You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 174 Compensation from the Mensa Family, Meeting Father-in-law

Oriton feels bad.

Her somewhat fat figure popped up like a python, and two sharp blades appeared between the fingers of her hands. With a whistling sound and afterimage, they slashed towards Brian's neck.

next moment.

The two big hands were like iron pliers, tightly locking the opponent's strangling hands.

Brian's eyes were cold, and the strength of his arms exploded.


With the sound of clothes tearing, two snow-white arms with bone stubble were thrown to the ground.


The shrill screams resounded through the hall.

Everyone looked at the 'sharp shooter' Ollie, who had transformed into the form of the armless Venus de Milos and was wriggling miserably on the ground, with fear in their hearts.

This handsome guy who seems kind and gentle is really ruthless when he attacks!

Even with the advancement of biotechnology, the treatment effect for limb mutilations is still unsatisfactory.

With these hands attached, I will probably only be able to wipe my butt in the future.

Without the sharpshooter with flexible hands, will he shoot with his feet in the future?

Ollie is dead.

The best outcome for the other party is probably the genetic value of being a high-quality enhanced person. From now on, he can just stay at home and continue to give birth to more children for the Mensa family.

Wiping the splattered blood from his cheek.

When Brian saw Sid, the Deputy Director of Operations, he just looked at the squirming Oli on the ground with a gloomy face. Without saying a word, he stepped over the other person's body and walked to her unconscious son. He picked up the other person's collar and raised it in the air. , gently patted the other party’s deformed left cheek.

Reni opened his eyes numbly, and it took him a while to realize the situation. He wanted to speak, but found that his entire face seemed to have disappeared. Apart from the huge pain, he was just numb.

He can't feel his mouth!


Reni could only rely on instinct and whine. His deformed mouth caused more teeth to fall out because of his actions.

Brian's previous slap directly broke more than half of his facial bones. I wonder if he can maintain his previous handsomeness after treatment.

"Stop whining."

Brian threw Reni next to his mother: "Be good, take your mother's arm and go to the infirmary by yourself. May God bless you, child."

Only then did Reni realize the tragic situation of his mother.

His father had seven wives and dozens of children.

His mother, Ollie, is his only supporter to gain a foothold in the family.

As a result, this sharpshooter lost his arms! ! !

He looked up at Brian in horror, but met Brian's eyes that kept scanning his limbs, as if thinking about where to start.


This chick, who had never seen blood before, vomited blood from his mouth and climbed up in embarrassment outside. He didn't even care about his mother.

Everyone looked at Reni crawling on the ground with disdain and moved out of the way in disgust.

There are gold and jade outside, but inside there is decay.

This guy is just a useless idiot!

Aoli is worthy of being the female warrior who made her mark in the armed forces before.

Although more than twenty years of enjoyment has caused her to lose the endurance and fighting power she had at her peak,

But after a few dozen seconds, he regained his senses.

She watched her son abandon her and crawl away like a straw bag. She felt disappointed in her eyes and looked at Brian with abandonment: "Kill me if you dare, otherwise the Mensa family will not let you go!"

next moment.

Bang bang bang~

Flesh and blood splattered.

The joints of Aoli's intact legs were also blasted apart by large-caliber special bullets.

The woman who had recovered her strength once again let out a scream like a slaughtering pig.

"Mensa family?"

Susan turned her hands handsomely and pointed at Ollie's uterus: "I have tolerated you for a long time. I just want to see if without this uterus, the Mensa family will still come to provoke us for a useless person like you. The Addams Family!”

Bang bang bang~

It wasn't until she emptied the magazine that Susan blew on the hot muzzles of both guns.

She turned to look at the dumbfounded Brian, and raised her beautiful eyebrows: "I taught you, be ruthless in your attacks, don't hold back, I will fight if anything happens, it seems you haven't learned the essence of me, Staff Brian "

Brian shrugged: "Okay, team leader, it's a good job to be your subordinate."


Susan proudly took back her guns.

Seeing the man and woman standing calmly in front of the bloody ground, flirting in front of the screaming victim, everyone actually felt that they were very harmonious and well-matched.

The farce is over.

Deputy Minister Sidcai clapped his hands.

Several soldiers walked into the hall and took away Ollie, who had lost too much blood and fainted, and her arms that were thrown on the ground.

Then several female employees in OL uniforms stepped on tools similar to balance bikes without changing their expressions, quickly cleaning the dirt on the scene, and sprayed some perfume to dilute the smell of blood in the air.

in a blink.

