You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 177 There must be something hateful about pitiful people

"Homeless man?"

Thom said uncertainly: "A homeless man who worked as a labor agent for Chinese students?"

First of all, homeless people often hide in places like parks at night to rest and avoid patrolling employees. Secondly, homeless people often rummage through trash cans, so they are more familiar with the recycling time and attitude of garbage trucks.

Finally, there is the identity of homeless people.

Many homeless people do not even have complete identity documents, so few people pay attention to this group.

As for the latter supplement, it is because when Tom was a detective in the early years, he saw those Chinese labor agents who specialized in cheating compatriots, and those unlucky people who were stabbed or shot by those cheated compatriots, so he knows something about this group.

Brian nodded:

"Yes, the group you mentioned does exist. There is another group, which is the Chinese homeless who entered the country illegally, suffered some tragic experiences, and are hostile to their compatriots.

Thom, you should know that the CIA actually has special funds in the Asian region to bribe some public figures in those countries, beautify the United States, and attract outstanding new blood from those countries to come here continuously.

But this also leads to many bottom-level people in those countries trying to come here every year.

These people have low self-awareness and are not doing well in their own countries. They think that they can get ahead in a different environment, but they forget where the bottom level is. They are all bottom-level people.

If at this time, he encounters What will they do if they have some bad luck and can't even fight against illegal workers, and finally get some stimulation? "

"Revenge society?"

After Tom finished speaking, he shook his head and said uncertainly: "Revenge compatriots?"

Brian nodded:

"Yes, because such people are often arrogant and don't have a clear understanding of themselves. After encountering setbacks and overturning their cognition, they tend to go to extremes and do some radical things.

In addition, they probably have some language problems, so the best target is compatriots.

After all, they can't deceive outsiders. "

Thom nodded: "Brian, to be honest, your growth is really scary. Are those enhancement reagents really so magical?"

He revealed desire in his eyes.

He had had enough of this sickly physical state.

Brian shook his head: "The enhancement reagents are not so powerful, it's just that I'm awesome."


According to this idea.

Brian took Green and some of Green's friends to the crime scene, using cash, food and blankets to ask the homeless people they met around to find clues.

His speculation was very accurate.

When Green's friend asked about an old homeless man, the other party provided a piece of information:

A few days ago, a Chinese homeless man bullied him because he was old and weak, beat his dog to death, took away the body, and robbed his only blanket and left here.

The key is that the homeless man was carrying a large backpack with a laptop computer worth a lot of money on the market!

After a while.

Green learned another clue from another middle-aged homeless man:

More than a year ago, a Chinese homeless man lived in the drainage pipe under the park. There were snakes and many rats living in it, so ordinary homeless people did not dare to approach there.

But in recent days.

He hasn't seen the homeless man.

The other party often disappears for a while and then reappears, and rarely contacts with homeless people like them.

Green said excitedly: "Boss Brian, it seems that we have found the murderer! The other party will definitely deal with the victim's computer and mobile phone. We are very close to catching him!"

Brian shook his head: "There is no need to be so troublesome."

As he said, he whistled.

The next moment, a plump Labrador jumped out from a bush and landed in front of Brian, sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail, playing happily.

"Thirteen, let's go, we need your help."

"Wang~ (good~)"

Thirteen was even happier.

It likes to help big dogs.

In fact, many drainage and sewage pipes in downtown Los Angeles are not very dirty.

They are very spacious inside.

Some areas are dry because there are few residents living around them. In some places, there are even platforms for workers to climb and walk for regular inspections.

There are actually many people living under here, but they are not known or cared for by outsiders.

They are like a group of mice active outside of humans, lingering on, and then waiting for death under various diseases and malnutrition.

According to the information provided by the middle-aged homeless man before.

Everyone found a manhole cover hidden behind a tree.

There were some muddy footprints around the manhole cover.


Thirteen shouted twice, walked to a bush, rolled his tongue, and appeared in front of everyone with a shoe in his mouth.

It spat out the shoe and called to Brian: "Wangwang~ (the smell of a corpse~)"

Brian glanced at the shoe size and nodded: "Thirteen, let's go!"

Pull open the manhole cover, and everyone goes down the ladder one by one.

Below is a large circular cement pipe. There is some clean water in the concave position at the bottom. There is no bad smell, but it feels chilly.

On one side is a terrace and road built with cement.

However, the overall environment was dark and there was not much light coming from it.

Most people really can't stand it if they stay for a long time.

Under the leadership of Thirteen, everyone turned on the flashlights they bought temporarily and walked towards the left direction.

