You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 175 Father, you don’t understand Brian at all! (First order plus 3 chapters)

Susan's home is not in the urban area of ​​Los Angeles, but in Newport Beach, a city in Los Angeles County (County) close to the coastline of the east coast of the Pacific Ocean.

This small city can be regarded as one of the richest coastal cities in the entire California and even the United States.

Newport Beach has abundant sunshine all year round, and with the Balboa Peninsula as a natural barrier, the inner sea is calm, making it very comfortable whether you are fishing or playing on a yacht.

Of course, Susan's family is not a manor villa located in Newport Beach, but an entire artificial island located in the inland sea.

Note, it’s a whole building!

And this is just a family leisure place for Susan's parents and some of Susan's father's old friends.

In fact, Susan didn't know how many fixed properties her family had around the world. She never paid attention to these and rarely used the family's resources.

It wasn't until after nine o'clock in the evening that the two arrived at the harbor.

A speedboat has been waiting here for a long time.

"Hey, Susan, you haven't been back for a long time." The speedboat driver, a middle-aged black man, grinned lightly and looked at Brian curiously.

"Uncle Harry, long time no see."

Susan greeted the other party with a smile and pointed to Brian: "This is my boyfriend Brian. Brian, this is Harry, my father's former colleague. Because of some things, he retired early."

"Hello, Mr. Harry."

Brian smiled shyly at the other party.

"Nice guy."

Harry nodded and concentrated on driving the speedboat.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Brian always felt that the other person's eyes looked at him with a little pity.

The harbor is not far from the island.

About ten minutes later.

Three people went to the island.

After passing through a garden that made Brian feel vaguely uneasy, they came to a complex of connected buildings located on a cliff by the sea, covering an area as far as the eye could see.

Brian looked at Susan and conveyed a message in his mind: Didn't it mean that it was just your family and some of your father's family?

Susan raised her eyebrows and understood instantly: "Some of them are security guards trained by my father. The ocean is too big. No matter how low the probability of birthing aberrations is, the total number is quite large. Otherwise, why do you think the NW organization established an armed department?"

While talking.

A bonfire party with singing and dancing appeared in front of Brian.

Too many people.

Men and women, old and young, and a lot of little kids

Listening to Susan's introduction, Brian numbly followed the call to recognize the person.

Between dizziness and dizziness.

Susan took Brian's right hand and pulled him to a pair of handsome middle-aged men and women: "Father, Mom, this is my boyfriend Brian."

Then, she introduced to Brian: "This is my father, you can call him Dean, and this is my mother Nell."

The beautiful woman glanced at Brian, who was tall and handsome, and nodded with satisfaction: "Susan, that's great. Your boyfriend looks tall and handsome. I'm glad that you will take the initiative to find a partner."

In front of her parents, Susan didn't have the same posture as she did outside, and lowered her head in embarrassment.

to be honest.

She didn't even know how she ended up with Brian, a shameless bastard.

You know she used to hate this kind of people!

It's all because the other party is so good at pretending. He acts like a harmless little white rabbit in the beginning, but when he reacts, he can't let go.

"Thank you for the compliment, beautiful lady."

Seeing that his mother-in-law was so talkative, Brian shamelessly climbed up the stick:

"Actually, I have been thinking about who could raise Susan, an angel on earth who combines beauty and talent.

It wasn't until I saw you that I knew what inheritance was.

I think Susan must have inherited her father's bravery and perseverance, and her mother's beauty and straightforwardness. God had the opportunity to send such a wonderful girl to me. "

Susan glanced at the shameless Brian with disgust.

Too disgusting.

Her mother found it helpful, covering her mouth and laughing softly.

At this moment, the handsome middle-aged man who had been silent waved to Brian: "Boy, in order to welcome you, I took out all the fine wine in my collection. Have a drink?"

"no problem!"

Brian looked at this man and felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

how to say

It’s similar to the familiar feeling of scum seeing scum, shameless people seeing shameless people, and like repulsing each other.

Dean looked at the pretty face in front of him and felt very unhappy.

As soon as this guy opened his mouth, he seemed to see himself when he was younger.

Picking up your own daughter, right?

Let’s see if you can leave safely today!

See it.

Susan's mother pulled Susan and joined the barbecue team in front, leaving only two men here.

Before they parted, Susan blatantly punched Brian in the face, causing the old father's face to darken.

I was afraid that no one would want the cabbage at home, and I was also afraid that the cabbage would be stolen by wild boars.

This is probably the mentality of every old father.

Susan and the others leave.

What follows is a battlefield between two men.

Brian was a little nervous before arriving, but when he finally arrived, he was not timid at all. He directly grabbed a bottle of strong liquor, pulled off the cork, and drank in front of Susan's father.

He threw away the empty bottle and spat out a mouthful of strong wine smell without changing his expression: "This wine is not bad, but the strength is a little low. It's almost suitable for gargling your mouth. Isn't there something more exciting?"

Dean raised his eyebrows: This boy is so arrogant!

He casually took out a bottle of high-purity alcohol and said, "This one is more refreshing to gargle and sterilizes."


It's broken, it's hard time.

Drinking it exposes the special characteristics of your body.

If you don’t drink, your momentum will be weak.

Brian glanced at Susan, who was showing off her meat with a big mouth, and was not worried at all that he couldn't handle it. He raised the corners of his mouth and waved his hands: "Mr. Dean, Susan doesn't like me being drunk. Forget it, I love her very much. I don’t want to make her unhappy.”


The bottle containing alcohol was crushed by Dean.

This bastard!

This was obviously my treatment before!

Dean pinched the glass shards in his palm, and under Brian's somewhat horrified gaze, he kneaded the glass shards into a pile of powder and sprinkled it to the side: "I heard from Syd that you are pretty good."

