You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 176 Clues on the body, identifying the murderer

In the case of homicide, a major case is usually a serial homicide involving more than three cases.

The information Green collected about the missing Chinese male international students in Los Angeles universities and community colleges in the past six months adds up to about 20 people.

If this kind of case happened in the past, it would have been on the news list for several weeks.

"There were no clues before for so many missing cases?"

Brian was a little surprised.

The families of the missing people would also contact the school and the embassy.

The embassy received a lot of clues, and once they checked, they knew the seriousness of the matter, so they would not have heard nothing.

Green shook his head:

"Yesterday afternoon, I called a friend and contacted the Chinese groups in various universities, and then went to the Park Center (Los Angeles Police Department headquarters) to check the cases of missing Chinese international students in the past six months.

It turned out that there were only three reports in the past six months.

Two of them were identified as false alarms, and the remaining one was reported privately by the girlfriend of the missing person. At present, the girl has been expelled from school and the contact information left at the police station is also empty."

Brian was silent after hearing this.

I knew what was going on when I heard it.

Those colleges and universities suppressed the case.

In American colleges and universities, the academic elites are no joke, with connections in politics, business, and a large number of middle and high-level groups in society.

No one would care if a foreign student went missing.

As for the classmates and friends of the missing, they would know what kind of threats they would face after listening to what happened to the girl who reported the case mentioned by Green.

These days, those who come to study in China are either rich or have the opportunity to come with the help of their whole family + talented children.

People are selfish.

This thing is so fucked up.

Of course, there is another important point.

That is the issue of Chinese people's right to speak.

Los Angeles is actually the core area of ​​Chinese immigrants. There are really a lot of them, almost equivalent to the second skin color group after white people, and most of them have good conditions.

The problem is that although there are many wealthy and middle-class Chinese here, due to the influence of too many factors such as region, immigrant composition, age, etc., everyone has not gathered into a force.

Most of the early immigrants like to work honestly and make money. They don't work hard on politics. At most, some wealthy people make some political donations instead of climbing up themselves, which leads to the overall fragmented voice.

In this case, there is nothing you can do if you are bullied.

Strictly speaking, during this period, because of the need for the Chinese market and some off-site factors, it was not difficult for the Chinese community to climb up in the early years.

At least it was much easier than those black uncles.

The problem is that the internal fighting is fierce and it is not competitive.

Suppress some thoughts.

Brian returned the information to Green: "Have you confirmed the identity of the deceased?"

Green nodded, took out a piece of information in his hand and handed it to Brian:

"Confirmed, this is his information.

The deceased is a freshman at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), from Jiangsu, China, and rents a house.

The time was a bit tight yesterday, so I contacted the deceased's roommate through their school's International Students Mutual Aid Association, and wanted to get his computer and mobile phone.

But the roommate said that everything was taken away by the deceased.

The deceased was recently in an online relationship. The last time I contacted them was four days ago. The other party was going to drop out of school for love, so I didn't call the police in the end.

But I felt that those international students were a little bit wrong, and no one cooperated with me when I asked in detail. In addition, it was very late, so I went back first."

Brian nodded: "Green, you did a great job, very executive. By the way, give me the phone number of the deceased's roommate, and I will contact him."

Interesting, the deceased turned out to be his schoolmate.

Brian graduated from UCLA.

This school, a member of the University of California system, is located west of downtown Los Angeles. It was founded in 1919 and ranks high in the world.

Although not all of the more than 20 missing international students encountered accidents, it is estimated that there are those who simply went to a fake school and then came here to work illegally, but most of the missing students are the pride of their families.

When a person is gone, it is equivalent to a broken family.

Including these people, they are also Brian's compatriots in this world.

He still hopes to catch the murderer as soon as possible.

Brian picked up the landline and called the roommate of the deceased.

Waiting process.

He quickly scanned the information of the deceased:

Yang Wei, from Jiangsu, 18 years old.

The information is a bit simple, and there is no information such as the ID card. It can be seen that it is not the information registered by the school, otherwise there will be the contact information of the deceased's parents.

Green spent a whole afternoon, and it was already very impressive to get these.

Listening to the waiting tone on the phone.

