You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 173 I only hit people in the face!

Oval-shaped large conference room.

On the podium, Sid, deputy director of the Operations Department, stood in front of a speaking table and spoke eloquently: "Today is a very special day. In the third blood moon cycle, the NW Operations Department has welcomed our first B-sequence promoted staff member."

Brian was bored listening in the backstage.

The shielding board in the backstage was magical, similar to double-sided glass, which could directly see through the wall and see the team leaders sitting in the conference room, as well as a large number of unfamiliar faces that Brian had never seen.

These unfamiliar faces looked older, and the youngest was estimated to be over 30 years old, with a relaxed posture, revealing the temperament of an old-timer.

These people were both men and women, but women only accounted for about one-seventh of this group.

As one of them, Susan was dressed in a casual denim T-shirt, with a proud figure and delicate face, which was very eye-catching, but there was only a short man around her, sitting next to her.

The short man was Rajag, the leader of the C5 team that Brian had helped before.

The two occasionally chatted, but most of the time, Susan was lazily playing with a bullet, with the same expression as when Brian first met her, with a cold and distant expression.

It can be seen that she is quite bored now.

On the stage, Sid kept talking for four or five minutes before tactically coughing: "Now, let's welcome our new star of the Operations Department, the first sequence promoted Dawn Warrior-Brian Lee!"

The voice fell.

Everyone looked at the passage in unison.

A slender figure, wearing a slightly sci-fi slim uniform, facing the light and shadow of the conference room, appeared in everyone's field of vision like the protagonist walking into the colorful world from a black and white movie.

Seeing the person clearly, C5 team leader Rajag's deep eyes widened.


How could it be Brian! !

Hasn't he just joined the NW organization for more than two months! ! !

Rajag thought he was seeing things, turned his head to look at Susan beside him, but found that the other party had the same stunned expression.


The bullet in Susan's hand lost its support and fell to the ground, making a crisp sound. It rolled along the terrain and hit Brian's feet as he walked out of the passage.

Brian bent down, picked up the bullet, raised his eyebrows at Susan, held the bullet, kissed it lightly on his lips, and then put the bullet solemnly in his chest pocket.

He stepped on the steps below and walked up to the podium in front: "Hello everyone, I am Brian, an employee of the B6 group of the Operations Department. Thank you all for coming to my promotion ceremony in your busy schedule. But I am most grateful to my team leader, her name is Susan, yes, this beautiful lady who just gave me a blessing with a bullet"

Listening to the laughter of the crowd.

Susan's beautiful and slender fingers clenched into fists, but her face with a cold expression was uncontrollably flushed a little bit, spreading to her earlobes, like a drunken beauty, with a contrast of shyness in her coldness, which was the most charming.

After the self-introduction, it was the awarding ceremony.

Sid took a wooden tray from the lady in field OL outfit, walked to Brian, and personally put a medal with a sword and shield on Brian's chest.

After that, he said to everyone: "After the approval of the NW Supreme Committee, the assessment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the special approval of B-sequence soldier Brian Lee, he was promoted to the second-level sequence-Dawn Warrior. Congratulations to him for becoming the thirteenth second-level staff member of the NW Operations Department. Let us bless him!"


With the warm applause of the crowd, Brian officially entered the reserve of the privileged class in the Los Angeles NW organization.

His name will also begin to spread in the upper class of Los Angeles, a global economic complex with a population of tens of millions, and he will no longer be an unknown person.

After completing the awarding of medals, the next link is communication and dance.

This will naturally not be held in a place like a conference room.

Brian was taken away by Sid first.

Everyone followed closely and left one by one.

Susan listened to the people around her talking about Brian's handsomeness, youth, amazing potential, and whether he was single. She clenched her fists and was so angry that her chest swelled.

Brian, this bastard!

He actually hid the fact that he was promoted from her!

Thinking of what she had said to Brian before, that she would work hard and they would be promoted together in the future, Susan wanted to press Brian to the ground and trample him hard!