Brian licked his lips: "It's really good, but I can't compare to you."

He told the truth.

He can also crush a glass bottle, or just knead it into powder. This is not a matter of strength, but a matter of skill and physical defense.

The glass slag is inherently small. If you apply force, the slag will sink under the skin and the force will not work at all.

Even if Brian uses the talent of physical control, he can't violate this kind of regularity. Unless one day his skin can be compared to tough iron and his muscles can be compared to tough stone, he can achieve this.

"Tough mouth."

When Dean saw that Brian was giving in, he let him go.

He waved to Brian: "Sit down and talk about your future plans."

Brian knew the show was about to begin.

He nodded, calmed down his emotions, and said seriously: "Actually, I am not an ambitious person. My current plan is to accompany Susan to solve crimes and improve her strength. If I can be the best at the top of the NW organization, I can't do it. , and we must ensure that we have the strength to protect Susan and our future children in the future. After all, you don’t have to use force, but you can’t live without it.”


Dean nodded: "I quite like your way of doing things. It has the same temper as when I was young, but there is something I want to ask you."


"Can you explain the Camo family, your missing adoptive parents, and your purpose of joining NW? By the way, if you can, I also want to know about the various accidents that happened after you joined the children's home when you were eight years old. .”

Dean looked at Brian with an indifferent expression, and his tone was even calmer, but it gave Brian an invisible sense of oppression.

It was a gaze that penetrated people's hearts.

After Brian was silent for a moment, he shook his head: "If Susan wants to know, I can tell her, but you can't. You are not Susan."

In addition to his identity as a deformed person, he also has his own deformed ability. If Susan really wants to know something about herself, Brian will not hide it.

Just as he knows what kind of person Susan is, I believe Susan can also understand some of his actions.

But not Dean.

He will never spend the rest of his life with Dean, even if he is Susan's father!

Hearing this, Dean showed a sneer on his face: "Then please leave my daughter. I don't want a guy with ulterior motives to delay her. No one can harm my daughter, whether it's physical or psychological."

Brian rolled his eyes: "Come on, if I hadn't been lucky in Forest Park, Susan and I would have died at the hands of those two aberrant beasts. Don't brag."


He said harshly: "You know nothing. Even if you die, Susan will not die. Forget about her. I originally wanted to communicate with you as an ordinary person, but you are too ignorant. Boy, if you don't leave, , I’ll let you know what it means to bully the weak!”

Brian turned to Susan and shouted: "Susan, your father said..."

"Shut up!"

Dean hurriedly rushed forward and covered Brian's mouth: "Can you please have some face!"

From a distance, Susan looked at the two people rushing together curiously: "What's wrong?"

How could these two people get tired of being together so quickly?

The relationship between men improves quickly.

Brian raised an eyebrow at Dean.

Dean sighed: "Don't talk nonsense."

As he said that, he let go of his hands covering Brian.

Brian touched the palm print on his mouth speechlessly.

This old guy's strength was so exaggerated that his palms were as if they were made of steel. Even his skin and tough muscles, which were as tough as cowhide, were left with marks.

He waved his hand towards Susan: "Your father said that he looks forward to you wearing a wedding dress as soon as possible and asking me to take good care of you in the future."

Hearing this, Susan turned her head shyly and did not reply.

Dean:..I didn't say that!

He suddenly understood the powerlessness his wife's father felt when facing him.

It is too late.

Brian stayed that night.

However, Dean, a cautious old man, arranged him to a room far away from Susan, and he had to make a landline phone call if he wanted to chat.

I just feel sorry for Thirteen. I wonder if he will be wronged if he follows Old Harden.

the next day.

Looking at his daughter who was going to work again, Dean made a last struggle powerlessly: "Susan, that bastard is shameless and not a good person, you..."


Susan's face was stern: "You don't understand Brian at all. He can block bullets for me when it's dangerous, and can help the victim give gifts to the children in the case. In short, he is not the kind of person you think!"


Looking at this leaky little cotton jacket, he sighed to the sky, and his resolute and handsome face was full of the feeling of helplessness of a girl who can't be kept.

Seeing this, Neil on the side covered her mouth and chuckled: "Okay, Susan, your father is just like this, hard on the mouth but soft on the heart. At the beginning, he deliberately let the boy from the White family go on a blind date with you, in fact, just to let you return to Los Angeles, so that he could see you more, not really wanting to marry you off."

Susan looked at her father Dean.

Dean shook his head: "I'm just afraid that you will be wronged in Washington."


Susan's eyes were red.

At this moment, Brian poked his head out from outside: "Susan, you were persuaded to quit the protection team, maybe it was someone he hired."


This old Deng still wants to say bad things about himself.

How can Brian tolerate this?


He looked at Susan's narrowed eyes, walked to the fireplace with a dark face, took down the oversized "firewood stick" hanging on the wall, and then stuffed two oversized caliber bullets... No, small cannonballs, into it.


Brian's scalp numbed, rushed to Susan, picked her up and turned around and ran away.

Damn, you said you can't win, so you fight!

If you can't afford to offend, run away.

When the two returned to the B6 group office, it was already past ten in the morning.

The two walked into the office one after another in a serious manner, covering their ears and stealing the bell.

Green saw Brian coming and rushed over with a stack of documents: "Boss Brian, I worked overtime yesterday and investigated according to your instructions. As a result, I found something very scary."

It was the first time that Brian heard Green's tone so serious.

He took the documents and quickly read through them.

A moment.

He put down the documents and looked at Green: "So many people are missing?"

Green nodded: "Yes, and they are all Chinese male students. This is a big case!"

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