Brian thought about the murderer's criminal ideas.

This type of cybercrime is likely to be a case of casting a wide net, then screening, and then accurately picking out the selected target.

So why does the murderer insist on Chinese male international students?

First: gay.

This goes without saying.

Second: aesthetics, the other party likes Chinese males. After all, whether it is from the delicate skin or body odor, Chinese are really good.

Third: Chinese international students are relatively "simple and easy to deceive."

At this point in time, the social atmosphere in China is very conservative. In addition, the Internet and other things there are also slightly behind the United States. Information has not exploded so much. Most of the children who study well are the kind who immerse themselves in studying. .

It's just easy to deceive, not Brian's nonsense.

It’s just that the deceased was somewhat unlucky.

Looking at the clothes of the deceased, one could tell that his family background was not bad. However, at such an old age, he was still a child and had never even touched his hands.

No matter which country you are in, the circle of wealthy people is relatively more "fashionable". From what you hear and see, such honest children are indeed rare.

Maybe if he played a little more chaotically, he wouldn't be so easy to deceive.

Brian knocked on the table: "So the murderer is most likely a gay man who has been in contact with the Chinese community, and is familiar with the group of international students. He even knows some of the psychology of these Chinese male international students, so that he can accurately target each one."

At this moment, a voice interrupted Brian's thoughts: "Hello."

The call was connected.


Brian hung up the phone thoughtfully.

Relying on his status as a senior and his Chinese language skills, he easily extracted information that Green did not ask for.

It turns out that the embassy has already issued a warning to all international students in Los Angeles not to believe in online dating, and not to meet netizens here in private.

As for why the deceased's roommate was so vague about Green's cliches, this involves some warnings from the embassy.

Not much to say here.

Not much useful information.

The roommate of the deceased did not even know whether the netizen the deceased was chatting with was male or female or what his online name was.

The deceased was a little shy about these things and had little desire to communicate.

Seeing that there was no gain, Brian had to call Thom and prepare to conduct an autopsy on the deceased to see if he could find some information.

"By the way, you can also ask Old Harden to help investigate relevant chat groups on the Internet... and see if there is any word search or something like that. This shouldn't be difficult for technical experts, right?"

Brian looked at Old Harden's position, only to find that the old man was hugging Thirteen, one person and one dog, playing games happily.

Especially Thirteen, who was soundly asleep yesterday. Now his little tail is wagging happily, and his paws are tapping the keyboard anthropomorphically from time to time, looking like he is addicted to the Internet.



No wonder I felt like something was wrong when I went to work today.

It turns out that Shisan did not have Pidianpidian rushing over to say hello to him!

This piece of shit, with the game, he doesn’t even remember his master!

Brian quickly stepped forward and interrupted the pleasant game exchange between one person and one dog.

"Hey, be gentle, Brian, Thirteen is still a child!" Old Harden said anxiously: "Thirteen is so smart, much better than some of the useless teammates I met. He is very talented in e-sports. I I’m going to give Thirteen a keyboard and mouse that suits him.”

"Let's talk about this later."

Brian rolled his eyes: "Do me a favor."

As he spoke, he told Old Harden about the case of the Chinese overseas student who was dating online and murdered.

Old Harden looked at Thirteen who was dangling in the air with distress, and nodded quickly: "No problem, deal with Thirteen gently!"

With this look, those who didn’t know better would have thought that Thirteen was his grandson.

leave the office.

Thirteen looked at Brian pitifully: "Wang~ (big dog~)"

Its big eyes looked much brighter than before, and you could even clearly see the aura of thinking.


Although Thirteen's body shape has not changed much and is chubby, it is a bit heavier when held in the hand, which means that Thirteen's muscle and bone density has increased a lot.

This process is expected to continue to increase with Shisan's continued energy intake.

Brian carried Thirteen and flicked the little sparrow that couldn't see anything: "How do you feel now?"


Thirteen's vocabulary is still somewhat lacking.

Brian barely understood. It was probably because his vision had changed, becoming more like a human's vision. In addition, his strength, speed, and reaction had also improved, but he got hungry faster.

See no negative effects.

Brian felt relieved.

Anatomy room.

Thom had put on his equipment and was waiting.