This bastard must have laughed so hard in his heart!

Susan was angry and amused when she thought of Brian kissing the bullet and raising his eyebrows at her.

Rajag, who was standing next to her, saw Susan gritting her teeth and laughing softly, and she was so scared that she breathed a lot lighter, fearing that she would attract Susan's attention.

He also admired Brian in his heart.

This guy just made it clear in front of almost everyone that he and Susan had an unusual relationship.

This matter will definitely be heard by Susan's family.

He is still too young.

Being young and vigorous is not a good thing.

If he didn't do it first and then report it, he wouldn't dare to be so arrogant.

The construction of the underground base consumes several times more manpower and material resources than the ground, and the cost will increase a lot with the deep mountains.

This does not prevent the rich from enjoying themselves.

In a hall full of virtual scenery and light and shadow, Brian looked at the cliff in front of him, the sun was shining in the sky, and he stretched out his hand to feel the cool breeze, with a look of amazement on his face.

The virtual environment technology of this world has actually developed to this level.

Looking at Brian's rustic appearance, West Germany chuckled: "Our NW organization, in its aberration research projects, focuses on health preservation, life extension, and individual combat strength. In fact, it is not outstanding among major international organizations. Our only advantage is, Probably because he has money.”

As he spoke, he held the wine glass and said: "There will be entertainment projects similar to duels later, and there will probably be some idiots who will cause trouble. Just have fun and don't get angry."

Brian frowned slightly: "Because of my identity?"

Sid nodded:

"In front of you, among the twelve second-level employees currently working in the Operations Department, only one is from a civilian background like you, but his wife is the daughter of a billionaire.

In fact, apart from the initial establishment of the NW organization, which required civilians to test the stability of those reagents, a large number of civilian enhancer masters were cultivated. In the following decades, you were one of the few civilian employees who truly relied on yourself to pressure them into promotion.

Normally, this kind of thing would only happen in the armed forces with a high mortality rate, so you are an anomaly in the eyes of this group of people. "

Brian was silent for a moment and nodded: "Thanks for the reminder, West German Minister."

Sid shrugged and chuckled: "You're welcome, because I am the lucky one who relied on my wife to get promoted. Apart from Susan's somewhat reckless personality, she is a nice person and her family background can be ranked high in the NW organization. Take advantage of it." "


No wonder I felt that this old man was very kind to me from the beginning.

It turns out we are kindred spirits.


The team leaders and seniors from the NW Operations Department also arrived in the virtual environment hall one after another.

Brian was undoubtedly the only star of the party.

Many people came up to introduce themselves and looked familiar.

Some female employees are bold enough to recommend female members of their own families, or directly come on stage themselves, hoping that the old cow can eat the young grass and have a taste of this new star.

Wait until the crowd disperses.

Susan then came up with Rajag.

Looking at Brian holding a pile of contact information, Susan said in a rare tone of voice: "Hey, Coroner Brian, you are very popular!"

Brian shrugged and said shamelessly:

"There is no way, gold will shine wherever it is.

If I'm not good enough, I won't be able to attract you. The fact that you discovered this gem of mine early means that you have a much better vision than they do. "

Susan rolled her eyes, wanting to complain about Brian's shamelessness.

Brian didn't give her a chance to speak.

He ignored Rajag who was watching the show and eating melon, took hold of Susan's little hand, and pressed her hand in front of his chest containing the bullet:

“Susan, thank you for the bullet of courage.

Before I went on stage, my feet were shaking nervously. It was your bullets that gave me courage.

Maybe this is the power of love.

I will keep it until I take it to my grave..."

Susan's little face turned red again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Feeling the palms of her hands being pressed and the strong beating of her heart, her mind was so dizzy that she even forgot what to ask Brian.

By the time she reacted, Susan had already followed Brian and stood there, like a bunch of golden girls, fending off the remaining people who wanted to take over Brian, a potential stock.

