You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 172: The Deputy Minister's Attempt to Win Over the Enemy (First Order and 2 More Chapte

Arrive at Ais base.

This time, it was not Susan's uncle who came to receive Brian, but a strange silver-haired old man.

The old man is about 1.8 meters tall, tall and tall, wearing a military uniform, with a ruddy face and bright brown eyes.

If the lines around his eyes and his silver hair hadn't betrayed his age, the old man would have looked about thirty years old.

Behind him, there was a row of twelve armed warriors, whose status was high at first glance.

Meet Brian.

The old man looked at him curiously, then immediately greeted him with a smile: "Hello, Brian, I am the deputy director of the operations department, you can call me Sid."

"Hello, West German Minister!"

Brian held the other person's hand, his attitude was humble, and his words were humane.

"Let's go, there are still some procedures before the promotion ceremony." West Germany led the way: "By the way, Brian, have you ever fought against the Commonwealth's king agents?"

Brian nodded: "Yes, but I only know that the opponent is No. 5. He is very strong. Without weapons, I feel that the opponent can easily kill me."

"It's normal."

West Germany comforted:

"The ace agents over there are competing against the B-series third-level staff of our operations department. Their lowest strength is against those powerful aberrant beasts. Without organized armed teams, they are no match for ordinary people.

These are powerful individuals that surpass human beings, and there are only two of us in the NW organization.

So for you, the first new generation to be promoted, we are very surprised and have high expectations for you. I am very optimistic about your future. "

"Thank you, Mr. Minister."

Go through a tedious process.

Brian arrived at NW's headquarters deep underground again.

Under the leadership of the deputy minister of West Germany, he experienced similar tests as before in London: strength, speed, and reaction speed.


The scientific research department also collected Brian's blood and body tissue fluid.

Just when Brian thought it was over.

West Germany took Brian to a heavily guarded, high-tech smart factory.

Yes, it's the factory.

Countless transparent tubes are connected to unknown underground spaces, and liquids of various colors are constantly collecting from the tubes into large metal tanks.

People wearing white coats and protective clothing shuttled back and forth inside, replacing cans one by one, and then took the filled cans through the conveyor belt and handed them over to the next step, where soldiers were guarding the site, forming an assembly line. .

"Minister, where is this?"

"Basic soldier serum production factory." West Germany stepped on the ground under his feet: "Below is the 'vegetable garden' that we have spent fifty years cultivating in a targeted manner."

vegetable garden

Brian looked at the substances in those transparent tubes that were obviously components of human tissue fluid and felt chilled in his heart.

If so much tissue fluid is extracted at regular intervals, how much 'consumables' are locked under their feet?

The most cruel thing to human beings is indeed human beings themselves.

Seeing his expressionless face, there was no unnecessary reaction.

West Germany nodded with satisfaction:

“Brian, the world is like this. Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimps, and shrimps eat mud. The law of the jungle is the truth.

You have great potential and hope to become a third-level staff member and a member of the NW organization's decision-making process.

Although that is just the starting point, it also means that you have obtained the ticket to the upper level. Do you want to consider leaving the front line and follow me in the future? "

Brian did not express his position, but asked rhetorically: "Minister West Germany, I am a staff member of the Operations Department, you are the Director of the Operations Department, and I am your person."


Leaving the front line, there is no such a good environment to cultivate your obsession.

It's impossible for Brian to play tricks on someone, unless that person is Susan. After all, the young couple will inevitably have some fun and cosplay in the future.

These are two different things.

In fact, he doesn't understand that some extraordinary characters in movies are actually willing to obey a rubbish order that can kill them at a pinch, and regard the other party as their master.

At least to Brian's senses, beneath Syd's seemingly healthy and youthful appearance, he could smell the decaying old man's smell even without turning on his enhanced sense of smell.

This kind of guy also wants to be his own boss?

Syd heard the subtext of Brian's message.

However, he did not show much disappointment, he just pointed at the busy staff:

"After you are promoted, in addition to the improvement in benefits and organizational authority, you can also re-select departments.

For example, the Armed Forces Department, which is our department for foreign wars, is also the strongest spear of our NW organization.

If you join the Armed Forces, you will be promoted quickly and your strength will increase quickly. In addition to having to fight outside the Federation most of the time, it is very suitable for young people with potential like you. "

Brian shook his head directly this time: "Forget it, I don't have much ambition, and I also like to work under Team Leader Susan."

"It's normal for heroes to love beauties."

Sid laughed: "Then I hope you can get rid of Susan's father soon, that old guy is very bad."


Not that much.

Even the A1 team leader who was killed by him before was introduced to Susan.

Since I am so good, Susan's father and family will not embarrass me.

Out of the flesh and blood factory.

Sid took Brian to visit the arsenal of the NW organization, as well as many special departments.

There, Brian saw many novel equipment that the outside world had never heard of.

There were two of them that he coveted.

One was a special combat energy bar.

One bar could meet the food needs of a strong soldier for two or three days.

If there were a lot of these things, Brian's food intake would be greatly relieved.

Otherwise, it would be easy to deal with at ordinary times.

Once you go out for a long time or move in the wilderness, it would be more troublesome.

You can resist.

Using gifted energy can also relieve the body's hunger.

But this is too wasteful and uncomfortable.

The other one is a special sticky incendiary bomb similar to a phosphorus bomb, which is only the size of a little finger. One bar can burn a one-meter radius cleanly. The temperature is scary. It can be called a perfect companion for killing, arson, and destroying corpses.

After greatly increasing his knowledge.

Sid took Brian back to the previous test room.

An old man in white clothes came forward with a report sheet: "Syd, this is the physical examination report of Brian's staff and the analysis and suggestions of the think tank."

Syd took a look at it and handed it to Brian with regret: "Keep it. After all, you don't have much background. The analysis and suggestions of the NW think tank are very helpful for your future development plan."

Brian nodded, put the report sheet away, and didn't rush to check it.

It is estimated that his strength has been confirmed.


Brian left the old man Sid and was taken to the back. First, he upgraded the sequence watch, and then received several sets of special uniforms and new certificates.

In short, after all this was done.

Brian has become a tall, handsome uniformed man with a cold temperament.

The uniform is similar to a military uniform, but not exactly the same. The style is high-end and close-fitting. The overall black color and soft texture make it seem like there is nothing on the body. But when Brian tried to pull it, he found that even his strength could only deform the clothes, but could not destroy them.

The watch is also completely different from the previous one. It is just an ordinary watch style, but it looks much more advanced. It not only has the previous positioning and rescue function, but also has a hidden weapon installed on it. It can shoot a special anesthetic needle that can knock out an elephant at a distance of ten meters.

In addition, there are some other functions.

There are also many other scattered things.

However, these items have instructions for use.

Brian put these, together with his report sheet, into the handbag he was going to bring, and followed the field staff to the backstage of the conference room for awarding honors and promotions.

In fact, he now doesn't know what additional permissions he has been given.

But looking at the respectful attitude and envious eyes of the field staff.

Brian knows that from today on, he is no longer a little Karami who can be manipulated by others.

It was a little after four o'clock in the afternoon.

The field staff took away the large number of plates in front of Brian and whispered: "Mr. Brian, your promotion ceremony is about to begin. All team leaders and above in the Operations Department are also here."

Brian stood up and tidied his appearance, nodded: "Please lead the way."

This ceremony is mainly to recognize people.

Brian already knew the process.

It was actually just an award ceremony, a speech, and the rest was a process similar to a ball, accumulating contacts.

He didn't care about these.

Brian was very curious about what Susan's expression would be when she saw him later.

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