The hall was restored to its previous cleanliness.

"Sorry, Minister, I just shot a little too hard." Brian patted the special uniform full of bullet holes on his body: "I didn't want to be like this, but I didn't expect that woman to shoot, and she was a little stressed."

Hearing Brian's words, Sid nodded with satisfaction.

These words are somewhat level.

He coughed twice and waved his hands:

"It's not your fault. He agreed to the duel between you and Aoli's son. As a result, Aoli, an employee of the Armed Forces, shot you out of nowhere. You were just acting in self-defense.

I won't allow anyone to bully our Operations Department!

Brian, come with me to get your injuries assessed now.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Mensa Family must give us an explanation for this matter! "

Sid said the word "Armed Department" loudly.

The rest of the people in the hall immediately followed suit.

That's right!

An employee of the Armed Department came to their Operations Department to provoke and fired.

This loss was in vain.

Only a few young people who wanted to try Brian's identity before breathed a sigh of relief.

It was too scary.

This pretty boy was really cruel.

Fortunately, they saw Susan standing behind the pretty boy, so they gave up the idea of ​​asking for advice, otherwise they would be embarrassed and at a disadvantage.

The conflict in the hall was handled quickly.

The woman, Oli, was directly put on administrative leave, and the term was estimated to be permanent. She and her useless son were taken away by the Mensa Family.

Brian was shot 23 times.

As compensation, the Mensa Family compensated him with two Treatment reagents, a set of customized high-end bulletproof suits, and nutrition and mental damage compensation of up to 5 million US dollars.

The person in charge of the connection not only did not question the matter of Aoli and her son, but also had a very kind attitude, repeatedly stating that it was a private act of Aoli and her son and had nothing to do with the Mensa family.

If Brian had not refused continuously, the other party would even want to give Brian a few 28-year-old girls from the Mensa family as compensation.

To be honest, this attitude made Brian somewhat confused.

With doubts and compensation.

Brian came to a small tea room.

In addition to Deputy Minister West, there were five or six middle-aged men and women.

These were the B-sequence second-level staff of the Operations Department currently at the base, and they were also Brian's predecessors.

"How is it, Brian?"

West looked at Brian carrying a box with a smile.

Brian sat down and said in surprise: "The people of the Mensa family are too polite, at least much more polite than I thought, and even wanted to send me a woman. "

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

A petite woman, playing with a thin needle, said with a smile: "Brian, you probably haven't read the analysis and suggestions given to you by the think tank before, right?"

Brian nodded: "I'm going to go back and take a look. "

As he said this, he opened the box in his hand and took out the analysis and recommendation report.

The content on it is very simple.

Part of it is Brian's test data.

These data are actually equivalent to Brian's physical fitness before the transformation. At most, it is a little stronger, plus a much stronger nerve reaction speed, which is about one-third of the current conventional strength.

Below these data, there is a line of enlarged and bold black paragraphs:

The target cell activity exceeds 50% of the enhanced staff of the same level, there is no obvious weakness in the physique, the nerve reaction is up to standard, the fighting consciousness is up to standard, and the potential is huge. It is recommended to develop in the auxiliary mecha knight route.

First-order life form promotion potential assessment: 85%

Second-order life form promotion potential assessment: 23%

It is recommended to join the armed department, receive auxiliary mecha knight training, and focus on training!——

Think tank, number 2735, archived.

Put down the report.

Brian looked at everyone with innocent eyes: "Sorry, I don't understand it very well."

Sid explained:

"It's normal. This is knowledge that can only be accessed after promotion.

If the B sequence wants to be promoted to the third level, your strength must reach the first-order vitality level.

This is our classification of the strength of the mutants.

If you can't understand, you can compare it with the ace agent you met in London before, and the two mutants you encountered in Forest Park before.

They are almost at this level.

According to decades of research by the organization, if an enhanced person wants to reach this level, he not only needs to consume a lot of resources, but also must have the potential in this area.

And there are too few people with this potential.

Very few!

Even the descendants of those enhancers, it is very difficult to have such potential individuals.

According to the think tank's analysis, your potential, after reaching the first-order life level, has a probability of up to 85%, which means that sooner or later you will be like me, and become a member of the decision-making layer of NW.

How could the people of the Mensa family be enemies with potential stocks like you for the sake of the already disabled Aoli and her son who performed so badly.

They hope that you will accept the female tribesmen they sent over, and it would be best if those female tribesmen can go back with big bellies.