Not long after.

Some light and the sound of water came from the front.


Thirteen shouted and rushed forward quickly.

next moment.

Angry curses came from the front.

In less than a second, the yelling turned into screams and wails.

When Brian and the others rushed over, Thirteen was facing a long-haired man who was wailing with his hands in his hands, baring his teeth to prevent him from escaping.

Here is a drainage diversion with several pipes connected to it. There is an iron fence above the head to provide weak light. There are tents and cooking tripods piled on the terrace.

There is a pile of bones under the tripod.

Judging from the shape of the skull, it should be a dog bone.

Next to the bones, there was a row of dried rat and snake strips hanging, which looked dry after being pickled.

The most eye-catching thing is the weird "swing" composed of several ropes and cloth tied to the iron fence above the head.

When Brian saw the swing, he understood.

This guy is the murderer they are looking for.

In front of the man, a mobile phone fell, and the screen of the mobile phone was still bright.

Brian put on his gloves, picked up the phone, and found that he was texting with someone on it, still using a female tone, saying some disgusting words...


He was a little confused.

In this kind of environment, how did the other party manage to chat and fish online?

"Dead dog!"

"I'll kill you..."

The long-haired man on the ground, seeing that Thirteen did not continue to attack, cursed angrily in Chinese, picked up a handful of iron picks, stood up and was about to fight Thirteen, but was so shocked by the dazzling flashlight that he subconsciously covered his eyes.

His heart thumped, he put down his palm, squinted his eyes, looked at Green in front of him, and said in a fierce tone: "Get out of here, this is my territory!"

He can still handle it alone!

Tramps are most afraid of getting hurt, so they don't easily fight.

This is the law of the jungle that he summed up after more than a year of wandering!

The friend next to Green took out a pistol from his crotch and said, "Green, do you often encounter such brainless criminals?"

The long-haired man was startled. He stretched out his hand to pull away the hair that blocked his vision on the right, and was shocked to find that there were several tall, dark, and strong black men standing on Green's right.

Damn it!

Not alone!

He fell to his knees and begged for mercy in unskilled English: "Take this thing away, don't hit me."


After cuffing the person.

Everyone found the victim's computer, a dozen mobile phones, some coins, and a lot of random things in the long-haired man's garbage dump.

Inside, there are even a few dried and well-preserved ‘human whips’...

Brian waved his hand wordlessly: "Take the person back. I will ask the team leader to issue you a fund note tonight, which will be considered as your friend's hard work."

"Long live Boss Brian!"

Green's friends cheered, tied up the long-haired man with quick hands and feet, and carried him out like a dead dog.

The remaining things can only be packed and taken away by calling the nearby patrol police.


The interrogation room of Group B6.

Brian and Green sat at the table and looked at the long-haired man in front of them: "Tell me about how you lured those international students out through phishing, and then brutally killed them."

The long-haired man said nothing.

Brian shook his head: "Green, go and turn off the surveillance camera."


He picked up the Bible placed on the table, took out a hammer from his pocket, and walked towards the long-haired man with a smile.

He was scared now: "What are you doing! You are violating the law and discipline. I will file a complaint against you. Doesn't it mean that you pay most attention to human rights? I have human rights!"

"It seems that you know this great memory recovery technique very well?"

Brian tapped the Bible in his hand with a hammer: "Do you need treatment first and then confess, or do you need to confess directly?"

"I'll move, I'll move!"

The long-haired man was scared, and he had suffered a lot in this regard at first sight.

Under Brian's cliché.

Through the long-haired man's intermittent confession, Brian also understood what happened.

The long-haired man's real name was Zhou Shun. He was a sneaky bastard in China and had a wife. Later, by chance, he learned about the dreamland of the Commonwealth of America.

So he sold his parents' house, borrowed money from relatives and friends, took his wife with him, and relied on walking cables. He encountered all kinds of desolate things along the way and successfully arrived in the United States.

In the process, both his wife and money were taken away.

He ran away on his own, but being penniless, he had no choice but to rely on his white and tender skin cultivated by indolence and hard work, and fell in love with a strong old Mo, and finally arrived in the United States.

After arriving, he immediately abandoned Lao Mo, who helped him clear his stomach, and prepared to welcome the freedom of the United States.

Everything turned out to be different from what he knew.

Without an identity, his best option is to go to some restaurants run by Chinese owners, work illegally, and then get a job card...

All in all, tired and dirty.

In China, he was just indolent, thinking that when he came to this dream country, he could rely on the welfare benefits written on the letter to live like a parasite in retirement.

