You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 178: Shocked by the rumors of the beheaded man, the wolf pack

"Wangwangwang~ (Big dog, where are we going~)"

Thirteen was wearing a Thor Q-version helmet, which was placed on his chest by Brian with a strap. His limbs were in the air, and his little tongue was flicking, full of magic and happiness.

This little thing has recently gained more than a kilogram a day, and in just a few days, he has almost become a ball.

Brian casually hung a sniper rifle he got from weapons expert Eli on the side of the motorcycle. His fingers hooked Thirteen's chin: "I'll take you to find the little she-wolf."


Thirteen still wants the dog to bark.

next moment.


Accompanied by the rumble of the accelerator, the beast motorcycle rushed out of the parking lot amidst the wild sound of the engine and merged into the dense traffic flow after work. It weaved and swayed and turned into a black lightning, attracting exclamations of envy from passers-by on the street.

This motorcycle is so handsome!

On the roof of the B6 office building, Susan looked at Brian's disappearing figure, snorted, instantly pulled out the two guns with both hands, turned around twice, then put the two guns back into the holsters handsomely, and strode towards the elevator.

Stinky Brian!

Just get stronger secretly!

He also snatched away the warm baby Shisan!

She must digest the enhanced reagents harvested in London as soon as possible to improve her strength.

As a person who wanted to be strong since she was a child, Brian was better than herself, which certainly made her like her more, but she didn't allow herself to fall behind too much.

Ula Ula~

Thirteen opened his mouth wide and felt the strong wind blowing in his mouth. He flicked his tongue around and made a sound of "Ula-Ula-Ula", playing happily.

Brian smiled knowingly.

He suddenly remembered that when he was a child in his previous life, he liked to amuse himself by opening his mouth in front of an electric fan.

The higher Thirteen's IQ, the more childish he becomes, giving him the feeling of taking care of a child.

Rely on the convenience of motorcycles.

Brian successfully cut through the traffic, the accelerator roared, and he went twice as fast. He finally felt the balance between dynamic vision and the scene disappearing behind him at a high speed.

This kind of perception is very magical, similar to the feeling that he is clearly driving on the highway at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour, but in Brian's field of vision, it seems that he is just riding a 40-yard electric bicycle leisurely on the road.

It was as if, in his previous daily life, he had suppressed his body and perception at a turbulent speed, but now he was in the normal speed world he should be in.

This body organ function, the normal release of pleasure, caused Brian to secrete adrenaline involuntarily.

He couldn't help but turn the accelerator to the bottom.

On the cool black body, streaks of lightning light up, constantly flowing through the body, turning the entire body into a lightning bolt traveling on the wide road.

This is the brilliance effect that will automatically appear after Kabu has been modified and the speed exceeds 300 kilometers per hour.

"It's so cool!"

Bryan cheered loudly in his helmet!


With a bullet-shaped hurricane formed by traveling pressure.

The black lightning belt overturned a speedometer standing on the roadside and disappeared from the sight of two highway patrolmen who were hiding aside and having a barbecue.

They looked at each other.

The chubby patrolman looked at his companion on the other side dully: "Hey, Bobby, did something rush over just now?"

The companion shook his head: "I don't know, who cares, did you bring ketchup..."

"Bring it..."

The fat patrolman took out two crumpled packets of ketchup from his butt pocket. He was about to speak, but looked behind his companion with a dull expression.

"Damn it, can you please stop sticking ketchup up the back of your disgusting ass next time? Hey, what are you looking at? Do you hear me?"

The companion has not finished speaking.

next moment.

A head with a disgusted expression on its face flew into the air.

A fountain of blood gushed out above the headless body. While extinguishing the fire, it also frightened the fat patrolman across from him so much that he couldn't even speak. Only his trembling hands and facial muscles could express his current state. Mood.


A big foot kicked away the headless patrolman's body.

A gloomy man in a black coat sat across from the fat patrolman. He casually inserted a straight-handled hunting knife into the body of the headless patrolman, picked up the barbecue covered in blood in front of him, and started to devour it.

Chewed twice.

It seems that the taste is not satisfying enough.

The gloomy man waved to the fat patrolman in front: "Ketchup."


The fat patrolman handed over the ketchup in his hand with a dull expression.

The gloomy man took the ketchup, tore it open and squeezed it directly into his mouth. The barbecue mixed with blood in his mouth continued to chew for a while, swallowed, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Thank you."

He took out a piece of paper covered with writing, wiped his mouth gracefully, then threw the paper on the ground, took out the hunting knife, stood up and walked towards the fat man opposite.

Finished appetizers.

Now it's main meal time.

Brian had no idea he had just avoided a killing spree.