This time, Brian didn't do it himself, but let Thom do it all the way.

The anatomy process is actually not difficult.

In addition, the target is a dead person, and the requirements for dissection skills are not high. Even ordinary people who have never been exposed to it can become a skilled worker if they are slow and careful and handle it for ten days and a half.

Otherwise, assistants would not be called skilled workers.

There is actually not much difference between this and a butcher.

However, different corpses have different dissection techniques.

For example, the deceased now.

The time of his death, counting now, was more than three days, and the corpse was so fat and swollen that if there was something wrong with the order of the execution, or if it was not deflated in advance, it would be no different from detonating a poison gas bomb.

An autopsy will be conducted.

Brian picked up the deceased's intestines and pinched them, then frowned.

"What's wrong, Brian?"

Thom had just taken photos of the deceased's anus area and a close-up of the scars, and saw Brian pinching the disgusting intestines, which was a little strange.

Thom asked.

Brian put his heart down: "I know the identity of the murderer!"


Thom thought he heard wrong: "Brian, don't be kidding me. The deceased had no obvious external injuries and no internal organ degeneration. Apart from his bananas, I didn't even see the cause of his death."

"The cause of death is very simple. If you look at the heart of the deceased, there is congestion remaining in the ventricle. This means that there was blood backflow in front of the deceased.

If you look at the strap marks on his waist, with normal pants, no matter how tight the belt is, there will not be heavy strap marks on the abdomen and shallow strap marks on the back.

Combined with the traces on the anus of the deceased, there were also intestinal excrement residues.

I estimate that the deceased died suddenly because he stood upside down for a long time, which caused the blood in his heart to flow backward. "

Brian continued to point to the deceased’s anus area:

“The first development here, in the absence of bowel evacuation, is prone to a sphincter tear, as was the case with the deceased now.

Under severe pain, the victim will lose control of his intestines and become incontinent of feces.

No similar situation occurs in the body of the deceased. Even after death, the residue in the intestines is not oppressed by the putrid gas and is automatically eliminated from the body.

There were excrement residues in the intestines of the deceased.

This means that for maximum enjoyment, the murderer hung the deceased half-tilt on something, then stood on a high place and kept hitting the deceased like a swing.

In this state, the deceased will not only react violently and contract the sphincter very tightly, bringing maximum pleasure to the murderer, but it is also clean and hygienic, saving worry and effort, and does not have to worry about his brother becoming a troublemaker.

And this time lasted for a long time.

Until the deceased died, the murderer continued to torture, and until the deceased's body became rigor mortis, the murderer threw it into the trash can.

Because of the special posture of the deceased.

Those excretions were stuck in the intestines, so until the corpse softened and gained weight, it was still not squeezed by the putrid gases and expelled from the body. "

Thom looked at Brian with strange eyes: "Ordinary people rarely understand this."

Brian rolled his eyes.

As an old driver, he has never seen anything like this.

This is the benefit of being well-informed.

He reads the films just to gain some experience and bring more flashes of inspiration to his work.

"But, I still don't understand. How can you determine the identity of the murderer based on these?"

Tom inexplicably remembered the case more than two months ago in which the neighbor murdered the single mother next door and then his own wife.

At that time, Brian was just like himself, like a newbie, asking questions.

How come it has only been more than two months?

Are you rebelling against Tiangang?

Where is the mistake?

Brian shrugged:

"Tom, you haven't been working on the front line of homicide for too long. You are addicted to games every day. Now your thinking is too rigid.

Think about it, parks where people or homeless people visit at any time, hanging upside down, or discarding corpses in garbage bins for a long time, this shows that the murderer is familiar with the place where corpses are abandoned, and there is a safe place nearby.

In addition, the murderer knew the work process of the garbage recycling company and was confident that he would not be discovered if he abandoned the body in the trash can. Even if he was discovered, he was not worried that anyone would suspect him, indicating that this was not the first time he had done this.

Consistent success will allow the murderer to carry out a habitual criminal process.

This is the basic characteristic of serial homicide.

The gay murderer specifically targeted men and Chinese overseas students, which also showed that he was familiar with this group.

Man, think about it.

These factors combine.

What do you think this kind of person is? "

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