This is not the case at all!

Then his wife is gone and his innocence is gone. Why did he waste half his life to come here?

Didn't he come in vain?

It is impossible to work part-time.

Anyway, in the end, this guy ended up hanging out in the homeless camp, surviving by relying on relief food, digging through trash cans, and tricking some fellow compatriots into being kind.

Until half a year ago.

He met a Chinese student who kindly came to distribute relief food.

The other party was deceived by Zhou Shun's story. Not only did he provide him with a temporary residence he bought, but he also taught him many things.

Until the other party saw Zhou Shun's true nature clearly and wanted to drive him away.

This man became Zhou Shun's first victim.

It was also through the large amounts of cash and computers obtained from the other party that Zhou Shun was able to continue committing crimes.

But he did not continue to live there.

Instead, he took his harvest and came to live in the park sewer.

When I ran out of battery, I took my laptop and computer to the library, and used the network there to continue selecting international students I could deal with, chatting and starting with them.

For Zhou Shun, engaging these international students from wealthy families not only represents a financial gain, but also allows him to bring his own misfortunes to these people.

This can satisfy his twisted heart after his dream was shattered.

"Where are the other bodies?"

Brian asked expressionlessly.

Zhou Shun had basically finished talking, and knowing that he couldn't run away, he simply said:

“Before, the homeless people here kindly told me not to sleep in the garbage can, otherwise those perfunctory drivers would throw people and garbage into the garbage truck together. Garbage trucks have automatic compression shafts, so I came up with this solution.

I was a little scared at first, but after changing places to dump the bodies, I found that no one reported the crime, so I kept doing it.

In fact, the best way is to choose a rainy day.

In this kind of weather, those garbage truck drivers would not come down to take a look at it, but this time the idiot came to deliver it by himself, interrupting my appointment with him, so I had to make an appointment in advance to my real residence.

I have observed the drivers here and they are all seasoned, so they feel more at ease. "

Green on the side couldn't help but said: "Your first victim was so kind to you, how could you kill him?"

Brian helps translate every time, so he knows what Zhou Shun said.

Zhou Shun doesn't speak English fluently, but he understands it well.

Disdain flashed in his eyes:

"The sand dollar helped me just to satisfy my own psychology. Why can these second generations be comfortable, while we at the bottom have to suffer.

His family has so many houses in Los Angeles and they are so rich. Why would they give me one to live in?

As a result, he refused to do this.

He also called me a parasite.

Can I bear this? "

After Brian finished translating.

Green shook his head: "You are indeed supportive of Lackey. I can't understand why you would take action against your benefactor."

Zhou Shun guessed that he had a good temper and sneered:

"Who told him to be nice to me? If I didn't fuck him, I wouldn't be able to fuck anyone else. If my cash hadn't been robbed from behind, I would be a rich man now.

That is to say, God does not open his eyes.

Fortunately, you are talking about human rights here and there is no death penalty.

I feel good, and I will continue to feel good when I go to prison. There is money in Los Angeles, and I have inquired about it a long time ago. The prison benefits here are good. With people like you supporting me in my old age, I will not lose anything. "

"Retirement care?"

Brian sneered and motioned to Green to take him down.

Times have changed.

The final end of such a serious criminal is either in an experimental institution or in a drug testing company. The end is not much better than that of the victims he killed.

After the end.

Old Harden also used technical means to find the chat records that Zhou Shun had deleted from Zhou Shun's notebook.

This guy has a pretty good grasp of psychology.

Cast a wide net, and when you meet someone who is simple and kind, make up a story, express your concern, and finally find an opportunity to ask the person to bring the computer to a certain place to express that there is a gathering of fellow villagers, or for some other reason.

But the probability of these successes is low.

Because most of these people came with their companions, Zhou Shun didn't even show up.

The one with the highest success rate is color.

This kind of victim is often unlikely to take someone with him because of his face, and it is easy to handle him secretly as a first-year relationship partner.

Coupled with the boy Zhou Shun, there are all kinds of temptations with words, from a down-and-out young lady, to a helpless prostitute, to an abandoned woman who is single with a baby.

In short, the success rate is not low.

There are also some international students who want to buy love water, drugs, and illegal items.

The winning bidder.

Except maybe a few kind people, most of them are people with ulterior motives.

can only say.

poor person must have something mean.

Case closed.

after get off work.

Brian refused Susan's dinner invitation, rode his 'Beast' motorcycle, and took Thirteen with him directly to the suburbs.

He was going to take Thirteen on a wild hunt to test Thirteen's current condition and take it to see blood.

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