At a speed of more than three hundred kilometers per hour.

In less than an hour, he arrived at his destination - Lake Kenwick.

Kenwick Lake retains its original natural state and is surrounded by mountains. It is the preferred place for weekend camping for many Los Angeles families and is also a favorite place for many photographers.

Brian had no choice but to choose this place.

On the Los Angeles side, the terrain is relatively flat, close to the coastline and integrated into the mountainous area, and is occupied by the El Base.

Who knows how much surveillance the NW organization has arranged in those mountains.

To maintain relative privacy.

Brian could only choose this camping spot where there were a lot of hares and occasionally photographed American wolves and bears.

The first step is to replenish the energy of the motorcycle, and then find a private garage to park the precious motorcycle.

This place is considered a tourist attraction, and there are many small gasoline stations and self-service garages with automatic refueling.

Finish this.

Brian then thought about putting down Thirteen from his chest.

"Thirteen, you didn't fall asleep, did you? Why didn't you say a word?" Brian threw the swaying Thirteen to the ground.

Thirteen's mouth was wide open, his tongue drooped weakly, and his dog eyes looked at Brian resentfully: "Woo~"



Only then did Brian realize that because the silly dog ​​kept opening his mouth to play with the wind, the motorcycle behind him accelerated too fast, and the hurricane blew Thirteen's jaw out of joint.

"silly dog!"

Brian hooked his little hand.

Accompanied by a click.

Thirteenth sagging chin was reset.

It licked its nose with its numb tongue and called tentatively: "Wang?"

After discovering that it could vocalize again, it immediately revived with full health, swung its tail and ran outside the garage, raised one and backed away, marking its scent and territory.

After his own scent appeared around him, Thirteen looked at Brian: "Wangwang~ (Big dog, hungry~)"

"Let's go, take you to eat fresh food."

Brian carried a gun bag and put on a relatively large hat, covering most of his upper cheeks, and led Thirteen towards the scenic spot in front.

It's about seven o'clock in the evening now.

You can see some old men and women on the street at any time, returning to this town with fishing gear, and some boys and girls returning from there with drawing boards.

The atmosphere is peaceful and peaceful.

Just as he was about to leave the town, a young female patrol officer sitting on a chair on the roadside, eating a burger, noticed the gun bag on Brian's shoulder. She quickly put down the burger in her hand and called her colleague who was still ordering. Pointing at Brian's back.

that's all.

One person and one dog were stopped when they were about to walk out of the town gate.

The female patrolman smiled, showing the cabbage foam between her teeth: "Sir, what's in the bag?"

The companion next to her stood a little further behind, looking at Brian expressionlessly, with his right hand on his waist, ensuring that he could draw his gun at any time.

Brian shrugged: "Of course the gun is in the gun bag."

"We need to check your gun license and citizenship documents. We also need to check your guns. I must remind you that this is not a hunting area and gunshots are not welcome."

The female patrol officer spoke righteously.

At first glance, it seems that he is a patrol policeman serving as a local.

Many small towns in the United States are like this, and they still have the style of the Sheriff's Police Department from the cowboy era.

These police officers often have great power and a high level of autonomy.

Of course, there was no way that Brian would let the other party open the bag containing a sniper rifle that was beyond the standard at first glance.

He directly took out his NW Operations Department ID: "I am here to take my colleagues on a special mission. It is not convenient to disclose the specific situation."

Seeing the police badge with special markings on it, the policewoman took the ID and looked at her colleagues in confusion.

His colleague knew about NW, so he took out his cell phone and called the headquarters of the Los Angeles LAPD Police Department.


The male patrolman nodded to the female patrolman and returned the ID to Brian with a smile: "Welcome to Lake Kenwick, Agent Brian, are you here to investigate the case of the decapitated man?"

After serial upgrade.

Brian's ID became the job of an LAPD special agent, equivalent to a special department, with great authority. Even without the law enforcement authority, it was enough for the patrol police in this small place to take it seriously.

Brian was stunned by the male patrolman's words: "The case of the decapitator?"

See him unaware.

The male patrolman nodded:

"Sorry, maybe I misunderstood.

Well, half a month ago, the legend of a beheaded man was circulating on the road outside.

It is said that it is a facial paralysis who appears on the road at any time, and then chops off the heads of the unlucky people with a knife, using their blood as seasoning and their bodies as food...

This rumor is very true. The highway patrol did find some vehicles abandoned on the roadside. There was blood near the vehicles, but no bodies or other traces of the missing persons were found. "

The female patrol officer on the side quickly added:

"No, I heard that next to the blood stains, there will be a piece of bloody paper with the legend of the decapitated person on it.

