aged man. He signaled to the driver to get the body out, and he went to the garbage bin to check the situation.

The sense of smell opens up.

Brian frowned slightly, and then worked his eyes and nose at the same time, trying to find possible clues.

Green assisted the driver and retrieved the body.

Unfortunately, all the garbage in the trash can was dumped into the back bucket of the car.

Brian didn't smell anything special either.

He could only focus on the large amount of garbage being poured out slowly.

Among the garbage piles that emitted various odors, the body of a young Asian man who looked young was dragged out by Green and the driver.

Brian put on gloves and began the examination.

The appearance of the corpse could not be clearly seen, and the whole body had become slightly fatter.

Consider that the garbage bin wants to be in a sealed environment and have a temperature higher than the outside world.

Brian deduced that the time of death of the deceased was between forty-eight hours and no more than seventy-two hours, which was three days.

This is similar to the recycling time of the garbage collection company.

They usually have a garbage truck and a fixed recycling route, about three times a week.

Judging from the deceased's coat, the deceased was from a good family and was not a homeless person.

Then consider the process by which the driver discovered the body.

Brian deduced that the deceased should have been thrown into the trash can when it was empty.

The reason why it must have been thrown away is because the newly emptied trash can is actually disgusting. Even a homeless person would not be willing to go in, let alone a Chinese young man who looked like he was not a homeless person.

Brian took the opportunity to teach Green the ideas and procedures for solving the case.

"Generally, the first step in a case like this is to see if the identity of the deceased can be determined."

Brian quickly searched for the things on the deceased, but found nothing except something similar to a mouth freshening spray.

On the wrist of the deceased, the skin was obviously whiter than the surrounding areas, and there were traces of the watch strap. It was unclear whether the watch had been taken away or if he had not taken it with him when he went out.

"The deceased should be a person who paid more attention to appearance. This kind of thing is usually brought when negotiating or dating."

Brian put the mouth freshening spray in a small bag and handed it to Green.

Green looked at the surroundings and nodded: "He should have been preparing to go on a date before he died, because no one would set the meeting place in a park. He also looked very young. Damn it, all Chinese people look small. I’m quite envious.”

When he was fifteen, he was just like an adult.

I'm in my twenties now, and I look like I'm in my thirties.

Brian ignored Green's complaints and continued: "The identity of the deceased cannot be determined. The second step is to determine the cause of death and rule out the possibility of accidental death. Although this case should be homicide, other possibilities cannot be ruled out. In addition, Teeth are also a step in identifying the deceased."

As he spoke, he began to conduct a physical examination of the deceased.

to be honest.

This kind of fat corpse makes people instinctively uncomfortable to touch, just like the feeling of discomfort engraved in the DNA.

There were no external injuries on the body of the deceased.

Brian looked into the deceased's mouth.

The other party's oral hygiene was very good, and his upper and lower teeth were very neat. However, through the wear and tear of the other party's teeth, Brian determined that the other party was a Chinese or an international student from China.

Differences in eating habits.

In this regard, it is easy to distinguish.

Suddenly, Brian looked at the deceased's open mouth, his nose twitching slightly.

He sighed, turned the deceased over, and pulled off his pants. Sure enough, he found obvious bruises and lacerations in the other person's valley area.

The wound showed no signs of treatment.

In addition, the deceased's banana also had lacerations where the skin and flesh were connected, as well as some white dirt marks, which meant that the deceased was a good, clean child before.

His first time is still there.

What Brian meant was that the deceased's treasured gun had never been polished from birth to now.

When the murderer violated the deceased, he touched the deceased's banana, leaving scars on the small area where the skin and flesh of the banana were connected.

This further verified the probability that the deceased was a Chinese.

At this time, there is no concept of circumcision over there.

It is different here. Most parents may ask the hospital to perform surgery on their children when they are born.

So through this feature, the identity of the deceased can be identified to a certain extent.

When Brian told Green about these analyses.

Not only did the two patrolmen on the side look at Brian with admiration, but Green also exclaimed: "Bryan, I feel that case solving is something that you can never learn in your lifetime. It involves too much knowledge."

Brian nodded in agreement.

Solving a case is much more difficult than committing a crime.

"Okay, the deceased has no obvious external injuries. It is estimated that we have to go back for an autopsy to determine the cause of death. Take it back first. I have something to do in the afternoon."

Brian took off his gloves and motioned Green to pack the body.

"What about me?"

Green was a little at a loss.

Brian pointed at the body: "Man, Chinese, young people, expensive clothes, stupidly come to a place like a park for a date, what do you think?"

"International students."

"Yes, international students, and a fool who was deceived by a girl to come here, but after arriving, he found out that the other party was a man."

"Online love?"

Brian nodded: "It should be, so you can directly contact the Chinese international student groups in various schools. They have their own communication groups. Ask them if they have companions who have been missing for two days and are still online dating. You can identify the identity of the deceased. According to the chat information, you can identify the identity of the murderer. Do you understand?"

Online dating has risks, and you need to be cautious when dating!

"Got it!"

Green's eyes lit up and he was impressed again.

Bryan, boss, awesome!

In the afternoon, Brian left Thirteen to Old Harden to take care of him and got on the helicopter that came to pick him up.

In fact, he didn't expect the NW organization to give him such face.

Susan was right.

When the sequence is promoted to the second level, the authority will be greatly improved.

What is this called, face!

After getting on the plane, the respectful attitude of the pilot also illustrates this point.

Brian touched the employee watch on his wrist, looking forward to Susan's expression when she found out that she was promoted to employee.

That would be interesting.

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