It was probably Susan's identity that gave Brian some convenience.

After most people had said hello to Brian, no one without discernment jumped out and wanted to compete with Brian and see his strength as a warrior of the dawn.

Just when Brian thought that was the end of the day, he could take Susan back to be embarrassed.

A mature middle-aged woman, accompanied by a tall and handsome young man, walked up to the two of them.

Looking at the woman, Susan's face changed slightly, and she said in a respectful tone: "Teacher Aoli."


Brian glanced at the handsome man next to the middle-aged woman who was looking at him with hostility. He smiled and held Susan's little hand: "Susan, when did you have a mentor?"

Susan explained: "I spent a long time in my childhood receiving training here. Instructor Ollie is the teacher of our marksmanship department. She is also the second-level employee of the Armed Forces Department's B-series - a sharpshooter."


Brian nodded, smiled at the middle-aged woman and said, "Hello, Ms. Ollie, I am Susan's boyfriend. Thank you for teaching Susan before."

The cordial gesture between the two caused the young man next to the middle-aged woman to clench his fists.

He clenched his fists and was about to speak, but his sleeve was pulled by Oli, the middle-aged woman next to him, and he remained silent again.

Ollie ignored Brian and smiled at Susan: "Susan, we haven't seen each other for a long time since you went to Washington. I didn't expect that you would come back to NW and join the operations department. By the way, this is me. Son, I met you when you were young. He was very excited and happy when he heard that you were back."

The politeness on Susan's face disappeared:

"Ms. Oli, my boyfriend is talking to you. At your age, can't you learn basic etiquette?


Does your son, whose eyes are almost crooked, have an eye problem?

If you have this time, why not take him to see it.

I don't want to meet a moron.

With all due respect, he doesn't look very smart. "

If the other party despises Brian so much, he despises her!

Susan doesn’t give the other person any face!

Her instructor stopped calling.


She didn't expect Susan's reaction to be so big, and she felt a little regretful, and then she became angry. The original idea of ​​introducing her son disappeared.

It’s better not to marry such a woman and harm her son.

But Brian felt like it was summer. He took a big sip of ice soda in one breath and felt extremely refreshed.

Such a protective partner is really good!

At this time, the people around him were already attracted by the serious atmosphere here.

They looked here and talked softly.

I love seeing this kind of scene.

Feel the movement around you.

Ollie's face darkened.

Now that we have broken our faces.

She stopped pretending and looked at Brian: "Sorry, I haven't seen Susan for a long time. I was a little happy for a moment and didn't pay attention to what you just said. By the way, you want to thank me?"

Brian shrugged:

"Yes, thank you for being a clown with the idiot next to you at my celebration to make us happy.

By the way, Susan is right, your son does not look very smart.

But he looks much better than you.

I can't imagine how good your husband's genes are to improve your poor appearance and give birth to such a vase. Are you sure you didn't hold the wrong child when you gave birth to him? "

Susan on the side looked at Brian with admiration.

In terms of sharp tongue, she is not one-tenth as good as Brian.


Ollie was very angry after being poked into every word by Brian.

In fact, she was born in the armed forces, where the death rate was very high, and she was a low-level person who risked her life.

Her husband initially fell in love with her and because of her status as a high-quality enhancer, so he married her to improve the genes of his offspring. After that, he rarely touched her.

Brian's words undoubtedly made Ollie, who had been alone in the empty house for many years, think of those unbearable memories.

She was angry, and her son next to her was even more angry.

"You bastard, I want to duel with you!", the handsome young man's voice was so loud that it echoed throughout the hall.

The entire scene fell silent instantly.

Sid also put down his wine glass and looked here with interest.

He was very curious about the reaction of Brian, a guy who was as handsome as him when he was young and had similar experiences.

Looking at the handsome young man with fried hair, Brian grinned and showed his pale teeth: "Duel, I only hit people in the face. It hurts. Are you sure?"