The decapitator likes to chop off the head of its prey and then eat it from head to toe, leaving no bones or dregs. Fortunately, nothing similar happened near us, otherwise it would be scary to think about it. "

The male patrolman next to him rolled his eyes.

How could anyone eat so cleanly?

However, he did not interrupt his companion's narration.

Hearing this, Brian smiled and said: "I hope the decapitated man will not meet me on the road, otherwise I will twist off his head first."

The male patrol officer continued to roll his eyes.

This pretty boy looks tall and big, but apart from a well-proportioned figure, he doesn't have any explosive muscles at all. At first glance, he just looks like a guy, not as good as himself. His chest muscles are bigger than those of his female colleagues, and he is full of masculine charm.

Make some small talk.

Brian said goodbye to the two patrolmen, whistled at Thirteen who was wandering around boredly, and walked out of the town.

Thirteen immediately returned to Brian, shaking his head and followed him.

Looking at the backs of one person and one dog, the policewoman looked at her companion with some regret: "Why don't we have such a handsome colleague in our town? He looks really good. By the way, didn't he say he came here to work with his colleagues? Did you see anyone else?"

The male patrolman shrugged: "Have you seen that Labrador puppy?"

"I saw it, it's chubby and cute." The female patrol officer nodded: "Agent Brian must be very caring, and he brought a puppy with him when he came out."

"That is his colleague, a NW Operations Department police dog named Thirteen. The dog's name and information are on the certificate. In fact, our level in the police system is not as good as that dog. We have to call him "Sir" when we meet. "

Female patrol officer:

The puppy, which looks so small, is their leader?

Forget it, she should go back and continue eating her burger.

This Agent Bryan, at first glance, seems to be a character that he cannot reach.

It's about nine o'clock in the evening.

Brian stood on the top of a mountain range, his eyes scanning the surroundings in the deep darkness, trying to find prey such as a bear.

This is no longer the Kenwick Lake area, but deeper in the mountains. It is dozens of kilometers away from Kenwick Lake. It is considered a sparsely populated and uninhabited mountainous area.

Beside him, Thirteen, with his mouth full of blood, was lying round on the ground.

It was on all fours, humming contentedly. There was a tuft of gray hair on the dog's mouth, and a family of seven and seven rabbit heads were neatly placed beside it.

This was the first time it hunted and ate fresh blood food.

Descended from a Labrador Retriever.

Thirteen felt like there was something unknown jumping and cheering in his body, making him feel warm all over, and his body, which had always been hungry, became satisfied and full.


It likes the taste of blood!

Suddenly, Thirteen's ears stood up against biological instinct.

next moment.

The afterimage of swish flashed by.

By the time Brian turned around, Thirteen had already ran back from ten meters away, holding a field mouse as big as an adult's hand in his teeth.

It wagged its tail at Brian, then raised its little head and threw the vole into the air. Its original small mouth suddenly became wider and swallowed the vole in one gulp. Its dense teeth like steel forks rubbed twice, and then it swallowed the vole. The corpse was broken into seven or eight pieces and swallowed.

"We've come to the right time for this hunt."

Brian looked at Thirteen who lay down again and touched his chin.

He felt that after Thirteen came to the wild, the pheromones emitted by his body became much more active, and his reaction, speed, agility, etc., all increased significantly.

It's as if the potential accumulated in the body has only been released bit by bit until now.

Let's put it that way.

It takes more than an hour before and after entering the mountain.

Thirteen has grown to the point where he can easily kill the previous three Thirteens.

But now, the growth rate of Thirteen's strength is no longer visible to the naked eye at first.

Rested for about ten minutes.

Thirteen's originally round belly had shriveled up.

It came to a bush, bent its hind legs, squatted down, and started umming~

Eliminates rapidly digested metabolites.

Thirteen stretched his body, which had lost a lot of weight but also grown taller and longer, and called out to Brian: "Wangwang~ (Big dog, hungry again~)"

at this time.

A long howl of a wolf came from the far west along the mountain wind.

Then there were wolf howls, like a handover, rising and falling from the mountains in the distance, conveying information.

Brian shrugged: "Let's go. We are lucky. We encountered a pack of North American gray wolves that are rare here. Your food is here."

"Wangwang? (Wolves, is it delicious?)"

Thirteen Dog's eyes were filled with curiosity, and laughter was already flowing from the corner of his mouth.


Brian nodded, flashed his body, and jumped straight down towards the steep mountain below him.

Thirteen followed closely without any hesitation.

Under the moonlight.

Two small figures, like fleas, and like Naruto's teleportation technique, jumped and galloped between the cliffs and disappeared into this dead forest.

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