If you are willing now, many female employees are willing to spend all their net worth, just hoping to give birth to a descendant who inherits your excellent genes! "


The rest of the people laughed loudly.

But the smiles of the male employees were somewhat envious.

The petite woman who spoke before was even sending a wink to Brian, her watery eyes full of hints.


If he remembered correctly, this female senior not only had a husband and children, but also gave birth to seven or eight.

Is it appropriate to hint at myself like this?

Brian didn't know what was wrong with this world.

He obviously wanted to make a living with his talent, but in the end, he was making himself a Tang Monk's meat, a sweet cake, constantly tempting himself to eat soft rice, and the kind that can eat well and be full.

The interactions and attitudes of adults, most of the time, depend on whether you can bring them benefits.

For a potential stock like Brian who was born in a civilian family, if there is no conflict of interest, it is undoubtedly more suitable to do good deeds when he is weak and has not risen, and maybe he can use it in the future.


The crowd also popularized some secret knowledge that Brian, a junior, only knows at this level.

For example, the auxiliary mecha knight.

This thing is actually an upgraded version of the external skeleton.

However, due to energy and technical limitations, the physical fitness of the wearer is very high in all aspects, but the combat capability is also very strong.

When fully loaded with ammunition, the auxiliary mecha knight is equivalent to a flexible humanoid tank. Outside of some major countries, it can destroy an entire regiment of armed forces head-on.

For example, the second-order life forms officially defined by the NW organization.

The standard is very simple, that is, the body can resist small-caliber bullets, the speed is 2 seconds per 100 meters, the single-handed strength is more than 2 tons, any two of which meet the standard, or one person can cause more than a thousand civilian casualties in a short period of time, all are considered second-level life forms.

However, according to West Germany, there is no such existence in their NW organization, and it is not clear whether there are other places. Everyone is hiding it.

But among the deformed people and deformed beasts, although this group is also very rare, one or two similar rumors can be heard every month.

Brian also tentatively asked if there are any deformed people who involve telekinesis, rules, or spirits in addition to the body, and strengthen people.

The answer is yes, but it is many times rarer than the deformed beasts.

Three blood moons, the NW organization has been established on a large scale for more than 50 years, and has never encountered such an individual so far. It has only been heard that there is a deformed person who can predict good and bad luck, but no one has ever seen the other person's appearance, and even the other person's race is unknown.


Isn't this the fierce old man?

It seems that he and the old man are really rare among the rare types of abnormal people.

They agreed to meet again when they have time and communicate more.

Brian took the spoils and found Susan who was waiting for him. Facing the night, they returned to Los Angeles together.

He was going to go back and take a look at his increased authority and obligations.

Just with the changes in the scenery outside.

Brian vaguely felt that something was wrong.

He looked at Susan: "Team leader, where are we going? This is not the way back to the city."

Susan glared at Brian: "Go home!"

"This is not the way to the city!"

Brian pulled his collar funny and pretended to be scared: "I want to get off the car!"

"Get out!"

Susan rolled her eyes: "My father called me and asked me to take you back!"

Brian was numb.

Meeting his father-in-law.

It was the first time in both lives...

It was too sudden.

He silently opened the car window, took out a cigarette, and said with some melancholy: "I forgot to bring something... How about another day."

"What is it?"

"Your father's grandson...Team leader, why don't we try our best now while we still have some time."

Susan flicked the Texas Gun King medal hanging in front of the car: "Brian, do you want to try the gold content of my Gun King medal?"

On the other side.

A handsome middle-aged man sat on the terrace of the villa, holding a double-barreled shotgun... shotgun as thick as an adult's arm, whistling, wiping and maintaining it.

After finishing.

He stuffed two bullets as thick as ordinary bananas into the barrel and shouted to the bottom: "Lawrence, old man, I want to try the gun."

Below, a white strong man pulled the mechanism helplessly.

The next moment.

A big watermelon was ejected from the ground and flew into the air.

With a loud bang.

The watermelon exploded, turned into countless fragments, and dissipated in the air.

Under the huge recoil, the middle-aged man remained calm and his body did not sway at all. Instead, he shrugged his waist twice in a disrespectful manner: "Great! I haven't fired a gun for a long time. I really miss the days of hunting those monsters!"

The strong man named Lawrence below:.

Compared to those monsters, you are the monster!

He couldn't help but feel a little worried about Susan's boyfriend who had not arrived yet.

Good luck, young man..

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