The young man's eyes were cold: "I, Reni Mensah, want to duel with you, a pariah!"

Brian nodded: "Okay, I agree to your application for a duel, let's get started."

The handsome young man took a deep breath and nodded: "Me"

next moment.

There was a soft snap.

The handsome young man next to Aoli has disappeared.

Brian retracted his palms, spread his hands towards the people who were watching dumbfounded, and said helplessly: "Everyone saw it, he nodded and agreed to start."


You, a dawn warrior who is good at hand-to-hand combat, was almost equivalent to a hundred enemies in ancient times. You can break up an army of a thousand people by yourself. You actually launched a sneak attack. How stupid!

Aoli probably hadn't fought for a long time, and she didn't realize it until her son flew out.


She let out a sharp cry and rushed towards Reni, who was three meters away. Most of his right cheek was sunken and he passed out, trying to help him up.

As a result, Reni groaned twice, and a large amount of stagnant blood and fallen teeth flowed out of his mouth. Where he still had the handsome posture before, he was just a dead dog in embarrassment.


Ollie's eyes were red.

Brian apologized: "As I said, I only hit people in the face. It hurts, but your son doesn't listen. You're welcome. They are all colleagues. I help with education. It's better than dying outside and embarrassing us." The NW organization is much better.”

"You are too arrogant!"

She glared at Brian in front of her, her eyes instantly turned into cat eyes, and a cold killing intent burst out from her body: "Young man, don't be too arrogant, there are some people you can't afford to offend!"

The smile on Brian's face also disappeared, and he blocked Susan behind him:

“Not arrogant, but still a young man?

Do you think that because you are as stupid as a sow, others should be inferior to you and be humiliated by you?

Your face was brought on by yourself! "

While talking.

The muscle fibers of Brian's legs, hidden under the straight pants, began to warm up and tremble, ensuring that he could cross a distance of four to five meters in an instant, trample this mentally retarded middle-aged woman under his feet, and destroy her limbs. !

Since you have offended, don't hold back.

Hit with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches coming.

Today, if someone dares to come up to him, he will dare to establish his power!

Since Oli married into a wealthy family and has been pampered for so many years, she has long lost the endurance and patience she had when performing tasks. Almost the moment Brian finished speaking, two afterimages were drawn with his hands.


Deputy Minister Sid had a premonition that something was not going to happen. He dropped his wine glass and shouted to stop him, but he was a step too late.

next moment.

Bang bang bang~

Continuous gunshots suppressed West Germany's voice.

Ollie was indeed a sharpshooter. Most people didn't even see her movements clearly, or even know where her gun was hidden. A large number of bullets appeared in front of Brian.

Brian did not dodge, and forced Susan to hold her in place, who was about to draw a gun and shoot.

His body trembled slightly.

Bullet holes pierced through the special uniform he had just received, like bolts stuck in the muscles of his limbs.

Brian lowered his head and looked at the slowly flowing blood, with a grin on his face: "This uniform is very bulletproof."

Pa da ~

The bullets were forcibly squeezed out of the muscles and fell to the ground. The soft and crisp sound they made was like the sound of drums, impacting the hearts of everyone present.

Ollie's scalp felt numb as she looked at the squeezed bullets.

This man is a monster!

Although the firearm she carries is not a special version, it is enough to penetrate the special uniform and cause substantial damage. Even ordinary dawn warriors cannot be so strong!

Not to mention a newcomer who has only joined the NW organization for more than two months!

The key is that this is inside the base, and she didn't bring her own equipment and spare magazines!

Ollie realized something was wrong.

What will happen to a shooter who runs out of bullets and is targeted by a armored soldier?

She looked at the deputy director of operations, Sid, with a cold face in horror, and was about to beg for mercy.

next moment.

Hurricane surge.

A tall figure appeared in front of her, looking down at her, with a sinister smile on his face, and the white teeth exposed were sinister and pale: "Madam, if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price..."

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